ESA Automation and Robotics R&D...

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Transcript of ESA Automation and Robotics R&D...

November 28th 20069th ESA Workshop on

Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation 1

Technical And Quality Management DirectorateAutomation and Robotics Section

Gianfranco VisentinHead, Automation & Robotics Section (TEC-MMA)

ESA/ESTEC, P.O. Box 299, 2200 AG Noordwijk, The NetherlandsTel: +31-71-565-4835, Fax: +31-71-565-5545,

e-mail: Gianfranco.Visentin esa.int

ESA Automation and RoboticsR&D Overview


November 28th 20069th ESA Workshop on

Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation 2

Technical And Quality Management DirectorateAutomation and Robotics Section

Outline:1. The past

1. Mission needs2. The ESA R&D Philosophy3. R&D activities and results4. Lessons learned

2. The present1. Mission needs2. What is being developed

3. The future1. Which missions? The trend.2. The technology Tree3. The vision4. How to make it happen

4. Conclusions

November 28th 20069th ESA Workshop on

Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation 3

Technical And Quality Management DirectorateAutomation and Robotics Section

1.1 The Past: Missions NeedsESA missions which (might have) required A&R:

♦ A&R for external orinternal applications onSpace Stations MTFF Automation ERA


MFC Facilities

♦ Planetary exploration

♦ S/C servicing applicationsGeostationary Satellite Servicer



Bepicolombo MSE

November 28th 20069th ESA Workshop on

Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation 4

Technical And Quality Management DirectorateAutomation and Robotics Section

Automation and Robotics is notused in missions because it is

not a space-proven technologyNot enough R&D funds to matureAutomation and Robotics as it is

not used in missions

1.2 The Past: ESA R&D philosophyGoal:• Break the deadly loopRecipe:• Use the little funding

available to prepare multi-use “building-blocks”

• Harmonise R&D acrossEuropean partners (i.e. tryto avoid duplication: ESAavoided development ofrobot arm, dexterousgripper, autonomous rovernavigation, robotteleoperation)

November 28th 20069th ESA Workshop on

Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation 5

Technical And Quality Management DirectorateAutomation and Robotics Section

1.3 The Past: R&D activities and results (1)

Space StationApplications

Flexible GroundControl Station(FAMOUS)


1st generationRobot Control SW(SPARCO)

1st generation RobotControl SW and FlightHW (CESAR)

CalibrationPlatform (RODYM)

Microrover GroundControl Station


Microrover end-to-end control system

Servo and Power S/SFlight HW (SPEAR)

Ground Stationvalidated in flight(VIABLE)

Validated andflight ready end-to-end robotcontrol but NOROBOT

Completedemonstratorof microroverapplicationImaging

System forRover Control

MTFF wascancelled

ERA made useof RODYM

Robotic EuTEFfaded away(no arm)

MFC do notuse commoncontroller

Marsnet/Intermarsnetdid notmaterialise

BepiColomboMSR descopeddue to budget

November 28th 20069th ESA Workshop on

Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation 6

Technical And Quality Management DirectorateAutomation and Robotics Section

1.3 The Past: R&D activities and results (2)



Large Corer withcare capturemechanism

Computer Visionsystem for GSV

Experimentalknowledge in low-temperaturedrilling

Simulator tool forManouvering aServicing InspectionVehicle

Full understandingof GSV RVD

Rosetta re-sized(small landerPhilae)

Experiencepassed inPhilae DS2

GSV did notmaterialise

RVDexperienceand MIVused inConeXpressOLEV

November 28th 20069th ESA Workshop on

Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation 7

Technical And Quality Management DirectorateAutomation and Robotics Section

1.4 Lesson LearnedObservations:1. Availability of proven (even flight-ready)

technology is no guarantee for use inmission. Project planners will use “exotic”technology only if nothing else works

2. Even already developed technology neededby missions, might be re-developed due togeographical /industrial constraints

3. Harmonisation not always works Harmonised items come with too many

strings ExoMars will use CNES navigation No-robot, no-robotised EuTEF

Conclusions for planning R&D:• Do not follow too much project needs as it

does not pay. Follow the general application.• Do not go for the full qualification, unless it

is for a multi-application product• Foster technology across boundaries to

decrease the geographical risk• Secure non-ESA harmonised items with firm


November 28th 20069th ESA Workshop on

Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation 8

Technical And Quality Management DirectorateAutomation and Robotics Section

2.1 The present: Missions needsCurrent ESA missions which use A&R are:

♦ A&R for external orinternal applications



MFC Facilities

♦ Planetary exploration

♦ S/C servicing applicationsConeXpress OLEV (Phase B)

