Equine Therapy For Children With Disabilities By: Courtney Fischer Kristin Ripplinger.

Post on 24-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Equine Therapy For Children With Disabilities By: Courtney Fischer Kristin Ripplinger.

Equine Therapy For

Children With Disabilities

By: Courtney Fischer Kristin Ripplinger

History: Early recognition 460 BCTherapeutic Riding in 1875

French neurologist discovered the improvement of balance, motion and muscle control

in his patients. United States 1969

North American Riding for the Handicapped Association (NARHA)

Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA)

Today: What It Is… " When on a horse, your strengths are combined,

and your weaknesses diminished." -(quote by Neil Cutler, a disabled rider)

Equine Assisted Activities and Therapies-Therapeutic riding, driving, and vaulting-Equine facilitated mental health programs


TODAY: What It Is…Goals/Beliefs/Lessons:

-Assist in reaching goals set by the mental health professional and the client

-Empowerment and decision making opportunities

-Goals may be related to self-improvement, social interaction, increased awareness, and or education.

Disabilities: Autism Cerebral Palsy Muscular Dystrophy Down Syndrome Spina BifidaMultiple SclerosisTraumatic Brain InjuryDevelopmental Delay Sensory Impairments

Personal Improvements: “Riding a horse makes someone small feel large, long-

legged and powerful.-” - Hoop Prints Equine Therapy for Autistic Children

Riding helps children to …-work with their hands-gain confidence -learn new skills

Children with Physical Disabilities work on their…-muscle tone -balance-strength

Equine Therapy helps a child as a whole:


Characteristics Of Horses: “A dog looks up to a man, a cat looks down on a man,

but a patient horse looks a man in the eye and sees him as an equal.”


Horses naturally have:-patience-loyalty-a quiet way of listening- and responding

Horses also require … lots of care.

Relationship Between Horse And Man:

“The relationship between man and horse is as old as man himself.”

-The History and Development of Equine Therapy A relationship between a horse and rider can increase


Developing a bond that lessons: -loneliness-depression-isolation

Children can connect with horses because they are-fearful-untrustworthy-shy

Activities: Mental:

-Naming Obstacles -Performing Tasks from Horseback

Physical: -Directing the Horse-Lunging -Handling -Grooming -Vaulting -Driving - Approaching a Horse

Lessons:-Learning to Ride-Life Lessons:

- Trust, Confidence, Responsibility and Respect

Benefits Of The Body:

Speech SmileLaugh Strength of Muscles Confidence Muscle Control Muscle Relaxation Posture Hand- Eye Coordination

Benefits Of The Mind: Building Relationships Inner Personal Effectiveness – EmotionsSelf – Esteem Confidence Communication Trust Decreases Depression BoundariesTeam WorkHand-Eye CoordinationExercises Working the Mind Honesty, Patience, and RespectProper Use of Power and Control

Benefits Of The Spirit: “A man on a horse is spiritually as well as physically

bigger than a man on foot.”-John Steinbeck, The Red Pony

The connection between … horse and individual.

-Lifting Spirits -Inner Happiness -Increases Positive Emotions

The joy an individual gets from riding. -He Smiles

-He Laughs

-She Loves

In Conclusion:

“Put horses and humans together …miracles will happen. Lives can be altered.”

-Equine-Facilitated Psychotherapy


Thank You!Any Questions?

Work Citied: www.google.com/images http://www.weforanimals.com http://www.asocequinoterapia.org/english/historia.htm http://blogs.psychcentral.com/equine-therapy/2011/01/a-short-history-of-equine-therapy/ http://www.harha.org/ Article: Hoof Prints Equine Therapy for Autistic Children Article: Equine Facilitated Mental Health Article: Equine-Facilitated Psychotherapy Article: Broomstick Horses and Pony Dreams-How to pick the Best Therapeutic Riding Program for Your

Child Article: Improvements in muscle symmetry in children with cerebral palsy after equine-assisted therapy

(Hippotherapy). Article: Equine-assisted psychotherapy: a mental health promotion/intervention modality for children

who have experienced intro-family violence. Article: Equine-Facilitated Learning for Youths with Severe Emotional Disorders: A Quantitative and

Qualitative Study Article: Equine Therapy: Making the Connection Article: The History and Development of Equine Therapy Article: The effectiveness of equine-assisted experiential therapy: Results of an open clinical trial. Article: Equine-assisted psychotherapy: A mental health promotion/intervention modality for children

who have experienced intra-family violence.