Estimating Causal Effects with Experimental Data

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Estimating Causal Effects with Experimental Data. Some Basic Terminology. Start with example where X is binary (though simple to generalize): X=0 is control group X=1 is treatment group Causal effect sometimes called treatment effect - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Estimating Causal Effects with Experimental Data

Some Basic Terminology

• Start with example where X is binary (though simple to generalize):– X=0 is control group– X=1 is treatment group

• Causal effect sometimes called treatment effect

• Randomization implies everyone has same probability of treatment

Why is Randomization Good?

• If X allocated at random then know that X is independent of all pre-treatment variables in whole wide world

• an amazing claim but true.• Implies there cannot be a problem of

omitted variables, reverse causality etc• On average, only reason for difference

between treatment and control group is different receipt of treatment

Why is this useful?An Example: Racial Discrimination

• Black men earn less than white men in US

LOGWAGE | Coef. Std. Err. t -----------+------------------------------- BLACK | -.1673813 .0066708 -25.09 NO_HS | -.2138331 .0077192 -27.70 SOMECOLL | .1104148 .0049139 22.47 COLLEGE | .4660205 .0048839 95.42 AGE | .0704488 .0008552 82.38AGESQUARED | -.0007227 .0000101 -71.41 _cons | 1.088116 .0172715 63.00

• Could be discrimination or other factors unobserved by the researcher but observed by the employer?

• hard to fully resolve with non-experimental data

An Experimental Design

• Bertrand/Mullainathan “Are Emily and Greg More Employable Than Lakisha and Jamal”, American Economic Review, 2004

• Create fake CVs and send replies to job adverts

• Allocate names at random to CVs – some given ‘black-sounding’ names, others ‘white-sounding’

• Outcome variable is call-back rates

• Interpretation – not direct measure of racial discrimination, just effect of having a ‘black-sounding’ name – may have other connotations.

• But name uncorrelated by construction with other material on CV

The Treatment Effect

• Want estimate of:

1 0i i i iE y X E y X

Estimating Treatment Effects: the Statistics Course Approach

• Take mean of outcome variable in treatment group

• Take mean of outcome variable in control group

• Take difference between the two

• No problems but:– Does not generalize to where X is not binary– Does not directly compute standard errors

Estimating Treatment Effects: A Regression Approach

• Run regression:yi=β0+β1Xi+εi

• Proposition 2.2 The OLS estimator of β1 is an unbiased estimator of the causal effect of X on y:

• Proof: Many ways to prove this but simplest way is perhaps:– Proposition 1.1 says OLS estimates E(y|X)– E(y|X=0)= β0 so OLS estimate of intercept is consistent estimate

of E(y│X=0)– E(y|X=1)= β0+β1 so β1 is consistent estimate of E(y│X=1) -


• Hence can read off estimate of treatment effect from coefficient on X• Approach easily generalizes to where X is not binary• Also gives estimate of standard error

Computing Standard Errors

• Unless told otherwise regression package will compute standard errors assuming errors are homoskedastic i.e.

• Even if only interested in effect of treatment on mean X may affect other aspects of distribution e.g. variance

• This will cause heteroskedasticity• Heteroskedasticity does not make OLS

regression coefficients inconsistent but does make OLS standard errors inconsistent

‘Robust’ Standard Errors

• Also called:– Huber standard errors– White standard errors– Heteroskedastic-consistent standard errors

• Simple to use in practice e.g. in STATA:. reg y x, robust• Statistics course approach

– Get variance of estimate of mean of treatment and control group

– Sum to give estimate of variance of difference in means

Bertrand/Mullainathan:Basic Results

Summary So Far

• Econometrics very easy if all data comes from randomized controlled experiment

• Just need to collect data on treatment/control and outcome variables

• Just need to compare means of outcomes of treatment and control groups

• Is data on other variables of any use at all?– Not necessary but useful

Including Other Regressors

• Can get consistent estimate of treatment effect without worrying about other variables

• Reason is that randomization ensures no problem of omitted variables bias

• But there are reasons to include other regressors:– Improved efficiency– Check for randomization– Improve randomization– Control for conditional randomization– Heterogeneity in treatment effects

The Uses of Other Regressors I: Improved Efficiency

• Don’t just want consistent estimate of causal effect – also want low standard error (or high precision or efficiency).

• Standard formula for standard error of OLS estimate of β is σ2/Var(X)

• σ2 comes from variance of residual in regression – (1-R2)* Var(y)

• Include more variables and R2 rises – formal proof (Proposition 2.4) a bit more complicated but this is basic idea.

The Uses of Other Regressors II: Check for Randomization

• Randomization can go wrong– Poor implementation of research design– Bad luck

• If randomization done well then W should be independent of X – this is testable:– Test for differences in W in treatment/control

groups– Probit model for X on W

The Uses of Other Regressors III:Improve Randomization

• Can also use W at stage of assigning treatment

• Can guarantee that in your sample X and W are independent instead of it being just probabiliistic

• This is what Bertrand/Mullainathan do when assigning names to CVs

The Uses of Other Regressors IV:Adjust for Conditional

Randomization• This is case where must include W to get

consistent estimates of treatment effects• Conditional randomization is where

probability of treatment is different for people with different values of W, but random conditional on W

• Why have conditional randomization?– May have no choice– May want to do it (c.f. stratification)

An Example: Project STAR

• Allocation of students to classes is random within schools• But small number of classes per school• This leads to following relationship between probability of treatment

and number of kids in school:.1





n in



ent G


40 60 80 100 120Number of Kids in School

Controlling for Conditional Randomization

• X can know be correlated with W

• But, conditional on W, X independent of other factors

• But must get functional form of relationship between y and W correct – matching procedures

• This is not the case with (unconditional) randomization – see class exercize

Heterogeneity in Treatment Effects

• So far have assumed causal (treatment) effect the same for everyone

• No good reason to believe this• Start with case of no other regressors:


• Random assignment implies X independent of β1i

• Sometimes called random coefficients model

What treatment effect to estimate?

