Enjoy High Performance Free of Debilitating Pain

Post on 03-Jun-2015

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coMra is a patented combination that includes the proven pain-relieving abilities of low-level (or cold) laser technology – colour LEDs – magnetism – and low-intensity ultrasound for faster, more extensive healing and pain relieving effects. coMra penetrates and acts on the body’s cells to relieve pain, reduce inflammation and regenerate tissue, including nerves that have been damaged and effectively supports body’s own regenerative capabilities .

Transcript of Enjoy High Performance Free of Debilitating Pain

(Coherent Multi Radiance Therapy)a revolutionary breakthrough in medical science by

Radiant Life TechnologiesTM

coMra is a patented combination that includes the proven pain-relieving abilities of low-level (or cold) laser technology – colour LEDs – magnetism – and low-

intensity ultrasound for faster, more extensive healing and pain relieving effects.

coMra penetrates and acts on the body’s cells to relieve pain, reduce inflammation and regenerate tissue, including nerves that have been damaged

and effectively supports body’s own regenerative capabilities .

Four coherent radiances





What is coMra-Therapy?

IR LASER: provides the stimulus for healing

LED: provide the message for regeneration or rejuvenation. All of this is done through:

- the actual frequencies used for both the infrared laser as well as the four colours;

- the specific sequence and the geometry in which the radiances are used

MAGNETISM: provides a force field:- It acts as a channel for keeping all the radiances

focussed and directed;- It determines the depth to which the other

radiances penetrate the subcutaneous layer.

ULTRASOUND: provides a gentle but firm impetus, allowing the diseased cells to reorganise themselves internally and speed up their metabolism

Modulation & effect multiplication

Coherence, Modulation & effect multiplication





Cell neurochemical messaging

ATP synthesis

Cell metabolism

Cell processes

Essential bioenergetical effects of coMra-Therapy

Provides energetic support for diseased cells to restore their respective functions, by increasing the efficiency of production of the universal fuel of all living cells – the ATP molecule.

Initiates neurochemical messaging cascades and metabolism changes that rally support for all vital systems of an organism.

Production of Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) Cell communication and metabolism

Holistic support of the body, and systemic healing effect

coMra-Therapyprovides a complex support of the organism by stimulating:

The central nervous system Blood system Lymphatic system Endrocrine system Inner organs

Regeneration and rejuvenation of the body and organism

Introducing Delta Laser The Delta Laser is a small, light and compact device for providing coMra-Therapy. The device is designed like a quick, effective and safe help in healing diseases and health issues, and also in rehabilitation and regeneration of the organism.

The Delta Laser could be used by individuals for home treatments, as well as by professional therapists in their practice.

Delta Laser belongs to the group of Low Laser Light Therapy devices (LLLT)

To work with the Delta Laser one does not need any special knowledge or investment into expensive and timely training or maintenance. As part of the set there is included a detailed user guide providing more than 100 therapeutic treatments, which are updated regularly and new treatments are added online.

The therapeutic treatments are designed for both, a systematic support of the body…

Blood circulation

Organs Hormonal glands

Nervous system

… and local treatment of particular issues

Pain relief

Anti-inflammatory effect

Tissue regeneration

The Delta Laser operates with a handset and four different interchangeable terminals






The Delta Laser sets come in different combinations reflecting the specific needs of the user

Delta Multi Set (Universal usage) Delta Go Set (Rehabilitation & Medical)

Delta Go+ Set (Rehabilitation, Acupuncture & Hair) Delta Go+ + Set (Rehabilitation, Medical & Beauty)

Delta Laser finds an application in different areas of health care, thanks to its non-invasive and gentle effect on the organism and in

regenerative processes support

Chronic pain and Regeneration of tissuecoMra-Therapy is a very effective and non-invasive tool for pain relief and tissue (including nerves) regeneration without any associated negative side-effects

• Analgesic effect• Anti-inflammatory effect • Regeneration of muscle, connective, epithelial and nervous tissue• Prevention of neuronal degeneration and regeneration of nerves • Increase of oxygenation and blood/lymph circulation in tissue

– Enhanced oxygen transport in blood – Enhanced microcirculation of blood and lymph

Neck painTrigeminal neuralgiaFibromyalgiaDiabetic neuropathy

Traumatic injuriesTendinopathyArthritisLow back pain

APPLICATIONS (examples):

Example of the effectiveness of coMra-Therapy in the Treatment of Post Menopausal Osteoporosis

