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Environmental Monitoring Report

This environmental monitoring report has been submitted to ADB by the Project Management Unit, Tourism Development Board, Shimla and is made publicly available in accordance with ADB’s public communications policy (2011). It does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB.

This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Project Number: 40648-023 February 2016 Period: July 2015 – December 2015

IND: Infrastructure Development Investment Program for Tourism - Tranche 1

Submitted by

Project Management Unit, Tourism Development Board, Shimla

EMR July to December, 2015 Page i




July to December 2015

Department of Tourism, Government of Himachal Pradesh

This report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management or staff and may be

preliminary in nature.

EMR July to December, 2015 Page ii


ADB–Asian Development Bank

BOD–Biological Oxygen Demand CCMP–Comprehensive Conservation Master Plan DC–Deputy Commissioner

DP –Development Plan

DSC –Design & Supervision Consultants EA- Executing Agency EARF – Environmental Assessment Review Framework EIA –Environmental Impact Assessment EMP –Environmental Management Plan FCA–Forest Conservation Act GoI –Government of India GoHP – Government of Himachal Pradesh

HPIPH–Himachal Pradesh Irrigation & Public Health

HPPCB–Himachal Pradesh Pollution Control Board HPSEB –Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board

IDIPT–Infrastructure Development Investment Program for Tourism

IEE–Initial environmental examination MLD–Million Liters per day MOEF–Ministry of Environment and Forests MSL–Mean Sea Level

NGO–Non-Governmental Organization NHAI–National Highways Authority of India NOC –No Objection Certificate O &M–Operations & Management PFR –Periodic Financing Request PIU –Project Implementation Unit PMC-Project Management Consultants PMU–Project Management Unit REA –Rapid Environmental Assessment RH –Rest House RPM–Respirable Particulate Matter SADA –Special Area Development Authority SEAC –State Expert Appraisal Committee

SEIAA–State Environment Impact Assessment Authority

SPM–Suspended Particulate Matter SPS –Safeguards Policy Statement TCP–Town & Country Planning

TDS –Total Dissolved Solids

TSS–Total Suspended Solids VFDS –Village Forest Development Society YSS–Youth Services & Sport

EMR July to December, 2015 Page iii


1 Introduction 1

2 Compliance status with National / State / Local statutory requirements 2

3 Compliance status with the environmental covenants as stipulated in the Loan Agreement 15

4 Compliance status with the environmental management and monitoring plans and environmental assessment and review framework/ procedures, as stipulated in the environmental documentation as agreed with ADB


5 Approach and methodology for environmental monitoring of the project 19

6 Follow up actions & conclusions 20


Environmental Monitoring Status Chart 21

Annexure–Copies of NOCs and Statutory Approvals obtained by HPTDB 47



Environmental Closure Report: Package 1.1 (Circular Road)

2 Environmental Closure Report: Package 3.1 (TRC, Pong)

3 Environmental Closure Report: Package 3.2 (Parking, Pong)

4 Environmental Closure Report: Package 3.3 (Camping, Pong)

5 Environmental Closure Report: Package 3.4 (Jetty Pong)

6 Environmental Closure Report: Package 5.1 B (FRH, Dhameta)

7 Environmental Closure Report: Package 8.1 (Parking, Brajeshwari)

IDIPT – (HP) Project – 1 ADB Project No.40648

EMR July to December, 2015 Page 1


1. Introduction

1.1 The Infrastructure Development Investment Program for Tourism (IDIPT) envisages environmentally and culturally sustainable and socially

inclusive tourism development in the project states of Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Tamil Nadu and Uttarakhand. The expected impact of the

project in the four states is sustainable and inclusive tourism development in priority State tourism sub-circuits divided into marketable cluster

destinations that exhibit enhanced protection and management of key natural and cultural heritage tourism sites, improved market connectivity,

enhanced destination and site environment and tourist support infrastructure and enhanced capacities for site improvement and sustainable

development with extensive participation of the private sector and local communities.

1.2 Supporting programs will be established for developing the capacities to promote private sector participation and small businesses to increase the

benefits they gain from tourism, and stimulating more active tourism-related economic and livelihood activities. Consultancy will support project

implementation and programs for developing the capacities of sector agencies for sustainable management of tourism and related infrastructure

and services. Two batches of subprojects are anticipated from each participating state, which the government will then consolidate, if applicable,

and forward to ADB in the form of periodic financing requests (PFRs).

1.3 The investment program uses a sector approach which requires reparation of an Environmental Assessment Review Framework (EARF) that sets

out specific procedures to be followed for subprojects, and for implementation of the project as a whole. The EARF is in accordance with

Government of India (the Government) rules and Asian Development Bank ADB) safe guard policies. The EARF reviews the types of subprojects

anticipated under the project and summarizes potential environmental impacts. The EARF provides an overview of the regulations of the

Government, as well as the states and ADB (as per its Safe guards Policy Statement, 2009 [SPS, 2009]) related to environmental assessment,

specifically concerning project environmental classification, review and clearance requirements. Organization for environmental management and

responsibilities for project tasks are enumerated within the project team and the respective state Tourism Departments, along with guidance on

capacity building needs.

1.4 This report is divided into three parts. Part A contains the status of compliance for subprojects in accordance with applicable national, state and

local environmental legislation. It also contains the compliance status as per the ADB Loan Covenants and status of subproject documentation

especially with respect to IEE and EMP and the proposed monitoring mechanism to be followed. Part B contains the factual information on the

basis of site visits by the Safeguards Specialists of PMC. Part C contains the Environmental Closure Reports of the completed subprojects.

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EMR July to December, 2015 Page 2

2. Compliance status with National / State /Local statutory requirements is as follows:

Sr. No.

Name of project

Stipulations Compliance Status Remark/Remedial Actions


Complied Partially complied

Not complied

1 Naina Devi sub project proposal

1.1 Circular Road – 1000 m x 3.75 m):

Statutory approval for diversion of forest land for non-forest purpose under FCA 1980 because 0.4363 ha of the total land required for road alignment passes through forest land has been

Obtained from the MoEF, GoI (conditional) vide letter dated 22


April 2013 (copy attached as Annexure 1).

a) Work completed and there is no any residual impact found at site.

b) Environmental Closure Report is attached as Part C of this report

Statutory approval required from H.P. Forest department for clearing of 79 trees and 550 other vegetation

Forest Corporation and the site was handed over to HP Forest department vide fax dated 20-09-2013 (copy attached as Annexure 2)

1.2 Car parking and other amenities

NOC from Temple Trust

Obtained vide letter no. SND-TTND-3022 dated 6

th July

2011 (copy attached as Annexure 3)

a) Project awarded on 3rd

September, 2014 and the scheduled timeline for completion is 17

th March

2016. b) The updated IEE/EMP for this subproject is part of

contract agreement c) Environmental testing done as per EMP and results

are in limit d) Work is in full swing

NOC from HPSEB Will be obtained by the asset owner.

NOC from HP I &PH Will be obtained by the asset owner.

NOC from M.C. Naina Devi

Obtained vide letter no. 28 MCND-15/ 2010- 2023 dated 9


Dec, 2010 (copy

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EMR July to December, 2015 Page 3

Sr. No.

Name of project

Stipulations Compliance Status Remark/Remedial Actions


Complied Partially complied

Not complied

attached as Annexure 4)

Construction work going on

Safety measures being taken

2 Chintpurni area sub project proposal

2.1 Integrated parking, interpretation Centre, toilets & other visitor amenities

EC from the SEIAA is required as per the EIA notification 2009 under the Environment Protection Act, 1986 due to the project being categorized as

Application submitted on 21


October, 2013. The matter was placed in the 35

th meeting of

Himachal Pradesh State level Expert

a) Contract was awarded on 26th June, 2014 Stipulated time for completion is 1st January, 2017.

b) Updated IEE/EMP is part of contract agreement

c) Environmental testing done as per EMP and results are in limit.

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EMR July to December, 2015 Page 4

Sr. No.

Name of project

Stipulations Compliance Status Remark/Remedial Actions


Complied Partially complied

Not complied

B. Appraisal Committee dated 23

rd January,

2014. The committee intimated to get the project approved from the SADA which later was approved vide letter no. SADA (chint) case no. BP 70/2013- 113-117 dated 18

th July, 2014

(copy attached as Annexure 5)

d) Work in full swing

Construction work at site (Block A)

Construction work at site (Block B)

CTO (Batching Plant)

NOC from department of Languages, Art & Culture to get the land transferred in the name of Temple Trust Chintpurni

Obtained vide no. TTC-7/Parking– 06

V-III dated 12th

March 2013 as well as vide no. IDIPT-HP/2676-IND/ HPTDB/ 2.1/ 2013/ 1219 dated 25


July, 2013. The requisite NOC was obtained (copy attached as Annexure 6)

Statutory approval of project design from S.A.D.A. (Special Area Dev. Authority constituted under HP Town & Country Planning dept)

Obtained vide letter no. TCP-F(6)-8/2014 dated 3

rd June, 2014

(Annexure 7) and vide letter no. SADA (chint) case no. BP 70/2013- 113-117 dated 18

th July, 2014

(refer Annexure 5)

NOC from Temple Trust Chintpurni

Obtained vide no. 2601 MA-MC-1

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Sr. No.

Name of project

Stipulations Compliance Status Remark/Remedial Actions


Complied Partially complied

Not complied

dated 3rd

March 2012 (Annexure 8).

New toilet under construction

NOC from HPSEB Obtained vide letter no. SADA (chint) NOC No. 353/15/118-20 dated 18

th July, 2014 (copy

attached as Annexure 9)

NOC from HP I & PH Obtained vide letter no. SADA (chint) NOC No. 353/15/118-20 dated 18

th July, 2014

(Refer Annexure 9)

NOC from HP Forest department prior to commencement of construction works

NOC from forest department taken by Chintpurni Temple Trust,

2.2 Rest sheds, toilet facilities and view points along road from TRC to temple at Chintpurni

Statutory approval required from NHAI

Obtained Ref Letter No. PW-NHD-HMR-WA-NOC/2013-14-9196-9200 dated 03/01/14 (copy attached as Annexure 10).

a) . Project merged with 2.1. b) Work is in progress

Rest shed completed at site 1

NOC from Temple Trust Chintpurni prior to commencement of construction works

Obtained vide no. 2601 MA-MC-1 dated 3

rd March

2012 (refer Annexure- 8)

NOC from HPSEB at the time of completion of works

Will be obtained by the asset owner.

NOC from HP I & PH at the time of completion of works.

Will be obtained by the asset owner.

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EMR July to December, 2015 Page 6

Sr. No.

Name of project

Stipulations Compliance Status Remark/Remedial Actions


Complied Partially complied

Not complied

3 Pong dam area subproject proposal

3.1 Information Centre at Pong Dam

NOC required from HP Forest department

Obtained vide no. WL (Misc) 62/wetlands/333 dated 21

st April 2011

(copy attached as Annexure 11)

a) Work completed and there is no any residual impact found at site.

b) Environmental Closure Report is attached as Part C of this report

NOC required from department of Youth, Sports & Services (YSS)

Obtained vide no. YSS-F(10)11/2011 dated 2nd December 2011 (copy attached as Annexure 12)

NOC from HPSEB at the time of completion of works

Will be obtained by the asset owner.

NOC from HP I&PH at the time of completion of works

Will be obtained by the asset owner.

3.2 Parking and toilet facilities

NoC required from HP Forest department prior to commencement of construction works.

Obtained vide no. WL (Misc) 62/wetlands/333 dated 21

st April 2011

(Refer Annexure 11)

a) Work completed and there is no any residual impact found at site.

b) Environmental Closure Report is attached as Part C of this report


NoC required from department of YSS prior to commencement of construction works

Obtained vide no. YSS-F (10)11/2011 dated 2nd December 2011 (Refer Annexure 12)

NOCs from HPPCB at the time of completion of works

NOC obtained.

NOCs from HPSEB at the time of completion of works

Will be obtained by the asset owner.

NOCs from HP I &PH at the time of completion of works.

Will be obtained by the asset owner.

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Sr. No.

Name of project

Stipulations Compliance Status Remark/Remedial Actions


Complied Partially complied

Not complied

3.3 Camping facilities, with provisions for 10 tents, including toilets etc

NoC required from HP Forest department prior to commencement of construction works

Obtained vide no. WL (Misc) 62/4345 dated 16th November 2011 (copy attached as Annexure 11)

a) Work completed and no residual impact has been found at site.

b) Environmental Closure Report is attached as Part C of this report

NOC from HP I & PH at the time of completion of works

The NoC will be obtained by the asset owner.

3.4 Jetty development

Statutory approval from HP Forest department prior to commencement of construction works

Obtained vide no. WL (Misc)-62/7136 dated 14

th March

2012 (copy attached as Annexure13).

a) Work completed and no any residual impact has been found at site.

b) Environmental Closure Report is attached as Part C of this report

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EMR July to December, 2015 Page 8

Sr. No.

Name of project

Stipulations Compliance Status Remark/Remedial Actions


Complied Partially complied

Not complied

3.5 Landscaping and signage

Statutory approval from HP Forest department prior to commencement of construction works.

Obtained vide no. WL (Misc)-62/7136 dated 14

th March

2012 (Refer Annexure13)

a) Contract was awarded on 17th December, 2013 . Time extension granted up to 30th September 2015. Work almost completed. Defects are being rectified.

b) Updated IEE/EMP is part of contract agreement c) Work almost completed. Signage’s being installed.

Landscaping Work

4 Ranser island and Karu island improvement subproject proposal

4.1 Redevelopment of Forest rest house- Ranser island

Statutory approval from HP Forest department prior to commencement of construction works.

Obtained vide no. WL (Misc)-62/7136 dated 14

th March 2012

(Refer Annexure 13).

a) Contract was awarded on 28th January, 2013.

Time extension granted upto 31st December,

2015. b) Updated IEE/EMP is part of contract agreement. c) Progress is slow

Forest Rest House Works

IDIPT – (HP) Project – 1 ADB Project No.40648

EMR July to December, 2015 Page 9

Sr. No.

Name of project

Stipulations Compliance Status Remark/Remedial Actions


Complied Partially complied

Not complied

4.2 Jetty development, Ranser and Karu Island

Statutory approval from HP Forest department prior to commencement of construction works.

Obtained vide no. WL (Misc)-62/7136 dated 14

th March 2012

(Refer Annexure13).

a) Contract was awarded on 18th June, 2012 Time

extension granted upto 31st Oct, 2015 Work

almost completed. b) Updated IEE/EMP is part of contract agreement.

Jetty completed at Ranser.

4.3 Treks around the island - 4km

Statutory approval from HP Forest department prior to commencement of construction works.

Obtained vide no. WL (Misc)-62/7136 dated 14

th March 2012

(Refer Annexure 13).

a) Contract was awarded on 30th June, 2012. Time

extension granted upto 31st March, 2016.

b) Updated IEE/EMP is part of contract agreement. c) Environmental testing done as per EMP and results

are in limit d) Work almost completed

4.4 Landscaping, planting along the peripheral trail and directional signage

Statutory approval from HP Forest department prior to commencement of construction works

Obtained vide no. WL (Misc)-62/7136 dated 14

th March 2012

(Refer Annexure 13).

a) Contract was awarded on 10th January, 2013.

Time extension granted upto 30th April, 2016.

b) IEE/EMP is part of contract agreement. c) Work in progress.

4.5 Watch towers for bird watching in Karu island

Statutory approval required from HP Forest department prior to commencement of construction works.

Obtained vide no. WL (Misc)-62/Pong Dam/1652 dated 20


June 2013 (copy attached as Annexure 14).

a) Contract was awarded on 10th January, 2013.

Time extension was granted upto 31st Oct, 2015

b) IEE/EMP is part of contract agreement. c) Work almost completed.

5 Forest rest houses & camping sites of VFDS subproject proposal

5.1 A Camping sites development at Nagrota Suriyan

Statutory approval for transfer of identified land to HPTDB

Obtained vide letter no. TSM-F(5)-8/2010 dated 24

th Nov, 2014

(copy attached as Annexure 15).

a) Contract was awarded on 17th December, 2014.

Time extension was granted upto 31st March,

2016 b) IEE/EMP updated and is part of contract. c) Work is in full swing

NOC from HP Forest Department.

Obtained vide letter no. 6810 HP. Forest Deptt. dated 7

th Nov,

2013 (copy attached as Annexure 16)

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Sr. No.

Name of project

Stipulations Compliance Status Remark/Remedial Actions


Complied Partially complied

Not complied

Cottage construction at site

5.1 B Forest rest house - improvement and camping sites development at Dhameta

NoC from HP Forest department prior to commencement of construction works.

Obtained vide no. WL (Misc)-62/7136 dated 14

th March 2012

(Refer Annexure 13).

a) Work completed and no any residual impact has been found at site.

b) Environmental Closure Report is attached as Part C of this report

Newly constructed Forest Rest house

6 Community based tourism activities subproject proposal

6.1 Community based tourism activities in villages, including

Statutory approval for coordinated planning & imparting skills training may be required from the Regional Water Sports

As & when required a) CBT 02, CBT 03, CBT 05 and CBT 06 activity is in full swing and CBT 04 has been awarded

b) Draft Solid Waste Management Manual for the awareness in community is under preparation .

c) Workshops conducted for students and staffs of IHM-Kufri; FCI- Dharamshala and IHMHamirpur on

IDIPT – (HP) Project – 1 ADB Project No.40648

EMR July to December, 2015 Page 11

Sr. No.

Name of project

Stipulations Compliance Status Remark/Remedial Actions


Complied Partially complied

Not complied

skill development, training, etc.

Centre, GoHP at Pong Dam & Department of Forests & Wildlife, HP at later stages of the project development.

13/14 August, 2015, 7th September, 2015 & 8


September, 2015 respectively.. They have been trained in environmental conservation & management

8 Kangra Town subproject proposal

8.1 Parking for 100 vehicles at Brajeshwari temple, Kangra

Statutory approval required from Municipal Council, Kangra prior to commencement of construction works.

Obtained vide no. MCK/T&CP/2013-281 dated 1

st March

2013 (copy attached as Annexure 17)

c) Work completed and no residual impact found at site.

d) Environmental Closure Report is attached as Part C of this report

Completed Parking

Statutory approval required from Brajeshwari Temple Trust prior to commencement of construction works

Obtained vide no. 229-230 SDK/ST dated 9

th March

2012. (copy attached as Annexure 117

NOC from HPSEB at the project completion.

The NoC will be obtained by the asset owner.

NOC from HP I&PH for at the project completion.

The NoC will be obtained by the asset owner.

9 Shimla subproject proposal

9.1 A Shimla Mall Road restoration project

Statutory approval from Municipal Corporation Shimla.

