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  • 7/29/2019 ENGL.pdf




    Dear friends, thank you for your reactions to the news about the liquidation of our radio

    station. We got your messages of backing wherein you come with convincing proofs to

    maintain such a station, necessary for each state. As well, we thank you for appreciating

    our job. All your messages were sent to decision makers which will solve our problem.Thank you for being with us in this difficult period.

    Here are some extracts from your letters:

    CHRISTIAN GHIBAUDO, FRANCEA web page with just texts and photos in English and Russian means a step backward. I prefer to listen

    to a voice and in French. We need a radio with information, reports and music. I have been a devoted

    listener of RMI for about 20 years and if the future of RMI is a web page with texts, I will no access it.

    The liquidation so RMI is a serious error from another viewpoint as well: currently, many shortwave

    programs are always broadcast from Tiraspol - a pro-Russian propaganda in many languages. I know

    some persons who listen to the radio of Tiraspol and I believe that this radio station (radio PMR) is theofficial voice of Moldova. If RMI ends its activity, Moldova closes its lifeline to the world. Don t do

    it, keep RMI in current format!


    I have been a listener to RMIs programs for about 10 years now. I would be very grateful if you

    would keep RMI in existence and if you could, lengthen the RMI program, perhaps to 1 hour a day.

    Also, the archive of past programs is very helpful. The RMI staff do a fine job and I would again be

    very grateful if you would continue the RMI service.


    "RMI needs Moldova. Moldova needs RMI" - a founder member of the station once said that and it is

    still true. Moldova needs RMI to spread and promote the country in the international communty. A lot

    of people already don't know where Moldova is if they're asked to signal it on a map, and if the station

    is closed, maybe only your neighbours will know where Moldova is! Even Radio Transnistria, the

    station of the rebel Moldovan region is broadcasting to the world in English, German and French. Its

    short-wave signal is strong and clear (using former Radio Moldova's transmitters in Grigoriopol,

    stolen after the Moldova-Transnistria war) and their website is always updated with the scripts of the

    daily news bulletins - I say this because I have heard and read it! They are present on short-wave and

    on the Internet and RMI is only present on the web and do you want to silence it!? Are you trying to

    shout down the official voice of Moldova to allow a rebel region to be recognized as an independentstate? I can't believe it!

    Radio Moldova International was born and raised along with the independent Moldovan state. It's not

    fair to kill this broadcaster that has always promoted Moldova's image around the world. It's not fair to

    shut down Moldova's voice! Why do you want to shut down RMI, the only open window to foreigners

    -in our own languages- to know more about your country, mine by adoption? Why do you want to

    silence a friendly voice coming from Basarabia?

    HELMUT MATT, GERMANYFor me Radio Moldova Inernational is practically the only source of information about the Republic of

    Moldova and the only relyable source of information about the situation in the Transnistrian issue.

    There is almost no information at all about your part of the world here in my country Germany.

    Though RMI information programs I learned a lot about Moldova. Many people in my country don't

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    even know about the existence of the Republic of Moldova - nor have they ever heard about

    Transnistria. All people I ever discussed Moldovan topics with were listeners of RMI. If this window

    will be closed once it will never be opened again. Yes, I am convinced that such a great service is

    needed. It would be a great loss and a big mistake to shut down RMI. Please take a chance and do

    think about your decision once again. We listeners like Radio Moldova International.

    A heart-broken listener from India, JAYANTA CHAKRABARTY

    My association with RMI dates back to 1992 when the young republic was trying to find its feet after

    years of exploitation and neglect. The friendly voice of the station in typical Moldovan accent doling

    out interesting programmes attracted my attention. RMI introduced me to the rich Moldovan culture,

    its music and literature. My association with the station since those happy days have strengthened

    with time. In fact, I grew up with RMI. My mind and views on South European culture was moulded

    by RMI so was my improvement of the English language. While participating in RMI's annual

    knowledge contests helped me to broaden my views on this tiny south-eastern European country.

