Equal Remuneration Legislation Act, 1976

Post on 05-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Equal Remuneration Legislation Act, 1976

  • 7/31/2019 Equal Remuneration Legislation Act, 1976


    Equal Remuneration

    legislation Act, 1976

  • 7/31/2019 Equal Remuneration Legislation Act, 1976


    Plan of Presentation

    Background Introduction Definitions

    Objectives Scope Provisions Other provisions

    Penalties Exceptions Conclusion

  • 7/31/2019 Equal Remuneration Legislation Act, 1976



    Factors for lower payments to womenemployees :-

    Unsuitability for many jobs

    Concentration in less skilled job Restriction on job opportunities

    Additional expenditure on their employment

    Low productivity

    Relatively less mobility and

    Lack of permanence in employment.

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    The term remuneration in general means compensation or pay. Remuneration is wages or salary, typically money that is paid for

    services rendered as an employee. Remuneration can include: Commission

    Compensation Executive compensation Deferred compensation

    Employee stock option Fringe benefit Salary

    Performance Linked Incentives


  • 7/31/2019 Equal Remuneration Legislation Act, 1976



    The principle of this act is equal pay for equalwork to men and women.

    Payment should be equal irrespective of the sex

    in same or similar kind ofwork. Article 39 under the DPSP, secure equal pay for

    equal work for both men and women.

    Equal remuneration ordinance was promulgatedin sept. 1975 the ordinance was replaced by anact of the same name in 1976.

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    The objectives of the act is the paymentof equal remuneration to men and womenworkers and for the prevention of

    discrimination, on the ground of sex,against women in the matter ofemployment.

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    The act is applicable to whole of India.

    This act does not discriminate betweenwomen of SC, ST, GEN, Ex-Serviceman orany priority sector or reservation on castebasis.

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    It is the duty of employer to pay equalremuneration.[sec2(h)]

    Prohibition of discrimination in recruitment

    or other conditions of service.Advisory committee

    Authorities for hearing and deciding claims

    and complaints Maintenance of registers


  • 7/31/2019 Equal Remuneration Legislation Act, 1976


    Other Provisions

    Power to make rules

    Power of central govt. to give direction.

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    The following offences under the act arepunishable with simple imprisonment for a termwhich may extend to one month or fine upto

    10,000 or with both:- Failure in maintenance of registers, records,

    muster roll or other document.

    Prevents his agents or worker to give anyevidence.

    Refusal by the employer to give any information.

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    The following offences of the employer arepunishable with fine which will not be less thanRs 10,000 but not more than Rs 20,000 or withimprisonment not less than 3 months but notmore than 1 year or both for the 1st offence, andwith imprisonment which may extend to 2 yearsfor any other offences below:-

    Recruitment against the provisions of Act.

    Making unequal payments to men and women

    Making any discrimination between them

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    A person who refuses to product thedocument required by an inspector ordoes not give required information to him

    is punishable with a fine which mayextend to Rs. 500

    Trial of offences under judicial magistrate.

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    Any special treatment is accorded to women inconnection of birth or expected birth of a child

    The terms and conditions of a womensemployment are in any respect affected by

    compliance with the law regulating theemployment of women.

    If the discrimination is not based on sex factorand if it is found so.

    If any difficulty arising while giving effect to theprovisions of the Act, the central govt. maymake orders for the purpose of removing thosedifficulties

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    The act is progressive measure based onthe principle of social justice of sexes.

    The act enhances the social, economical

    and political status of women in thecountry.

    This Act is a bold step and if implemented

    in a true spirit will contribute to do awaywith an age-old discrimination suffered bywomen.

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