Essential Oils - Grayson County · Essential oils are derived from aromatic plant material, by...

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Transcript of Essential Oils - Grayson County · Essential oils are derived from aromatic plant material, by...

Essential Oils Katherine Jury

Hopkins County Agent

For Family & Consumer Sciences

Presentation by: Natalie TaulGrayson County Extension Agent forFamily and Consumer Sciences

What are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are volatile, aromatic oils from plants.

Typically used for fragrance, flavoring, health and beauty purposes.

They are highly concentrated

May be inhaled directly or indirectly or applied to the skin through massage, lotions or bath salts.

Where Do Essential Oils Come From?

Oils come from a variety of plants, including flowers, herbs, and grasses.

Different oils can come from different parts of the plant. Every part of plants—leaves, bark, stems, and even seeds—can be used to produce essential oils. For example, the flowering tops of plants are used to make lavender oil, and tall grasses such as lemongrass are also used to make essential oils

Essential oils are derived from aromatic plant material, by distillation or expression.

Chemical composition of the plant itself, and location, soil, and climate of there the plant is grown affect aromatic properties.

What is Aromatherapy Used For?

Aromatherapy is using a plant’s aroma-producing oils (essential oils) to treat disease, and promote the health of body, mind and spirit.

Aromatherapy is thought to work by stimulating smell receptors in the nose, which then send messages through the nervous system to the limbic system — the part of the brain that controls emotions.

Aromatherapy may promote relaxation, help relieve stress, and improve mood.

Used to help treat a wide range of physical and mental conditions, including burns, infections, depression, insomnia, and high blood pressure.

What are the Benefits of Aromatherapy?

Relief from anxiety and depression

Improved relaxation and sleep

Reduce pain from chronic and acute injury and illness

Improved quality of life, particularly for people with chronic health conditions

Is Aromatherapy Safe?

Many essential oils have been shown to be safe when used as directed

Essential oils used in aromatherapy aren't regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.

When oils are applied to the skin, side effects may include allergic reactions, skin irritation and sun sensitivity.

Aromatherapy practitioners do not need to be licensed in the United States.

It is important to talk to your medical doctor to see whether aromatherapy may be helpful (and safe) for your specific health condition


University of Florida Extension:

Ohio State University Extension:

Mayo Clinic:

Popular Essential Oils


Widely known for its soothing characteristics

Extracted as an essential oil from the leaves of the flowering plant of the same name

Powerful calming agent, as well as antibiotic, antiseptic, antidepressant and overall mood lifter.

Caution: Avoid during pregnancy and if allergies to Ragweed are present.

EUCALYPTUS Eucalyptus oil comes from the Eucalyptus tree

An effective agent against respiratory diseases, and also has the ability to enhance concentration. In addition it is used as an antiseptic, antispasmodic, decongestant, diuretic and stimulant.

It also has cooling properties, which helps fight migraines and fevers, and also helps with muscle aches and pains.

Caution: Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding should avoid using Eucalyptus, as should individuals who suffer from epilepsy. Ingested in large doses can be fatal.


Lavender is one of the most popular essential oils on the market

Effective stress-relieving oil

Lavender is a healing aid against colds, flu and migraine.

Extracted from the flower of the same name


Lemon is widely appreciated for its clean smell, but has numerous therapeutic qualities as well

Improves concentration, aids in digestion and eases symptoms of acne and arthritis

It is a natural immunity booster and can even help to alleviate headaches and fever

Quick mood enhancer


Calms hyperactivity and relieve anxiety.

Used in vapor therapy to ease symptoms of asthma or sinusitis

Added in bath water to increase circulation or relieve insomnia.

Blend with massage oil to alleviate headaches and tension.


Has a cooling, refreshing effect and is widely used to enhance mental alertness.

It is a cooling agent that enhances mood, sharpens focus, combats irritation and redness, alleviates symptoms of congestion, and aids in digestion.

Caution: The menthol component in Peppermint can bother some individuals. It can be a skin irritant and should be kept away from the eyes.


Widely known as a mental stimulant, the antidepressant properties of Rosemary oil make it ideal for enhanced memory, focus and overall brain performance.

It also acts as an analgesic, soothing aching, cramping muscles, headaches and migraines.

Caution: Avoid Rosemary oil if you have been diagnosed with epilepsy or high blood pressure. Pregnant women should also avoid this essential oil.


Works to heal skin conditions, burns, and also works as an insecticide.

Helps to soothe and treat cold sores, respiratory conditions, muscle aches, the flu, Athlete’s foot and dandruff.

Caution: Tea Tree oil is not toxic, but avoid using it internally or around the eyes and nose. It is also not recommended for open wounds or broken skin