Obtained vide MCS/Xen/5436/MU/13-106 dated 13


January, 2014 (copy attached as Annexure 18)

a) Contract was awarded on 24th June, 2014 . Time of

extension granted upto 7th Jan, 2016. Extension

applied by the Contractor and is under process. b) IEE/EMP is part of agreement c) Work is in progress.Corrective Action Taken

Report for the shortcomings is attached in Part B

IDIPT – (HP) Project – 1 ADB Project No.40648

EMR July to December, 2015 Page 12

Sr. No.

Name of project

Stipulations Compliance Status Remark/Remedial Actions


Complied Partially complied

Not complied

. Toilet at Rani Laxmibai Park

9.1 B Shimla Rehabilitation of town hall

Statutory approval from Heritage & Municipal Corporation Shimla

Obtained vide Commissioner’s Order No. 183 (AP) dated 13

th May, 2014


a) Contract was awarded on 11th September, 2014.

Time of extension granted upto 7th April, 2016.

b) IEE/EMP is part of agreement c) Work is in progress. d) Corrective Action Taken Report for the previous

shortcomings is attached in Part B

Wood work at site

10 Tutikandi Multistorey

NoC from H.P. State Pollution Control

Obtained vide letter no. HPSCB/Misc.

a) Contract awarded on 6th April, 2015 10

th March,

2015. Time of extension granted upto 25th

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Sr. No.

Name of project

Stipulations Compliance Status Remark/Remedial Actions


Complied Partially complied

Not complied

Parking Facility

Board Consent, R.O. Shimla/14-8971-73 dated 7

th August,

2014 (attached as per Annexure 19)

September, 2017. b) IEE prepared/updated and is part of agreement. c) Work is in progress d) Corrective Action Taken Report for the

shortcomings is attached in Part B

Overhead Crane installed at site

Batching Plant installed at site

NoC from Ministry of Forest

Obtained vide letter no. 9-HPB 830/2011-CHA/378 dated 1


October, 2014 (attached as per Annexure 20)

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3. Compliance status with the environmental covenants as stipulated in the Loan Agreement

3.1 SCHEDULE 5, Loan Covenant 1– 3.1.1 The subprojects under taken as part of the project meet the selection criteria set out in Schedule 4 to the FFA. 3.2 SCHEDULE 5, Loan Covenant 3 (ii)

3.2.1 The subproject IEEs and EMPs are being implemented in nearly/fully in accordance with their terms.

3.2.2 The Contractors & the Field Staff of PIU/DSC is aware of their responsibilities during construction/implementation of subprojects towards the following: (a)

environmental parameters to be monitored (b) occupational health & safety and (iii) material handling & storage. The task of environmental testing for various

sites required co-ordination between many groups/units earlier, hence it has been delayed. However, the testing reports for all packages are in place. Capacity

Building is one of the main tasks of the Consultants, Safeguard orientation workshops for PMU/PIU/DSC/PMC, Shimla has been done to follow stipulated

guidelines/EMPs and has made a positive impact. The site situation with respect to implementation of safeguards is nearly/fully complied now and with sustained

efforts of the entire teams of PMU/PIC/DSC/PMC/Contractor it being maintained satisfactorily. Three workshops for IHM students has also been done for

environmental conservation in hotel industry.

3.2.3 The reasons for better compliance now are: (a) the prepared (IEEs & EMPs) documents are being read and interpreted properly (b) field staff for day-to-day monitoring and supervision has been placed. PMU, PMC and DSC Safeguards Specialist held onsite training/interaction with the Contractors and other field staff members available on site and have enthusiastically understood roles and responsibilities at all levels & mechanism safeguards to adhere at site. During workshops/orientation training at site done till date and the detailed discussions with the Contractors & their representatives to inform them of their Contractual obligations and take steps to remedy the shortcomings in project execution on top priority especially with respect to the Environmental aspects which resulted in positive action. Now it is expected that implementation of EMP will be fully complied at ongoing sites.

3.3 SCHEDULE 5, Loan Covenant 3 (iv) 3.3.1 A revised IEE/EMP for subproject 1.1 was done as required and submitted to ADB for approval. 3.4 SCHEDULE 5, Loan Covenant 3 (vii)

3.4.1 Quarterly reporting to PMU by DSC on the implementation of the IEEs and EMPs was started from the second quarter of 2013. The first annual report was

submitted by PMC/PMU to the ADB for the period January to December 2013 based on the quarterly field visits to the subprojects by DSC & PMC Safeguards

Specialists. The first Environmental Monitoring Report (EMR, Jan to Mar, 2014) was submitted to ADB and later it has been decided to submit the semiannual

EMR. Previously semi-annual EMR was submitted for the period January-June, 2015. Now report for the period July-December, 2015 is prepared and


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4. Compliance status with the environmental management and monitoring plans and environmental assessment and review framework/ procedures, as stipulated in the environmental documentation as agreed with ADB.

4.1 A consolidated IEE and EMP were prepared for the project dated July, 2010 that outlined the identification of overall environmental impacts and corresponding

mitigation measures for envisaged subprojects. Thereafter, individual IEEs and EMPs have been prepared for each of the packages and submitted to ADB for

approval. Over the course of time, since PMC took over at Shimla (January 2012) all IEEs and EMPs have been prepared afresh/updated. Under Project-1, 9 sub-

project proposals, covering 19 civil works packages (There were 20 packages earlier, but now 2 projects (2/1 & 2/2) are merged) and one community based activity

package spread over south and southwest parts of the State,

4.2 The sub-project list is as follows:

S.N. Name of sub-project Compliance Status for Environmental Documentation of ADB

1 Naina Devi

1.1 Circular Road–1 Km long Complied (Completed)

1.2 Car parking and other amenities IEE/EMP prepared/updated and submitted to ADB and is part of contract

2 Chintpurni

Integrated parking, interpretation Centre, toilets & other visitor amenities and

Rest sheds, toilet facilities & view points along road from TRC to temple at


IEE/EMP prepared/updated and submitted to ADB and is part of contract

3 Pong Dam

3.1 Information Centre at Pong Dam Complied (Completed) 3.2 Parking and toilet facilities Complied (Completed) 3.3 Camping facilities, with provisionsfor10 tents, including toilets etc. Complied (Completed) 3.4 Jetty development Complied (Completed) 3.5 Landscaping & Signage IEE/EMP prepared/updated and submitted to ADB and is part of contract

4 Ranser & Karu Island Improvements

4.1 Redevelopment of Forest rest house- Ranser island IEE/EMP prepared/updated and submitted to ADB and is part of contract

4.2 Jetty development, Ranser and Karu Island IEE/EMP prepared/updated and submitted to ADB and is part of contract

4.3 Treks around the island -4km IEE/EMP prepared/updated and submitted to ADB and is part of contract

4.4 Landscaping, planting along the peripheral trail and directional signage IEE/EMP prepared/updated and submitted to ADB and is part of contract

4.5 Watchtowers for bird watching in Karu Island IEE/EMP prepared/updated and submitted to ADB and is part of contract

5 Forest Rest Houses & Camping Sites for VFDS

5.1 A Forest rest house- improvement and camping sites development at Nagrota IEE/EMP prepared/updated and submitted to ADB and is part of contract

5.1 B Forest rest house- improvement and camping sites development at Dhameta Complied (Completed)

6 Community Based Tourism

6.1 Community based tourism activities in villages, including skill development,

training, etc.

CBT-02, CBT-03, CBT-05 and CBT-06 activity is in full swing and CBT 04 has

been awarded Draft Solid Waste Management Manual for the awareness in

community is under preparation

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EMR July to December, 2015 Page 16

S.N. Name of sub-project Compliance Status for Environmental Documentation of ADB

8 Kangra

8.1 Parking for 100 vehicles at Bajreshwari temple, Kangra Complied (Completed) 9 Shimla

9.1A Rehabilitation of Shimla Town Hall IEE/EMP prepared/updated and submitted to ADB and is part of contract

9.1B Shimla Mall Road Restoration Project

10. Tutikandi Multistorey Parking Facility IEE/EMP prepared/updated and submitted to ADB and is part of contract

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PHOTO GALLARY (Workshops/Trainings)

Orientation Workshop on “Sustainable Tourism, Safe tourism and Environmental Conservation for IHM, Kufri Students”

dated 13th


August, 2015 at IHM, Kufri

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Orientation Workshop on “Sustainable Tourism” dated 7

th September, 2015 at FCI, Dharamshala.

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Orientation Workshop on “Sustainable Tourism” dated 8

th September, 2015 at IHM, Hamirpur.

Orientation Workshop on “Safeguard Requirements” for the staff of PMU/PIU/PMC/DSC (Shimla)

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dated 9th

December, 2015 at US Club, Shimla

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& M





5. Approach and methodology for environmental monitoring of the project


Review & Revise
















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6. Follow-up actions and conclusions

6.1 A regular and meaningful monitoring mechanism has been established as mentioned in Table 1 and Final Monitoring Mechanism decided for the project is

attached as Annexure 21. The details and job responsibilities are clearly stipulated in the EARF and there is a strong need for transforming these stipulations into

actions so that environmental monitoring can lead to preventive measures rather than curative and now actions are in place. The sites are being visited regularly by

the Safeguards’ Specialists since, July 2013.

6.2 The field staff such as the site engineers/support engineers and the respective Contractors on site have been advised and oriented time to time on maintaining

a constant vigil in respect of all environmental parameters to be monitored and adherence to record keeping on site. The day today site supervision is required to

be more strengthened.

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Part B

Environmental Monitoring Status Chart (Ref. IEE/EARF July 2010)

Name IEE/EMP Components

Environmental Issues Responsibility Overall Status Remarks

Package 1.1: Circular Road at Naina Devi

O & M impacts

1.Environmental conditions PMU, Contractor & DSC (to check whether it will be PMU & Line agency)

1. Environmental condition has been restored. Work Completed Overall EMP application status is satisfactory.

2.Uncontrolled tourism -do- 2. Yet not arise

3. Adequate drainage -do- 3. Yes

4. Road safety -do- 4. Proper provisions made Package 1.2: Car parking and other amenities

Location impacts

1. Siting of facilities

PMU & Line Agency (Temple

Trust Naina Devi)

Provision of emergency numbers/first aid box is on site for workers made by the Contractor.

Provision of litter bins for waste management done by the Contractor.

Environmental conditions established by testing of air & noise parameters and are within limit.

2.Impact on archaeological remains

-do- None so far

3. Other -do- None

Design impacts

1. Impact on sensitive areas DSC & PIU 1. Already complied

2. Slope stability related issues

-do- 2. Not applicable

3. Increased storm water runoff

-do- 3. Pipes proposed to channelize surface run-off.

4. Impact on ground water quality

-do- 4. Not anticipated.

5. Impact on aesthetic appeal -do- 5. Not applicable

6. Integration of energy conservation

-do- 6. Not applicable

Pre-construction activities by

1.Construction Camps

Contractor & DSC

1. Rented houses provided to labours nearby site by the contractor.

2. Defining of -do- 2. Construction areas delineated by DSC Site

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Environmental Issues Responsibility Overall Status Remarks

the Contractor construction/work areas on ground


3. Circulation plan during construction

-do- 3. Not Applicable

4. Site clearance activities -do- 4. Boulders removed by the contractor.

5. Drinking water availability -do- 5. Drinking water available from Temple

6. Identification of disposal sites

-do- 6. Identification of disposal sites done but no disposal from site yet.

7. Waste mgt on site -do- 7. Litter bins available at appropriate location

Construction impacts

1. Improper stockpiling

Contractor 1. Limited stockpiling of material is found which allowing free movement of road traffic and safely.

2.Quarry/ Borrow pit operations

-do- 2. Borrow pit operations not applicable.

3.Stripping, stocking & preservation of top soil

-do- 3. Not Applicable

4.Soil erosion -do- 4. Soil erosion not applicable as yet.

5.Blasting -do- 5. Blasting not required nor permitted.

6. Water pollution due to fuel/lubricants

-do- 6. No water pollution due to fuel or lubricants on site yet.

7. Generation of dust -do- 7. Water sprinkling being done as per requirement.

8.Emission from constn

vehicles -do- 8. Emissions from Const

n vehicles/equipment

are negligible. Ambient air results are within limit.

9. Noise from constn

equipment -do- 9. No noise from const

n equipment observed

on site. Noise results are within limit.

10. Material handling

-do- 10. Material handling on site duly being followed by the Contractor. No hazardous material in use at site during the period.

11. Disposal of constn

waste/debris -do- 11. No waste at site.

12. Safety measures -do- 12. Safety measures are being followed by workers as well as for site.

13. Risks force majeure -do- 13. No force majeure risks yet.

14. Malaria risk -do- 14.No malaria risk

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Name IEE/EMP Components

Environmental Issues Responsibility Overall Status Remarks

15. Chance archaeological finds

-do- 15. No artifact’s/finds reported.

16.Religious structures -do- 16. No religious structure encountered yet

O & M impacts 1.Environmental conditions PMU, Contractor & DSC

Not yet arise.

2.Uncontrolled tourism -do- -do-

3. Adequate drainage -do- -do-

4. Road safety -do- -do- Package 2.1: Integrated parking, interpretation Centre, toilets & other visitor amenities

Location impacts

1. Siting of facilities

PMU & Line Agency (Temple

Trust Chintpurni)

Provision of temporary toilet on site for workers (men/women both) made by the Contractor. Toilet Cleaning register maintenance is in practice.

Provision of litter bags for waste management done by the Contractor.

Baseline environmental conditions established by testing of air, noise and soil parameters and are within limit.

Drinking water being tested regularly by the contractor.

A Safety Officer has been deployed at site by the contractor

2.Impact on archaeological remains

-do- None so far

3. Other -do- None

Design impacts

1. Impact on sensitive areas DSC & PIU 1. Already complied

2. Slope stability related issues

-do- 2. Not applicable

3. Increased storm water runoff

-do- 3. Culverts and V-shaped drains proposed to channelize surface run-off.

4. Impact on ground water quality

-do- 4. None anticipated.

5. Impact on aesthetic appeal -do- 5. Not applicable

6. Integration of energy conservation

-do- 6. Not applicable


1.Construction Camps Contractor & DSC

1. Yes camp is at site.

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Name IEE/EMP Components

Environmental Issues Responsibility Overall Status Remarks

activities by the Contractor

2. Defining of construction/work areas on ground

-do- 2. Construction areas delineated by DSC Site Engineer.

3. Circulation plan during construction

-do- 3. Not applicable

4. Site clearance activities

-do- 4. Only shrubs has been removed by the contractor

5. Drinking water availability

-do- 5. Drinking water available from borewell.

6. Identification of disposal sites

-do- 6. Identification of disposal sites done but no disposal from site yet.

7. Waste mgt on site -do- 7. Being done regularly

Construction impacts

1. Improper stockpiling

Contractor 1. Stockpiling of material is inside the premises which allowing free movement of road traffic and safely.

2.Quarry/ Borrow pit operations

-do- 2. Borrow pit operations not applicable.

3.Stripping, stocking & preservation of top soil

-do- 3. Stripping/ Stocking of top soil done on site.

4.Soil erosion -do- 4. Soil erosion not applicable as yet.

5.Blasting -do- 5. Blasting not required nor permitted.

6. Water pollution due to fuel/lubricants

-do- 6. No water pollution due to fuel or lubricants on site yet.

7. Generation of dust -do- 7. Water sprinkling being done as per requirement.

8.Emission from constn

vehicles -do- 8. Emissions from Const

n vehicles/equipment

are negligible.

9. Noise from constn

equipment -do- 9. No noise from const

n equipment observed

on site. Noise results are within limit.

10. Material handling

-do- 10. Material handling on site duly being followed by the Contractor.

11. Disposal of constn

waste/debris -do- 11. Debris being disposed off regularly.

12. Safety measures -do- 12. Safety measures are being followed by workers.

13. Risks force majeure -do- 13. No force majeure risks yet.

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Name IEE/EMP Components

Environmental Issues Responsibility Overall Status Remarks

14. Malaria risk -do- 14.No malaria risk

15. Chance archaeological finds

-do- 15. No artifact’s/finds reported.

16.Religious structures -do- 16. No religious structure encountered yet

O & M impacts 1.Environmental conditions PMU, Contractor & DSC

Not yet arise

2.Uncontrolled tourism -do- -do-

3. Adequate drainage -do- -do-

4. Road safety -do- -do- Package 2.2: Rest sheds, toilet facilities and view points along road from TRC to temple at Chintpurni

Location impacts

1. Siting of facilities

PMU & Line Agency (Temple

Trust Chintpurni)

Out of two sites one is completed. .Provisions of drinking water/first aid etc. management being done by the Contractor.

Provision of litter bags for waste management done by the Contractor.

A Safety Officer has been deployed at site by the contractor

Variance given to the contractor with package 2.1

2.Impact on archaeological remains

-do- None so far

3. Other -do- None

Design impacts

1. Impact on sensitive areas DSC & PIU 2. Already complied

2. Slope stability related issues

-do- 2. Not applicable

3. Increased storm water runoff

-do- 3. Drainage proposed to channelize surface run-off.

4. Impact on ground water quality

-do- 4. Not anticipated.

5. Impact on aesthetic appeal -do- 5. Not applicable

6. Integration of energy conservation

-do- 6. Not applicable

Pre-construction activities by the Contractor

1.Construction Camps

Contractor & DSC

1. No camp is at site.

2. Defining of construction/ work areas on ground

-do- 2. Construction areas delineated by DSC Site Engineer.

3. Circulation plan during construction

-do- 3. Not applicable

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Name IEE/EMP Components

Environmental Issues Responsibility Overall Status Remarks

4. Site clearance activities

-do- 4. Only shrubs has been removed by the contractor

5. Drinking water availability -do- 5. Drinking water available from Tank

6. Identification of disposal sites

-do- 6. Identification of disposal sites done but no disposal from site yet.

7. Waste mgt on site -do- 7. Not yet due (not clear)

Construction impacts

1. Improper stockpiling

Contractor 1. Stockpiling of material is limited which allowing fr

2. ee movement of road traffic and safely.

2.Quarry/ Borrow pit operations

-do- 2. Borrow pit operations not applicable.

3.Stripping, stocking & preservation of top soil

-do- 3. Stripping/ Stocking of top soil done on site.

4.Soil erosion -do- 4. Soil erosion not applicable as yet.

5.Blasting -do- 5. Blasting not required nor permitted.

6. Water pollution due to fuel/lubricants

-do- 6. No water pollution due to fuel or lubricants on site yet.

7. Generation of dust -do- 7. Water sprinkling being done as per requirement.

8.Emission from constn

vehicles -do- 8. Emissions from Const

n vehicles/equipment

are negligible.

9. Noise from constn

equipment -do- 9. No noise from const

n equipment observed

on site.

10. Material handling

-do- 10. Material handling on site duly being followed by the Contractor. No hazardous material in use at site during the period.

11. Disposal of constn

waste/debris -do- 11. Disposal not required yet.

