Entomology 2009 Test Mid-Buchanan RV Agricultural Education Department Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test...

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Transcript of Entomology 2009 Test Mid-Buchanan RV Agricultural Education Department Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test...

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

Entomology 2009 Test

Mid-Buchanan RV Agricultural Education Department

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

36. Which of these groups of true bugs exploit the phenomenon of surface tension by skating on the water surface? a. backswimmers b. water scorpions c. water boatmen d. water striders e. None of these is correct

• D

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

39. Which of these beetle groups is known for being nocturnal scavengers who are important recyclers of carrion, dung, and decomposing vegetation? a. scarab beetles b. longhorned beetles c. soldier beetles d. None of these is correct

• A

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

45. Which group of wasps does not sting? a. horntails b. yellowjackets c. velvet ants d. None of these is correct

• A

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

66. Which of the following formats shows the proper way to display the date on an insect specimen label? a. 2/12/08 b. 2/12/1908 c. Feb 12, 1908 d. 12 Feb 1908 e. None of these is correct.

• D

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

72. Which of these beetle groups congregates in “herds” on the surface of ponds and lakes? a. hister beetles b. whirligig beetles c. predaceous diving beetles d. water scavenger beetles e. a & d.

• B

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

74. Stridulation refers to the act of making a. eggs. b. songs. c. burrows. d. light.

• B

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

1. Treehoppers feed on phloem tissue and leafhoppers feed on xylem tissue in plants. a. True b. False

• False

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

2. Parthenogenesis is another term for sexual reproduction. a. True b. False

• False

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

6. Mole crickets do not fly. a. True b. False

• False

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

9. Katydids get their green color from the plants they eat. a. True b. False

• True

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

10. A chemical with LD50=10mg/kg is less toxic than one with LD50=1mg/kg. a. True b. False

• True

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

20. Predaceous diving beetles come to the surface for air head-first. a. True b. False

• False

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

24. Leafhoppers are the largest family in the Order Homoptera. a. True b. False

• True

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

25. Houseflies are able to fly 35 miles per hour. a. True b. False

• False

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

27. A tool entomologists use to collect insects from trees and shrubs made from a large piece of white cloth stretched across two crossed sticks is called a. a sweep net. b. an aspirator. c. a sifter. d. a beating tray. e. None of these is correct.

• D

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

28. The type of net used to capture insects in water is called a. an aerial net. b. a sweep net. c. a dip net. d. None of these is correct.

• C

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

30. Pest insects that feed on dry, pinned, insect specimens can be repelled using a. ethyl acetate. b. acetone. c. plaster of Paris. d. naphthalene. e. None of these is correct.

• D

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

38. Which of the following groups of insects do not make an anal secretion called honeydew? a. aphids b. treehoppers c. cicadas d. All of these are correct.

• C

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

40. Which of these beetles is the largest family in the animal kingdom, with more than 40,000 species worldwide? a. leaf beetles b. weevils c. longhorned beetles d. ladybird beetles e. None of these is correct


Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

41. Which of these groups of insects have larvae called caterpillars? a. Diptera b. Coleoptera c. Hymenoptera d. Lepidoptera e. None of these is correct.

• D

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

31. A photographic lens with a focal length more than 50mm is called a a. wide angle. b. zoom. c. telephoto. d. None of these is correct.

• C

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

42. Which group of moths are the largest in North America? a. sphinx moths b. silkworm moths c. tiger moths d. underwing moths e. None of these is correct

• B

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

60. Which of the following stages in the insect life cycle is called the resting stage? a. egg b. larva c. pupa d. cocoon e. adult

• C

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

33. Which order of insects has an unusually large range of motion for their head? a. bees b. dragonflies c. beetles d. true bugs e. None of these is correct.

• B

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

69. A butterfly pupa is called a a. cocoon. b. naiad. c. chrysalis. d. exuvium. e. None of these is correct.

• C

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

46. Which group of bees is not social? a. bumblebees b. honeybees c. leafcutter bees d. None of these is correct.

• C

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

56. Which of the following insect groups does NOT have gradual metamorphosis? a. lice b. roaches c. fleas d. termites e. None of these is correct.

• C

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

70. Which group of butterflies has front legs that are too short for walking? a. swallowtail butterflies b. brushfooted butterflies c. cabbage butterflies d. metalmark butterflies e. a & b

• B

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

35. Which of these insect orders have the longest jumpers in the insect world? a. Coleoptera b. Diptera c. Homoptera d. None of these is correct.

• D

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

67. Olfactory organs in insects are used for a. seeing. b. hearing. c. touching. d. smelling. e. None of these is correct.

• D

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

64. What determines whether new wasp and bee larvae become workers or queens? a. pheromones b. food c. gender d. None of these is correct.

