ESO Archiving Policy · ESO Archiving Policy The following statement is a set of premisses and...

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Transcript of ESO Archiving Policy · ESO Archiving Policy The following statement is a set of premisses and...

(April 1, 1990-March 31,1991), we ex­pect the number of nights devoted toKey Programmes on the 3.6 m and theND to increase to a level of about 200nights. The amount of time on the smal­ler telescopes will be more elastic, de­pending on proposal pressure. WithEFOSC 11 on the 2.2-m a shift of some3.6-m work to this intermediate sizetelescope may be expected.

ESO community astronomers,whether they responded to the pre­liminary enquiry or not, are invited tosubmit proposals to the Visiting As­tronomers Section at ESO Headquar­ters before October 15, 1988. Copiesof a form designed for this purposewill soon be available from this Sec­tion on request.

With the great reservoir of plans andthe modest beginning just outlined,many potential proposers may wish topostpone their initiative by one or twoyears: Key Programmes are longterm. .. Proposals not successful inany round may be resubmitted in identi­calor modified form for later rounds.Proposals for the first round will be sentto referees outside ESO's OPC. Theirreports, gradings plus explicit commen­taries supporting the grade, will be sub­mitted to the OPC for preparing its re­commendations to me.

After the first round the whole processwill be evaluated and, if necessary,adapted. Through the Messenger thecommunity will be informed of progress.Successful programme proposals will

OPC Classification




be summarized by the Pl's in futureissues of the Messenger.

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157 proposals I


Figure 1: Histograms showing the distribution of the proposals, (a) as a function of the number of investiga tors involved; (b) as a function of thenumber of institutional nationalities per proposal when ESO and ESA institutes are included, (c) when ESO and ESA institutes are excluded. Theprogramme related to HST follow-up, which involves 32 investigators from 19 institutes, is not included.

ESO Archiving PolicyThe following statement is a set of

premisses and principles for a data-ar­chiving policy which ESO will implementgradually in the next several years. It hasbeen discussed in the Users Com­mittee, in the Scientific-Technical Com­mittee and in the Observing Pro­grammes Committee. All three com­mittees approve of this policy intent.


It is important to archive data ob­tained at ESO's La Silla Observatory.The three main reasons for maintainingan archive are:

(a) to keep a historical record of ob­jects. This enables the investiga­tion of long-term changes in ob-

jects which otherwise could not beperformed;

(b) to re-use the data for other pro­grammes or purposes. By avoid­ing duplication of observations theeffective use of telescope time canbe increased;

(c) to enable archival research suchas surveys of different types ofobjects. A homogeneous archivewith weil defined calibrations willopen the possibility to study largenumbers of objects for statisticalpurposes.

An indispensable requirement for thearchive is very high quality of the databoth in terms of good documentation ofthe individual observations and reliablecalibration data. Only when this is

achieved will the archive serve its pur­pose to fully utilize data acquired atESO.

The archive consists of two mainparts, namely

- the data archive which contains theactual data

and- the catalogue of observations hold­

ing sufficient information to allowastronomers to locate data andjudge their usefulness for a givenprogramme.

Data Archived

Spectroscopic and imaging data ob­tained during ESO observing time arearchived. All scientific data are saved in


Diskettes for "Astronomy andAstrophysics" (First Announcement)

Supplement Series

Les Editions de Physique can now accept manuscripts for Astronomy andAstrophysics in the form of diskettes containing text generated by TEX or byMATHOR. MATHOR allows interactive, wysiwyg editing of text and formulaewith the possibility of automatic conversion to TEX format.

