English1 week3 lessonplan

Post on 20-Jul-2015

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Transcript of English1 week3 lessonplan

English 1 Week 3

this, that, these, those

Possessive ‘s’ and ‘my/mine, your/yours’

Everyday objects/ a,an

this, that, these, those

• Try these online activities: http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=4617#a

• In small groups: do language bank activity 1.2 A – Complete the conversations with ‘this, that, these, those’

Possessives - genitive ‘s’ – my book / mine, your book / yours

• 5 p.11 – Which is the correct alternative?

• Look at the language bank explanation 1.2 –possessives

• In small groups do language bank activities B and C – do this together and read the sentences aloud

• 6 p.11 – complete the conversation

Possessives - genitive ‘s’ – my book / mine, your book / yours

• Game: Whose are these? (Manisha’s or Ben’s?) – Play this game in pairs

• Speaking – 7A-Put 2 objects from your bag/pocket on the table – say: my watch, Chris’s pen…

-Look at the objects of another group – askquestions: Is that your pen?

Everyday objects

• Go to photobank p.152

• Match the objects with the photos – say: A is a dictionary

• Complete the gaps with a, an or -