Ennio morricone

Post on 05-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Ennio morricone

Ennio Morricone


«PROFESSIONAL!» (28 June 2009 - Moscow)

«Whole Hollywood applauded Morricone with tears in the eyes»

(27 February 2007 - Oscar)

«Maestro Morricone donates hurricane of emotions and three encores»

(December 2013 - Sofia)

«The Mozart of film music» (10 November 2003 - Londra, Royal Albert Hall )


1.Biography 2.Soundtracks3.Titles4.Awards5.Influence and modern



 was born on November 10, 1928, in Rome Mario Morricone, his father,  taught him 

how to read music and play a few instruments

 at the age of nine he entered the National Academy of Santa Cecilia

at the age of 12 he entered the conservatory

in 1954 he entered Conservatory of Santa Cecilia, obtaining a final 9,5/10 mark in his Diploma in Composition

     Ennio Morrocone

   Mario Morricone

Biography. Career.

 wrote his first compositions when he was six years old

In 1953 he  wrote an arrangement for some medleys in an American style for a series of evening radio shows

In 1956, Morricone started to play in a jazz band and arrange pop songs for the Italian broadcasting service

 composed songs for several   national and  international pop artists

In 1963 the composer co-wrote (with Roby Ferrante) the music that was performed for the first time during the Festival di San Remo in 1964

In 1966 he composed a standout track of Studio Uno 66, the fifth-biggest-selling album of the year in Italy.

On September 20, 1984, Morricone conducted the Orchestre National des Pays de la Loire in the French concert hall. His career as a conductor began

Biography. Career.

Biography. Gruppo di Improvvisazione di Nuova Consonanza (G.I.N.C).

It was Rome-based avant-garde ensemble was dedicated to the development of improvisation and new music methods.

 in addition to serving as their trumpet player, he directed them on many

Their influence was heard in every European country

Morricone in 1978 with Gruppo diImprovvisazione di Nuova Consonanza

Biography. Orchestra.

Ennio Morricone has conducted more than 11 orchestras worldwide, including the Orchestra of the Santa Cecilia Academy for many symphonic seasons. Morricone often works with the Roma Sinfonietta Orchestra.


1968 Once Upon a Time in the West

1973 My name is Nobody

1987 The Untouchables

1994 Wolf

1998What Dreams

May Come

2000 Mission to Mars

2009Inglourious Basterds

2012 Django


Titles.1994 Received the Lifetime

Achievement award by the Society for Preservation of Film


1995 the President of the Italian Republic gave him the title of Commendatore dell'Ordine al

Merito della Repubblica Italiana.

1996  Morricone became Academician of Santa Cecilia 

2002 Morricone received an Honorary Degree from the Seconda

Università di Roma. 


1999  The American Film Institute (AFI) award

1987, 2000 Golden Globes

1993 Italian Golden Globes

1988, 2007, 2009, 2014 Grammy Awards

8 awards since 1964 Nastro d'Argento (Silver

Ribbon)5 awards since 1980 BAFTA Awards

(The British Academy of Film and Television

Arts)1999, 2013 European Film Awards


Ennio Morricone was nominated to Academy award, also known as Oscar, for 6 times. 

On February 25, 2007, presented by Clint Eastwood, "for his magnificent and multifaceted contributions to the art of film music“ he received the 

honorary Academy Award 

Influence and modern references.

Metallica uses Morricone's The Ecstasy of Gold as an intro at their concerts

Morricone inspired the namesake of Morricone Youth, a New York band dedicated to playing music from film and television

British band Muse cites Morricone as an influence for the songs "City of Delusion", "Hoodoo", and "Knights of Cydonia" on their album Black Holes and Revelations. 


 Since his childhood, Morricone was fond of composing music

He graduated from more two music conservatories

He started his career playing in bands, but continued developing his talent being a conductor of eleven orchestras

Hundreds of soundtracks to different films were composed by him

He received many awards, among which there is the Oscar