Chr. ARDEN, Les Editions de Physique

Main Journal

In the future, contributors to Astronomy and Astrophysics using TEX will getthe opportunity to submit their manuscripts on diskettes. In agreement withthe Board of Directors and the Editors of Astronomy and Astrophysics,Springer-Verlag will ofter a macro-package on a diskette together with a setof instructions. Texts formatted with Springer's macros will be produced onyour printer in essentially the same way as they will appear later in the journal,and, furthermore, they allow typesetting directly from the author's input. In1988 the product will be tested by Springer in co-operation with astronomicalinstitutes and the typesetter. It is hoped that by 1989 this new system willallow a more speedy and more efticient processing of the articles. Similarmacros are oftered to the authors of Springer-Verlag's new journal TheAstronomy and Astrophysics Review, which will be launched in 1989. Moredetails will be given in the next issue of the ESO Messenger. For informationplease contact the Editors of Astronomy and Astrophysics.

H.-U. DANIEL, Springer-Verlag

raw form. Observational logs, technicaldata, and calibrations are also archivedto give a full description of scientificdata. Archiving of data from a giveninstrument is started when procedureshave been implemented to record allrelevant observational parameters andprovide reliable calibration data. Priorityfor establishment of such procedures isgiven to the major ESO telescopes andinstruments.

Proprietary Period

The proprietary period for scientificdata is one year after termination of theobservations. The prime investigator ofan observing programme can apply tothe OPC for an extension of this period.This is granted in special cases only. Allother data (i. e. observing logs, technicaland calibration data) are public immedi­ately after the observations. Astronom­ers may request to have the list oftargets concealed during the proprietaryperiod in their application for observingtime. The OPC can grant such requestsin exceptionaI cases.

Location and Access to Archive

The ESO archive, both data archiveand catalogue, is located and managedat the ESO Headquarters in Garching. Acopy of all digital data obtained at theESO Observatory is kept in Chile toallow recoveries of errors. This securitycopy is erased after aperiod of sixmonths. The catalogue is accessible forqueries at the ESO computer facilities inGarching and over computer networks.Access to the non-proprietary part ofthe data archive can be made at ESOGarching. Limitations to the volume ofaccessed data can be imposed for tech­nical reasons. The requests for retrievaland shipment of data from the ESO ar­chive are subject to a scientific evalua­tion. A modest charge may be appliedfor large volumes of data.




L1NSSEN, Marion (NL), SecretaryHOOK, Richard (G8), FellowHUIZINGA, Jan (NL), Student


GOJAK, Domingo (YU), EleclronicEngineerPERSSON, Glenn (S), Telescope Soft­

ware Scientisl


DEMIERRE, Ulla (CH/D), Secretary 10t11e Direclor General

GUZZO, Luigi (I), AssociateRICHMOND, Alan (G8), Associate


MURPHY, David (USA), Telescope Soft­ware Scientisl

TransfersMAGAIN, Pierre (8), Fellow (trom Chile

10 Europe)

2nd NOAO/ESO Conference on "High Angular Resolution by Interferometry"

In 1985 the Director of the NationalOptical Astronomy Observatories(NOAO), J. Jefteries, and the DirectorGeneral of ESO, L. Woltjer, stimulatedthe idea of having regular workshopsjointly organized by the two institutions.

The first workshop was then or­ganized by NOAO at the Sun SpaceRanch Conference Center in Oraclenear Tucson, Arizona, from January 12to 15 in 1987. Both organizations hadinvited in total 52 participants to this


Joint ESO/NOAO Workshop on "HighResolution Imaging from the GroundUsing Interferometric Techniques". Theproceedings with the title "Interferomet­ric Imaging in Astronomy" were pub­lished by NOAO in April 1987. During theworkshop it became very clear that thetopics addressed were of such interestto the astronomical community that thefollowing meeting should be an openconference on high resolution imagingby interferometry and all researchers

and scientists interested in this areashould have the chance to participate.This time it was the task of ESO toorganize a meeting in early 1988.

The second NOAO/ESO conferenceon "High Resolution Imaging by Inter­ferometry" was held in Garching fromMarch 14 to 18, 1988. The responsewas so large, that it had to take place inthe lecture halls of the Technical Univer­sity in order to accommodate all par­ticipants. Approximately 120 presenta-