12. Safety measures -do- 12. Safety measures are being followed by workers and for and adjacent road.

13. Risks force majeure -do- 13. No force majeure risks yet.

14. Malaria risk -do- 14.No malaria risk

15. Chance archaeological finds

-do- 15. No artifact’s/finds reported.

16.Religious structures -do- 16. No religious structure encountered.

O & M impacts 1.Environmental conditions PMU, Contractor Not yet arise

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Name IEE/EMP Components

Environmental Issues Responsibility Overall Status Remarks


2.Uncontrolled tourism -do- -do-

3. Adequate drainage -do- -do-

4. Road safety -do- -do- Package 3.1: Information Centre at Pong Dam

O & M impacts 1. Environmental conditions

PMU & Line Agency

1. Environmental condition has been restored.

Work Completed Overall EMP application status is satisfactory.

2. Uncontrolled tourism development

-do- 2. Not yet

3. Mgt of toilet blocks -do- 3. Yet to be hand over to asset owner.

4. Adequate drainage on site -do- 4. Yes

5. Hygiene & sanitation -do- 5, Good

6. Increased waste loads on the existing facility

-do- 6. Asset owner will plan to manage it

Package 3.2: Parking and toilet facilities

O & M impacts 1. Environmental conditions

PMU & Line Agency

1. Environmental condition has been restored.

Work Completed Overall EMP application status is satisfactory.

2. Uncontrolled tourism development

-do- 2. Not yet

3. Mgt of toilet blocks -do- 3. Yet to be hand over to asset owner.

4. Adequate drainage on site -do- 4. Yes

5. Hygiene & sanitation -do- 5, Good

6. Increased waste loads on the existing facility

-do- 6. Asset owner will plan to manage it

Package 3.3: Camping facilities, with provisions for 10 tents, including toilets

O & M impacts 1. Environmental conditions

PMU & Line Agency

1. Environmental condition has been restored.

Work Completed Overall EMP application status is satisfactory.

2. Uncontrolled tourism development

-do- 2. Not yet

3. Mgt of toilet blocks -do- 3. Yet to be hand over to asset owner.

4. Adequate drainage on site -do- 4. Yes

5. Hygiene & sanitation -do- 5, Good

6. Increased waste loads on the existing facility

-do- 6. Asset owner will plan to manage it

Package 3.4: Jetty development

O & M impacts 1. Environmental conditions

PMU & Line Agency

1. Environmental condition has been restored.

Work Completed Overall EMP application status is satisfactory.

2. Uncontrolled tourism development

-do- 2. Not yet

3. Mgt of toilet blocks -do- 3. Yet to be hand over to asset owner.

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Name IEE/EMP Components

Environmental Issues Responsibility Overall Status Remarks

4. Adequate drainage on site -do- 4. Yes

5. Hygiene & sanitation -do- 5, Good

6. Increased waste loads on the existing facility

-do- 6. Asset owner will plan to manage it

Package 3.5: Landscaping and signage

Location impacts

1. Long term planning to ensure sustainability & integration with the mgt plan

PMU & Line Agency (Forest department)

1. The siting and location of the facility conform to the existing Management Plan for the Wetland prepared by the HP Forest department

Work almost completed

Design & pre-construction impacts

1. Impact on sensitive areas

DSC & Contractor

1. Minimal impact as the facility is located outside the core sensitive area of the wetland.

2. Increased storm water runoff

-do- 2. Surface run-off channelized through proper slope

3. Impact on ground water quality

-do- 3. Not anticipated.

4. Impact on aesthetic appeal

-do- 4. The landscaping design confirms to local aesthetics and merges well with the surroundings.

5. Integration of energy conservation

-do- 5. Lighting fixtures to be provided.

6. Construction camps

-do- 6. No construction camps allowed on site being a sensitive area. Only two temporary labour huts at site

7. Defining constn work areas -do- 7. Work areas are well defined and properly


8. Site clearance activities -do- 8. Not yet due as the work is in progress

9. Drinking water availability -do- 9. Drinking water facility exists on site.

10. Identification of disposal sites

-do- 10. No disposal required at site.

11. Waste mgt on site -do- 11. No Solid Waste generated so far

Construction impacts

1. Improper stockpiling

Contractor 1. The material is properly brought in and safely stored and used on site as per the instructions given by the field staff.

2.Quarry/ Borrow pit operations

-do- 2. Not applicable.

3.Stripping, stocking & -do- 3. The stripped top soil has been re-used in

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Name IEE/EMP Components

Environmental Issues Responsibility Overall Status Remarks

preservation of top soil planters and landscaping on site.

4. Soil & water pollution due to fuel

-do- 4. None observed.

5. Siltation of water bodies -do- 5. None – due to present activity

6. Generation of dust -do- 6. None – due to present activity

7. Emission from constn

vehicles -do- 7. Marginal emissions for very short durations

occur on site.

8. Noise from constn

equipment -do- 8. Not required now

9. Material handling

-do- 9. Material handling is safe and proper and regularly checked by field staff.

10. Disposal of constn

waste/debris -do- 10. No waste generation at present

11. Safety measures -do- 11. Safety measures adhered to - First Aid Kit, and personal protection equipment are used and other norms laid out in the EMP being followed.

12. Risks force majeure -do- 12. Not applicable.

13. Malaria risk -do- 13. No incident reported from site.

14. Clearing of constn camps -do- 14. Not yet due.

O & M impacts 1. Environmental conditions

PMU & Line Agency

Not yet due as the small works is in progress

2. Uncontrolled tourism development

-do- -do-

3. Mgt of toilet blocks -do- -do-

4. Adequate drainage on site -do- -do-

5. Hygiene & sanitation -do- -do-

6. Increased waste loads on the existing facility

-do- -do-

Package 4.1: Redevelopment of Forest rest house-Ranser island

Location impacts

1. Long term planning to ensure sustainability & integration with the mgt plan

PMU & Line Agency (Forest


1. The siting and location conform to the existing Management Plan for the Wetland prepared by the HP Forest department.

No work at present due to breeding season. . Design & pre-

construction impacts

1. Impact on sensitive areas

DSC & Contractor

1. Minimal impact as the facility is located outside the core sensitive area of the wetland.

2. Increased storm water -do- 2. Surface run-off channelized through proper

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Environmental Issues Responsibility Overall Status Remarks

runoff drains and gutters.

3. Impact on ground water quality

-do- 3. Septic tank provided for sewerage generated from the toilets to prevent ground infiltration.

4. Impact on aesthetic appeal

-do- 4. The building design features conform to local aesthetics and merge well with the surroundings.

5. Integration of energy conservation

-do- 5. Lighting fixtures to be provided.

6. Construction camps

-do- 6. No construction camps allowed on site being a sensitive area and also located at island

7. Defining constn work areas -do- 7. Work areas are well defined.

8. Site clearance activities -do- 8. Not yet due as the work is in progress.

9. Drinking water availability -do- 9. Drinking water facility exists on site.

10. Identification of disposal sites

-do- 10. No disposal required.

11. Waste mgt on site -do- 11. No Solid Waste generated on site is collected in bags and bins and disposed off at low land for land development

Construction impacts

1. Improper stockpiling

Contractor 1. The limited material is properly brought in and safely stored and used on site as per the instructions given by the field staff.

2.Quarry/ Borrow pit operations

-do- 2. Not applicable.

3.Stripping, stocking & preservation of top soil

-do- 3.Not required

4. Soil & water pollution due to fuel

-do- 4. Not observed.

5. Siltation of water bodies

-do- 5. Marginal siltation of the water body may have occurred due to ongoing construction activity but the same being minimized through landscaping, paving and channelization at completion of works.

6. Generation of dust -do- 6. Marginal dust generation was observed

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Name IEE/EMP Components

Environmental Issues Responsibility Overall Status Remarks

7. Emission from constn

vehicles -do- 7. No emission, ambient air results within limit

8. Noise from constn

equipment -do- 8. Noise results within limits.

9. Material handling

-do- 9. Material handling is safe and proper and regularly checked by field staff.

10. Disposal of constn

waste/debris -do- 10. Done properly

11. Safety measures

-do- 11. Safety measures being adhered to - First Aid Kit and personal protection equipment are used and other norms laid out in the EMP being followed.

12. Risks force majeure -do- 12. Not applicable.

13. Malaria risk -do- 13. No incident reported from site.

14. Clearing of constn camps -do- 14. Not yet due.

O & M impacts 1. Environmental conditions

Line Agency (HP Forest


Not yet due as the work is still in progress.

2. Uncontrolled tourism development

-do- -do-

3. Mgt of toilet blocks -do- -do-

4. Adequate drainage on site -do- -do-

5. Hygiene & sanitation -do- -do-

6. Increased waste loads on the existing facility

-do- -do-

Package 4.2: Jetty development, Ranser and Karu Island

Location impacts

1. Long term planning to ensure sustainability & integration with the mgt plan

PMU & Line Agency (Forest


1. The siting and location of the facility conform to the existing Management Plan for the Wetland prepared by the HP Forest department.

Jetty work at Ranser & Karu almost completed

Design & pre-construction impacts

1. Impact on sensitive areas DSC & Contractor

1. Minimal impact as the facility is located outside the core sensitive area of the wetland.

2. Increased storm water runoff

-do- 2. Run-off will lead to the lake.

3. Impact on ground water -do- 3. Not applicable.

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Environmental Issues Responsibility Overall Status Remarks


4. Impact on aesthetic appeal -do- 4. Not applicable.

5. Integration of energy conservation

-do- 5. Not applicable.

6. Construction camps

-do- 6. No construction camps allowed on site being a sensitive area.

7. Defining constn work areas -do- 7. Work areas are well defined and isolated

8. Site clearance activities -do- 8. Not yet due as the work is in progress.

9. Drinking water availability -do- 9. Drinking water facility exists on site.

10. Identification of disposal sites

-do- 10. Not applicable.

11. Waste mgt on site -do- 11. Solid Waste generated on site is to be collected in bags and bins and disposed off to the nearest dumping ground.

Construction impacts

1. Improper stockpiling

Contractor No work during the period (to review )

2.Quarry/ Borrow pit operations

-do- -do-

3.Stripping, stocking & preservation of top soil

-do- -do-

4. Soil & water pollution due to fuel

-do- -do-

5. Siltation of water bodies -do- -do-

6. Generation of dust -do- -do-

7. Emission from constn

vehicles -do- -do-

8. Noise from constn

equipment -do- -do-

9. Material handling -do- -do-

10. Disposal of constn

waste/debris -do- -do-

11. Safety measures -do- -do-

12. Risks force majeure

-do- -do-

13. Malaria risk

-do- -do-

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Environmental Issues Responsibility Overall Status Remarks

14. Clearing of constn camps -do- -do-

O & M impacts 1. Environmental conditions

PMU & Line Agency (Forest


the work is still in progress.

2. Uncontrolled tourism development

-do- -do-

3. Mgt of toilet blocks -do- -do-

4. Adequate drainage on site

-do- -do-

5. Hygiene & sanitation -do- -do-

6. Increased waste loads on the existing facility

-do- -do-

Package 4.3: Treks around the island - 4km

Location impacts

1. Long term planning to ensure sustainability & integration with the mgt plan

PMU & Line Agency (Forest


1. The siting and location conform to the existing Management Plan for the Wetland prepared by the HP Forest department.

Work almost completed.

Design & pre-construction impacts

1. Impact on sensitive areas

DSC & Contractor

1. Minimal impact as the facility is located outside the core sensitive area of the wetland.

2. Increased storm water runoff

-do- 2. Surface run-off channelized through proper drains and gutters.

3. Impact on ground water quality

-do- 3. Not applicable

4. Impact on aesthetic appeal

-do- 4. Not applicable.

5. Integration of energy conservation

-do- 5. Not applicable.

6. Construction camps

-do- 6. No construction camps allowed on site being a sensitive area.

7. Defining constn work areas

-do- 7. Work areas are well defined and properly


8. Site clearance activities

-do- 8. Not yet due as the work is in progress.

9. Drinking water availability

-do- 9. Drinking water facility provided on site.

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10. Identification of disposal sites

-do- 10. No disposal required.

11. Waste mgt on site -do- 11. Solid Waste generated on site is collected in bags and bins and disposed off to the nearest dumping ground.

Construction impacts

1. Improper stockpiling

Contractor 1. The material is properly brought in and safely stored and used on site as per the instructions given by the field staff.

2.Quarry/ Borrow pit operations

-do- 2. Not applicable.

3. Stripping, stocking & preservation of top soil.

-do- 3. The stripped top soil shall be re-used in planters and landscaping on site.

4. Soil & water pollution due to fuel

-do- 4. None observed.

5. Siltation of water bodies -do- 5. None.

6. Generation of dust -do- 6. None.

7. Emission from constn


-do- 7. Negligible emissions for very short durations. Environmental testing to be carried out.

8. Noise from constn

equipment -do- 8. Noise testing to be carried out.

9. Material handling

-do- 9. Material handling is safe and proper and regularly checked by field staff.

10. Disposal of constn

waste/debris -do- 10. Not yet due.

11. Safety measures

-do- 11. Safety measures being adhered to - First Aid Kit, and personal protection equipment are being used and other norms laid out in the EMP being followed.

12. Risks force majeure

-do- 12. Not applicable.

13. Malaria risk -do- 13. No incident reported from site.

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14. Clearing of constn camps -do- 14. Not yet due.

O & M impacts 1. Environmental conditions

PMU & Line Agency (Forest


Not yet due as the work is still in progress

2. Uncontrolled tourism development

-do- -do-

3. Mgt of toilet blocks -do- -do-

4. Adequate drainage on site -do- -do-

5. Hygiene & sanitation -do- -do-

6. Increased waste loads on the existing facility

-do- -do-

Package 4.4: Landscaping, planting along the peripheral trails and signage

Location impacts

1. Long term planning to ensure sustainability & integration with the mgt plan.

PMU & Line Agency (Forest


1. The siting and location confirm to the existing Management Plan for the Wetland prepared by the HP Forest department.

Work almost completed.

Design & pre-construction impacts

1. Impact on sensitive areas

DSC & Contractor

1. Positive impact as the planting is in sensitive area of the wetland.

2. Increased storm water runoff

-do- 2. Not applicable.

3. Impact on ground water quality

-do- 3. Not applicable.

4. Impact on aesthetic appeal -do- 4. Will increase

5. Integration of energy conservation

-do- 5. Not applicable.

6. Construction camps

-do- 6. No construction camps allowed on site being a sensitive area and located at island

7. Defining constn work areas -do- 7. Work areas are well defined

8. Site clearance activities -do- 8. Not applicable

9. Drinking water availability -do- 9. Drinking water facility provided on site.

10. Identification of disposal sites

-do- 10. Not applicable.

11. Waste mgt on site -do- 11. Not applicable

Construction impacts

1. Improper stockpiling

-do- 1. No stockpiling at site

2.Quarry/ Borrow pit operations

-do- 2. Not applicable.

3.Stripping, stocking & -do- 3. Not applicable.

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preservation of top soil

4. Soil & water pollution due to fuel

-do- 4. Not applicable.

5. Siltation of water bodies -do- 5. Not observed

6. Generation of dust -do- 6. None observed.

7. Emission from constn

vehicle -do- 7. Not applicable.

8. Noise from constn

equipment -do- 8. Noise testing carried out.

9. Material handling

-do- 9. Very small quantum in use.

10. Disposal of constn

waste/debris -do- 10. Not yet due.

11. Safety measures

-do- 11. Safety measures being adhered to - First Aid Kit, and personal protection equipment are being used and other norms laid out in the EMP being followed.

12. Risks force majeure -do- 12. Not applicable.

13. Malaria risk -do- 13. No incident reported from site.

14. Clearing of constn camps 14. Not yet due.

O & M impacts 1. Environmental conditions

PMU & Line Agency (Forest


Environmental conditions are good.

2. Uncontrolled tourism development

-do- Yet not arise

3. Mgt of toilet blocks -do- Not permitted

4. Adequate drainage on site -do- Yes

5. Hygiene & sanitation -do- Good

6. Increased waste loads on the existing facility

-do- Not applicable

Package 4.5: Watch towers for bird watching in Karu island

Location impacts

1. Long term planning to ensure sustainability & integration with the mgt plan.

PMU & Line Agency (Forest


1. The siting and location confirm to the existing Management Plan for the Wetland prepared by the HP Forest department.

Work almost completed

Design & pre-construction impacts

1. Impact on sensitive areas

DSC & Contractor

1. Minimal impact as the facility is located outside the core sensitive area of the wetland.

2. Increased storm water -do- 2. Not applicable.

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3. Impact on ground water quality

-do- 3. Not applicable.

4. Impact on aesthetic appeal -do- 4. Not applicable.

5. Integration of energy conservation

-do- 5. Not applicable.

6. Construction camps

-do- 6. No construction camps allowed on site being a sensitive area and located at island

7. Defining constn work areas -do- 7. Work areas are well defined and isolated

8. Site clearance activities -do- 8. Not applicable

9. Drinking water availability -do- 9. Drinking water facility provided on site.

10. Identification of disposal sites

-do- 10. Not applicable.

11. Waste mgt on site -do- 11. Solid Waste generated on site is collected in bags and disposed off to the low land avoiding water body

Construction impacts

1. Improper stockpiling

-do- 1. The material is properly brought in and safely stored and used on site as per the instructions given by the field staff.

2.Quarry/ Borrow pit operations

-do- 2. Not applicable.

3.Stripping, stocking & preservation of top soil

-do- 3. Not applicable.

4. Soil & water pollution due to fuel

-do- 4. No fuel spills observed on or near the site.

5. Siltation of water bodies -do- 5. Not observed

6. Generation of dust -do- 6. None observed.

7. Emission from constn

vehicle -do- 7. Marginal emissions for very short durations.

Environmental testing is to be carried out.

8. Noise from constn

equipment -do- 8. Noise testing carried out.

9. Material handling

-do- 9. Material handling is safe and proper and regularly checked by field staff.

10. Disposal of constn

waste/debris -do- 10. Not yet due.

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11. Safety measures

-do- 11. Safety measures being adhered to - First Aid Kit, and personal protection equipment are being used and other norms laid out in the EMP being followed.

12. Risks force majeure -do- 12. Not applicable.

13. Malaria risk -do- 13. No incident reported from site.

14. Clearing of constn camps 14. Not yet due.

O & M impacts 1. Environmental conditions

PMU & Line Agency (Forest


Not yet due as the work is still in progress.

2. Uncontrolled tourism development

-do- -do-

3. Mgt of toilet blocks -do- -do-

4. Adequate drainage on site -do- -do-

5. Hygiene & sanitation -do- -do-

6. Increased waste loads on the existing facility

-do- -do-

Package 5.1: Forest rest house - improvement and camping sites at Nagrota Suriyan

Location impacts

1. Siting of facilities

PMU & Line Agency (Temple

Trust Naina Devi)

Provision of toilet/emergency numbers/first aid box is on site for workers made by the Contractor.

