EQAO Literacy test Thursday, march 31 st

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EQAO Literacy test Thursday, march 31 st. structure. logistics . sample questions/tasks. tips for taking the test. advice. What is the OSSLT?. The OSSLT is a provincial test of literacy (reading and writing) skills students have acquired by Grade 10. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of EQAO Literacy test Thursday, march 31 st


structurelogistics sample

questions/taskstips for taking the testadvice

What is the OSSLT?

The OSSLT is a provincial test of literacy (reading and writing) skills students have acquired by Grade 10.

It is based on the literacy skills expected in The Ontario Curriculum across all subject areas up to the end of Grade 9.

It is a graduation requirement.

Details of the Day

Administration Date: March 31, 2011 Test Materials: 2 test booklets, with

one Student Answer Sheet Duration: 2.5 hours of testing time in

total Results: an Individual Student Report

indicating whether you are successful or unsuccessful (mid-June 2011)


WARNING 8:15Instructions 8:20 – 8:30

Booklet 1 8:30 – 9:45

BREAK 9:45 – 9:55

WARNING 9:55Booklet 2 10:00 – 11:15

LUNCH 11:20 – 12:00

ALL STUDENTS(including those that wrote the literacy test)

WARNING 12:05Period 1 12:10 – 1:15Period 5 1:20 – 2:24


How long will it take me to write the test?

The allotted time for each of the two sessions is

one hour and 15 minutes. It is very important

that you manage your time properly to complete

the entire test.

And if I fail?

You can take the test again the following year.

You can also talk to your parents or guardians and your school principal and/or teacher about taking the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OSSLC) instead of retaking the test.

Where do I write the test?The tests and writing rooms are

organised in alphabetical order – not by homeroom.

Homeroom teachers will give inform you of your writing room – please write it down. Lists will also be posted in the Main Office windows.

Trial Run – Wednesday before Period 2

What should I bring? a couple of pens/pencils an eraser a highlighter Kleenex ….

What should I NOT bring? no cell phones, Ipods, or electronic

devices of any kind

And if I finish early?You will not be allowed to leave early –

you will sit and wait until the time is up.

And if I have to go to the bathroom?

The teacher supervising your room will call the Main Office, and an adult will escort you to and from the bathroom.

What is on the test?Reading selections:

information paragraph- (approx. 225 to 250

words long)– news report– dialogue/story

(approx. 225 to 250 words long)

– real-life narrative(approx. 600 words long)

- graphic(fewer than 150 words)

Types of questions:• multiple-choice• open-response(six lines each)

Writing Tasks

2 long-writing tasks– news report (one page)– series of paragraphs expressing an opinion (two pages)

2 short-writing tasks (generally opinion questions - six lines each)

What are they looking for?– developing a main idea with supporting details– organization of ideas– language conventions

Sample: Reading Selection & Mulitple Choice Questions

In 2006, the Canadian Museum of Civilization (CMC) celebrated its 150th birthday as animportant centre for the preservation and presentation of Canadian heritage. It is one ofthe most visited museums in the world. Nearly 1.4 million visitors a year marvel at itscollection and also at the building itself. Architect Douglas Cardinal designed the curvingshape of the building to emulate the way Canada’s rocky landscape was carved by glaciersand rivers. The Grand Hall, which is shaped like a canoe, displays the world’s largestcollection of totem poles as well as six Pacific coast Aboriginal houses. The forestbackdrop, stretching the full length of the hall, is the world’s largest colour photograph.The museum’s first exhibits in 1856 were a few glass cases containing rocks, minerals andAboriginal artifacts such as stone tools, pipes and pottery collected by geologists andexplorers. Over the years, the collection developed along with the country, becoming morediverse and modern. Today, the CMC’s collection includes items from the ancient past to thepresent day, from gigantic Haida canoes to a guitar used by rock star Randy Bachman(of the group the Guess Who). Only a portion of the museum’s acquisitions is on display atonce, but over 50 000 artifacts can be seen online. About 10 million people around theworld log on to the museum’s Web site each year. Real and virtual visitors to the CMChave found a rewarding way to explore Canada’s rich and varied history and culture.Grand Hall