• B

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

51. Some insects pass through four different stages of development before reaching maturity: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. This series of changes is called a. no metamorphosis. b. gradual metamorphosis. c. incomplete metamorphosis. d. complete metamorphosis.

• D

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

3. Most whitefly nymphs are immobile. a. True b. False

• True

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

53. Which of the following is NOT one of the three basic nozzle patterns? a. circular b. solid stream c. fan d. cone e. None of these is correct.

• A

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

61. Which of the following is a habitat where insects are NOT found? a. soil b. water c. snow d. air e. None of these is correct.

• E

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

13. Only insects have an exoskeleton made of chitin. a. True b. False

• False

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

15. The insect circulatory system has blood vessels. a. True b. False

• False

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

7. Oriental cultures keep crickets in cages just to hear them sing. a. True b. False

• True

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

34. Which group of dragonflies are the largest and swiftest in North America? a. darners b. clubtails c. skimmers d. None of these is correct.

• A

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

12. The mesonotum is found on the thorax. a. True b. False

• True

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

44. Which group of flies has species that lay their eggs in open sores, wounds, or even the nostrils of live animals? a. mosquitoes b. crane flies c. horse flies d. blow flies e. None of these is correct.

• D

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

50. Which of these groups of arthropods has six pairs of legs? a. insects b. spiders c. crustaceans d. horseshoe crabs e. None of these is correct.

• D

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

32. Which photographic lens allows you to focus down to very close distances, usually a matter of a few inches? a. zoom b. telephoto c. wide angle d. macro e. None of these is correct.

• D

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

22. Nearly all beetles can fly. a. True b. False

• True

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

48. The naturalist that invented the two word system for naming organisms was a. Charles Darwin. b. Carolus Linnaeus. c. Albert Einstein. d. Stephen Hawking. e. None of these is correct

• B

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

55. Which of the following insect groups does NOT have complete metamorphosis? a. butterflies b. mayflies c. caddisflies d. ants e. None of these is correct.

• B

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

59. If weather forecasts cause you to expect heavy rain, which of the following are you still able to do? a. mix insecticides b. load insecticides c. apply insecticides d. dispose insecticides e. None of these is correct.

• E

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

8. Of all grasshoppers, spur-throated grasshoppers are the most damaging to crops. a. True b. False

• True

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

43. Which group of flies is predatory, often preying on resting insects larger than themselves? a. crane flies b. mosquitoes c. robber flies d. horse flies e. None of these is correct.

• C

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

14. Six legs is a sure indicator that an arthropod belongs to the class Insecta. a. True b. False

• True

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

21. Rove beetles have some of the shortest wings of all beetles and are some of the best fliers. a. True b. False

• True

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

16. All insects have a heart that pumps their blood. a. True b. False

• True

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

65. Which of the following pieces of information is NOT included on the specimen label? a. state b. county c. nearest town d. collector’s name e. None of these is correct.

• E

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

71. Which of these beetle groups has members that release an explosive puff of irritating gas as a defensive mechanism? a. click beetles b. rove beetles c. ground beetles d. tiger beetles

• C

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

29. What entomologist’s tool is used to drive insects from leaf litter or soil samples? a. dip net b. aspirator c. sifter d. pitfall trap e. None of these is correct.

• C

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

18. Longhorned beetles accelerate the decomposition of dead trees. a. True b. False

• True

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

4. Spittlebugs and froghoppers belong to the same insect group. a. True b. False

• True

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

5. All cave crickets produce sound. a. True b. False

• False

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

75. Which of these bugs can survive up to 15 months without food? a. stink bugs b. bed bugs c. spittle bugs d. assassin bugs e. None of these is correct.

• B

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

37. Which of these insects does not have a large, razor-like ovipositor to cut slits and lay eggs in the tissues of their favorite food plants? a. aphids b. treehoppers c. cicadas d. None of these is correct.

• A

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

49. All grasshoppers and crickets live on land, but which group can also swim if necessary? a. mole crickets b. pygmy grasshoppers c. shorthorned grasshoppers d. cave crickets e. None of these is correct.

• B

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

17. Some insects have a life span that lasts over ten years. a. True b. False

• True

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

26. A tool entomologists use to suck small insects into a vial is called a. an aerial net. b. a sifter. c. an aspirator. d. a berlese funnel. e. None of these is correct.

• c

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

23. Aphid mouthparts arise from the front of the head. a. True b. False

• False

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

19. Leaf beetles are more common on trees than on bushes. a. True b. False

• False

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

11. Insect wings are sometimes attached to the prothorax. a. True b. False

• False

Ento. True - False Test Bank 2008-2013

22. Nearly all beetles can fly. a. True b. False

• True

Ento CDE Multiple Choice Test Bank

73. Which of these true bug groups can hold enough air to survive 6 hours of inactivity underwater? a. backswimmers b. water boatmen c. water scorpions d. giant water bugs e. None of these is correct.

• B