Sports and rehabilitation• The healing of sports injuries with coMra-Therapy is painless, non-invasive

and fast• coMra-Therapy shortens the time necessary for regeneration of the body

after performance• Combining with other rehabilitation techniques (e.g. massage,

physiotherapy, etc.) multiplies their positive effect • coMra-Therapy effectively increases overall stamina, strength, and

endurance of athletes

Conclusions from scientific research on the use of LLLT (Low Laser Light Therapies) for recuperation, performance and healing in sports:

• Better performance: less muscle fatigue, better ability to compensate for oxygen deficiency, more strength

• Delaying muscle fatigue and enhancing muscle performance• Quicker recuperation after match/exercise or in between• Decreases skeletal muscle damage and inflammation

Spa, wellness and relaxation

• coMra-Therapy is perfect for solving back pain, stiff muscles, muscle inflammations, joint pain, etc.

• Body systematic treatments provide effective support to the whole organism and guarantee quick stress and mental tension relief

• coMra-Therapy re-fills the body with new vital energy and thus helps to overall better mental and physical well-being

• coMra-Therapy could be applied before massage, or physiotherapeutic treatment to release muscles and tendons, simplify the work of the therapist and increase the enjoyment of the treatment for the patient

See the appendix for client references and testimonials

• The Delta Laser Multi comes with 2 year guarantee• If properly cared for, the expected lifespan of the Laser is 15 years• Quick, efficient, hassle-free and safe treatment for any ailment. • No special expertise or training required. You save on expensive and time

consuming training courses.• No expensive consumables are needed• No maintenance costs• RLT™ offers excellent after-sales support, including consultation on any

ailments not listed in the User Guide and the regular publication of new treatments.

Services and Guarantee

The Delta Laser holds certification CE 1023RLT™ holds the following ISO certifications: ISO 9001:2008 ISO 13485:2003 ISO 14001:2004ISO 14971:2007

RLT™ is a EU registered companyhttp://radiant-life-technologies.com/

For more information please contact Mr. Michail Tsvetanov+420 724 009 330; michail@radiant-life-technologies.com

Client References and Testimonials(Pain relief, Tissue repair, Locomotor problems, Sports)

Hip pain and inflammation (Athletics)• "During summer vacation, my body temperature

suddenly increased and I felt an unbearable pain in the area of the left hip. Doctors diagnosed me with Staphylococcus aureus in the blood and inflammation of the hip joint. A week of hospitalization followed, relieving the joint and applying an antibiotic treatment, which removed the Staphylococcus from the blood. Approximately 14 days after the onset of symptoms, I began applying the Delta Laser every day (using a program for vitality and relieving the inflammation of the hip joint). After three weeks of treatment my hip joint range restored to 90% and hip pain subsided. It allowed me to avoid taking medications to control the pain and energy kept restoring throughout my whole body. My personal experience with the Delta Laser is currently the most positive and most intense of all the resources that I had the opportunity to use for rehabilitation and regeneration during my professional athletic career.“

Štěpán Janáček, Athtetics, Czech Republic

Štěpán Janáček, Czech Olympian who successfully represented the Czech Republic in the pole vault discipline at three Olympic Games, in Sydney 2000, Beijing 2004, and Athens 2008.

Improved performance (Sports Aerobic)• “I had the opportunity to test coMra-Therapy and

the Delta Laser during the preparations of my daughter, who I am coaching, for the World championship of Sports Aerobics 2012. We included coMra into the training program 3 months before the championship for three main reasons: First, we wanted to strengthen the organism

in the period of highest training pressure before the competition and especially because of the mononucleosis which Denisa underwent a year ago and was not yet fully recovered from.

Second reason was an aching knee, which was causing trouble for a few months and even though Denisa went through rehabilitation procedures, it was not getting better.

The third reason was to try the positive effect of coMra for stress relief and mental balancing.

• Denisa undertook a combination of a few different treatment courses with the Delta Laser, which was recommended to us by Team coMra and which we applied ourselves alone, prior or after the training routine. Already during the treatment courses we noticed that Denisa had a growing training appetite and was less tired after routines. The knee aching was also noticeably receding and Denisa’s overall state of mind was very good. We finished the coMra courses right before the championship and in that time the knee aching was completely gone and the pain did not come back at all. Also, the stress relief effect was even more noticeable now as coMra was obviously helping Denisa to stay mentally balanced and concentrated on her performance. Based on this experience, I am assured that coMra-Therapy and the Delta Laser could contribute to each professional and amateur athlete for prevention, rehabilitation or to achieve and maintain top sports shape.”

