Equality and diversity

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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One of a series of resources made avialable for the JISC RSC-SE

Transcript of Equality and diversity

Developed from resources found at: http://www.leadershiplearning.org.uk/course/view.php?id=326 With thanks.

Equality and DiversityEquality and Diversity

An introduction

Developed from resources found at: http://www.leadershiplearning.org.uk/course/view.php?id=326 With thanks.

Equality and diversity starts with us.

Addressing equality and diversity involves the establishment of equal access to, and participation in, education for all people no matter what sex, race or religion.

Some of these groups may not be familiar to us and we may not encounter them in our daily lives.

Yet, we will work and learn alongside them.

Developed from resources found at: http://www.leadershiplearning.org.uk/course/view.php?id=326 With thanks.

We therefore need to be open to:

• new ideas

• people different from ourselves

• new ways of doing things.

Developed from resources found at: http://www.leadershiplearning.org.uk/course/view.php?id=326 With thanks.

We should consider:

• Why do we THINKTHINK the way we do?

• Why do we BEHAVEBEHAVE the way we do?

• What are the MAJOR INFLUENCESMAJOR INFLUENCES that impact on our behaviour and attitudes?

Developed from resources found at: http://www.leadershiplearning.org.uk/course/view.php?id=326 With thanks.

Social influences - IcebergIceberg

This diagram illustrates simply how a combination of early messages, images and views influence our values, beliefs, attitudes and ultimately behaviour.

Every day we display, and see in others, behaviour and sometimes attitudes:

– the top two layers of the iceberg

– but not usually the underlying beliefs and values.

Every day we display, and see in others, behaviour and sometimes attitudes:

– the top two layers of the iceberg

– but not usually the underlying beliefs and values.

Also see notes page

Developed from resources found at: http://www.leadershiplearning.org.uk/course/view.php?id=326 With thanks.

Values and Influences

• My values and attitudes • Influences

Developed from resources found at: http://www.leadershiplearning.org.uk/course/view.php?id=326 With thanks.

End of introduction

• We have seen that equality and diversity begins with us and we have looked at our own:– Influences– Attitudes

• Now that we are aware of these what should we do?

• The next resource deals with this question.

• Now that we are aware of these what should we do?

• The next resource deals with this question.