1. The Grand Hall is shaped like a canoe because ita. honours the architectb. accommodates more visitorsc. represents Aboriginal heritaged. permits more artifacts to be displayed

2. Which of the following items are contrasted in this reading selection?

a. past and present visitorsb. rocky and flat landscapesc. early and modern artifactsd. Aboriginal and present-day houses

3. Which word is closest in meaning to “emulate” as used in line 5 of this selection?

a. imitateb. disguisec. advertised. designate

Strategies for answering Multiple Choice Questions

underline/circle/highlight key words in the question always read all of the choices – a) might look like a

good answer, but it might not be the best answer eliminate the answers you know are wrong think of these as true/false questions get rid of answers with negatives or absolutes read slowly and reread the question & answers to

make sure you’re reading what’s actually written remember, you’re looking for the best answer answer every question

Strategies for Short Open-Response Reading Questions

Read and reread the question carefully. Keep your answer within the six lines provided. Answer the question using specific and relevant

details and information from the reading selection.

Make connections between the ideas and information in the reading selection and your own experience.

Reread your response and correct any errors you notice.

For example: Summarize this selection. Include a main idea and one detail that supports it.

Sample: Short Writing Tasks

Poor Answer – too vague; no detail

Better Answer – main idea expressed; specific example given

Strategies for the Short-Writing Task

Opening and closing sentences - and they have to match!

Read and reread the question carefully. Think of connections between the topic

and your knowledge & personal experiences – always give an example.

Answer the question using specific details and relevant information.

Reread your response and correct any errors you notice.

Sample: News Report

Task: Write a news report based on the headline and picture on the next page.

• You will have to make up the facts and information, answering some orall of the following questions: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?• You must relate your newspaper report to both the headline and the picture.

Student volunteers improve school grounds

Purpose and Audience: to report on an event for the readers of a newspaperLength: The lined space provided for your written work indicates the approximate length of the writing expected.

Poor Answer – Level 10/60

-no paragraphing-no lead -no direct quotation-doesn’t answer Where? When?-expresses an opinion – bias

Better – Level 40/60

-clear paragraphing- lead answers Who? What? Where? When?-specific details to explain what, how and why-no opinion expressed-still no direct quotation

Strategies for the News Report

Look closely at the headline and picture.

Think of an event that relates to them. Brainstorm, brainstorm, brainstorm! Make up the information and specific

details/facts as you answer some or all of the following questions: what, how, why?

Your lead/first paragraph must answer these questions:

Who? What? Where? When? Write your report using the third


Sample: Series of Paragraphs Expressing an Opinion

-too short-opinion is inconsistent-no details or specific reasons for opinion-no facts or examples

Poor Answer

Better Answer

-still too short-opinion is inconsistent-few details - vague reasons for opinion – good ideas from the first paragraph are not developed-no facts or examples-poor organisation

Even Better Answer

-a bit short-opinion is clear and consistent -sufficient details -general reasons for opinion-facts and examples are supplied-organisation is okay

Strategies for the Series of Paragraphs

Read the topic question and decide what position you will take in your response.

Stick to your position! – no flip-flops! Clearly state your opinion at the

beginning of your response. Write at least three paragraphs.

Include an introduction, 1-2 body paragraphs and a conclusion.

Support your opinion with reasons and relevant examples or facts.

Make sure the divisions between paragraphs are clear.

Advice the books won’t give you!

Answer every question – even if you’re guessing!

Brainstorm your answers – especially for the long writing tasks

Read the selections, read the questions, then read the selection again

Read carefully! Fill the lines – if you’re typing, fill half!

Don’t go over – they won’t mark what’s not on a line.

Choose to do the harder/longer tasks first.
