Epilogue (Psych 41)Pdf

Post on 17-May-2015

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Transcript of Epilogue (Psych 41)Pdf

Kathleen Stassen Berger

Prepared by Madeleine Lacefield

Tattoon, M.A.



Death and Dying

Death and Hope

Dying and Acceptance



Death and Dying

• ―Death mirrors the complexity of life

as death highlights cultural

differences and ethical dilemmas.‖

– thanatology is the study of death and

dying, especially social and emotional



Death and Hope

• What is death?

– a end or a beginning

– a private and personal event

– a part of the larger culture

– something to deny or avoid

– something to welcome


Death and Hope


Death Through the Life Span

―In order to understand what death means to people, we begin with developmental differences. The meaning assigned to death—either the person’s own death or the death of another person—depends partly on cognitive maturation and personal experience.‖


Death in Childhood

• children as young as 2 have some

understanding of death, but their

perspective differs from that of older

family members

• children have some comprehension

of death—adults cannot assume that

children share their perceptions


Death in Adulthood

• a major shift in attitude about death

occurs when adults become

responsible for work and family

• death is not romanticized, but

dreaded as something to be avoided

or at least postponed


Death in Late Adulthood

• in late adulthood, anxiety about death decreases

• a sign of mental health in older adults is acceptance of their mortality

• older people write their wills, designate health proxies---performing these actions does not mean that they have given up on life


Many Religions, Many Cultures

• Views of Death in Major Religions

– Buddhism

– Hinduism

– Native American Traditions

– Judaism

– Christianity

– Islam


Many Religions, Many Cultures

• Respect for Ancestors

• Spiritual and Cultural Affirmation

– near-death experience

• an episode in which a person comes close to dying but survives and reports having left his or her body and having moved towards a bright, white light while feeling peacefulness and joy


Dying and Acceptance

• A good death is one that is peaceful and quick and occurs at the end of along life, in familiar surrounding with family and friend present and without pain, confusion, or discomfort


Dying and Acceptance

• Attending to the Needs of the Dying– Honest Conversation

– The Hospice• an institution in which terminally ill patients

receive palliative care

– Comfort Care• palliative care

– care designed not to treat an illness but to relieve the pain and suffering of the patient and his or her family

• double effect– an ethical situation in which a person performs an

action that is good or morally neutral but has ill effects that are foreseen, though not desired


Dying and Acceptance

• Choices and Controversies– When is a Person Dead?

• passive euthanasia

– a situation in which a seriously ill person is allowed to die naturally, through the cessation of medical intervention

• do not resuscitate (DNR)

– a written order from a physician (sometimes initiated by a patient’s advance directive or by a health care proxy’s request) that no attempt should be made to revive a patient if he or she suffers cardiac or respiratory arrest


Dying and Acceptance

• Choices and Controversies– When is a Person Dead?

• active euthanasia

– a situation in which someone takes action to bring about another person’s death, with the intention of ending that person's suffering

» slippery slope – the argument that a given action will start a chain of events that will culminate in an undesirable outcome

• physician-assisted suicide

– a form of active euthanasia in which a doctor provides the means for someone to end his or her own life


Dying and Acceptance

– The Netherlands

– Oregon


Dying and Acceptance

• Advance Directives

– living will

• a document that indicates what medical intervention an individual wants if he or she becomes incapable of expressing those wishes

– health care proxy

• a person chosen by another person to make medical decisions if the second person becomes unable to do so



• Normal Grief

– Grief and Mourning

• bereavement– the sense of loss following a death

• grief– an individual's emotional response to the death of


• mourning– the ceremonies and behavior that a religion or culture

prescribes for bereaved people



– Seeking Blame and Meaning

• a common impulse after death is for the

survivor to asses blame

• the normal grief reaction is intense and

irrational at first but gradually eases

• time, social support, and traditions help



– Complicated Grief

• absent grief

– a situation in which overly private people cut

themselves off from the community and customs of

expected grief—can lead to social isolation

• disenfranchised grief

– a situation in which certain people, although they are

bereaved, are not allowed to mourn publicly

• incomplete grief

– a situation in which circumstances, such as a police

investigation or an autopsy, interfere with the process

of grieving


Diversity of Reactions

• bereaved people depend on the customs and

attitudes of their culture to guide them though

their irrational thoughts and personal grief