Enhanced Interrogation: The Modern-Day Interview (SXSW 2012)

Post on 16-Sep-2014

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[Presented Friday, March 9, 2012 at SXSW Interactive 2012] You've updated LinkedIn. Created your about.me profile. Nailed your elevator pitch. Congratulations! You finally landed that elusive interview. Now what? Demand for talent in the tech industry is supposedly at an all-time high, but actually getting the job isn't as simple as it used to be. Running the interview gauntlet can range from technical questions to absurd mind games. These days it's no surprise to go through multiple phone screenings and Skype video conferences before you ever get to the onsite interview. What are they looking for? What will they ask? Find out how to survive the interview minefield. http://schedule.sxsw.com/2012/events/event_IAP100055

Transcript of Enhanced Interrogation: The Modern-Day Interview (SXSW 2012)