Provisions for drinking water have been made by the contractor.

Provision of litter bins for waste management done by the Contractor.

Safety precaution for adjacent water body and road has been taken by the contractor.

2.Impact on archaeological remains

-do- None so far

3. Other -do- None

Design impacts

1. Impact on sensitive areas DSC & PIU 3. Already complied

2. Slope stability related issues

-do- 2. Not applicable

3. Increased storm water runoff

-do- 3. Drainage proposed to channelize surface run-off.

4. Impact on ground water quality

-do- 4. None anticipated.

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5. Impact on aesthetic appeal -do- 5. Not applicable

6. Integration of energy conservation

-do- 6. Not applicable

Pre-construction activities by the Contractor

1.Construction Camps

Contractor & DSC

1. Yes camp is at site.

2. Defining of construction/work areas on ground

-do- 2. Construction areas delineated by DSC Site Engr

3. Circulation plan during construction

-do- 3. Not Applicable

4. Site clearance activities

-do- 4. NOC obtained by the Forest Department and only pebbles removed from construction area.

5. Drinking water availability -do- 5. Drinking water available.

6. Identification of disposal sites

-do- 6. Identification of disposal sites done but no disposal from site yet.

7. Waste mgt on site -do- 7. Litter bins available at appropriate location

Construction impacts

1. Improper stockpiling

Contractor 1. Stockpiling of material was found to be improper on site initially but following the instructions given, stockpiling now being carried out allowing free movement of road traffic and safely.

2.Quarry/ Borrow pit operations

-do- 2. Borrow pit operations not applicable.

3.Stripping, stocking & preservation of top soil

-do- 3. Stripping/ Stocking of top soil done on site and used for final side slopes.

4.Soil erosion -do- 4. Soil erosion not applicable as yet.

5.Blasting -do- 5. Blasting not required nor permitted.

6. Water pollution due to fuel/lubricants

-do- 6. No water pollution due to fuel or lubricants on site yet.

7. Generation of dust -do- 7. Water sprinkling being done as per requirement.

8.Emission from constn

vehicles -do- 8. Emissions from Const

n vehicles/equipment

are negligible.

9. Noise from constn

equipment -do- 9. No noise from const

n equipment observed

on site.

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10. Material handling

-do- 10. Material handling on site duly being followed by the Contractor. No hazardous material in use at site during the period.

11. Disposal of constn

waste/debris -do- 11. No waste at site.

12. Safety measures -do- 12. Safety measures like PPEs/First Aid Kit/Emergency numbers are being followed.

13. Risks force majeure -do- 13. No force majeure risks yet.

14. Malaria risk -do- 14.No malaria risk

15. Chance archaeological finds

-do- 15. No artifact’s/finds reported.

16.Religious structures -do- 16. No religious structure encountered yet

O & M impacts 1.Environmental conditions PMU, Contractor & DSC

Not yet arise

2.Uncontrolled tourism -do- -do-

3. Adequate drainage -do- -do-

4. Road safety

-do- -do-

Package 5.2: Forest RH- improvement and camping site at Dhameta

O & M impacts 1. Environmental conditions -do- 1. Environmental condition has been restored. Work Completed Overall EMP application status is satisfactory.

2. Uncontrolled tourism development

-do- 2. Not yet.

3. Mgt of toilet blocks

-do- 3. Yet to be handed over to asset owner.

4. Adequate drainage on site -do- 4. Yes

5. Hygiene & sanitation -do- 5, Good

6. Increased waste loads on the existing facility

-do- 6. Asset owner will plan to manage it

Package 6.1: Community based tourism activities in villages, including skill development, training, etc.

Four CBT projects named CBT-02 (Dhameta), CBT-03 (Kangra and Pragpur), CBT-05 (Naina Devi) and CBT-06 (Shimla) are now in full swing. CBT 04 has been awarded. Environmental concerns are inbuilt part of these subprojects and one of the key expected outcome is “Improved basic urban infrastructure and incidental services (such as public toilets, street signage, and lighting) at existing and emerging tourist destinations and gateways” and “Enhanced quality of natural and cultural tourist attractions to ensure convenience and safety for visitors.

Package 8.1: Parking for 100 vehicles at Bajreshwari temple,

O & M impacts 1. Environmental conditions Line agency 1. Environmental conditions restored and handed over to the asset owner.

Work Completed Overall EMP application status 2. Uncontrolled tourism -do- 2. Asset owner will monitor it

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Kangra development is satisfactory.

3. Mgt of toilet blocks -do- 3. Yes

4. Adequate drainage on site -do- 4. Yes

5. Hygiene & sanitation -do- 5. Good

6. Increased waste loads on the existing facility

-do- 6. Not yet

Package 9.1A: Shimla Mall Road Restoration Project

Location impacts

1. Long term planning to ensure sustainability

PMU & Line Agency (M.C.


Public Toilets are located near the sites and are being used by Labourer’s.

Provision of litter bags for waste management done by the Contractor.

HPPCB Ambient air monitoring results of Ridge is being used and results are within the permissible limit.

2. Impacts on archaeological remains, if any.

-do- 2. None.

3. Other -do- 3. The scattered site locations are already used by tourists. Therefore, safety precautions have been considered more.

Design & pre-construction impacts

1. Impact on sensitive areas

DSC & Contractor

1. The most critical issues impacting the sensitivity of the area is related to drainage and disposal of waste materials. These have been appropriately dealt in the design proposal.

2. Slope stability related issues

-do- 2. None as this is flat land.

3. Increased storm water runoff

-do- 3. All storm water channelized and connected to M.C. sewer.

4. Impact on ground water quality

-do- 4. No impact on ground water quality is envisaged.

5. Impact on aesthetic appeal

-do- 5. Local architectural features in the facade and roof design have been incorporated for traditional aesthetics.

6. Integration of energy conservation

-do- 6. Energy efficient LED fixtures have been proposed in the design.

7. Construction camps -do- 7. A labour camp has been established on site.

8. Circulation plan during -do- 8. Alternative circulation plan for peak season

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movement prepared by DSC in consultation with the Line Agency & proper information to be displayed for its follow up during execution.

9. Site clearance activities -do- 9. Not yet due.

10. Drinking water availability

-do- 10. Drinking water is provided from the Municipal supply.

11. Identification of disposal sites

-do- 11. Disposal sites identified by in consultation with the Line Agency and local body.

12. Waste mgt on site -do- 12. Litter collected in bins and disposed in the M.C. dumper nearby.

Construction impacts

1. Improper stockpiling

Contractor 1. The limited material is properly brought in and safely stored and used on site as per the instructions given by the field staff.

2.Quarry/ Borrow pit operations

-do- 2. Not applicable.

3.Stripping, stocking & preservation of top soil

-do- 3. Not applicable.

4. Soil & water pollution due to fuel

-do- 4. None observed.

5. Siltation of water bodies -do- 5. Not applicable.

6. Generation of dust -do- 6. No dust generation noted

7. Emission from constn


-do- 7. Marginal emissions for very short durations occur. Occasional water sprinkling is carried out as required.

8. Noise from constn

equipment -do- 8. Noise testing carried out.

9. Material handling

-do- 9. Material handling is safe and proper and regularly checked by field staff.

10. Disposal of constn


-do- 10. Most of it is recycled on site. Minor items disposed off to scrap vendors or nearby dumper.

11. Safety measures

-do- 11. Safety measures being adhered to - First Aid Kit, Fire Safety equipment and personal protection equipment are being used and other norms laid out in the EMP generally followed.

12. Risks force majeure -do- 12. None yet.

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13. Malaria risk -do- 13. No incident reported from site.

14. Clearing of constn camps -do- 14. Not yet due.

O & M impacts 1. Environmental conditions

Line agency Not yet due.

2. Uncontrolled tourism development

-do- -do-

3. Mgt of toilet blocks -do- -do-

4. Adequate drainage on site -do- -do-

5. Hygiene & sanitation -do- -do-

2. Increased waste loads on the existing facility.

-do- -do-

Package 9.1B: Rehabilitation of Shimla Town Hall

Location impacts

1. Long term planning to ensure sustainability

PMU & Line Agency(M.C.Kan


Toilet on site is available for workers and public Toilets are located adjacent to the site

Provision of litter bags for waste management done by the Contractor.

HPPCB ambient monitoring results of ridge being used and results are within permissible limit.

Safety precaution made by the contractor.

2. Impacts on archaeological remains, if any.

-do- 2. None.

3. Other -do- 3. Movement of tourists is significant.

Design & pre-construction impacts

1. Impact on sensitive areas

DSC & Contractor

1. The most critical issues impacting the sensitivity of the area are related to (i) drainage and disposal of construction debris. These have been appropriately dealt in the design proposal.

2. Slope stability related issues

-do- 2. None as this is flat land.

3. Increased storm water runoff

-do- 3. All storm water shall be channelized and connected to M.C. drain on site.

4. Impact on ground water quality

-do- 4. No impact on ground water quality is envisaged. Proper storage of fuel and lubricants prevents any possible pollution. Lime is being slaked in a water proof tank so

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that there is no adverse effect to ground water.

5. Impact on aesthetic appeal

-do- 5. Local architectural features in the facade and roof design have been incorporated for traditional aesthetics.

6. Integration of energy conservation

-do- 6. Solar hot water, solar PV lighting & energy efficient LED fixtures have been proposed in the design.

7. Construction camps

-do- 7. Labor has been provided accommodation by contractor.

8. Circulation plan during construction

-do- 8. Most of works are indoor and do not affect traffic movement. Minor diversions to pedestrian traffic have been done on site. Proper signage’s have been provided at site.

9. Site clearance activities -do- 9. Not yet due.

10. Drinking water availability

-do- 10. Drinking water is provided from the Municipal supply.

11. Identification of disposal sites

-do- 11. Disposal sites to be identified by DSC in consultation with the Line Agency and local body.

12. Waste mgt on site -do- 12. Litter to be collected in bins and disposed in the M.C. dumper nearby.

Construction impacts

1. Improper stockpiling

Contractor 1. The material is properly brought in and safely stored and used on site as per the instructions given by the field staff.

2.Quarry/ Borrow pit operations

-do- 2. Not applicable.

3.Stripping, stocking & preservation of top soil

-do- 3. Not applicable.

4. Soil & water pollution due to fuel

-do- 4. None observed. Proper storage of fuel as indicated in the EMP shall be followed.

5. Siltation of water bodies -do- 5. Not applicable.

6. Generation of dust -do- 6. Some amount of dust generation noted while shifting of office garbage. PPEs/closed vehicles used.

7. Emission from constn

-do- 7. Marginal emissions for very short durations

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occur. Occasional water sprinkling is carried out as required. Environmental tests of Ridge shall be reviewed regularly.

8. Noise from constn

equipment -do- 8. Most of work is indoor. HPPCB ambient

monitoring results of ridge being used and results are within permissible limit.

9. Material handling

-do- 9. Material handling is safe and proper and regularly checked by field staff.

10. Disposal of constn


-do- 10. items disposed off in consultation with local authorities through dumper by municipality.

11. Safety measures

-do- 11. Safety measures being adhered to - First Aid Kit, Fire Safety equipment and personal protection equipment are being used and other norms laid out in the EMP generally being followed.

12. Risks force majeure -do- 12. Not yet.

13. Malaria risk -do- 13. No incident reported from site.

14. Clearing of constn camps -do- 14. Not yet due.

O & M impacts 1. Environmental conditions

Line agency Not yet due.

2. Uncontrolled tourism development

-do- -do-

3. Mgt of toilet blocks -do- -do-

4. Adequate drainage on site -do- -do-

5. Hygiene & sanitation -do- -do-

6. Increased waste loads on the existing facility

-do- -do-

Tutikandi Multistorey Parking Facility

Location impacts

1. Long term planning to ensure sustainability

PMU & Line Agency (M.C.

Shimla )

Toilet on site is available for workers.

Provision of litter bags for waste management done by the Contractor.

HPPCB ambient monitoring results of ridge being used.

Safety precaution made by the contractor.

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2. Impacts on archaeological remains, if any.

-do- 2. None.

3. Other -do- 3. The site is adjacent to National Highway.

Design & pre-construction impacts

1. Impact on sensitive areas

DSC & Contractor

1. The most critical issues impacting the sensitivity of the area are related to (i) drainage and (ii) traffic mgt. These have to been appropriately dealt in the design.

2. Slope stability related issues

-do- 2. The site in very steep and appropriate measures have to be taken

3. Increased storm water runoff

-do- 3. All storm water shall be channelized

4. Impact on ground water quality

-do- 4. No impact on ground water quality is envisaged. Proper storage of fuel and lubricants prevents any possible pollution.

5. Impact on aesthetic appeal

-do- 5. Local architectural features in the facade and roof design have been incorporated for traditional aesthetics.

6. Integration of energy conservation

-do- 6. Energy efficient LED fixtures have been proposed in the design.

7. Construction camps

-do- 7. Labour camp is being being established on site with proper water and sanitation.

8. Circulation plan during construction

-do- 8. A circulation plan for peak season movement needs to be prepared by DSC in consultation with the Line Agency & proper information to be displayed for its follow up during execution

9. Site clearance activities -do- 9. Being Undertaken.

10. Drinking water availability -do- 10. Drinking water is provided

11. Identification of disposal sites

-do- 11. Disposal sites identified by DSC in consultation with the Line Agency/ local body.

12. Waste mgt on site -do- 12. Litter to be collected in bins and disposed in the M.C. dumper nearby.

Construction impacts

1. Improper stockpiling

Contractor 1. The material has to be properly brought in and safely stored and used on site as per the instructions given by the field staff.

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2.Quarry/ Borrow pit operations

-do- 2. Borrow pit operations not applicable.

3.Stripping, stocking & preservation of top soil

-do- 3. Stripping/ Stocking of top soil to be done on site and used in landscaping area.

4. Soil & water pollution due to fuel

-do- 4. Not applicable as yet.

5. Siltation of water bodies -do- 5. Not applicable as yet.

6. Generation of dust -do- 6. Some amount of dust generation is envisaged. Water sprinkling will be used.

7. Emission from constn


-do- 7. Marginal emissions for very short durations occur. Occasional water sprinkling is to be carried out as required.

8. Noise from constn

equipment -do- 8. Noise testing is to be carried out.

9. Material handling

-do- 9. Material handling has to be safe and proper and regularly checked by field staff.

10. Disposal of constn

waste/debris -do- 10. Not applicable as yet, work just started.

11. Safety measures

-do- 11. Safety measures being adhered to - First Aid Kit, Fire Safety equipment and personal protection equipment are being used and other norms laid out in the EMP generally being followed.

12. Risks force majeure

-do- 12. None yet.

13. Malaria risk -do- 13. No incident reported from site.

14. Clearing of constn camps -do- 14. Not yet due.

O & M impacts 1. Environmental conditions

Line agency Not yet due.

2. Uncontrolled tourism development

-do- -do-

3. Mgt of toilet blocks -do- -do-

4. Adequate drainage on site -do- -do-

5. Hygiene & sanitation -do- -do-

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6. Increased waste loads on the existing facility

-do- -do-

The Contractors are complying with the EMP for each contract which is attached as per Annexure 23

ANNEXURES: List of Appendices – NoCs& Statutory Approvals obtained by HPTDB

Annexure 1: Statutory Conditional Approval of MoEF dated 22-04-2013

Annexure 2: HP Forest department letter of handing over of site dated 29-09-2013

Annexure 3: NoC from Temple Trust Naina Devi dated 06-07-2011

Annexure 4: NoC from Municipal Council, Shri Naina Devi Ji dated 09-12-2010

Annexure 5: NoC from the Member Secretary, SADA dated 18-07-2014

Annexure 6: NoC from department of Languages, Art & Culture dated 25-07-2013

Annexure 7: NoC from Town and Country Planning dated 03-06-2014

Annexure 8: NoC from Temple Trust Chintpurni dated 03-03-2012.

Annexure 9: NoC from the Member Secretary, SADA dated 18-07-2014

Annexure 10: NoC from NHAI dated 03.01.2014

Annexure 11: NoC from Forest Department dated 21-04-2014

Annexure 12: NoC from Department of Youth, Sport & Services dated 02-12-2011

Annexure 13: NoC from HP Forest department dated 14-03-2012

Annexure 14: NoC from HP Forest department dated 20-06-2013.

Annexure 15: NoC regarding statutory approval for transfer of land dated 24-11-2014

Annexure 16: NoC from H.P. Forest Department dated 07-11-2013

Annexure 17: NoC from M.C. Kangra dated 01-03-2013 & 09-03-2013

Annexure 18: NoC from Municipal Corporation Shimla dated 13-01-2014 and 13-05-2014

Annexure 19: NoC from H.P. Pollution Control Board dated 07-08-2014

Annexure 20: NoC from Ministry of Forest dated 01-10-2014

Annexure 21: Final Mechanism decided for the project.

Annexure 22: EMP Compliance Status for the completed/on-going subprojects

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Annexure 1: Statutory Conditional Approval for sub project 1.1 from MoEF dated 22-04-2013

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Annexure 2: HP Forest department letter of handing over of site dated 26-04-2013

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Annexure 3: NoC from Temple Trust Naina Devi dated 6-07-2011

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Annexure 4: NoC from Municipal Council, Shri Naina Devi Ji dated 09-12-2010

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Annexure 4: NoC from Municipal Council, Shri Naina Devi Ji dated 09-12-2010 (English Translation) Telephone No.01978-288025 Municipal Council, Sh. Naina Devi Ji, Pin Code: 174310 28 MCND-15/2010-2023 09 December, 2010 To, Temple Officer, Temple Committee, Sh. Naina Devi JI, District Bilaspur, H.P. Subject: Approval of building plan for construction of multistorey parking

on Kh No. 1518/133, 1520/134, 1522/135 and 136 and Kh. No. 137 and 1524/141 Mauja Sh. Naina Devi Ji near Ropeway Upper Terminal, ward no. 2.

This is with reference to your letter no dated 28.09.2010 vide

which the Municipal Council in its resolution no. 382 (1) dated 29.11.2010 has granted approval for construction of multistorey parking on the following conditions.

1. The NoC on the approved drawing on the above mentioned Kh. No. will be granted subject to No objection from other departments. As per the revenue Department the total area on Kh. No. 1518/133, 1520/134, 1522/135 and Kh. No. 136 is 177.88 Sq. mtrs and the land belongs to Art & Culture Deptt, Bilaspur. The total area on Kh. No. 137 and 1524/141 is 977.43 Sq. Mtrs and the land belongs to HPPWD.

2. The Work Completion report should be submitted at the time of completion of the project.

3. In case of any disputes with any Stakeholders/ existing partners you will be liable for resolving that dispute. We shall not be made party to that dispute.