Vlaďka Barešová, Professional aerobics instructor and coach.

Denisa Baresova, the most successful Czech sports aerobics competitor, with 5 national, 3 European and 1 world titles.

Back Pain"Before leaving for this year's World Championship in sports aerobics, I felt pain in the back, in the transition spot between thoracic and lumbar spine. The pain intensified until it transformed into a complete lockup of my lumbar spine, with no possibility of movement. I could not stand alone. On visit to the hospital, I was given an infusion and as it did not improve anything, they wanted to keep me there. Since I had to departure with the athletes to the Championship, I took medication for relaxation and pain relief and left to Holland with a car driving. Medication helped me in that I could at least walk and sit. Unfortunately, I felt physically and mentally absolutely drained after application of pain relief drugs.

The first day of the Championship I visited the coMra-Therapy presentation stand. I was offered help with the pain, which was constant and any movement was almost impossible for me. I started to attend intensive therapy sessions 2x per day. The result was that I felt pain relief immediately after the first treatment and slowly I was able to start moving without constant spasms and pain. In just two days, I finally got to the point that I could sit in the car and quite peacefully drive back to the Czech Republic and even without all the pills, which I stopped using on the first day of coMra-Therapy application. Today, a week after the first application of coMra-Therapy, my back is almost back in order. „ Jakub Strakoš, Sports Aerobics coach

Jakub Strakoš is one of the most outstanding personalities of Czech sports aerobics! He is a three times World and five times European champion!

Mgr. Jiri Kminek, CZ ACSC Dukla physiotherapist, summary of first week of application of coMra-Therapy in four cases

Shoulder joint arthrosis• Male, 53 yrs. amateur runner, application of coMra-Therapy once every other day, mild improvement of 1-

14% (due to the long term chronic condition a longer treatment is required for significant improvement )

ACL – post surgery rehabilitation • Male, 20 yrs. Canoeing, application of coMra-Therapy for one week once every day resulting in significantly

better blood circulation and elasticity of the surgery scar, lower pain level during movement. Significant improvement 65-89%

Rupture of biceps femoris• Male, 19 yrs. athlete runner, partial rupture of the right biceps femoris, vastus medialis, scar 3 cm.

Application of coMra-Therapy for one week daily in combination with muscle stretching resulted in very good improvement 35-64%

Shoulder joint pain • Male, 18 yrs. Handball, application of coMra-Therapy for one week, 4x, resulted in significant improvement

65 – 89%

The physiotherapists of the Czech Army Central Sports Club DUKLA, have been using coMra-Therapy and the Delta Laser since 2011.

Delta is a great thing and does the job remarkably well, oftentimes surprisingly well! I would like this to be known, since LLLT is not popular enough. Even if you take one small fact: many patients with joint problems cannot sleep properly because of pain, but after just one treatment the pain is gone and they report having slept well. This is not to be ignored! We use no drugs, moreover. And then the Delta does much more: after just 3 or 4 treatments the mobility of the joint is restored and the patient feels back to normal.

Q: How did you find out about soft lasers and especially coMra-Therapy?

A:This was because of my own illness. It started back in 2000 and got to the point of the discs between L4 and L5 being completely crushed. I could hardly walk and due to lack of innervation the muscles of my left leg atrophied: it became very thin. I was recommended surgery, but there is a very high risk – about 50% – of failure and subsequent paralysis, so I said no. I went through all sorts of physiotherapy, you know, no doors were closed to me, but to no avail.

When I tried the Delta Laser a couple of years ago, I could not complete the first treatment because I fell asleep from the sudden pain relief. After just a few days I could sleep peacefully at nights, with no drugs and soon my walking started to improve. I realised that as far as efficiency and speed are concerned, this new laser had no comparison with the previous one I had been treated with. After a couple of months I dropped using the stick and later even the numbness in my left foot, which had been a big problem while driving, greatly diminished.

Quadruple muscle• Male, 25, worker, quadruple muscle (hip) squeezed by a machine. Acute pain, walking impossible. After just

one treatment drove his car, after 3 treatments back to normal.

Achilles tendon • Male, 35, assistant football referee. Objective findings relate to tissue in the Achilles tendon, acute pain and

difficulties walking. After 5 treatments problem resolved.

Swollen Knee Joint • After only one treatment pain disappeared and the lipodystrophic bags at the back of the knee (which when

enlarged reduce mobility even more), decreased to normal size. 5 daily treatments reduced the perimeter of the swollen knee by 1 cm in average.

