Erasmus+ Programme – ollaborative Partnership Project … · 2017. 10. 3. · 3 The Event 1....

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Transcript of Erasmus+ Programme – ollaborative Partnership Project … · 2017. 10. 3. · 3 The Event 1....


Erasmus+ Programme – Collaborative Partnership

Project reference No: 579960-EPP-1-2016-2-IT-SPO-SCP


Summary The Event ........................................................................................................................................................... 3

Project materials ............................................................................................................................................. 11

Press review ..................................................................................................................................................... 14

Appendix .......................................................................................................................................................... 24

List of Figures Figure 1. Сoncepts Conference Hall, SUITE Hotel, Sofia, Bulgaria ..................................................................... 4

Figure 2. Mrs. Iren Tsvetkova, President of Bulgarian Sport for All Association ............................................... 5

Figure 3. Dr. Eng. Stefano Armenia, BRISWA Project Coordinator…………………………………………………………………6

Figure 4. Prof. Latchezar Dimitrov, Director of Bulgarian Football Coaching Academy. ................................... 7

Figure 5. Prof. Daniela Dasheva, Lecturer of National Sports Academy “Vasil Levski” and ex-minister of

Ministry Youth and Sport .................................................................................................................................. 8

Figure 6. Dr. Irena Dimitrova, Head of the Department of Prevention, Integration, Sport & Tourism Sofia

Municipality ...................................................................................................................................................... 9

Figure 7. Guests, Lecturers and delegates from partner organizations of 2nd Workshop BRISWA ................. 10

Figure 8. Mrs. Iren Tsvetkova gave an interview to the media ....................................................................... 12

Figure 9. BRISWA Conference Roll-Up (left) and Standard Project Roll-Up (right) ......................................... 13

Figure 10. BRISWA workshop poster (left) and brochure (right) .................................................................... 13

Figure 11. Briswa Official Banner .................................................................................................................... 13

Figure 12. BRISWA official t-shirts and banner................................................................................................ 14

Figure 13. BRISWA plaques ........................................................................ Errore. Il segnalibro non è definito.

Apendix on-line video ..................................................................................................................................... 24


The Event

1. BRISWA Project – 2nd International Workshop

Last 07

th July, at the SUITE HOTEL, SOFIA, Сoncepts Conference Hall, was held the 2


International Workshop of the project "BRISWA - The Ball Rolls in the Same Way for All". Many

relevant speakers have attended this event as:

Prof. Latchezar Dimitrov, Director of Bulgarian football coaching academy;

Mrs. Yordanka Blagoeva, Vice President of Bulgarian Olympic Committee;

Andrey Petrov, Project development officer of Bulgarian Football Union;

Prof. Daniela Dasheva, DSc. Lecturer of National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski”;

Dr. Irena Dimitrova, Head of the Department of Prevention, Integration, Sport & Tourism

Sofia Municipality;

Mrs. Milena Dyankova International Protection, Cooperation and Coordination Department;

Mr. Michael Delev, General Secretary of Bulgarian Association of Sports Journalists;

Mr. Tasko Taskov, Professional Football Referee;

Ms. Hristiana Guteva, Professional Football Referee of Referees Committee, Bulgarian

Football Union;

Mrs. Desislava Koleva-Ivanova, Marketing expert of WinBet;

Dr. Ivan Stoilov, President of FC Olympia;

Mr. Viktor Kirkov, President of Sports Management Bulgaria.


Figure 1. Сoncepts Conference Hall, SUITE Hotel, Sofia, Bulgaria.

The purpose of the BRISWA project, which aggregates 7 partners from Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary,

Romania, Greece and Serbia is to tackle the issue of racism in the world of football and sport. The

BRISWA project mainly aims at re-examining racism in football, as well as also other

discriminations in sports in general, by analyzing its roots and nature and by promoting, through a

sound scientific work on social analysis, a more thorough and active approach against it, thus

evidencing what could be the best practical policies to mitigate this social cancer.

The workshop has been introduced by the President of Bulgarian Sport for All Association Mrs.

Iren Tsvetkova which gave the opening Workshop speech and present the guest speakers of the



Figure 2. Mrs. Iren Tsvetkova, President of Bulgarian Sport for All Association.

She is glad that Bulgaria, Sofia is hosted by the 2nd

Workshop and she believe that the conference

would “spread a message of equality between races, genres and religions among footballers;

especially among the youngest”. After that she present her report of BSfAA work in BRISWA


Greetings from the project coordinator Dr. Eng. Stefano Armenia which present objectives of the

project BRISWA.


Figure 3. Dr. Eng. Stefano Armenia, BRISWA Project Coordinator.

After the greetings from some of BRISWA partners Prof. Latchezar Dimitrov, Director of

Bulgarian Football Coaching Academy shared his own long experience from the practice. He

congratulated the organizers for the good initiative and took note of the country's need for such



Figure 3. Prof. Latchezar Dimitrov, Director of Bulgarian Football Coaching Academy.

Prof. Daniela Dasheva, Lecturer of National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” present the coaching

profession for intercultural education and put racism offside. She was talked about facts, coaches

knowledge, skills and competences of the profession. Finally, she present Programme design for

educational and ethic coach training.


Figure 5. Prof. Daniela Dasheva, Lecturer of National Sports Academy “Vasil Levski” and ex-minister of Ministry Youth and Sport.

The Head of the Department of Prevention, Integration, Sport & Tourism of Sofia Municipality Dr.

Irena Dimitrova present Multi-ethnic Sofia. She talk about Sofia Strategy for development of

Physical Education and Sports 2012 – 2020. Also about measures for promoting health and

integration through sport for all social groups and good practices in Sofia municipality initiatives.