Foton M2 & M3


November 28th 20069th ESA Workshop on

Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation 9

Technical And Quality Management DirectorateAutomation and Robotics Section

2.2 The present:What is being developed (1)

Compact Compact automautom. tool. toolexch. device exch. device (Session 2.2.2)

Testbed for ISS External Robot System (Session 1.1)time

ISS Ext. RobotSystem (Eurobot)Lightweight Dextrous Arm (Session 2.2.2)

Dextrous multi-fingerDextrous multi-fingerhandhand

Robust tactile sensorsRobust tactile sensors

Compact low-powerCompact low-powerimaging headimaging head Local r/t image processingLocal r/t image processing

ExtensExtens. of stand. o/b. of stand. o/bcontr. s/wcontr. s/w (Session 2.2.2)

CESARCESARcontrol s/wcontrol s/w

CoordCoord. control of. control ofmultmult. arms. arms


Control of Multi-Control of Multi-finger handsfinger hands

Vision-based Vision-based manipulmanipul

(Session 2.2.2)..

COTS-based o/b controllerCOTS-based o/b controllerh/w h/w (Session 2.1.1)

TelemanipulTelemanipul. from ground. from ground(Session 3.1.2)



November 28th 20069th ESA Workshop on

Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation 10

Technical And Quality Management DirectorateAutomation and Robotics Section

2.2 The present:What is being developed (2)

Mars exobiologyMars exobiologymissions (e.g.missions (e.g.


Mars geochem. microrover “Nanokhod”

Micro rover for mob.Micro rover for mob.drill stationdrill station

13.1 Field tests of micro rover operations

(600 k)


MarsMarsgeochemistrygeochemistryMicro RoverMicro Rover


Mercury MicroMercury MicroRoverRover


Highly drill station

Nanokhod adapt.for Mercury

E2E control systemfor Nanokhod

Mobile drillpackage prototype

Integr. of Mercury micro rover system(Session 2.3.2)

November 28th 20069th ESA Workshop on

Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation 11

Technical And Quality Management DirectorateAutomation and Robotics Section

2.2 The present:What is being developed (3)

4.3 Compact low-4.3 Compact low-power imaging headspower imaging heads

Simulator + Testbed for Regional Rover(Exhibit Session) time

Mars Mars explorationexplorationmission (Aurora)mission (Aurora)

Semi-autonomous rover control s/w for regional Mars rover

(Session 2.2.1) Regional Mars rover for scouting and sample collection

4.2 Local real-time4.2 Local real-timeimage processingimage processing

6.3 Extreme mass +6.3 Extreme mass +power reduction for o/bpower reduction for o/b

controller h/wcontroller h/w

6.2 O/B controller h/w6.2 O/B controller h/wdesign for extremedesign for extreme

temp., radiation temp., radiation tolertoler..

November 28th 20069th ESA Workshop on

Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation 12

Technical And Quality Management DirectorateAutomation and Robotics Section

3.1 The Future: Which Missions?• Difficult to say. In general we can say that future space missions will use:

– Robot Assistants: helping Astronauts to perform their task quicker,safer, with higher quality and more economically.

– Robot Agents: working into hostile and dangerous areas and acting inplace of humans to perform assembly, maintenance and productiontasks in tele-operated or semi-autonomous way

– Robot Explorers: venturing in the hostile and remote environments forexploration and science. Coping with and taking advantage of thepeculiar environmental conditions to achieve long duration andextensive range missions.

November 28th 20069th ESA Workshop on

Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation 13

Technical And Quality Management DirectorateAutomation and Robotics Section

3.2 The Future: The Technology Tree

A Applications and Concepts

B Automation & Robotics Systems

I PlanetaryExploration

II Orbital Systems

I Manipulationsystems

II Mobility Systems

III PayloadAutomation


I Perception

II Control, Autonomyand Intelligence

III Motion andActuation

IV Robot-UserInterfacing

V Robot GroundTesting

C A&R Components and tech.

November 28th 20069th ESA Workshop on

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Technical And Quality Management DirectorateAutomation and Robotics Section

3.3 The Future: ESA Vision (1)

A-I Planetary Applications: Moon crew supportB-I 2 arm manipulator with crane torsoB-II 6 wheels heavy-duty articulated

chassis (ExoMars derived) or 6 legschassis

C-I Need for detection and tracking of humansC-II Semi-autonomous control with teach-in

capacityC-III Need for high-efficiency powerful

locomotion drivesC-IV Language based interfacingC-V Need large size testing facility

A-II Orbital Applications: crew support Eurobot-like on Space StationB-I 3 arm manipulator

C-I Need for detection and tracking of humansC-II Semi-autonomous control with teach-in

capacityC-III No extra development w.r.t EurobotC-IV Language based interfacingC-V No extra development w.r.t Eurobot

Robot Assistants:

November 28th 20069th ESA Workshop on

Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation 15

Technical And Quality Management DirectorateAutomation and Robotics Section

3.3 The Future: ESA Vision (2)

A-I Planetary Applications: Exploration of Moonpole cratersB-I sampling armB-II climbing/rappelling capable chassis

/ robot crew (ARAMIES based?)

