english year 5 PKSR

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Transcript of english year 5 PKSR

  • 8/11/2019 english year 5 PKSR


    UJIAN 1 (2014)SK TAMAN DAYA 2


    Questions 1-4

    Choose the bestword to complete the sentence.

    Pilih perkataan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat beriut.

    1. The boys prefer playing football in the ___________________.

    A orchard

    B house

    C road

    D field

    2. Saktiraj is spinning a

    A kite

    B top

    C skateboard

    D shuttlecock

    3. Chickens are kept in a ..

    A hutch

    B kennel

    C coop

    D cage

    4. We can get information about places to visit from a ..

    A pamphlet

    B dictionary

    C receipt

    D brochure

  • 8/11/2019 english year 5 PKSR



    Questions 5-7

    Read the text and choose the best phrase for each of the pictures given.

    Carol and her family celebrate Christmas. They are (5).

    because they will be celebrating Christmas on the (6) of

    December. There are many (7) placed under the Christmas


    5. A cleaning the living room

    B decorating the christmas tree

    C hanging the curtain

    6. A fifteenth

    B twenty fifth

    C twenty five

    7. A colourful candles

    B delicious home-made biscuits

    C beautifully wrapped presents


  • 8/11/2019 english year 5 PKSR



    Questions 8-10

    Choose the best answer for each of the pictures given.


    A The woman is boiling some water.

    B The woman is mixing the salad.

    C The woman is baking a cake.


    A The man is cutting the plant with a cleaver.

    B The man is trimming the hedge with a pair of shears.

    C The man is chopping the tree with an axe.


    A Azman is pushing the empty wheelbarrow.

    B Azman is carrying the milk container.

    C Azman is taking out a sack of animal feed from the store.

  • 8/11/2019 english year 5 PKSR



    Questions 11-15

    Choose the bestanswer to fit the situation shown in the picture.

    Pilih jawapan yang terbaik bagi situasi dalam gambar.

    11. A Please come in.

    B You are welcome.C Thank you, Pn. Anisah.

    D Hope to see you again.

    12. A I doubt it.

    B I am really sure.

    C Im sorry, I cant.

    D I dont drink coffee.

    13. A Can I have my change?

    B May I have a packet of salt?

    C Where is the receipt?

    D Thank you for the salt.


  • 8/11/2019 english year 5 PKSR



    14. A Nobody goes there.

    B When are you leaving?

    C Its a bit crazy, isnt it?D Congratulation! Youve won the first


    15. A Im sorry.

    B You asked for it.

    C Dont yell at me.

    D I didnt know it was yours.


    SECTION CQuestions 16-20Choose the bestanswer to complete the sentences.Pilih jawapan yang terbaikuntuk melengkapkan ayat-ayat berikut.

    16 ____________ you bring me the towel, please?

    A MayB MustC Could

    17 Long ago, a queen ____________ her servants to catch a witch.

    A orderB ordersC orderingD ordered

  • 8/11/2019 english year 5 PKSR



    18 Fakhrul : Did you give Jonathan the book?Fatihah : Yes, I..it to him yesterday.

    A giveB gaveC given

    D giving

    19 Please answer my question _____________.

    A gracefullyB brightlyC weaklyD honestly

    20 The female lions .after their cubs.

    A lookB looksC lookedD looking

    Questions 21

    Choose the word that has the same meaningas the word underlined.

    21 My headmaster gave a short speech during the assembly.

    A brief

    B tinyC longD small

    Questions 22-23

    Choose the answer with correct spelling.

    22. Munir likes to eat ____________.

    A califlowerB cauliflower

    C cooliflowerD couliflower

    23. The orang-utan.is at Sepilok in Sandakan.

    A santuaryB sentuaryC sanctuaryD sanctuery

  • 8/11/2019 english year 5 PKSR



    Questions 24-25

    Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.Pilih ayat yangmempunyai tanda baca yang betul.

    24 A Help! Help! shouted the Little Blue Boy.

    B help! help! shouted the Little Blue Boy.C Help, Help, shouted the Little Blue Boy.

    25 A Mother cooked fish curry: fried broccoli and buttered rice for lunch.B Mother cooked fish curry, fried broccoli and buttered rice for lunch.C Mother cooked fish curry, fried broccoli, and, buttered rice for lunch.D Mother cooked Fish Curry, Fried Broccoli and Buttered Rice for lunch.

    Questions 26-30

    Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.

    Berdasarkan gambar, pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk diisikan pada tempat kosong dalam teks

    yang berikutnya.

