Ethical Leadership

Post on 21-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Ethical Leadership


Ethical leadership involves both acting and leading ethically over time all the time



Integrate principles of leadership and principles of ethics.

Enhance the capabilities of community leaders to recognize and act according to their ethical beliefs.

Provide a forum to discuss how to build and maintain an ethical society.


Definitions of TermsDefinitions of Terms

VALUESVALUES Core beliefs or desires that guide and motivate attitudes and actions.

MORALSMORALSCustoms and personal beliefs of individuals about what is right and wrong.


Standards of conduct that indicate how one should behave based on principles about right and wrong.

Source: Scheffert and Hamersly 1993

4Source: Josephson Institute of Ethics

What is Ethics?What is Ethics?

Ethics is not about the way things are…

It is about the way things OUGHT to be.


Three Qualities of Ethical LeadershipThree Qualities of Ethical Leadership

6Source: Josephson Institute of Ethics

Ethics is Character and CourageEthics is Character and Courage

Ethics is about character and courage and how we meet the challenge when doing the right thing will cost more than we want to pay.

Michael Josephson

7Source: Josephson Institute of Ethics

Ethics is ValuesEthics is Values

Ethics is a code of values which guide our choices and actions and determine the purpose and course of our lives.

Derived from Ayn Rand

Six Pillars of CharacterSix Pillars of Character

TrustworthinessRespectResponsibilityJustice & FairnessCaringCivic Virtue

These core ethical values transcend cultural, religious, and socio-economic differences.


Source: Josephson Institute of Ethics, Aspen Declaration, 1992

The CommonwealthThe Commonwealth



10Source: Scheffert and Hamersly 1993

Ethical Decision MakingEthical Decision Making

An ethical perspective is having the ability to: Be sensitive to ethical issues. Make reasoned judgments. Have the motivation to act ethically. Follow through with action. Look back and learn from the situation.

11Source: Josephson Institute of Ethics

Aiming for Ethical DecisionsAiming for Ethical Decisions

Spirit & Purpose

Minimal Compliance

You will inevitably miss the target.

If you aim for the outer rim,


“An ethical person often chooses to do more than the law requires and less than the law allows – there is a difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.”

Justice Potter Stewart

Ethical PeopleEthical People

Competing ValuesCompeting Values




Right Honesty Caring






You might have to choose between…

Instead of…


Classic Ethical ConflictsClassic Ethical Conflicts

Short-term vs. Long-termPrinciple vs. ExpediencySelf-interest vs. OthersConflicting loyalties

Ethical Decision-Making ProcessEthical Decision-Making Process




Ethical Decision-Making ModelsEthical Decision-Making Models

Personal Warning SystemBell, Book, and CandleM.O.R.A.L.


Your Personal Warning SystemYour Personal Warning System

The GOLDEN RULEDo unto others

as you would haveothers do unto you.

Source: Josephson Institute of Ethics


Bell, Book, and CandleBell, Book, and Candle

Listen for the bells warning you.

Check to see if there are any laws, regulations, or rules.

How will your decision look in the light?


M. O. R. A. L. MODELM. O. R. A. L. MODEL

Massage the dilemma

Outline Options

Review criteria and resolve

Affirm position and act

Look back

Patricia Crisham

Source: Scheffert and Hamersly 1993


Common RationalizationsCommon Rationalizations

If it’s necessary, it’s ethical!If it’s legal and permissible, it’s proper.I was just doing it for you!I’m just fighting fire with fire. It doesn’t hurt anyone.Everyone does it!It’s okay if I don’t gain personally.I’ve got it coming!I can still be objective.

Source: Josephson Institute of Ethics

Ethics is a NameEthics is a Name

“Ethics is the name we give to our concern for good behavior. We feel an obligation to consider not only our own personal well-being, but that of others and of society as a whole.”

Dr. Albert Schweitzer


Ethics is HopeEthics is Hope

“When people accept responsibility for their own conduct and for the well-being of others, ethics serves to stabilize society. Ethical leadership is the antidote to despair and cynicism that is crushing our spirit and clouding our future. Ethics is our hope.”

Gary Edwards, Ethics Resource Center22

23Source: Scheffert and Hamersly 1993

Why Worry about Ethics?Why Worry about Ethics?

Leadership is the investment of trust into people who serve the common good.

It creates value.It refines and develops services that

enrich our lives.Leadership is naturally ethical.

24Source: Kouzes & Posner, 2002

Why Worry about Ethics?Why Worry about Ethics?

What people look for in others for leadership: Honesty Fair-mindedness Caring

We appoint, elect, and encourage leaders, expecting them to serve the public reliably.

Why practice ethical leadership?Why practice ethical leadership?

Ethical leadership models ethical behavior to the organization and the community.

Ethical leadership builds trust. Ethical leadership brings credibility and respect, both for

you and for the organization. Ethical leadership can lead to collaboration. Ethical leadership creates a good climate within the

organization. If you have opposition, or are strongly supporting a

position, ethical leadership allows you to occupy the moral high ground.

Ethical leadership is simply the right way to go. Ethical leadership affords self-respect.

When and by whom should ethical leadership be practiced?When and by whom should ethical leadership be practiced?

Ethical leadership should be practiced all the time by anyone in a

formal or informal leadership position.

How do you practice ethical leadership?How do you practice ethical leadership?

General guidelines: Ethical leadership requires a clear and coherent

ethical framework on which the leader can draw in making decisions and taking action.

Your ethical framework should agree with the ethical framework, vision, and mission of the organization or initiative.

Ethics should be a topic of discussion. Ethics should be out in the open. Ethical thought must be connected to action. Ethical leadership is a shared process.

Specific components of ethical leadership:Specific components of ethical leadership:

Put the good of the organization and the general good before your own interests and ego.

Encourage the discussion of ethics in general and of the ethical choices involved in specific situations and decisions as an ongoing feature of the organizational culture.

Institutionalize ways for people to question your authority. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Consider the consequences to others of your decisions,

and look for ways to minimize harm. Treat everyone with fairness, honesty, and respect all the

time. Treat other organizations in the same way you treat other

people – with fairness, honesty, and respect.

Specific components of ethical leadership (cont.):Specific components of ethical leadership (cont.):

Collaborate inside and outside the organization. Communicate. Work to become increasingly culturally and interpersonally

competent. Take cultural sensitivity and cultural competence seriously. Work to be inclusive. Take your leadership responsibility seriously, and be

accountable for fulfilling it. Constantly strive to increase your competence. Don’t outstay your usefulness. Never stop reexamining your ethics and your leadership.


Final ThoughtFinal Thought

“If you want to know how to live your life, Think about what you would like people to say about you after you die….

Then, live backwards.”

Josephson Institute

Source: Josephson Institute of Ethics