Wrist• Very good results without immobilisation of the joint.

Knee pain• Male, about 30; former football player with worn out knee

tendons and difficulties moving. coMra-Therapy brought him immediate improvement. After 5 treatments his pain disappeared and – subjectively – the patient was back to normal.

Dr. Pejcho Zlatev‘s observations and cases:

Locomotor Problems (Football)• „Chronic musculoskeletal problems are prevalent

among professional footballers and the treatment is difficult, often without significant results. In June 2011 I applied coMra-Therapy to eight professional footballers with a variety of recurrent musculoskeletal problems, for the duration of 14 days. For all athletes, I noticed a significant improvement in their condition and reduction or complete disappearance of the symptoms of their chronic problems. „

Petr Kral, Sports physiotherapist, FK Dukla, Czech Rep

Illustrative photography

Groins (Football) • Martin Ambrus , football player, 31 years old. This player returned to

the game after a 6 month break due to abdomen surgery near the groin area. He complained of pain in the groin area spreading further down towards the inside of the thighs. Pain occurred after prolonged activity, such as in the second half of the match and in a sliding tackle or lunge. After 1-2 days rest pain disappeared. Pain was described as prickly, rather deeper. The player commenced a coMra-Therapy treatment on 19th August 2013 for four weeks. He was prescribed a direct treatment of the problematic area, in combination with Vitality 6 treatment (see UG) for overall stimulation of the organism.

Treatment was carried out a total of four weeks, 3 to 4 times a week, once a day, during a normal training routine. During treatment, the player noticed decreasing pain level, mainly in the third and fourth week of therapy. After four weeks, the player experienced a general improvement of the condition by 60 %, allowing him to better focus on the game and give better performance during the match. He also reports the pain he felt in the second half of the match at sliding tackle o r lunge has disappeared.

Martin Abmrus, SK Aritma,

Lower calf muscle and hamstrings (Football)• „I have only positive feelings about my limited use of the Delta laser treatment. I am immediately very

impressed by the machine and all its accessories. This includes the case which is incredibly portable and all the components which are simple to assemble/dissemble and are exceptionally well-designed. Also the instruction manual was very impressive highlighting numerous other possible methods of treatment. The machine itself however is very easy to operate. I felt comfortable with it immediately. After two weeks of fairly regular use, once or twice a day, I have felt great improvement in my lower calf muscle. More importantly, I began using it on my hamstrings which constantly felt tight and that stiffness has rapidly disappeared. Wonderful feeling.Very impressed, Callum, Prague“

Callum Eade, Prague, Czech Republic

Muscle Fever (Skiing)• After day one of a ski trip I developed a serious case of muscle fever. The pain in my muscles was so strong

that I couldn’t walk up stairs and even normal walking was difficult. I started using the Delta Laser intensely and by the afternoon of the following day I felt noticeable relief. By the third day I was able to walk normally again including traversing stairs.

Michail, Czech Republic

ACL Reconstruction with allograft. (Full contact fights)• Patient acquired the injury in a Full contact fighting event as he is a competing black belt in Taekwondo.

During a match he received a direct kick to his knee while his leg was in the air and his foot was pinned on his opponents hip. Along with the allograft reconstruction, he also had a Knee loose body removal procedure done. Knee was very stiff and swollen prior to Delta Laser treatment. Patient noticed that coMra-Therapy definitely accelerated his rehabilitation gains in terms of range of motion and it also helped with general healing as far as the pain and constant throbbing and tightness of the joint complex. In general, patient stated that it was as though coMra-Therapy was able to alleviate a lot of the pressure and facilitate the natural recovery process.

Anonymous, Miami, United States

Trauma (Martial Arts).• The Delta Laser has proven itself to be indispensable in relieving pain from joint injuries, bruises and

stubbed fingers and toes. I also had chronic and persistent pain in my shoulder from a dislocation sustained many weeks before. After five days with the Delta Laser the pain was gone and I had regained the full movement range of my shoulder!

Duane, Switzerland

Sprained Ankle (Track & Field)• During the first day of my training week, Monday, I sustained a sprained ankle doing drills and sprints on a

steep grassy hill. After arriving home from practice I proceeded to treat the ankle immediately with the Delta Laser as I needed to continue training to prepare for an international competition being held in two weeks. I trained the entire week without decreased intensity, treating myself before and after practice. By Thursday morning, I was already 90% better.