Figure 6. Dr. Irena Dimitrova, Head of the Department of Prevention, Integration, Sport & Tourism Sofia Municipality.

In the 2 nd Workshop presented also other lecturers as Andrey Petrov, Project development

officer of Bulgarian Football Union. He talk about football against racism and discrimination in

Europe and in Bulgaria.

Mrs. Milena Dyankova International Protection, Cooperation and Coordination Department

presented events and good practices in the field of discrimination.

Ms. Hristiana Guteva, Professional Football Referee of Referees Committee in Bulgarian

Football Union gave her point of view about the racism in football and sport.

Guests lecturers were also Mr. Michael Delev, General Secretary of Bulgarian Association of

Sports Journalists, Mr. Tasko Taskov, Professional Football Referee, Mrs. Desislava Koleva-

Ivanova, Marketing expert of WinBet, Dr. Ivan Stoilov, President of FC Olympia and Mr. Viktor

Kirkov, President of Sports Management Bulgaria.


Figure 7. Guests, Lecturers and delegates from partner organizations of 2nd

Workshop BRISWA.

Тhe second Workshop was very well reflected in media. Mrs. Iren Tsvetkova gave an interview to

various media that reflected the event and popularized racism at the local level.

Figure 8. Mrs. Iren Tsvetkova gave an interview to the media.



In the afternoon, after the 2nd

International Workshop, a consortium meeting was held among all

project partners. Basically, all partners discussed questions about the implementation of the project.

The main objectives of the meeting were:

1. Project amendment discussion

2. 2nd

Progress Report discussion

3. Indications for Survey translation and spread

4. New anti-racism professional figure in football teams

5. Planning for next activities and events 07 – 09.2017

6. Experience in popularizing project information by social media and collecting project


7. Trimestral Financial and timesheet report corrections

8. AOB (Any other Business)

The Project Coordinator, Dr. Eng. Armenia, showed and explained many of topics such as the next

activities, questionnaire and so on.

Project materials

1. Roll-up, brochure, poster, banner, t-shirts

Below we show the BRISWA project materials that were realized for the event (all available on the

project website):


Figure 9. BRISWA Conference Roll-Up (left) and Standard Project Roll-Up (right).


Figure 10. BRISWA workshop poster (left) and brochure (right).

Figure 11. Briswa Official Banner.


Figure 12. BRISWA official t-shirts and banner.

Figure 13. BRISWA plaques.

Press review The 2

nd BRISWA International Workshop (Sofia, 07-07-2017) has received extensive coverage by

many national media: TV, radios, newspapers and websites. All the materials (press review, photo

and video) was shared in the official BRISWA web site ( as well as on related

social channels (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram). The event has also been broadcasted via live

streaming on the BRISWA official Facebook page ( and then the

related video has also been published on the project’s official YouTube channel.

Media Monitoring


July 2017

Bulgarian Telegraph Agency


София домакин на мащабна среща „Да махнем расизма от спорта”

В петък (7 юли) от 10:00 сутринта в Suitehotel , Студентски град ще се проведе втората

международна конференция „ Да махнем расизма от спорта” по проект BRISWA The BALL


На форума в столицата ще присъстват спортни личности от 6 държави (Италия, Румъния,

Гърция, Сърбия, Унгария и България). От наша страна свои лекции и презентации ще

изнесат Йорданка Благоева- вицепрезидент на БОК, Андрей Петров- мениджър проекти и

програми в БФС, проф. Лъчезар Димитров- директор на треньорската школа по футбол,

проф. Даниела Дашева-преподавател в НСА, бившият професионален съдия Таско Тасков,

председателката на „Асоциация спорт за всички” Ирен Цветкова и други.

В рамките на целия ден гостите и българските представители ще обсъждат и коментират

идеи за намаляването и тоталното ограничаване на разисма в спортните събития. Стефано

Армения (Италия), който е главен координатор на BRISWA ще покаже специално направени

видео материали по темата и ще разкрие основните движещи сили на това явление.

Посланието за равенство между раса, пол, религия и етнос също ще бъде един от акцентите

на предстоящата в петък международна конференция .

More publications


Focus Agency




7 th

July 2017

Agency BGNES


Спортни личности уважиха срещата „Да махнем расизма от спорта”

Пред пълна зала в Suitehotel, Студентски град завърши втората международна конференция „

Да махнем расизма от спорта” по проект BRISWA The BALL ROLLS inthe SAME WAY for


Събитието уважиха гости от 6 държави (Италия, Румъния, Гърция, Сърбия, Унгария и

България). Всички те изнесоха лекции и показаха презентации на случаи на расизъм в спорта

и мерките с които да ограничат движещите сили на явлението.

От българска страна по темата с примери , видео и снимки говориха председателката на

„Асоциация спорт за всички” Ирен Цветкова, Андрей Петров- мениджър проекти и програми

в БФС, проф. Лъчезар Димитров- директор на треньорската школа по футбол , проф. Даниела

Дашева-преподавател в НСА, бившият професионален съдия Таско Тасков, неговата колежка

в съдийството Християна Гутева, мениджърът на „Отбора на надеждата” Виктор Кирков и


Стефано Армения (Италия), който е главен координатор на BRISWA коментира проблема в

световен мащаб, като подчерта, че от година на година тенденцията на проява на расизъм в

спорта намалява и борбата за равенство между раса, пол , религия и етнос ще продължи

активно и в следващите дни и месеци. Всички гости изразиха своята подкрепа за каузата и се

обединиха около решението да бъдат по-често организирани подобни семинари с

международно участие, за да може обществото да научава реалните проблеми и тяхното



More publications



Bulgarian National TV – Sport news 7 th

July 12:20h.


Channel 3 Reportage and interview of the event



On-line Videos



