Ethical foundation of love

Post on 20-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Ethical foundation of love


Pure love is an incomparable, potent power for good. Righteous love is the foundation of a successful marriage.“ Elder Richard G. Scott

Family is the center core of God’s plan

“Romance, Love, Marriage, and Parenthood” are “the purest, most beautiful and appealing experiences of life”

Boyd K. Packer


“Dating is an incubator time of discovering the opposite sex, one’s own sexual feelings, moral limits, relationship skills, and one’s tastes in people.”

What the

says about dating

Colossians 2:20 Get close to God; have healthy friends, so that

you make choices out of strength, not weakness. Learning how to be

a good friend. Pursue wholeness. It doesn’t work if you’re too

needy. You should become a person worth.

Matthew 7:3-5You cannot ask others to change without you

changing. Be the best you can Be honorable

What about our limitations?


“Many young people have reached an age where they are old enough to look for a companion and mate. As they commence dating on a steady basis, you will enter a period known as courtship. This will be a thrilling and important time in your lives. “ President McKay

Courtship is a wonderful period. It should be a sacred one. That is the time in which you choose your mate.

Young men, your success in life depends upon that choice. Choose prayerfully the one who inspires you to your best and always

remember that no man injures the thing he loves. … The seeds of a happy marriage are sown in youth. Happiness does not begin at the

altar; it begins during the period of youth and courtship. …”Young people, choose prayerfully and carefully. Don’t rush hastily into

marriage. Determine that you have common goals and interests. Especially be certain that you possess the same religious convictions

and beliefs. David O McKay


A happy and successful marriage will be one that is built on the

important principle of love; a love recognizing not only a fleeting physical attraction, but more

importantly a deeply spiritual love that will continue forever

love is the divinest attribute of the human soul. … love must be fed; … Love must be nourished; love can be starved to death just as literally as the body can be starved without daily sustenance. … If that love is fed daily and monthly and yearly throughout a lifetime, the husband’s attention will not be drawn to somebody else. …” Boyd K. Packer

Responsibilities of Husband & Wife

Husbands and wives are to value each other as equal partners

Husbands and wives should allow their individual characteristics and abilities to complement one another.

Husbands and wives must be loyal to one another

Married couples should strive to live in Charity & Pure Love of Christ

Suffereth longKindEnvieth notNot easily puffed upSeeketh not her ownNot easily provokedThinketh no evilBerath all thingsBelieve in all thingsHope all thingsEndureth all thingsRejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in truth

Never faileth is the greatest of all The pure love of ChristEndureth forever

Video : Enduring Love