Alexander, U.S

Torn Knee Ligaments (Rugby)• „I dislocated my knee in a rugby game. My ACL, PCL and MCL ligaments were completely torn through and

the Miniscus Cartilage was torn all the way around. I was seriously worried if I would ever be able to walk properly again let alone keep fit. The surgeon said that it was the worst case of its type that he had ever seen, and the doctor on the scene of the injury told me that I would probably only see a significant improvement after seven months.After an operation to attach the ligaments to my knee with metal screws, I started using the Delta as well as a disciplined physio routine. Throughout I was amazed to find that I had virtually no pain. My physio was also very impressed, and after only five months I am walking and cycling normally with very little discomfort.“

Coenraad , Rugby player, Capetown, South Africa

Broken radial head bone • I fell on August 4th [2012], during a game of football with my 12 year old grandson, and broke the radial

head bone in my left arm. Treatment from A & E [accident and emergency department] at the local hospital was initially a cloth sling for 4 days, followed by a plaster cast, with strong painkillers for 4 days and then removal of plaster cast after 5 days with cuff and collar sling provided and advised to try and move my arm but not "overuse" it. At this stage my arm was very painful and I had very limited movement. After a conversation with [my therapist], she suggested I try a course of coMra-Therapy. I had never heard of this but was willing to try anything to speed up the healing process. I had four treatments in total and am pleased to report that the speed at which my arm appears to be healing is amazing. I now have almost full movement of my left arm, with only a small amount of discomfort. I support coMra-Therapy and would encourage anyone with broken bones to try this wonderful therapy. 27th August 2012

Anonymous, Scotland, United Kingdom

Marathon Run and Injured Knee • „Using my Delta Laser to treat a knee injury which I was nursing all summer helped me complete a very

good Marathon in Munich this year.Using the laser helped to clear up the injury quickly and three weeks before the marathon I did the "Somatic Biostimulation" (Routine 1) treatment. I found this treatment excellent. I had much more energy and on the morning of the marathon, I remember waking up and feeling really good and quietly saying to myself this is going to be a good day. I was thinking of a time of around 3.10 to 3.15 but ran 3.01 and felt very good through out the whole race.“

Gerry Cantwell , Marathon runner, Dungarvan, Ireland

Deep Cut of Foot sole • „I stepped on a sharp metal edge and cut deeply the sole of my left foot. The wound was about 6cm in

length and 3-4mm deep. The local doctor told me to go to hospital to get the wound sealed and patched up. Since I had my Delta Laser with me I decided to skip the visit to the hospital and heal the wound with the Delta Laser only. I started with intensive irradiation the first day, using the Medical Terminal on 5Hz, 50Hz and Variable setting, each for 5 minutes and approximately every 3-4 hours. I maintained the same intensity of treatment for the first 3 days. From the 4th day onwards I only did morning and evening treatments, using the same settings. After the first two days the wound partially closed and no signs of inflammation were visible. I could feel some pain while walking, and so I could not step fully on my left foot. The condition kept improving with each day of treatment. On the fourth day I stopped using a bandage to cover the wound and I could walk with almost my full weight on my foot, although I could still feel a little pain. By the 5th day after the injury the wound was completely closed and I could walk normally.“

Michail Tsvetanov, amateur runner and football player Czech Republic

1 day of treatment 1 day of treatment

3 days of treatment 5 days of treatment 6 days of treatment

Fractured Ribs• „ I broke my ribs during the last week of February, 2012. My doctor said that there was nothing that they

could give me to help me heal my ribs, other than rest and that, on average, it would take about 4 to 6 weeks of excruciating pain for them to heal. I used the Delta Laser and the pictures speak for themselves. After just one week of three treatment sessions a day my ribs started to feel much better and the bruising decreased significantly. And just after two weeks all appearance of a bruise left completely. I highly recommend using this therapy..“

Debbie, Miami, United States.

1st day of treatment 3 days later

7 days later 14 days later

Sprained Fingers (Football, goalkeeping)• “While playing football as a goalkeeper I reached for the ball flying fast after a sharp shoot. The ball

brushed the tips of my fingers and sprained the ring and little fingers - my little finger was especially hurt as it was bent backwards by the ball. Shortly after both fingers got swollen and bruised in the area of the joint and the range of their movement got seriously restricted. It took me 6 days of twice daily treatments with the Delta Laser to reduce the swelling by app. 60% and recover about two thirds of their normal movement range. “ Anonymous, Prague, Czech Republic

Day 1 Day 1 Day 3

Day 6 Day 6 Day 6