C-I Need for low energy perception in the darkC-II Need for supervisory teleoperation with LOS

autonomyC-III Need for high-efficiency/low-temp. drivesC-IV Need for predictive dynamic simulatorC-V Need large size testing facility

A-II Orbital Applications: Eurobot-like servicer onGEO satellitesB-I 2 arm manipulator mounted on large

arm or 3 arm manipulator with scaffold

C-I No special needsC-II Need for coordinated AOCS-satellite controlC-III Need for highly dexterous end-effectorsC-IV Need for haptic (exoskeleton)

manipulation with predictive dynamicsC-V No special development w.r.t Eurobot

Robot Agents:

November 28th 20069th ESA Workshop on

Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation 16

Technical And Quality Management DirectorateAutomation and Robotics Section

3.3 The Future: ESA Vision (3)

A-I Planetary Applications: Sample Return fromMarsB-I sampling armB-II 6 wheels long range articulated

chassis (ExoMars derived)

C-I Need for low energy perception in the darkC-II Need for more autonomous control than

ExoMarsC-III No new technology w.r.t ExoMarsC-IV No new technology w.r.t ExoMarsC-V Need of large size testing facility

C-I Possibly need for specialised eventtriggering detectors

C-II Need for autonomous science processingC-III Not applicableC-IV Not applicableC-V Not applicable

A-II Orbital Applications: AutonomousOpportunistic Science ProbesB-III Automation system for on-board

processing of science data (similar toESA Aerobot project)

Robot Explorers:

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Technical And Quality Management DirectorateAutomation and Robotics Section

3.3 The Future: ESA Vision (4)

A-I Planetary Applications: Aerobot MissionStudyB-II Balloon/ Motorglider/ Microprobes/

Rotary Decelerators

C-I Not applicableC-II Need for autonomous navigation and

resource managementC-III Not ApplicableC-IV Not ApplicableC-V Not Applicable

C-I Not ApplicableC-II Not ApplicableC-III Full implementation of chip removal

system and tetherC-IV Not applicableC-V Not applicable

A-I Planetary Applications: Deep UndergroundExplorersB-II Mole/Subsurface Explorer

Robot Explorers:

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Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation 18

Technical And Quality Management DirectorateAutomation and Robotics Section

3.4 How to make it happen (1)FUNDING SOURCES for A&R R&D:• ESA

– GSP, TRP, GSTP, CTP, ASTE, ARTES– Project specific developments

• National Agencies(ASI,CNES,DLR,PPARC,BSNC)

• The EU– indirectly through FP until FP6– Directly with FP7 through the priorities

identified by the technology platforms:• ESTP• EUROP

PROBLEMS in ESA R&D:– “Space only” A&R– Breadth: not all R&D fields needed by

space can be pursued (lack of funds)– Depth: subjects that require upfront

research have to be discarded (rigidfunding scheme)

– Time span: no long term research andno product development from labproven technology

November 28th 20069th ESA Workshop on

Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation 19

Technical And Quality Management DirectorateAutomation and Robotics Section

3.4 How to make it happen (2)The SOLUTIONESA sees the different Space related

platforms as ideal complement of ESA’sactivities to:

• Enlarge the breadth of R&D in SpaceA&R (EUROP)

• Provide upfront R&D (EUROP)• Allow R&D to turn into products (ESTP)

for strategic independence

The ESA Harmonisation process is againproposed as a means to achieve:

• Co-ordination with National Agencies(institutional)

• Co-ordination with EUROP for possibleco-funded EU-ESA activities

• Steer ESTP towards funding of roboticscomponents

November 28th 20069th ESA Workshop on

Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation 20

Technical And Quality Management DirectorateAutomation and Robotics Section

4. ConclusionsLots of technology being prepared at the moment, however this could still

improve as not much is doneA Harmonisation Exercise will take place on February 14-15, 2007.ESA will propose the development of technology supporting our vision:• In agreement with National Agencies and Industry• promoting co-funding with EUROP• Using the possibilities offered by ESTP

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Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation 21

Technical And Quality Management DirectorateAutomation and Robotics Section