Error Management Photocopier

Post on 03-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Error Management Photocopier

  • 7/29/2019 Error Management Photocopier


    Error Management

    An example for aviation -

    the office photocopier

  • 7/29/2019 Error Management Photocopier


    Error Management

    This presentation is designed for self study, or as a formal presentation, or the basis of a practical exercise

    undertaken in the office.

    It is based on the paper Error Management combating omission error through task analysis and good reminders by J Reason, EmeritusProfessor Department of Psychology, University of Manchester

    Last user at nightswitch off after use

  • 7/29/2019 Error Management Photocopier



    Leaving out steps in a task is the single most common humanerror.

    This presentation shows how it is possible to identify commonerrors and, with simple memory aids (SOPs) how these errors

    may be avoided or their effect mitigated.

    The principles of error management shown in this example canbe applied to most operations in aviation.

    Making errors is a fact of life, butrecovering them is quite another matter.

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    Error the unintended action or inaction

    Humans are prone to making errors - a general result of theunique human ability to think and make judgement.

    We all make errors; this is not something to be blamed for; butto be investigated as a sign of problems elsewhere.

    Errors them selves are not necessarily bad, we can learn fromthem, but their effects may in the extreme be fatal.

    We cannot remove all errors, but we can prevent some and

    reduce the effect of others this is error management.

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    Error Management

    Before we can manage error we have to identify what the

    error is,

    then find either the source or nature of the error,

    or the opportunity for error to occur.

    Build defences to prevent the error occurring,

    or mitigate the effects of the error.

    Finally check that the defences work

    RISK from errors avoid, contain, mitigate

  • 7/29/2019 Error Management Photocopier


    Error Management

    Principles of error management. RISK

    Review the overall task

    List all of the steps, sub steps and loops

    Identify steps that could be missed

    Conduct a survey

    Involve a cross section of people

    Select a good defensive

    A mental reminder

    Keep records

    Periodic reviews



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    Review the overall task - 1

    1. Prepare photocopier

    Switch onWait for warm-up

    2. Select number of copies

    3. Prepare first page of original for copyingRaise lid

    Place page in position on the glassClose lid

    4. Start copying cyclePress start switch

    Ensure that the original does not move

    5. Check quality of photocopyIf OK, go to step 6

    If not OK, select appropriate corrective action

    Put in more copy paper

    Remove paper jam

    Readjust position of original

    Adjust toner setting

    List all of the steps

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    Review the overall task - 2

    6. Remove copied original and replace with next page

    Raise lidRemove copied originalReplace with next page to be copiedClose lid

    7. Repeat steps 4 6 until all pages are copied

    8. Remove last page of the original

    9. Check that all pages have been copied satisfactorily

    10. Switch off photocopier

    11. Gather up all materials and depart

  • 7/29/2019 Error Management Photocopier


    Identify steps that could be missed

    Table of errors; most often at the topPlace original wrongly

    Leave last page of original *

    Copy page already copied

    Fail to check copy quality *

    Copy selector failures *

    Fail to copy all pages *

    Leave personal items behind *

    Fail to log out or take card *

    Lift lid at wrong time

    Dont remove all copies, etc *

    Fail to insert card at outset *

    Fail to allow warm up *

    Activate cycle without original *

    Fail to switch on copier *

    Switch off before completion

    * Items involving missed steps

    Conduct a survey

    Involve a cross section of people

  • 7/29/2019 Error Management Photocopier


    Select a good defence

    A good reminder should:-

    Catch the attention at the critical time

    Positioned as close as possible in time and space to the

    location of the action

    Inform about the when and where of the item to beremembered

    Inform regarding what has to be done

    A mental reminder

    Ask the users, they have learnt by their mistakes

    Count off the number of actions/tasks that needto be done

  • 7/29/2019 Error Management Photocopier


    A good defence for a photocopier

    Reminders (defences) from a survey of users:

    Notes and post-its (65.1%)

    Diaries (57.3%)

    Lists (55.5%)

    Writing on hand (43.8%)

    Object positioning (41.8%)

    Getting others to remind them (34.9%)

    Calendars and timetables (31.5%)

    Mental checking (8.2%)

    Mental rehearsal (6.8%)

    Forming associations (6.2%)

    Mental visualising (4.1%)

    Clocks and watch alarms (3.4%)


    Cross check



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    Keep records

    Conduct regular audits

    Are the defences working?

    Use the procedure assessment tool

    Can a defence be applied to other tasks?

    Common tasks or SOPs

    Those who are engaged in the task areoften the best people to design and applya defence.

    Those who conduct the task shouldown any procedure relating to adefence.

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    Error Management

    Set up an error management programme

    Evaluate all tasks and activities in which missed steps are likely to

    have serious consequences or which have a history of error

    Review the task or activity in a practical sequence of steps

    Asses each step for possible error, survey several users

    Prepare a customised reminder standard operating procedure

    Use a good reminder:-

    Catch the attention at the critical time

    Positioned as close as possible in time and space to the location of the action

    Information about the when and where of the item to be remembered

    Information regarding what has to be done

    Count off the number of actions/tasks that need to be done

    Reminders need regular renewal

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    Prevent missing out a step

    Checklist design


    Cross check / monitoring

    Secret papers dual checks

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    Check and recheck

    Technical innovation allows new opportunity for error

    Always review SOPs with any change of equipment

    Remember that the photocopier repair mans name is Murphy

    People introduce error, by design of equipment or by process

    andWhy is the toner always low when you wish to use

    the copier?

  • 7/29/2019 Error Management Photocopier


    Technical innovation allows new opportunity for errorAlways review SOPs with change of equipment

    The photocopier repair mans name is Murphy

    People introduce error, by design of equipment or process