    With democracy restored, the Moldovan Republic is now marching on to peace and progress with true

    dynamism and determination. It is cooperating closely with the EU and deserves to be a member of

    this Union. We Indians have a special corner in our hearts for the heroic people of Moldova. Weeagerly wait for the day when the Moldovan Republic will take its rightful and duly deserved place in

    the comity of nations. RMI has been a true partner in Moldova's historic nation-building efforts. Thus

    the sudden demise of RMI broadcasts would be unjust and unfair to its global listeners who have been

    listening to the voice of truth which began its journey in 1992 to inform the world on the truthful basic

    facts of the Transnistrian conflict. On behalf of thousands of devoted RMI's worldwide listeners, I take

    this opportunity to request the authorities of the Public Broadcaster "Teleradio Moldova" to once again

    reconsider their decision on winding up the RMI broadcasting section.


    It is important to know your traditions and customs and your opinion about the world in Europe. When

    I see that Radio China International takes over all abandoned shortwave programs, I believe it is worth

    thinking about it. The French listeners are scandalized by the interest you show to them.


    As I have been a listener of the English Service of Radio Moldova International for 15 years, I am

    very sad about plans to stop all of its radio programmes in the near future. In German media you find a

    lot of information about the European Union, the United States of America and Russia - but you will

    hardly find any reports about Moldovan affairs. So I think publishing a few articles in English on yourwebsite will not be sufficient for people abroad who are interested in your country.

    I do not only want to read texts, I also want to listen to interviews, people's voices and Moldovan

    music. Instead of discontinuing RMI's programmes, you should rather extend them. Otherwise, I

    guess, I am supposed to get my information about the Republic of Moldova by listening to the

    External Service of Radio PMR from Pridnestrovje?!


    From where people interested in Moldova abroad should get their information after closing down the

    station? Talking about myself I will try to get some information by foreign language radiostation fromneigbouring countries of Moldova. Romania, the Ukraine, Russia and even the Transdniestrian region

    have programmes not only in English and other languages Radio Moldova International provided but

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    in my mother tongue German too. However, information got by neighbouring countries are not the

    same like information direct from Moldova. Problably I will loose some of my knowledge about

    Moldova after some time. I would be very pleased, if Radio Moldova International could find a way to

    improve the service instead simply to liquidate it.


    In today's "modern" world, taking station off the radio airwaves seems to be popular among

    administrators that only want to spend less money without analyzing what you get in return. The two

    way audience that radio opens up can not be replicated in other formats. The digital gadgets are

    mainly used by younger folks that have better things to do than listen to public broadcasters on the

    Internet or on their hand held phones or other devises. Nobody checks Internet web pages for

    information. Major news services get some play but certainly not small country website. Forget that

    tool because it is a waste to think it can replace a fine radio service. Radio is still the answer in

    communications. I am shocked that you would consider rendering your Radio Moldova International

    to the scrape heap. This is wrong! In fact, the Public Broadcaster Teleradio Moldova should be

    expanding its radio foot print to include shortwave once again to reach audiences around the world.More opinion makers still listen to shortwave than any other medium. It is a terrific tool for

    promoting a countries industry, culture, history, products, the people and tourist potential. Expanding

    your use of radio is the way to go.


    Even if in the last years many countries have closed it's shortwave international-radio broadcasts, most

    of them have kept the broadcasts by on-line transmissions, because they consider that it's important

    maintain a voice to the world that talks about that nations, about their culture, sports, touristic places,

    economy and politics. I consider that this is especially important for the smallest nations that are not

    known by the most of people, because don't have good results in sports, or a powerful economy...Moldova is one of this nations. Thanks to internet, to reach worldwide audiences now is easier and

    cheaper that in the past. I don't believe that "Teleradio Moldova" will save a lot of money cutting a

    service that will no have replacement. Will Moldova build other media that broadcast about the

    country in many languages, as RMI? Has Moldova the money to develop an international-TV station

    as have done Russia, France or UK? To end with RMI is to silence the voice of Moldova in the world,

    and in the world of today, it's extremely important to be known, to be listened, to be somebody. Who

    will talk about Moldova to the world if RMI closes?