Essential GRE Words: Level 1 lesson 6

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Transcript of Essential GRE Words: Level 1 lesson 6


WORD LIST Amour Arcade Component Critique Diffusion Equity Exposure Faculty Forte










NOUN: someone involved in a secretive or illicit sexual relationship

“Leaving her amour with strict instructions on how to find her, she retired to bed and waited.”


NOUN: a covered passageway with shops and stalls on either side

“Opposite Marks and Spencers bazaar was an arcade providing a short cut through to The Market although it was always closed on Sundays, with locked gates at either end.”

COMPONENT NOUN: something determined in relation to something

that includes it SYNONYMS: part, portion, component part, constituent “The decomposition process is the function of a whole

myriad of microscopically small living creatures, bacteria, which must have access to the fifth component, air.”

CRITIQUE NOUN: a serious examination and judgment of

something SYNONYM: criticism “To change tack slightly, I am not equipped to

comment on Dr. Oliver’s critique of conductive education’s theoretical base.”


NOUN: the act of dispersing or diffusing something

SYNONYMS: dispersion, dispersal, dissemination

“Central to this process was the formulation and diffusion of a unique ideology based on the concept of service as a moral imperative.”


NOUN: the ownership interest of shareholders in a corporation

“Mr. Govind said the finance minister had announced that 100% equity would be allowed on some developments if they utilised advanced technology and were in the country’s interest.”


NOUN: the act of subjecting someone to an influencing experience

“It was fun to watch these grown-up men behaving like happy children on their first exposure to the American way of life.”

FACULTY NOUN: the body of teachers and administrators at a

school SYNONYM: staff “The faculty could not think that a young man of 35

years, who had written one book which not everyone thought wonderful, could hold a candle to his predecessor.”


NOUN: an asset of special worth or utility

SYNONYMS: strong suit, specialty, strong point, strength

“The Russians’ forte is pageantry, yet somehow, on these rare sightings in the West, the gaudiness seemed to set off and magnified the melancholy and finesse of their leading dancers.”


VERB: to go or travel towards

“They decided to cut across the coastal plain and head for a wadi that would provide a route back to the top of the escarpment.”

JURISDICTION NOUN: the right and power to interpret and apply

the law SYNONYM: legal power “If an action is begun in the wrong court, that court

may transfer it to the court with appropriate jurisdiction.”

MINUTE ADJECTIVE: infinitely or immeasurably small SYNONYM: infinitesimal “As the patient becomes stronger, the number of

machine breaths is decreased and the patients have to breathe more to maintain the minute volume.”


ADJECTIVE: sharply exact or accurate or delimited

ANTONYM: imprecise

“A precise account of the quantity eaten is important: the number of chips, the number of spoonfuls of ice-cream.”

RELEVANT ADJECTIVE: having a bearing on or connection with the

subject at issue ANTONYM: irrelevant “It is important when answering questions on relevant

costing to identify all future cash flows affected by a particular decision.”

SIGNIFICANT ADJECTIVE: important in effect or meaning SYNONYM: important “So our achievements are significant, but they are

fragile, and I want to conclude by outlining what I think are the principal features of our work that have brought some success.”


NOUN: the act of ending something

SYNONYMS: ending, conclusion

“Three years after the termination of war in 1945 a friendly nation, France, was fighting a desperate and apparently losing struggle in Indo-China.”

VALID ADJECTIVE: well grounded in logic or truth or having

legal force ANTONYM: invalid “A petition for divorce, however, postulates the

existence of a valid marriage, which the court is asked to terminate.”