• Would like to estimate causal effect for everyone – this is not possible – Holland’s fundamental problem of statistical inference

• Can only hope to estimate some average• Average treatment effect:

• Proposition 2.5: OLS estimates ATE

1 1iATE E

Observable Heterogeneity

• Full outcomes notation:– Outcome if in control group:


– Outcome if in treatment group:


• Treatment effect is (y1i-y0i) and can be written as: (y1i-y0i )=(γ1- γ0 )’Wi+u1i-u0i

• Note treatment effect has observable and unobservable component

• Can estimate as:– Two separate equations– One single equation

Combining treatment and control groups into single regression

• We can write:

• Combining outcomes equations leads to:

• Regression includes W and interactions of W with X – these are observable part of treatment effect

• Note: error likely to be heteroskedastic

1 01i i i i iy X y X y

1 1 0 0

0 1 0 0 1 0

' 1 '

' '

i i i i i i i

i i i i i i i

y X W u X W u

W X W u X u u


• Different treatment effect for high and low quality CVs:

Units of Measurement

• Causal effect measured in units of ‘experiment’ – not very helpful

• Often want to convert causal effects to more meaningful units e.g. in Project STAR what is effect of reducing class size by one child

Simple estimator of this would be:

1 0

1 0

E y X E y X


• where S is class size• Takes the treatment effect on outcome variable

and divides by treatment effect on class size• Not hard to compute but how to get standard


IV Can Do the Job• Can’t run regression of y on S – S influenced by

factors other than treatment status• But X is:

– Correlated with S– Uncorrelated with unobserved stuff (because of


• Hence X can be used as an instrument for S• IV estimator has form (just-identified case):

1ˆ ' 'IV X S X y

The Wald Estimator

• This will give estimate of standard error of treatment effect

• Where instrument is binary and no other regressors included the IV estimate of slope coefficient can be shown to be:

1 0

1 0

E y X E y X


Partial Compliance

• So far: – in control group implies no treatment– In treatment group implies get treatment

• Often things are not as clean as this– Treatment is an opportunity– Close substitutes available to those in control

group– Implementation not perfect e.g. pushy parents

An Example: Moving to Opportunity

• Designed to investigate the impact of living in bad neighbourhoods on outcomes

• Gave some residents of public housing projects chance to move out

• Two treatments:– Voucher for private rental housing– Voucher for private rental housing restricted for use in

‘good’ neighbourhoods

• No-one forced to move so imperfect compliance – 60% and 40% did use it

Some Terminology

• Z denotes whether in control or treatment group – ‘intention-to-treat’

• X denotes whether actually get treatment

• With perfect compliance:– Pr(X=1│Z=1)=1– Pr(X=1│Z=0)=0

• With imperfect compliance:


What Do We Want to Estimate?

• ‘Intention-to-Treat’:


• This can be estimated in usual way

• Treatment Effect on Treated

1 0

1 0

E y Z E y ZTOT


Estimating TOT

• Can’t use simple regression of y on Z• But should recognize TOT as Wald estimator• Can estimated by regressing y on X using Z as

instrument• Relationship between TOT and ITT:

. Pr 1 1 Pr 1 0ITT TOT X Z X Z

Most Important Results from MTO

• No effects on adult economic outcomes

• Improvements in adult mental health

• Beneficial outcomes for teenage girls

• Adverse outcomes for teenage boys

Sample results from MTO

• TOT approximately twice the size of ITT• Consistent with 50% use of vouchers

IV with Heterogeneous Treatment Effects (More Difficult)

• If treatment effect same for everyone then TOT recovers this (obvious)

• But what if treatment effect heterogeneous?

• No simple answer to this question

• Suppose model for treatment effect is:

0 1i i i iy X

Proposition 2.6

The IV estimate for the heterogeneous treatment case is a consistent estimate of:


the difference in the probability of treatment for individual i when in treatment and control group

11,ˆlim i iIV




1 1 1 0i i i i iPr X Z Pr X Z


• This is weighted average of treatment effects

• ‘weights’ will vary with instrument – contrast with heterogeneous treatment case

• Some cases in which can interpret IV estimate as ATE

How will IV estimate differ from ATE

• IV is ATE if no correlation between β1i and πi • Previous formula says depends on covariance of β1i and

πi • In some situations can sign – but not always• Example 1: no-one gets treatment in the absence of the

programme so

• If those who get treatment when in the treatment group are those with the highest returns then:


1i ip

1 1 1, , 0i i i iCov Cov p

• Example 2: treatment is voluntary for those in the control group but compulsory for those in the treatment group

• This implies

• If those who get treatment in control are those with highest returns then:


1 0 1, , 0i i i iCov Cov p

01i ip

Angrist/Imbens Monotonicity Assumption

• Case where IV estimate is not ATE• Assume that everyone moved in same

direction by treatment – monotonicity assumption

• Then can show that IV is average of treatment effect for those whose behaviour changed by being in treatment group

• They call this the Local Average Treatment Effect (LATE)

Problems with Experiments

• Expense• Ethical Issues• Threats to Internal Validity

– Failure to follow experiment– Experimental effects (Hawthorne effects)

• Threats to External Validity– Non-representative programme– Non-representative sample– Scale effects

Conclusions on Experiments

• Are ‘gold standard’ of empirical research

• Are becoming more common

• Not enough of them to keep us busy

• Study of non-experimental data can deliver useful knowledge

• Some issues similar, others different