Essay Feedback. Introductions Introduce the text including the author and title of the novel. Define...

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Transcript of Essay Feedback. Introductions Introduce the text including the author and title of the novel. Define...

Essay Feedback


• Introduce the text including the author and title of the novel.

• Define the key terms!!!

What does it mean to be human?

E.g.. The Party has destroyed human qualities such as love,

complex emotion and rational thought.


• Allow for a broader discussion of the text.

• We know that there are many ways the Party achieves the destruction of humanity.

• Acknowledge this! Even if you are only discussing some in further depth.

Topic Sentences

• Try to group your ideas to cover more ground.

• For example a paragraph about how the telescreens work will limit your discussion.

• The telescreen is one way of controlling people’s thoughts and actions. They are fearful of being watched.


• If you spend a whole paragraph discussing the telescreens you will not be showing knowledge of all of the other ways fear is created by the Party.


• Why not write a paragraph about fear?

• E.g.. The Party controls people’s thoughts and the opportunity for rebellion by keeping them in a state of constant fear.

Now you have more room to discuss….

• The fear of being reported to the Thought Police by your children.

• Fear of invasion through the state of constant war and how that controls people.

• Rocket bombs falling.

• Public hangings and trials.

• Fear of Goldstein.

Your turn…

• What do the following pieces of evidence have in common?

• War is Peace

• Doublethink

• 2 + 2 = 5

• The Party claims they invented aeroplanes

• The Party changes who they are war with


• Your conclusion should include a summary of your main ideas.

• It should also comment on Orwell’s purpose in writing the text.

• It should also consider why the Party has destroyed what it means to be human.