4. The Construction materials like sand, stone, dumping of debris etc shall not be stored on the road/ Nallah or in Municipal office without taking prior permission. The area should be kept neat and clean. If rules are broken then strict action will be taken as per the rules.

5. The construction of Cantilever, Sewerage Inspection Chamber etc should be constructed on your own land.

6. For the purpose of construction of multistorey parking, no trees/ branches/ loppings off etc should be made on the specified land or on the adjacent land.

7. Proper arrangement should be made for the rainwater, waste water etc in the project.

8. For construction of multi storey parking, the water for construction purposes should be arranged by yourself and the water from the public taps should not be used.

9. As per the drawings for the said parking project, the rain water should be stored properly and proper rain water harvesting tank to be made.

If the above conditions are not fulfilled or ignored the approval will be cancelled and construction of the multi storey parking will be considered as illegal.


Officer-in-charge, Municipal Council, Sh. Naina Devi Ji.

Encl: 1. Approved copy of Building plan. 2. G 8, 41/66 dated 11.10.2010 amount Rs. 14,911/-

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Annexure 5: NoC from the Member Secretary, SADA dated 18-07- 2014

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Annexure 6: NoC from department of Languages, Art & Culture dated 25-07-2013

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Annexure 7: NoC from Town & Country Planning dated 03-06-2014 Annexure 8: NoC from Temple Trust Chintpurni dated 03-03-2012

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Annexure 8: NoC from Temple Trust Chintpurni dated 03-03-2012

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Annexure 9: NoC from the Member Secretary, SADA dated 18-07-2014

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Annexure 10 : NoC from NHAI on 03.01.2014

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Annexure 11: NoC from Forest Department dated 21

st April, 2014

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Annexure 12: NoC from Department of Youth, Sport & Services dated 02-12-2011

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Annexure -13: NoC from HP Forest department dated 14-03-2012

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Annexure -14: NoC from HP Forest department dated 20-06-2013

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Annexure15: NoC regarding statutory approval for transfer of land dated 24-11-2014

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Annexure -16: NoC from H.P. Forest Department dated 07-11-2013 Annexure18: NoC from M.C. Kangra dated 01-03-2013 & 09-03-2013

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Annexure17: NoC from M.C. Kangra

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Annexure 18: NoC from Municipal Corporation Shimla dated 13-01-2014 and 13-05-2014 Annexure 20: NoC from H.P. Pollution Control Board dated 07-08-2014

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Annexure 19: NoC from H.P. Pollution Control Board dated 07-08-2014

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Annexure -20: NoC from Ministry of forest dated 01-10-2014 (Hindi) Annexure 21: NoC from Ministry of forest dated 01-10-2014 (English Translation)

Government of India Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change

Regional office

FRI Campus, Pearson Road, P.O. New Forest, Dehradun- 248006, Phone: 0135-275080 Letter No. 9-HPB 830/2011-CHA/378 Dated: 01.10.2014 To,

Principal Secretary, Forest Department, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh Civil Secretariat Shimla. Subject: Diversion of 1.1210 Ha of Forest land in favor of

Commissioner, Municipal Corporation Shimla for the construction of Car parking near Tourism information Centre at Old barrier Shimla, within the jurisdiction of Shimla Forest Division & District Shimla, H.P.

Reference: Addl. Principal Chief Conservator of Forest cum-Nodal dated


Sir, This is with reference to above referred letters vide which permission was requested for the above mentioned subject under clause 2 of Forest Conservation Act, 1980 from Govt of India. The proposal received from the State Government was thoroughly studied and NoC is granted for construction of parking complex on 1.1210 Ha forest land on the following terms and conditions:

1. The existing legal statas of forest land shall not be changed. 2. The number of trees cut should be minimal and it shall not exceed

to 215.


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nnexure 20: NoC from Ministry of forest dated 01-10-2014 (English)

Government of India Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change

Regional office

FRI Campus, Pearson Road, P.O. New Forest, Dehradun- 248006, Phone: 0135-275080 Letter No. 9-HPB 830/2011-CHA/378 Dated: 01.10.2014 To,

Principal Secretary, Forest Department, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh Civil Secretariat Shimla. Subject: Diversion of 1.1210 Ha of Forest land in favor of

Commissioner, Municipal Corporation Shimla for the construction of Car parking near Tourism information Centre at Old barrier Shimla, within the jurisdiction of Shimla Forest Division & District Shimla, H.P.

Reference: Addl. Principal Chief Conservator of Forest cum-Nodal Officer,

Himachal Pradesh letter No. 48-2101/2010 (FCA) dated 22.09.2014 and Forest Conservator (Central) North Regional office letter no. 9-HPB 830/2011- CHA dated 09.12.2011.

Sir, This is with reference to above referred letters vide which permission was requested for the above mentioned subject under clause 2 of Forest Conservation Act, 1980 from Govt of India. The proposal received from the State Government was thoroughly studied and NoC is granted for construction of parking complex on 1.1210 Ha forest land on the following terms and conditions:

3. The existing legal statas of forest land shall not be changed.

4. The number of trees cut should be minimal and it shall not exceed to 215.

5. As per plan PF/10 Malgi for compensatory afforestation of Rs.2,17,250/- has been received from Implementing agency. The planting of trees on 2.242 HA forest land shall be done within one year from date of issue of this letter.

6. N.P.V rates are increased then the implementing agency has to bear the increased amount

7. No camps shall be made by the Implementing Agency for residing the labour/ staff on the proposed site.

8. The implementing agency shall provide LPG/ Kerosene oil to its labour/ staff so that the trees are not damaged.

9. During construction of the project, due care to be taken for plants and animals in the vicinity.

10. The forest land shall be utilized for the said objectives and not for any other purposes.

11. The demarcation of the project land should be done on the expenses of the procurer, RCC pillar method shall be used.

12. The instructions of Ministry of Environment & Forest, New Delhi vide letter no. 11-48/2002-FC dated 29/30

th April, 2005, 5-3/2007- FC dated

17.January, 2011 and other instructions received should be adhered to.

13. If any clause/ rule/ Court order etc. is applicable on the project, the State Government/ User Agency shall be responsible for taking the permission themselves.

If the above conditions are not fulfilled then the Ministry will cancel the NoC. The State Government, through Forest Department is responsible for fulfilling all the conditions.

Yours Faithfully, -------Sd--------

(D.P. Singh) Principal Chief Conservator of Forest,


-------Sd-------- (D.P. Singh)

Principal Chief Conservator of Forest, Dehradun. .

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Annexure 21: Final Monitoring Mechanism decided for the project

a) The Department of Tourism (DoT), Government of Himachal Pradesh, is the Executing Agency.

b) The implementing agency is the Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Board (HPTDB).

c) The Project Management Unit (PMU) has been established in Shimla for the overall project management and

d) Project Implementation Unit (PIU) has been established in Dhaliyara at Distt. Kangra, Shimla and Kullu.

e) Environmental Specialist has been deputed to the PMU, who will be responsible for implementation of the environmental safeguard provisions. Project

Management Consultants (PMC) and Design and Supervision Consultants (DSC) have been recruited to provide assistance to the PMU/PIUs in project


f) Within the PMC team, an Environmental Specialist provides overall direction for management of environmental issues, and provides technical support to the

PMU including implementation of the environmental safeguards according to ADB requirements, and assist in monitoring impacts and mitigation measures

associated with subprojects.

g) The Environmental Specialist of the DSC team is responsible for preparation of the Environmental assessment documents in line with the EARF and supervises

the implementation of the EMP provisions in the subprojects. The DSC Safeguards specialist supports environmental management functions including updating

IEEs with respect to sub-project Environmental Management Plans, and assist in monitoring impacts and mitigation measures associated with subprojects.

He/she will be required to include mitigation measures in designs where appropriate, and to specify other measures in construction contracts. Contractors will

be required by their contracts to implement all specified mitigation, monitoring, and reporting assigned to contractors as presented in the EMP.

h) The PMU, oversees the implementation of the environmental provisions related to subproject implementation, its responsibilities include preparation and

updating of IEEs consistent with the ADBs Safeguards Policy Statement and the environmental compliance requirements of the Government of Himachal

Pradesh and the Government of India. Environmental monitoring will be undertaken by the PMU supported by the DSC - Safeguards specialist.

i) The project includes upfront and on-going supervision and training assistance for environmental monitoring reporting in project management structures. The

effective implementation of the measures proposed will be ensured through the building up of capacity towards environmental management within the PMU

supplemented with the technical expertise of a Safeguards Specialist as part of the PMC/DSC.

j) Towards addressing the environmental issues in the project components during design and implementation, the DSC will include provisions for inputs of an

Environmental Specialist. In addition to addressing the issues related to environmental management in the project, the Environmental Specialist will play a

central role in ensuring capability building on Environmental Management of the PMU/PIU, Contractor and Line Departments.

k) The sample monitoring plan are as below with responsibility.

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Indicators Parameters Targets Frequency Responsibility Remedial action

Construction stage

Ambient Air Quality

PM10, PM2.5, NOX, SO2, CO

NAAQMS, 2009

Once during construction

Contractor, through approved Monitoring Agency

Stricter implementation of emission norms

Water quality

TDS, pH, Hardness, Faecal coliform, E coli

Designated best use parameters

Once during construction

Contractor, through approved Monitoring Agency

Identify source of contamination & treat effluent before discharge into receiving waters. For continued non-compliance, invoke penalty clauses

Dust suppression

Frequency, timing & location

No dust rising from construction site

Once a week during construction

PIU through DSC

Increase frequency

Machinery noise

dB (A)

˂75Db(A) at 1 m free field from M/C

Once during construction

Contractor, through approved Monitoring Agency

Ensure compliance, for continued non-compliance invoke penalty clause

Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) Management Plan

Plan covers all activities

Compliance with applicable labour laws



Identify non-compliance and modify plan

OHS implementation record

Site maintenance, medical facilities, instructions, signage

Compliance with OHS



In case of continued non-compliance, invoke penalty clauses

Operations stage

Ambient Air Quality

PM10, PM2.5, NOX, SO2, CO

NAAQMS, 2009

Once annually during peak season

Dept of Forests & Wildlife Contractor, through approved Monitoring Agency

Stricter implementation of emission norms

Water quality

TDS, pH, Hardness, Faecal coliform, E coli

Designated best use parameters

Twice annually – May & September

Dept of Forests & Wildlife Contractor, through approved Monitoring Agency

Identify source of contamination & treat effluent before discharge into receiving waters. For continued non-compliance, invoke penalty clauses

Ambient noise

day and night time noise levels

NANQS (National Ambient Noise Quality Standards)

Once annually during peak season

Dept of Forests & Wildlife Contractor, through approved Monitoring Agency

Identify source and strictly regulate noise emissions

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Annexure -22: EMP Compliance Status for the completed/on-going subprojects

Sr. No.

Name of project Stipulations Compliance Status Work Status Remark/Remedial Actions

Complied Partially complied

Not complied

1 Naina Devi Destination improvements

1.1 Circular Road – 1000 m x 3.75 m):

EMP provisions by contractors

Work Completed

Ambient Air Monitoring Testing conducted by HPPCB and results are within permissible limits

Water Monitoring -do-

Ambient Noise Monitoring -do-

Machinery Noise Monitoring - - - Not applicable 1.2 Car parking and other

amenities EMP provisions by contractors

Work is in progress

Inspection reports documented.

Ambient Air Monitoring Testing conducted by HPPCB and results are within permissible limits

Water Monitoring -do-

Ambient Noise Monitoring -do-

Machinery Noise Monitoring Not required (Calibrations being done)

2 Chintpurni Destination improvements

2.1 Integrated parking, interpretation Centre, toilets & other visitor amenities

EMP provisions by contractors

Work is in progress.

Inspection reports documented.

Ambient Air Monitoring Testing conducted by HPPCB and results are within permissible limits

Water Monitoring -do-

Ambient Noise Monitoring -do-

Machinery Noise Monitoring Not required (Calibrations being done)

2.2 Rest sheds, toilet facilities and view points along road from TRC to temple at Chintpurni

EMP provisions by contractors Work is in progress.

Inspection reports being documented.

Ambient Air Monitoring Testing conducted by HPPCB and results are within permissible limits

Water Monitoring -do-

Ambient Noise Monitoring -do-

Machinery Noise Monitoring - - - Not applicable 3 Pong dam area subproject proposal

3.1 Information Centre at Pong Dam

EMP provisions by contractors

Work completed

Ambient Air Monitoring Testing conducted by HPPCB and results are within permissible limits

Water Monitoring -do-

Ambient Noise Monitoring -do-

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Sr. No.

Name of project Stipulations Compliance Status Work Status Remark/Remedial Actions

Complied Partially complied

Not complied

Machinery Noise Monitoring - - - Not applicable 3.2 Parking and toilet

facilities EMP provisions by contractors

Work completed

Ambient Air Monitoring Testing conducted by HPPCB and results are within permissible limits

Water Monitoring -do-

Ambient Noise Monitoring -do-

Machinery Noise Monitoring - - - Not applicable 3.3 Camping facilities, with

provisions for 10 tents, including toilets etc

EMP provisions by contractors

Work completed

Ambient Air Monitoring Testing conducted by HPPCB and results are within permissible limits

Water Monitoring -do-

Ambient Noise Monitoring -do-

Machinery Noise Monitoring - - - Not applicable 3.4 Jetty development EMP provisions by contractors

Work completed

Ambient Air Monitoring Testing conducted by HPPCB and results are within permissible limits

Water Monitoring -do-

Ambient Noise Monitoring -do-

Machinery Noise Monitoring - - - Not applicable 3.5 Landscaping and signage EMP provisions by contractors

Work is in progress

Inspection reports documented.

Ambient Air Monitoring Testing conducted by HPPCB and results are within permissible limits

Water Monitoring -do-

Ambient Noise Monitoring -do-

Machinery Noise Monitoring - - - Not applicable 4 Ranser island and Karu island improvement subproject proposal


Redevelopment of Forest rest house- Ranser island

EMP provisions by contractors

Work is in progress

Inspection reports documented.

Ambient Air Monitoring Testing conducted by HPPCB and results are within permissible limits

Water Monitoring -do-

Ambient Noise Monitoring -do-

Machinery Noise Monitoring - - - Not applicable 4.2 Jetty development,

Ranser and Karu Island EMP provisions by contractors

Work almost completed

Inspection reports documented.

Ambient Air Monitoring Testing conducted by HPPCB and results are within permissible limits

Water Monitoring -do-

Ambient Noise Monitoring -do-

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Sr. No.

Name of project Stipulations Compliance Status Work Status Remark/Remedial Actions

Complied Partially complied

Not complied

Machinery Noise Monitoring - - - Not applicable 4.3 Treks around the island -

4km EMP provisions by contractors

Work is in progress

Inspection reports to be documented.

Ambient Air Monitoring Testing conducted by HPPCB and results are within limit

Water Monitoring -do-

Ambient Noise Monitoring -do-

Machinery Noise Monitoring - - - Not applicable 4.4 Landscaping, planting

along the peripheral trail and directional signage

EMP provisions by contractors Work started Inspection reports to be documented.

Ambient Air Monitoring Testing conducted by HPPCB and results are within limit

Water Monitoring -do-

Ambient Noise Monitoring -do- Machinery Noise Monitoring - - - Not applicable

4.5 Watch towers for bird watching in Karu island

EMP provisions by contractors

Work is in progress

Inspection reports to be documented

Ambient Air Monitoring Testing conducted by HPPCB and results are within limit

Water Monitoring -do-

Ambient Noise Monitoring -do- Machinery Noise Monitoring - - - Not applicable 5 Forest rest houses & camping sites of VFDS subproject proposal

5.1 A Camping sites development at Nagrota Suriyan

EMP provisions by contractors

Work is in progress

Inspection reports documented.

Ambient Air Monitoring Testing to be done

Water Monitoring -do-

Ambient Noise Monitoring Testing conducted by HPPCB and results are within limit

Machinery Noise Monitoring Not required (calibration being done) 5.1 B Forest rest house -

improvement and camping sites development at Dhameta

EMP provisions by contractors

Work Completed

Ambient Air Monitoring Testing conducted by HPPCB and results are within limit

Water Monitoring -do-

Ambient Noise Monitoring -do-

Machinery Noise Monitoring - - - Not applicable 6 Community based tourism activities subproject proposal

6.1 Community based tourism activities in

Shifted under consultancy assignments

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Sr. No.

Name of project Stipulations Compliance Status Work Status Remark/Remedial Actions

Complied Partially complied

Not complied

villages, including skill development, training, etc.

8 Kangra Town subproject proposal

8.1 Parking for 100 vehicles at Brajeshwari temple, Kangra

EMP provisions by contractors

Work completed

Testing conducted by HPPCB and results are within permissible limits

Ambient Air Monitoring -do-

Water Monitoring -do-

Ambient Noise Monitoring Not required

Machinery Noise Monitoring - - - Not applicable 9 Shimla subproject proposal

9.1 A

Shimla Mall Road restoration project

EMP provisions by contractors

Work is in progress

Inspection reports documented.

Ambient Air Monitoring PCB does regular monitoring at Ridge. Results collected from them and are within limits.

Water Monitoring The work is done in small patches hence no major impact is envisaged.

Ambient Noise Monitoring PCB does regular monitoring. Results collected from them and are within limits.

Machinery Noise Monitoring - - - Not applicable. 9.1 B Shimla rehabilitation of

town hall EMP provisions by contractors

Work under progress

Inspection reports documented.

Ambient Air Monitoring PCB does regular monitoring at Ridge. Results collected from them and are within limits

Water Monitoring Most of work is indoor hence no major impact envisaged.

Ambient Noise Monitoring - PCB does regular monitoring at Ridge. Results collected from them and are within limits

Machinery Noise Monitoring -do-

10 Tutikandi Multistorey Parking Facility

Baseline environmental monitoring underway.

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Following Environmental Closure Reports are attached.

1 Environmental Closure Report: Package 1.1 (Circular Road)

2 Environmental Closure Report: Package 3.1 (TRC, Pong)

3 Environmental Closure Report: Package 3.2 (Parking, Pong)

4 Environmental Closure Report: Package 3.3 (Camping, Pong)

5 Environmental Closure Report: Package 3.4 (Jetty Pong)

6 Environmental Closure Report: Package 5.1 B (FRH, Dhameta)

7 Environmental Closure Report: Package 8.1 (Parking, Brajeshwari)

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Sub-Project Name : Jetty Development at Pong Dam, Kangra

Package Number : Package HPTDB/3.4

Contractor : M/s S.S.S. Constructions, Amin Chand Building, Totu Shimla-


Sub-Project Period : The contract was awarded on 05.01.2012 and the completion date was 15th September, 2013

Background: As part of the Investment Program, the project aims to complete subprojects under four or five different components of the Investment Program in the State of Himachal Pradesh (Part A).

