Erskine time management session 1- efficiency 2014

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Erskine time management session 1- efficiency 2014

Good Morning

Achieve!‘Be Your Best’

Time Management

• Aims

• 4 key elements of time management and personal effectiveness

Session 1: What we’ll cover …

Time Management Success

Time Management

Key Issues




Saying ‘No’ effectively

Setting Goals

Remembering the little details

Dealing with low energy

Getting everything done

Getting more from meetings

Motivating yourself

Dealing with interruptions

Dealing with information

and paper overload

Avoiding procrastination

Managing Stress

Time Management IS IMPOSSIBLE…

Time Management IS IMPOSSIBLE…

Behaviour management IS NOT!

Managing Yourself

Things today will not directly address…

Things today will not directly address…

Difficult people

Things today will not directly address…

Difficult people

Too much work

Things today will not directly address…

Difficult people

Too much work

Organisational culture

If you keep on doing what

you’ve always done -

you’ll keep on getting

what you’ve always got

4 key issues

Choose the right time to do it

Choose the right thing to do


Time management techniques

Tidy Your Desk!

The reading pile

3 principles of paper management …

Attract less paper / info

3 principles of paper management …

Attract less paper / info

One brain, one desk, one project

3 principles of paper management …

Attract less paper / info

One brain, one desk, one project

Touch each piece only once

4 ways to deal with paper

1. Act on it

4 ways to deal with paper

1. Act on it

2. Pass it on

4 ways to deal with paper

1. Act on it

2. Pass it on

3. File it

4 ways to deal with paper

1. Act on it

2. Pass it on

3. File it

4. Discard it

The Bin Not the Bin

Meeting Stress

Meeting Stress

Meeting Characteristic Bothered a lot (%)

Drifted off subject

Poor preparation

Questionable effectiveness

Lack of listening

Too much talking


Lack of participation








Clear Objectives

Must you be there?

Are your priorities interrupted?

What is its purpose?

What are your desired outcomes?

Clear Structure

1. Lose matters arising

Clear Structure

1. Lose matters arising

2. Timed agenda

Clear Structure

1. Lose matters arising

2. Timed agenda

3. Attend only part

Clear Structure

1. Lose matters arising

2. Timed agenda

3. Attend only part

4. Eliminate AOB

Liven up your meetings by:

Repeat someone’s idea in a baby voice

Write ‘he FANCIES you!’ on your pad-

nudge and point with a pencil!

Pull out a large roll of £20 notes and


Attempt to hypnotise the room with a pocket watch

Warren Buffet

“The difference between successful people and very

successful people is that very successful people say ‘no’ to

almost everything.”

5 (relatively) painlessly ways to say

1. Deferral: “I’m swamped right now, but I can do that for you

tomorrow” – AKA ‘No, not now’

2. Referral: “I’m not qualified to do what you’re asking, but I

know someone who is …” AKA ‘No, not me’

3. Contingent: “Well…If you could just…” – AKA ‘No, not


4. Guilt Trip: “If I spend time helping you, I’ll fail in my other tasks” – AKA ‘No, you selfish

person you’

5. Honesty: “One of my goals this year is to get better at

saying ‘No’. Thanks for helping me!” – AKA ‘No, go away’

How to say ‘No’

• Identify

• Practice

• Say it quickly

• Stay neutral

• Be strong

Dealing with Interruptions:

• Use body language

Dealing with Interruptions:

• Remove perches

Dealing with Interruptions:

• Review any ‘open door’ policy

Dealing with Interruptions:

• Keep them short and to the point

Dealing with Interruptions:

• Schedule in your interruptions

Dealing with Interruptions:

• Change the culture

Dealing with Interruptions:

• Re-route call / switch on answer phone

Dealing with Interruptions:

Control elusive phone targets