A. Component 1: Urban Infrastructure and Service Improvement

B. Component 2: Connectivity Improvement

C. Component 3: Quality Enhancement of Natural and Cultural Attractions

D. Component 4: Community-based Activities

E. Component 5: Capacity Development, Community Participation and Project Management

This subproject pertains to Component 1

IEE disclosure: As per Schedule 5 of FFA, Subproject Concept Report (SCR) and Subproject Appraisal Report (SAR) of subproject have been approved and it has been categorized as “B Category” subproject. Accordingly, Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) was prepared by following project Environmental Assessment and Review Framework (EARF, July 2010) and disclosed on the ADB website and project website.

Land Acquisition: The proposed sub-project locations are within the lands available with the Government in the Pong Sanctuary; an area designated for eco-tourism development as part of the management plan for the wetland, and is outside areas demarcated for habitat protection and conservation. Permissions from Forest Department were obtained (Annexure-1).

Required NOCs: In compliance of schedule 6 (viii) of FFA, all consent and approvals required for implementation of subproject under the Investment Program have been obtained in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the Government/state including other relevant agencies.

NOCs were in place prior to the project implementation and were part of QPR & EMR regularly submitted to the ADB and had also been disclosed on its website.

Implementation of Provisions of Environmental Management and Monitoring Plans: Provisions of following key environmental management and monitoring plans have been addressed as per IEE and identified certain shortcomings in terms of implementation has been considered on top priority, and the corrective actions taken accordingly throughout the project period.

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Stages: Pre-construction/Construction/Post construction phase

Activity Parameter monitored

Activity 1: Signage & Display Complied

Activity 2: Ambient Air Quality Complied

Activity 3: Solid Waste Management & Debris Disposal Complied

Activity 4: Water & Drainage Complied

Activity 5: Noise Complied

Activity 6: Site Operations & Management Complied

Activity 7: Occupational Health & Safety Complied

As per Loan Covenant 6 under Schedule 5 for HPIDIPT: “The State shall ensure that civil works Contracts under the projects follow all applicable labour laws of the Borrower and the State and that these further include provisions to the effect that Contractors …......

… (i) carry out HIV/AIDS awareness programs for labour and disseminate information at worksites on risks of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS as part of health and safety measures


… (ii) follow and implement all statutory provisions on labour, health, safety, welfare, sanitation and working conditions.


Local Grievance Redress Status: No grievance or any complaint was received by Grievance Redressal Committee and PIU, Kangra throughout the project period.

Source of construction materials: All the materials were sourced from local registered quarries / vendors. (Annexure 2)

Requisite environmental impacts after sub-project completion: The design, construction, operation, and implementation of subproject have been carried out in accordance with EARF and IEE/EMP agreed upon between the Government, the state and ADB and complied with environmental laws and regulations of the Government and the state and ADB Safeguard Policy Statement.

The objective and desired outcomes of the safeguard plans have been achieved, taking into account the baseline conditions and the results of monitoring. Environmental monitoring reports (Annexure 3) are within limit and no requisite impact has been identified after project completion at site.

Loan Agreement Compliance: The borrower and state shall ensure that:

Loan Agreement Conditions Compliance

1. The project is undertaken, and the project facilities are designed, constructed, implemented, operated, and maintained, in accordance with the Borrowers applicable laws and regulations; ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) as set forth in; and the EARF

Compiled, IEE is part of contract

agreement and is in accordance with the

country/state applicable laws and

regulations and ADB Safeguard Policy

Statement (2009) as set forth in and the


2. The IEE and EMP are implemented in accordance with their terms


3. In the event that any unanticipated adverse environmental impact occurs or a mitigation measures under an IEE or EMP does not have the desired effect, this is reported to ADB, and remedial actions are taken to mitigate the relevant impacts in

Compiled, No unanticipated adverse environmental impact occurred.

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consultation with the affected persons and ADB;

4. Any change to the location, land alignment, or environmental impacts on account of detailed designs of the Project facilities are mutually agreed between the Borrower and ADB, and are consistent with the eligibility criteria set forth in schedule 4 to the FFA;

Compiled, No change to the location or alignment and are consistent with the eligibility criteria set forth in shedule 4 to the FFA

5. The IEEs and EMPs are updated, as necessary, during the course of project implementation and submitted to ADB for clearance;

Compiled, The IEE and EMP submitted to ADB for clearance and has been disclosed on its website..

6. The Work Contractors are contractually obliged to implement the IEEs and EMPs and reprot on their implementation on regular basis, along with any deviation; and.


7. Reports on implementation of the IEEs and the EMPs are submitted to ADB on quarterly basis.

Compiled, Reports on implementation of the IEE/EMP/project covenant are submitted to ADB on quarterly basis as whole and specific EMR initially of quarterly basis and since July, 2014 onwards semi-annually basis.

Point 11 (Page 22) Specific Actions (Schedule 5)

Each State shall ensure following activities on a timely basis:

(a) All consents and approvals required for implementation of subprojects under the Project shall be obtained in accordance with laws and regulations of the Borrower or the State, including, without limitation, any consent or approvals from the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) or its branches within the state where applicable, for works on or around archaeological or heritage sites; and any consent or approvals from any other agencies or third parties that have any claim or authority over the site of a Subproject.

Complied, Investment Program has been obtained in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of the Government/state including other relevant agencies.

(b) Subprojects and business opportunities associated with the Subprojects shall be announced on the websites of the relevant State agencies, together with pertinent information in relation to goods and services procured for subprojects.

IEE/EMP disclosed on ADB website and notice boards of line agencies.

(c) The states shall ensure that adequate basic infrastructure and services such as electricity, water supply, sewerage and solid waste management are provided and maintained by the relevant Urban Local Body (“ULB”) or the agency concerned at each tourist destination for which investment will be financed under the Project

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(d) Admission and user fees to tourist facilities rehabilitated or created under the project shall be set at levels that are sufficient to make their operation financially sustainable. Where this is not feasible, the state shall ensure that adequate funds will be provided to meet any shortfall between the costs and revenues for the operation and maintenance of facilities rehabilitated or creates under the project.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(e) The state shall take appropriate measures including levy of user charges/taxes related policies and outsourcing and contracting models to ensure financial sustainability and accountability of the Facility and Investment Program as a whole.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(f) Mobility Plans shall be prepared by the state for major tourist destinations as required.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(g) No later than 31 March 2012, the state shall: Not applicable for this sub-

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have developed guidelines for effective and accruable data collection of tourism-related statics relevant to monitor the performance indicators developed for Investment Program;

have developed a set of benchmarks to be monitored by local communities, at a tourist destination or gateway for development of tourism; and

ensure that each ULB where investments will be financed under the Project shall have commenced the collection of relevant data.


(h) The state shall develop a tourism policy to mainstream:

Balanced distribution of economic opportunities across the state through community-based and ecotourism development with an introduction of relevant monitoring indicators;

Financial sustainability of tourism destinations and their heritage assets, and connectivity infrastructure; and

Policy and regulatory reforms to provide for adaptive reuse of publicity-owned heritage buildings so that additional means of cost recovery is established.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

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Annexure 1: NoC from HP Forest department dated 14-03-2012

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Annexure 2

Source of Material

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Environmental Monitoring Test Results

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Sub-Project Name : Camping facilities with provisions for 10 tents, including toilets at Pong

Dam, Kangra

Package Number : Package HPTDB/3.3

Contractor : Mr. Ganesh Kumar, Govt. Contractor, VPO Nari, Una Tehsil & District

Sub-Project Period : The contract was awarded on 05.01.2012 and the completion date of Contract

package was 28th January, 2014

Background: As part of the Investment Program, the Project aims to complete subprojects under four or five different components of the Investment Program in the State of Himachal Pradesh (Part A).

F. Component 1: Urban Infrastructure and Service Improvement

G. Component 2: Connectivity Improvement

H. Component 3: Quality Enhancement of Natural and Cultural Attractions

I. Component 4: Community-based Activities

J. Component 5: Capacity Development, Community Participation and Project Management

This subproject pertains to Component 1

IEE disclosure: As per Schedule 5 of FFA, Subproject Concept Report (SCR) and Subproject Appraisal Report (SAR) of subproject have been approved and has been categorized as “B Category” subproject. Accordingly Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) was prepared by following project Environmental Assessment and Review Framework (EARF, July 2010) and disclosed on the ADB website and project website.

Land Acquisition: The proposed sub-project locations are within the lands available with the Government in the Pong Sanctuary; an area designated for eco-tourism development as part of the management plan for the wetland, and is outside areas demarcated for habitat protection and conservation. Permissions from Forest Department were obtained (Annexure-1) and NOC required from department of Youth, Sports & Services (YSS) have been taken (Annexure-2).


Required NOCs: In compliance of schedule 6 (Viii) of FFA, all consent and approvals required for implementation of subproject under the Investment Program have been obtained in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of the Government/state including other relevant agencies. NOCs are in place prior to the project implementation and are part of QPR & EMR regularly submitted to the ADB and has also been disclosed on its website.

Implementation of Provisions of Environmental Management and Monitoring Plans: Provisions of following key environmental management and monitoring plans has been addressed as per IEE and identified certain shortcomings in terms of implementation has been considered on top priority, and the corrective actions taken accordingly throughout the project period.

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Stages: Pre-construction/Construction/Post construction phase

Activity Parameter monitored

Activity 1: Signage & Display Complied

Activity 2: Ambient Air Quality Complied

Activity 3: Solid Waste Management & Debris Disposal Complied

Activity 4: Water & Drainage Complied

Activity 5: Noise Complied

Activity 6: Site Operations & Management Complied

Activity 7: Occupational Health & Safety Complied

As per Loan Covenant 6 under Schedule 5 for HPIDIPT: “The State shall ensure that civil works Contracts under the projects follow all applicable labour laws of the Borrower and the State and that these further include provisions to the effect that Contractors …......

… (i) carry out HIV/AIDS awareness programs for labour and disseminate information at worksites on risks of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS as part of health and safety measures


… (ii) follow and implement all statutory provisions on labour, health, safety, welfare, sanitation and working conditions.


Local Grievance Redress Status: No grievance or any complaint was received by Grievance Redressal Committee and PIU, Kangra throughout the project period.

Source of construction materials: All the materials were sourced from local registered quarries / vendors. (Annexure 3)

Requisite environmental impacts after sub-project completion: The design, construction, operation, and implementation of subproject have been carried out in accordance with EARF and IEE/EMP agreed upon between the Government, the state and ADB and complied with environmental laws and regulations of the Government and the state and ADB Safeguard Policy Statement.

The objective and desired outcomes of the safeguard plans have been achieved, taking into account the baseline conditions and the results of monitoring. Environmental monitoring reports (Annexure 4) are within limit and no requisite impact has been identified after project completion at site.

Loan Agreement Compliance: The borrower and state shall ensure that:

Loan Agreement Conditions Compliance

1. The project is undertaken, and the project facilities are designed, constructed, implemented, operated, and maintained, in accordance with the Borrowers applicable laws and regulations; ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) as set forth in; and the EARF

Compiled, IEE is part of contract

agreement and is in accordance with the

country/state applicable laws and

regulations and ADB Safeguard Policy

Statement (2009) as set forth in and the


2. The IEE and EMP are implemented in accordance with their terms


3. In the event that any unanticipated adverse environmental impact occurs or a mitigation measures under an IEE or EMP does not have the desired effect, this is reported to ADB, and remedial actions are taken to mitigate the relevant impacts in consultation with the affected persons and ADB;

Compiled, No unanticipated adverse environmental impact occurred.

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4. Any change to the location, land alignment, or environmental impacts on account of detailed designs of the Project facilities are mutually agreed between the Borrower and ADB, and are consistent with the eligibility criteria set forth in schedule 4 to the FFA;

Compiled, No change to the location or alignment and are consistent with the eligibility criteria set forth in shedule 4 to the FFA

5. The IEEs and EMPs are updated, as necessary, during the course of project implementation and submitted to ADB for clearance;

Compiled, The IEE and EMP submitted to ADB for clearance and has been disclosed on its website..

6. The Work Contractors are contractually obliged to implement the IEEs and EMPs and reprot on their implementation on regular basis, along with any deviation; and.


7. Reports on implementation of the IEEs and the EMPs are submitted to ADB on quarterly basis.

Compiled, Reports on implementation of the IEE/EMP/project covenant are submitted to ADB on quarterly basis as whole and specific EMR initially of quarterly basis and since July, 2014 onwards semi-annually basis.

Point 11 (Page 22) Specific Actions (Schedule 5)

Each State shall ensure following activities on a timely basis:

(a) All consents and approvals required for implementation of subprojects under the Project shall be obtained in accordance with laws and regulations of the Borrower or the State, including, without limitation, any consent or approvals from the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) or its branches within the state where applicable, for works on or around archaeological or heritage sites; and any consent or approvals from any other agencies or third parties that have any claim or authority over the site of a Subproject.

Complied, Investment Program has been obtained in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of the Government/state including other relevant agencies.

(b) Subprojects and business opportunities associated with the Subprojects shall be announced on the websites of the relevant State agencies, together with pertinent information in relation to goods and services procured for subprojects.

IEE/EMP disclosed on ADB website and notice boards of line agencies.

(c) The states shall ensure that adequate basic infrastructure and services such as electricity, water supply, sewerage and solid waste management are provided and maintained by the relevant Urban Local Body (“ULB”) or the agency concerned at each tourist destination for which investment will be financed under the Project

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(d) Admission and user fees to tourist facilities rehabilitated or created under the project shall be set at levels that are sufficient to make their operation financially sustainable. Where this is not feasible, the state shall ensure that adequate funds will be provided to meet any shortfall between the costs and revenues for the operation and maintenance of facilities rehabilitated or creates under the project.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(e) The state shall take appropriate measures including levy of user charges/taxes related policies and outsourcing and contracting models to ensure financial sustainability and accountability of the Facility and Investment Program as a whole.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(f) Mobility Plans shall be prepared by the state for major tourist destinations as required.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

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(g) No later than 31 March 2012, the state shall:

have developed guidelines for effective and accruable data collection of tourism-related statics relevant to monitor the performance indicators developed for Investment Program;

have developed a set of benchmarks to be monitored by local communities, at a tourist destination or gateway for development of tourism; and

ensure that each ULB where investments will be financed under the Project shall have commenced the collection of relevant data.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(h) The state shall develop a tourism policy to mainstream:

Balanced distribution of economic opportunities across the state through community-based and ecotourism development with an introduction of relevant monitoring indicators;

Financial sustainability of tourism destinations and their heritage assets, and connectivity infrastructure; and

Policy and regulatory reforms to provide for adaptive reuse of publicity-owned heritage buildings so that additional means of cost recovery is established.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

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Annexure 1: NoC from HP Forest department dated 16-11-2011

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Annexure-2: NoC from Department of Youth, Sport & Services dated 02-12-2011

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Annexure-3: Source of Material

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Annexure-4: Environmental Monitoring Test Results

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Sub-Project Name : Circular Road, Naina Devi, Bilaspur

Package Number : Package HPTDB/1.1

Contractor : M/s R.R. Builders, 33, Railway Road, Nangal Township (Ropar), Pin-140 124.

Sub-Project Period : The contract was awarded on 05.01.2012 and the completion date of Contract package was 30

th November, 2015

Background: As part of the Investment Program, the Project aims to complete subprojects under four or five different components of the Investment Program in the State of Himachal Pradeesh (Part A).

A. Component 1: Urban Infrastructure and Service Improvement

B. Component 2: Connectivity Improvement

C. Component 3: Quality Enhancement of Natural and Cultural Attractions

D. Component 4: Community-based Activities

E. Component 5: Capacity Development, Community Participation and Project Management

This subproject pertains to Component 2

IEE disclosure: As per Schedule 5 of FFA, Subproject Concept Report (SCR) and Subproject Appraisal Report (SAR) of subproject have been approved and has been categorised as “B Category” subproject. Accordingly Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) was prepared by following project Environmental Assessment and Review Framework (EARF, July 2010) and disclosed on the ADB website and project website.

Land Acquisition: 0.43.64 Ha. Forest land from Forest Department and 0.01.71 Ha. land from one household has been acquired under the project. NOC of Forest Department (Annexure-1) and MOU from the person whose land was acquired have been taken (Annexure-2). Land handed over by Forest Department is attached as Annexure-3. Details are available in SMR and EMR Reports already submitted to ADB.

Required NOC’s: In compliance of schedule 6 (Viii) of FFA, all consent and approvals required for implementation of subproject under the Investment Program have been obtained in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of the Government/state including other relevant agencies.

NOCs are in place prior to the project implementation and are part of QPR & EMR regularly submitted to the ADB and has also been disclosed on its website.

Implementation of Provisions of Environmental Management and Monitoring Plans: Provisions of following key environmental management and monitoring plans has been addressed as per IEE and identified certain shortcomings in terms of implementation has been considered on top priority, and the corrective actions taken accordingly throughout the project period.

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Stages: Pre-construction/Construction/Post construction phase

Activity Parameter monitored

Activity 1: Signage & Display Complied

Activity 2: Ambient Air Quality Complied

Activity 3: Solid Waste Management & Debris Disposal Complied

Activity 4: Water & Drainage Complied

Activity 5: Noise Complied

Activity 6: Site Operations & Management Complied

Activity 7: Occupational Health & Safety Complied

As per Loan Covenant 6 under Schedule 5 for HPIDIPT: “The State shall ensure that civil works Contracts under the projects follow all applicable labour laws of the Borrower and the State and that these further include provisions to the effect that Contractors …......

… (i) carry out HIV/AIDS awareness programs for labour and disseminate information at worksites on risks of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS as part of health and safety measures


… (ii) follow and implement all statutory provisions on labour, health, safety, welfare, sanitation and working conditions.


Local Grievance Redress Status: No grievance or any complaint was received by Grievance Redressal Committee and PIU, Kangra throughout the project period.

Source of construction materials: All the materials were sourced from local registered quarries / vendors. (Annexure 4)

Requisite environmental impacts after sub-project completion: The design, construction, operation, and implementation of subproject have been carried out in accordance with EARF and IEE/EMP agreed upon between the Government, the state and ADB and complied with environmental laws and regulations of the Government and the state and ADB Safeguard Policy Statement.

The objective and desired outcomes of the safeguard plans have been achieved, taking into account the baseline conditions and the results of monitoring. Environmental monitoring reports (Annexure 5) are within limit and no requisite impact has been identified after project completion at site.

Loan Agreement Compliance: The borrower and state shall ensure that:

Loan Agreement Conditions Compliance

1. The project is undertaken, and the project facilities are designed, constructed, implemented, operated, and maintained, in accordance with the Borrowers applicable laws and regulations; ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) as set forth in; and the EARF

Compiled, IEE is part of contract

agreement and is in accordance with the

country/state applicable laws and

regulations and ADB Safeguard Policy

Statement (2009) as set forth in and the


2. The IEE and EMP are implemented in accordance with their terms


3. In the event that any unanticipated adverse environmental impact occurs or a mitigation measures under an IEE or EMP does not have the desired effect, this is reported to ADB, and remedial actions are taken to mitigate the relevant impacts in

Compiled, No unanticipated adverse environmental impact occurred.

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consultation with the affected persons and ADB;

4. Any change to the location, land alignment, or environmental impacts on account of detailed designs of the Project facilities are mutually agreed between the Borrower and ADB, and are consistent with the eligibility criteria set forth in schedule 4 to the FFA;

Compiled, No change to the location or alignment and are consistent with the eligibility criteria set forth in schedule 4 to the FFA

5. The IEEs and EMPs are updated, as necessary, during the course of project implementation and submitted to ADB for clearance;

Compiled, The IEE and EMP submitted to ADB for clearance and has been disclosed on its website..

6. The Work Contractors are contractually obliged to implement the IEEs and EMPs and reprot on their implementation on regular basis, along with any deviation; and.


7. Reports on implementation of the IEEs and the EMPs are submitted to ADB on quarterly basis.

Compiled, Reports on implementation of the IEE/EMP/project covenant are submitted to ADB on quarterly basis as whole and specific EMR initially of quarterly basis and since July, 2014 onwards semi-annually basis.

Point 11 (Page 22) Specific Actions (Schedule 5)

Each State shall ensure following activities on a timely basis;

(a) All consents and approvals required for implementation of subprojects under the Project shall be obtained in accordance with laws and regulations of the Borrower or the State, including, without limitation, any consent or approvals from the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) or its branches within the state where applicable, for works on or around archaeological or heritage sites; and any consent or approvals from any other agencies or third parties that have any claim or authority over the site of a Subproject.

Complied, Investment Program has been obtained in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of the Government/state including other relevant agencies.

(b) Subprojects and business opportunities associated with the Subprojects shall be announced on the websites of the relevant State agencies, together with pertinent information in relation to goods and services procured for subprojects.

IEE/EMP disclosed on ADB website and notice boards of line agencies.

(c) The states shall ensure that adequate basic infrastructure and services such as electricity, water supply, sewerage and solid waste management are provided and maintained by the relevant Urban Local Body (“ULB”) or the agency concerned at each tourist destination for which investment will be financed under the Project

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(d) Admission and user fees to tourist facilities rehabilitated or created under the project shall be set at levels that are sufficient to make their operation financially sustainable. Where this is not feasible, the state shall ensure that adequate funds will be provided to meet any shortfall between the costs and revenues for the operation and maintenance of facilities rehabilitated or creates under the project.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(e) The state shall take appropriate measures including levy of user charges/taxes related policies and outsourcing and contracting models to ensure financial sustainability and accountability of the Facility and Investment Program as a whole.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(f) Mobility Plans shall be prepared by the state for major tourist destinations as required.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(g) No later than 31 March 2012, the state shall:

● have developed guidelines for effective and accruable data

Not applicable for this sub-project.

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collection of tourism-related statics relevant to monitor the performance indicators developed for Investment Program;

● have developed a set of benchmarks to be monitored by local communities, at a tourist destination or gateway for development of tourism; and

● ensure that each ULB where investments will be financed under the Project shall have commenced the collection of relevant data.

(h) The state shall develop a tourism policy to mainstream:

● Balanced distribution of economic opportunities across the state through community-based and ecotourism development with an introduction of relevant monitoring indicators;

● Financial sustainability of tourism destinations and their heritage assets, and connectivity infrastructure; and

● Policy and regulatory reforms to provide for adaptive reuse of publicity-owned heritage buildings so that additional means of cost recovery is established.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

Annexure 1: Statutory Conditional Approval for sub project 1.1 from MoEF dated 22-04-2013

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Annexure 2

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Translation of Annexure 2 No. SDM/Sadar/1/2012/735 From

Sub Divisional Officer, Sadar, Distt. Bilaspur.

To, The Commissioner, Bilaspur. Subject: Regarding private negotiation compensation for circular road Naina Devi from

Bus Stand to Temple. Sir, With reference to above cited subject and compliance to your oral order dated 13.02.2013, the undersigned went to the site on 14.02.2013. Mr. BishanDass, s/o sh. Madan Lal owner of Kh. No. 5, VakyaMaujaModar, Tehsil Sh. Naina Devi Ji was alo present at the site. He had been given the information to come to site by Tehsildar of Sh. Naina Devi Ji. His son Mr. Pitamber was also present. The land owner was informed that the 0-5 bigas land i.e. 001.71 hectare bearing Kh. No. 5 is expected to be acquired for construction of road from Bus stand to Temple. The construction is expected to commence before the 8th day of Shravan month i.e. before the Fair of Navratri’s , If the land acquisition process is done then it is not possible to commence the work before the fair. Hence H.P. Tourism Department (user agency) wants alternative option for above land parcel and wants to do Private Negotiationsfro finalizing the cost of above land. The land owner argued that he had discussions with officers of Tourism Deptt. and he had asked rate of Rs. 3.5 lacs per Biswa. After this he was told that the current rate as fixed by the Addl. Commissioner is Rs. 7,16,190/- per Biswa. Accordingly to which the land value will be Rs. 1,79,048/-. In addition to this as per Standing order No. 28, land acquisition para no. 20, additional 30% which comes to Rs. 53,714/- can be given. In this way, the total compensation for above land will be Rs. 2,32,765/- . After lot of negotiations he agreed to Rs. 1,00,000/- per Biswa. He was again told that it will take a lot of time to acquire this land through land acquisition method by which the land can also be acquired. He was also told that, the market value of this land will increase with the construction of circular road. At the end he was given a suggestion that the compensation above Rs. 3,00,000/- cannot be given. If he agrees he may give his consent after having a proper thought about it. After that, he demanded the compensation of Rs. 4,00,000/- for the said land. He was again deliberated that the compensation above Rs. 3,00,000/- cannot be given. This time after lot of thinking he agreed for the compensation of Rs,. 3,00,000 and finally gave his consent and signed the affidavit. In case the regular land acquisition process is done then the following compensation has to be given:

1. Basic price - Rs. 1,79,048/-

2. Additional Compensation amount @ 12% - Rs. 21,489/-

3. Necessary acquisition @ 30% - Rs. 53,714/-

Total Compensation Rs. 2,54,248/- Land acquisition process will take lot of time after going through proper legal process. Keeping in view the above points, the undersigned came to the decision that the

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land owner may be given a compensation of Rs. 3,00,000/- for above mentioned Kh. No., this will not only save the money but also reduce legal complications. Hence, the Himachal Tourism Deptt., Mandi may be asked to give a sum of Rs. 3,00,000 as compensations and get this property register in its name in the office of Sub Registrar Naina Devi and then start the work of proposed Circular Road. This report is submitted for further necessary action. Attached- Consent of land owner Affidavit Non judicial paper Sub Divisional Officer,

Sadar, Distt. Bilaspur

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Annexure-3: HP Forest department letter of handing over of site dated 26-04-2013

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Annexure-4: Source of Material

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Annexure-5: Environmental Monitoring Test Results

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Sub-Project Name: Information Centre at Pong Dam, Kangra

Package Number: Package HPTDB/3.1

Contractor: M/s S.S.S. Constructions, Amin Chand Building, Totu Shimla-171011

Sub-Project Period: The contract was awarded on 05.01.2012 and the completion date of Contract

package was 30th April, 2014

Background: As part of the Investment Program, the Project aims to complete subprojects under four or five different components of the Investment Program in the State of Himachal Pradeesh (Part A).

K. Component 1: Urban Infrastructure and Service Improvement L. Component 2: Connectivity Improvement M. Component 3: Quality Enhancement of Natural and Cultural Attractions N. Component 4: Community-based Activities O. Component 5: Capacity Development, Community Participation and Project Management This subproject pertains to Component 1

IEE disclosure: As per Schedule 5 of FFA, Subproject Concept Report (SCR) and Subproject Appraisal Report (SAR) of subproject have been approved and has been categorised as “B Category” subproject. Accordingly Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) was prepared by following project Environmental Assessment and Review Framework (EARF, July 2010) and disclosed on the ADB website and project website. Land Acquisition: The proposed sub-project locations are within the lands available with the Government in the Pong Sanctuary; the area designated for eco-tourism development as part of the management plan for the wetland, and is outside areas demarcated for habitat protection and conservation. Permissions from Forest Department was obtained (Annexure-1) and NOC required from department of Youth, Sports & Services (YSS) also have been taken (Annexure-2). . Required NOC’s: In compliance of schedule 6 (Viii) of FFA, all consent and approvals required for implementation of subproject under the Investment Program have been obtained in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of the Government/state including other relevant agencies. NOCs are in place prior to the project implementation and are part of QPR & EMR regularly submitted to the ADB and has also been disclosed on its website. Implementation of Provisions of Environmental Management and Monitoring Plans: Provisions of following key environmental management and monitoring plans has been addressed as per IEE and identified certain shortcomings in terms of implementation has been considered on top priority, and the corrective actions taken accordingly throughout the project period.

Stages: Pre-construction/Construction/Post construction phase

Activity Parameter monitored

Activity 1: Signage & Display Complied

Activity 2: Ambient Air Quality Complied

Activity 3: Solid Waste Management & Debris Disposal Complied

Activity 4: Water & Drainage Complied

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Activity 5: Noise Complied

Activity 6: Site Operations & Management Complied

Activity 7: Occupational Health & Safety Complied

As per Loan Covenant 6 under Schedule 5 for HPIDIPT: “The State shall ensure that civil works Contracts under the projects follow all applicable labour laws of the Borrower and the State and that these further include provisions to the effect that Contractors …...... … (i) carry out HIV/AIDS awareness programs for labour and disseminate information at worksites on risks of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS as part of health and safety measures


… (ii) follow and implement all statutory provisions on labour, health, safety, welfare, sanitation and working conditions.


Local Grievance Redress Status: No grievance or any complaint was received by Grievance Redressal Committee and PIU, Kangra throughout the project period. Source of construction materials: All the materials were sourced from local registered quarries / vendors. (Annexure 3) Requisite environmental impacts after sub-project completion: The design, construction, operation, and implementation of subproject have been carried out in accordance with EARF and IEE/EMP agreed upon between the Government, the state and ADB and complied with environmental laws and regulations of the Government and the state and ADB Safeguard Policy Statement. The objective and desired outcomes of the safeguard plans have been achieved, taking into account the baseline conditions and the results of monitoring. Environmental monitoring reports (Annexure 4) are within limit and no requisite impact has been identified after project completion at site. Loan Agreement Compliance: The borrower and state shall ensure that:

Loan Agreement Conditions Compliance

1. The project is undertaken, and the project facilities are designed, constructed, implemented, operated, and maintained, in accordance with the Borrowers applicable laws and regulations; ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) as set forth in; and the EARF

Compiled, IEE is part of contract

agreement and is in accordance with the

country/state applicable laws and

regulations and ADB Safeguard Policy

Statement (2009) as set forth in and the


2. The IEE and EMP are implemented in accordance with their terms


3. In the event that any unanticipated adverse environmental impact occurs or a mitigation measures under an IEE or EMP does not have the desired effect, this is reported to ADB, and remedial actions are taken to mitigate the relevant impacts in consultation with the affected persons and ADB;

Compiled, No unanticipated adverse environmental impact occurred.

4. Any change to the location, land alignment, or environmental impacts on account of detailed designs of the Project facilities are mutually agreed between the Borrower and ADB, and are consistent with the eligibility criteria set forth in schedule 4 to the FFA;

Compiled, No change to the location or alignment and are consistent with the eligibility criteria set forth in shedule 4 to the FFA

5. The IEEs and EMPs are updated, as necessary, during the course of project implementation and submitted to ADB for clearance;

Compiled, The IEE and EMP submitted to ADB for clearance and has been disclosed on its website..

6. The Work Contractors are contractually obliged to implement the IEEs and EMPs and reprot on their implementation on regular basis, along with any deviation; and.


7. Reports on implementation of the IEEs and the EMPs are submitted to ADB on quarterly basis.

Compiled, Reports on implementation of the IEE/EMP/project covenant are submitted to ADB on quarterly basis as whole and specific EMR initially of

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quarterly basis and since July, 2014 onwards semi-annually basis.

Point 11 (Page 22) Specific Actions (Schedule 5) Each State shall ensure following activities on a timely basis;

(a) All consents and approvals required for implementation of subprojects under the Project shall be obtained in accordance with laws and regulations of the Borrower or the State, including, without limitation, any consent or approvals from the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) or its branches within the state where applicable, for works on or around archaeological or heritage sites; and any consent or approvals from any other agencies or third parties that have any claim or authority over the site of a Subproject.

Complied, Investment Program has been obtained in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of the Government/state including other relevant agencies.

(b) Subprojects and business opportunities associated with the Subprojects shall be announced on the websites of the relevant State agencies, together with pertinent information in relation to goods and services procured for subprojects.

IEE/EMP disclosed on ADB website and notice boards of line agencies.

(c) The states shall ensure that adequate basic infrastructure and services such as electricity, water supply, sewerage and solid waste management are provided and maintained by the relevant Urban Local Body (“ULB”) or the agency concerned at each tourist destination for which investment will be financed under the Project

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(d) Admission and user fees to tourist facilities rehabilitated or created under the project shall be set at levels that are sufficient to make their operation financially sustainable. Where this is not feasible, the state shall ensure that adequate funds will be provided to meet any shortfall between the costs and revenues for the operation and maintenance of facilities rehabilitated or creates under the project.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(e) The state shall take appropriate measures including levy of user charges/taxes related policies and outsourcing and contracting models to ensure financial sustainability and accountability of the Facility and Investment Program as a whole.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(f) Mobility Plans shall be prepared by the state for major tourist destinations as required.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(g) No later than 31 March 2012, the state shall:

have developed guidelines for effective and accruable data collection of tourism-related statics relevant to monitor the performance indicators developed for Investment Program;

have developed a set of benchmarks to be monitored by local communities, at a tourist destination or gateway for development of tourism; and

ensure that each ULB where investments will be financed under the Project shall have commenced the collection of relevant data.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(h) The state shall develop a tourism policy to mainstream:

Balanced distribution of economic opportunities across the state through community-based and ecotourism development with an introduction of relevant monitoring indicators;

Financial sustainability of tourism destinations and their heritage assets, and connectivity infrastructure; and

Policy and regulatory reforms to provide for adaptive reuse of publicity-owned heritage buildings so that additional means of cost recovery is established.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

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Annexure 1: NoC from Forest Department dated 21st

April, 2014

Annexure 2

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Annexure-2: NoC from Department of Youth, Sport & Services dated 02-12-2011

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Annexure-3: Source of Material

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Annexure-4: Environmental Monitoring Test Results

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Sub-Project Name: Parking and toilet facilities at Pong Dam, Kangra

Package Number: Package HPTDB/3.2

Contractor: M/s S.S.S. Constructions, Amin Chand Building, Totu Shimla-171011

Sub-Project Period: The contract was awarded on 05.01.2012 and the completion date of Contract package was 28

th February, 2014

Background: As part of the Investment Program, the Project aims to complete subprojects under four or five different components of the Investment Program in the State of Himachal Pradeesh (Part A).

P. Component 1: Urban Infrastructure and Service Improvement

Q. Component 2: Connectivity Improvement

R. Component 3: Quality Enhancement of Natural and Cultural Attractions

S. Component 4: Community-based Activities

T. Component 5: Capacity Development, Community Participation and Project Management

This subproject pertains to Component 1

IEE disclosure: As per Schedule 5 of FFA, Subproject Concept Report (SCR) and Subproject Appraisal Report (SAR) of subproject have been approved and has been categorised as “B Category” subproject. Accordingly Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) was prepared by following project Environmental Assessment and Review Framework (EARF, July 2010) and disclosed on the ADB website and project website.

Land Acquisition: The proposed sub-project locations are within the lands available with the Government in the Pong Sanctuary; an area designated for eco-tourism development as part of the management plan for the wetland, and is outside areas demarcated for habitat protection and conservation. Permissions from Forest Department were obtained (Annexure-1) and NOC required from department of Youth, Sports & Services (YSS) have also been taken (Annexure-2).


Required NOCs: In compliance of schedule 6 (Viii) of FFA, all consent and approvals required for implementation of subproject under the Investment Program have been obtained in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of the Government/state including other relevant agencies. NOCs are in place prior to the project implementation and are part of QPR & EMR regularly submitted to the ADB and has also been disclosed on its website.

Implementation of Provisions of Environmental Management and Monitoring Plans: Provisions of following key environmental management and monitoring plans has been addressed as per IEE and identified certain shortcomings in terms of implementation has been considered on top priority, and the corrective actions taken accordingly throughout the project period.

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Stages: Pre-construction/Construction/Post construction phase

Activity Parameter monitored

Activity 1: Signage & Display Complied

Activity 2: Ambient Air Quality Complied

Activity 3: Solid Waste Management & Debris Disposal Complied

Activity 4: Water & Drainage Complied

Activity 5: Noise Complied

Activity 6: Site Operations & Management Complied

Activity 7: Occupational Health & Safety Complied

As per Loan Covenant 6 under Schedule 5 for HPIDIPT: “The State shall ensure that civil works Contracts under the projects follow all applicable labour laws of the Borrower and the State and that these further include provisions to the effect that Contractors …......

… (i) carry out HIV/AIDS awareness programs for labour and disseminate information at worksites on risks of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS as part of health and safety measures


… (ii) follow and implement all statutory provisions on labour, health, safety, welfare, sanitation and working conditions.


Local Grievance Redress Status: No grievance or any complaint was received by Grievance Redressal Committee and PIU, Kangra throughout the project period.

Source of construction materials: All the materials were sourced from local registered quarries / vendors. (Annexure 3)

Requisite environmental impacts after sub-project completion: The design, construction, operation, and implementation of subproject have been carried out in accordance with EARF and IEE/EMP agreed upon between the Government, the state and ADB and complied with environmental laws and regulations of the Government and the state and ADB Safeguard Policy Statement.

The objective and desired outcomes of the safeguard plans have been achieved, taking into account the baseline conditions and the results of monitoring. Environmental monitoring reports (Annexure 4) are within limit and no requisite impact has been identified after project completion at site. Ambient air quality results of Information Centre, Pong has been used as location of this subproject site is in same premises.

Loan Agreement Compliance: The borrower and state shall ensure that:

Loan Agreement Conditions Compliance

1. The project is undertaken, and the project facilities are designed, constructed, implemented, operated, and maintained, in accordance with the Borrowers applicable laws and regulations; ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) as set forth in; and the EARF

Compiled, IEE is part of contract

agreement and is in accordance with the

country/state applicable laws and

regulations and ADB Safeguard Policy

Statement (2009) as set forth in and the


2. The IEE and EMP are implemented in accordance with their terms


3. In the event that any unanticipated adverse environmental impact occurs or a mitigation measures under an IEE or EMP does not have the desired effect, this is reported to ADB, and remedial actions are taken to mitigate the relevant

Compiled, No unanticipated adverse environmental impact occurred.

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impacts in consultation with the affected persons and ADB;

4. Any change to the location, land alignment, or environmental impacts on account of detailed designs of the Project facilities are mutually agreed between the Borrower and ADB, and are consistent with the eligibility criteria set forth in schedule 4 to the FFA;

Compiled, No change to the location or alignment and are consistent with the eligibility criteria set forth in shedule 4 to the FFA

5. The IEEs and EMPs are updated, as necessary, during the course of project implementation and submitted to ADB for clearance;

Compiled, The IEE and EMP submitted to ADB for clearance and has been disclosed on its website..

6. The Work Contractors are contractually obliged to implement the IEEs and EMPs and reprot on their implementation on regular basis, along with any deviation; and.


7. Reports on implementation of the IEEs and the EMPs are submitted to ADB on quarterly basis.

Compiled, Reports on implementation of the IEE/EMP/project covenant are submitted to ADB on quarterly basis as whole and specific EMR initially of quarterly basis and since July, 2014 onwards semi-annually basis.

Point 11 (Page 22) Specific Actions (Schedule 5)

Each State shall ensure following activities on a timely basis;

(a) All consents and approvals required for implementation of subprojects under the Project shall be obtained in accordance with laws and regulations of the Borrower or the State, including, without limitation, any consent or approvals from the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) or its branches within the state where applicable, for works on or around archaeological or heritage sites; and any consent or approvals from any other agencies or third parties that have any claim or authority over the site of a Subproject.

Complied, Investment Program has been obtained in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of the Government/state including other relevant agencies.

(b) Subprojects and business opportunities associated with the Subprojects shall be announced on the websites of the relevant State agencies, together with pertinent information in relation to goods and services procured for subprojects.

IEE/EMP disclosed on ADB website and notice boards of line agencies.

(c) The states shall ensure that adequate basic infrastructure and services such as electricity, water supply, sewerage and solid waste management are provided and maintained by the relevant Urban Local Body (“ULB”) or the agency concerned at each tourist destination for which investment will be financed under the Project

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(d) Admission and user fees to tourist facilities rehabilitated or created under the project shall be set at levels that are sufficient to make their operation financially sustainable. Where this is not feasible, the state shall ensure that adequate funds will be provided to meet any shortfall between the costs and revenues for the operation and maintenance of facilities rehabilitated or creates under the project.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(e) The state shall take appropriate measures including levy of user charges/taxes related policies and outsourcing and contracting models to ensure financial sustainability and accountability of the Facility and Investment Program as a whole.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

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(f) Mobility Plans shall be prepared by the state for major tourist destinations as required.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(g) No later than 31 March 2012, the state shall:

have developed guidelines for effective and accruable data collection of tourism-related statics relevant to monitor the performance indicators developed for Investment Program;

have developed a set of benchmarks to be monitored by local communities, at a tourist destination or gateway for development of tourism; and

ensure that each ULB where investments will be financed under the Project shall have commenced the collection of relevant data.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(h) The state shall develop a tourism policy to mainstream:

Balanced distribution of economic opportunities across the state through community-based and ecotourism development with an introduction of relevant monitoring indicators;

Financial sustainability of tourism destinations and their heritage assets, and connectivity infrastructure; and

Policy and regulatory reforms to provide for adaptive reuse of publicity-owned heritage buildings so that additional means of cost recovery is established.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

Annexure 1: NoC from Forest Department dated 21st

April, 2011

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Annexure-2: NoC from Department of Youth, Sport & Services dated 02-12-2011

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Annexure-3: Source of Material

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Annexure-4: Environmental Monitoring Test Results

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Sub-Project Name: Parking for 100 vehicles at Brajeshwari temple, Kangra

Package Number: Package HPTDB/8.1

Contractor: Mr. Vijay Kumar Sood, M/s Prashanti Surya Construction Co., VPO Gurkari, Kangra Tehsil and Distt. Pin: 176001

Sub-Project Period: The contract was awarded on 05.01.2012 and the completion date of Contract package was 30

th June, 2015

Background: As part of the Investment Program, the Project aims to complete subprojects under four or five different components of the Investment Program in the State of Himachal Pradeesh (Part A).

U. Component 1: Urban Infrastructure and Service Improvement

V. Component 2: Connectivity Improvement

W. Component 3: Quality Enhancement of Natural and Cultural Attractions

X. Component 4: Community-based Activities

Y. Component 5: Capacity Development, Community Participation and Project Management

This subproject pertains to Component 2

IEE disclosure: As per Schedule 5 of FFA, Subproject Concept Report (SCR) and Subproject Appraisal Report (SAR) of subproject have been approved and has been categorised as “B Category” subproject. Accordingly Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) was prepared by following project Environmental Assessment and Review Framework (EARF, July 2010) and disclosed on the ADB website and project website.

Land Acquisition: Sub-project location is in Government under MC, Kangra. Land handed over by MC, Kangra (Annexure-1).

Required NOC’s: In compliance of schedule 6 (Viii) of FFA, all consent and approvals required for implementation of subproject under the Investment Program have been obtained in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of the Government/state including other relevant agencies.

NOCs are in place prior to the project implementation and are part of QPR & EMR regularly submitted to the ADB and has also been disclosed on its website.

Implementation of Provisions of Environmental Management and Monitoring Plans: Provisions of following key environmental management and monitoring plans has been addressed as per IEE and identified certain shortcomings in terms of implementation has been considered on top priority, and the corrective actions taken accordingly throughout the project period.

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Stages: Pre-construction/Construction/Post construction phase

Activity Parameter monitored

Activity 1: Signage & Display Complied

Activity 2: Ambient Air Quality Complied

Activity 3: Solid Waste Management & Debris Disposal Complied

Activity 4: Water & Drainage Complied

Activity 5: Noise Complied

Activity 6: Site Operations & Management Complied

Activity 7: Occupational Health & Safety Complied

As per Loan Covenant 6 under Schedule 5 for HPIDIPT: “The State shall ensure that civil works Contracts under the projects follow all applicable labour laws of the Borrower and the State and that these further include provisions to the effect that Contractors …......

… (i) carry out HIV/AIDS awareness programs for labour and disseminate information at worksites on risks of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS as part of health and safety measures


… (ii) follow and implement all statutory provisions on labour, health, safety, welfare, sanitation and working conditions.


Local Grievance Redress Status: No grievance or any complaint was received by Grievance Redressal Committee and PIU, Kangra throughout the project period.

Source of construction materials: All the materials were sourced from local registered quarries / vendors. (Annexure 2)

Requisite environmental impacts after sub-project completion: The design, construction, operation, and implementation of subproject have been carried out in accordance with EARF and IEE/EMP agreed upon between the Government, the state and ADB and complied with environmental laws and regulations of the Government and the state and ADB Safeguard Policy Statement. The objective and desired outcomes of the safeguard plans have been achieved, taking into account the baseline conditions and the results of monitoring. Environmental monitoring reports (Annexure 3) are within limit and no requisite impact has been identified after project completion at site.

Loan Agreement Compliance: The borrower and state shall ensure that:

Loan Agreement Conditions Compliance

1. The project is undertaken, and the project facilities are designed, constructed, implemented, operated, and maintained, in accordance with the Borrowers applicable laws and regulations; ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) as set forth in; and the EARF

Compiled, IEE is part of contract agreement

and is in accordance with the country/state

applicable laws and regulations and ADB

Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) as set forth

in and the EARF

2. The IEE and EMP are implemented in accordance with their terms


3. In the event that any unanticipated adverse environmental impact occurs or a mitigation measures under an IEE or EMP does not have the desired effect, this is reported to ADB, and remedial actions are taken to mitigate the relevant impacts in consultation with the affected persons and ADB;

Compiled, No unanticipated adverse environmental impact occurred.

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4. Any change to the location, land alignment, or environmental impacts on account of detailed designs of the Project facilities are mutually agreed between the Borrower and ADB, and are consistent with the eligibility criteria set forth in schedule 4 to the FFA;

Compiled, No change to the location or alignment and are consistent with the eligibility criteria set forth in shedule 4 to the FFA

5. The IEEs and EMPs are updated, as necessary, during the course of project implementation and submitted to ADB for clearance;

Compiled, The IEE and EMP submitted to ADB for clearance and has been disclosed on its website..

6. The Work Contractors are contractually obliged to implement the IEEs and EMPs and reprot on their implementation on regular basis, along with any deviation; and.


7. Reports on implementation of the IEEs and the EMPs are submitted to ADB on quarterly basis.

Compiled, Reports on implementation of the IEE/EMP/project covenant are submitted to ADB on quarterly basis as whole and specific EMR initially of quarterly basis and since July, 2014 onwards semi-annually basis.

Point 11 (Page 22) Specific Actions (Schedule 5)

Each State shall ensure following activities on a timely basis;

(a) All consents and approvals required for implementation of subprojects under the Project shall be obtained in accordance with laws and regulations of the Borrower or the State, including, without limitation, any consent or approvals from the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) or its branches within the state where applicable, for works on or around archaeological or heritage sites; and any consent or approvals from any other agencies or third parties that have any claim or authority over the site of a Subproject.

Complied, Investment Program has been obtained in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of the Government/state including other relevant agencies.

(b) Subprojects and business opportunities associated with the Subprojects shall be announced on the websites of the relevant State agencies, together with pertinent information in relation to goods and services procured for subprojects.

IEE/EMP disclosed on ADB website and notice boards of line agencies.

(c) The states shall ensure that adequate basic infrastructure and services such as electricity, water supply, sewerage and solid waste management are provided and maintained by the relevant Urban Local Body (“ULB”) or the agency concerned at each tourist destination for which investment will be financed under the Project

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(d) Admission and user fees to tourist facilities rehabilitated or created under the project shall be set at levels that are sufficient to make their operation financially sustainable. Where this is not feasible, the state shall ensure that adequate funds will be provided to meet any shortfall between the costs and revenues for the operation and maintenance of facilities rehabilitated or creates under the project.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(e) The state shall take appropriate measures including levy of user charges/taxes related policies and outsourcing and contracting models to ensure financial sustainability and accountability of the Facility and Investment Program as a whole.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(f) Mobility Plans shall be prepared by the state for major tourist destinations as required.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(g) No later than 31 March 2012, the state shall: Not applicable for this sub-project.

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have developed guidelines for effective and accruable data collection of tourism-related statics relevant to monitor the performance indicators developed for Investment Program;

have developed a set of benchmarks to be monitored by local communities, at a tourist destination or gateway for development of tourism; and

ensure that each ULB where investments will be financed under the Project shall have commenced the collection of relevant data.

(h) The state shall develop a tourism policy to mainstream:

Balanced distribution of economic opportunities across the state through community-based and ecotourism development with an introduction of relevant monitoring indicators;

Financial sustainability of tourism destinations and their heritage assets, and connectivity infrastructure; and

Policy and regulatory reforms to provide for adaptive reuse of publicity-owned heritage buildings so that additional means of cost recovery is established.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

Annexure 1: NoC from M.C. Kangra

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Annexure 2: Source of Material

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Annexure-3: Environmental Monitoring Test Results

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Sub-Project Name: Forest rest house - improvement and camping sites development at Dhameta, Kangra

Package Number: Package HPTDB/5.1B

Contractor: Mr. Suresh Kumar Gupta, Govt. Contractor, W.No.-7 Naizpur, PO. Nurpur, Kangra District

Sub-Project Period: The contract was awarded on 05.01.2012 and the completion date of Contract package was 30

th June, 2015

Background: As part of the Investment Program, the Project aims to complete subprojects under four or five different components of the Investment Program in the State of Himachal Pradeesh (Part A).

Z. Component 1: Urban Infrastructure and Service Improvement

AA. Component 2: Connectivity Improvement

BB. Component 3: Quality Enhancement of Natural and Cultural Attractions

CC. Component 4: Community-based Activities

DD. Component 5: Capacity Development, Community Participation and Project Management

This subproject pertains to Component 2

IEE disclosure: As per Schedule 5 of FFA, Subproject Concept Report (SCR) and Subproject Appraisal Report (SAR) of subproject have been approved and has been categorised as “B Category” subproject. Accordingly Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) was prepared by following project Environmental Assessment and Review Framework (EARF, July 2010) and disclosed on the ADB website and project website.

Land Acquisition: The sub-project location is within the lands available with the Government. NoC from HP Forest Department prior to commencement of construction works have been taken (Annexure-1).

Required NOC’s: In compliance of schedule 6 (Viii) of FFA, all consent and approvals required for implementation of subproject under the Investment Program have been obtained in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of the Government/state including other relevant agencies.

NOCs are in place prior to the project implementation and are part of QPR & EMR regularly submitted to the ADB and has also been disclosed on its website.

Implementation of Provisions of Environmental Management and Monitoring Plans: Provisions of following key environmental management and monitoring plans has been addressed as per IEE and identified certain shortcomings in terms of implementation has been considered on top priority, and the corrective actions taken accordingly throughout the project period.

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Stages: Pre-construction/Construction/Post construction phase

Activity Parameter monitored

Activity 1: Signage & Display Complied

Activity 2: Ambient Air Quality Complied

Activity 3: Solid Waste Management & Debris Disposal Complied

Activity 4: Water & Drainage Complied

Activity 5: Noise Complied

Activity 6: Site Operations & Management Complied

Activity 7: Occupational Health & Safety Complied

As per Loan Covenant 6 under Schedule 5 for HPIDIPT: “The State shall ensure that civil works Contracts under the projects follow all applicable labour laws of the Borrower and the State and that these further include provisions to the effect that Contractors …......

… (i) carry out HIV/AIDS awareness programs for labour and disseminate information at worksites on risks of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS as part of health and safety measures


… (ii) follow and implement all statutory provisions on labour, health, safety, welfare, sanitation and working conditions.


Local Grievance Redress Status: No grievance or any complaint was received by Grievance Redressal Committee and PIU, Kangra throughout the project period.

Source of construction materials: All the materials were sourced from local registered quarries / vendors. (Annexure 2)

Requisite environmental impacts after sub-project completion: The design, construction, operation, and implementation of subproject have been carried out in accordance with EARF and IEE/EMP agreed upon between the Government, the state and ADB and complied with environmental laws and regulations of the Government and the state and ADB Safeguard Policy Statement. The objective and desired outcomes of the safeguard plans have been achieved, taking into account the baseline conditions and the results of monitoring. Environmental monitoring reports (Annexure 3) are within limit and no requisite impact has been identified after project completion at site.

Loan Agreement Compliance: The borrower and state shall ensure that:

Loan Agreement Conditions Compliance

1. The project is undertaken, and the project facilities are designed, constructed, implemented, operated, and maintained, in accordance with the Borrowers applicable laws and regulations; ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) as set forth in; and the EARF

Compiled, IEE is part of contract

agreement and is in accordance with the

country/state applicable laws and

regulations and ADB Safeguard Policy

Statement (2009) as set forth in and the


2. The IEE and EMP are implemented in accordance with their terms


3. In the event that any unanticipated adverse environmental impact occurs or a mitigation measures under an IEE or EMP does not have the desired effect, this is reported to ADB, and remedial actions are taken to mitigate the relevant impacts in consultation with the affected persons and ADB;

Compiled, No unanticipated adverse environmental impact occurred.

4.Any change to the location, land alignment, or Compiled, No change to the location or

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environmental impacts on account of detailed designs of the Project facilities are mutually agreed between the Borrower and ADB, and are consistent with the eligibility criteria set forth in schedule 4 to the FFA;

alignment and are consistent with the eligibility criteria set forth in shedule 4 to the FFA

5 The IEEs and EMPs are updated, as necessary, during the course of project implementation and submitted to ADB for clearance;

Compiled, The IEE and EMP submitted to ADB for clearance and has been disclosed on its website..

6 The Work Contractors are contractually obliged to implement the IEEs and EMPs and reprot on their implementation on regular basis, along with any deviation; and.


7 Reports on implementation of the IEEs and the EMPs are submitted to ADB on quarterly basis.

Compiled, Reports on implementation of the IEE/EMP/project covenant are submitted to ADB on quarterly basis as whole and specific EMR initially of quarterly basis and since July, 2014 onwards semi-annually basis.

Point 11 (Page 22) Specific Actions (Schedule 5)

Each State shall ensure following activities on a timely basis;

(a) All consents and approvals required for implementation of subprojects under the Project shall be obtained in accordance with laws and regulations of the Borrower or the State, including, without limitation, any consent or approvals from the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) or its branches within the state where applicable, for works on or around archaeological or heritage sites; and any consent or approvals from any other agencies or third parties that have any claim or authority over the site of a Subproject.

Complied, Investment Program has been obtained in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of the Government/state including other relevant agencies.

(b) Subprojects and business opportunities associated with the Subprojects shall be announced on the websites of the relevant State agencies, together with pertinent information in relation to goods and services procured for subprojects.

IEE/EMP disclosed on ADB website and notice boards of line agencies.

(c) The states shall ensure that adequate basic infrastructure and services such as electricity, water supply, sewerage and solid waste management are provided and maintained by the relevant Urban Local Body (“ULB”) or the agency concerned at each tourist destination for which investment will be financed under the Project

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(d) Admission and user fees to tourist facilities rehabilitated or created under the project shall be set at levels that are sufficient to make their operation financially sustainable. Where this is not feasible, the state shall ensure that adequate funds will be provided to meet any shortfall between the costs and revenues for the operation and maintenance of facilities rehabilitated or creates under the project.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(e) The state shall take appropriate measures including levy of user charges/taxes related policies and outsourcing and contracting models to ensure financial sustainability and accountability of the Facility and Investment Program as a whole.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(f) Mobility Plans shall be prepared by the state for major tourist destinations as required.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

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(g) No later than 31 March 2012, the state shall:

have developed guidelines for effective and accruable data collection of tourism-related statics relevant to monitor the performance indicators developed for Investment Program;

have developed a set of benchmarks to be monitored by local communities, at a tourist destination or gateway for development of tourism; and

ensure that each ULB where investments will be financed under the Project shall have commenced the collection of relevant data.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

(h) The state shall develop a tourism policy to mainstream:

Balanced distribution of economic opportunities across the state through community-based and ecotourism development with an introduction of relevant monitoring indicators;

Financial sustainability of tourism destinations and their heritage assets, and connectivity infrastructure; and

Policy and regulatory reforms to provide for adaptive reuse of publicity-owned heritage buildings so that additional means of cost recovery is established.

Not applicable for this sub-project.

Annexure 1: NoC from HP Forest department dated 14-03-2012

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Annexure 2: Source of Material

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Annexure-3: Environmental Monitoring Test Results

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