  • 8/11/2019 english year 5 PKSR



    Sandra goes to gotong - royong with her father at the community centre. The residents

    of the nearby join them. . men are cleaning the clogged drain.

    ( 26 ) ( 27 )

    One of the man uses a . to clear the rubbish from the drain. The village( 28 )

    headman . one of the residents are discussing about the campaign.

    ( 29 )

    They very satisfied with their work,

    ( 30 )

    26. A cityB landfillC open dumpsD housing estate

    27. A MuchB A littleC Several

    28. A rakeB truckC cleaverD wheelbarrow

    29. A becauseB withC andD so

    30. A isB areC wasD were


  • 8/11/2019 english year 5 PKSR


    Questions 31-35

    Read the newspaper report below carefully and answer the questions that follow.Baca laporan akbar di bawah dengan teliti dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

    ALOR STAR, Tues - Farmer Jailani Yahya and his family members have not been

    feeling well lately because they have to drink water drawn from a dirty well. Jailani,45, said the water in the well had turned dark after the floods. The well outside his

    house Kampung Permai Indah is contaminated with cow dung and fertiliserswashed away from a neighbouring estate.

    The water is yellow. My family has no other choice but to drink water from

    the well as I cannot afford piped water. My wife and children are suffering fromfever on and off, said the father of five children aged between four and 16 years


    Jailani and his family had been using the water from the well for the past 12years for drinking, washing and cooking. The village headman Karim Nasir said that

    about nine households in the area were affected by flash floods after a new

    drainage system was introduced at the rubber estate four months ago. Karim hadcomplained to the estate owner and the authorities and hoped that they would lookinto the matter.

    Villager Rahim Othman, 52, said he lost 20 chickens and 13 goats. He sufferedlosses amounting to RM 3,500. He also hope that the authorities will do something

    about it.

    31. What problem is the villagers of Kampung Permai Indah facing ?

    A Heavy rainB Piped water shortageC Contaminated well waterD Irresponsible village head

    32. What is the cause of the flood in Kampung Permai Indah ?

    A Rain for the past 12 yearsB The dark water from the wellC A new drainage system at a neighbouring estateD Cow dung and fertilisers from a nearby rubber estate

    33. Who is Rahim Othman ?

    A The village headman of Kampung Permai IndahB A father of five children aged between six and 20 years oldC A farmer who had suffered losses amounting to RM 3,500 in the floodD A villager whose wife and children are suffering from fever


  • 8/11/2019 english year 5 PKSR


    34. What have the villagers done to solve the problem ?

    A They have started using piped waterB They have made complaintsC They have built a canal in the estateD They have introduced new drainage system

    35. The expression on and offmeans

    A not at allB nowdaysC all the timesD occasionally

    Questions 36-40

    Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.Baca teks di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

    English Language ClubSekolah Kebangsaan Seri Perdana

    Annual Storytelling Competition

    The English Language Club committe of Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Perdana, invites pupils fromprimary schools in Zon Pasir Gudang to participate in our Annual Storytelling Competition.

    Details of the competition are as follows:(a) Venue : School Hall of Sek. Keb Seri Perdana, Johor Bahru(b) Time : 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.(c) Date : 18th March 2014

    (d) Prizes : Champion : RM1000 and a certificateRunner-up : RM800 and a certificateConsolation : Cash RM500 and a certificate each

    (e) Closing date : 12th March 2014(f) Students are requested to send in their entry forms to:

    Puan Aireen Sofea of Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Perdana.

    Thank you

    RidaniMiss Ridani Radan(Secretary of English Language Club)


  • 8/11/2019 english year 5 PKSR


    36. Who is the organiser of the Storytelling Competition?

    A The organising committee of English Language Club of Sekolah Seri Perdana.B Puan Aireen Sofea of Sekolah Seri Perdana.C The headmistress of Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Perdana.

    D Miss Ridani Radan, the Secretary of the English Language Club.

    37. Pupils who want to take part must submit their forms to

    A the headmasterB Miss Ridani RadanC Puan Aireen Sofea

    38. The word participatemeans

    A vote

    B take partC representD present

    39. The closing date of registration for the competition is

    A 11thMarch 2014

    B 12thMarch 2014C 13thMarch 2014D 14

    thMarch 2014

    40. From the notice, we know that

    A the competition is held monthlyB the competition is held annuallyC the competition is open to students of Sek. Keb. Seri PerdanaD the competition is organised by Miss Ridani Radan


    CHECKED BY : CERTIFIED BY :.................................................... ................................................PN NORHUDA BINTI RIDWAN PN HJH NORAISAH BINTI ANDINHEAD OF ENGLISH PANITIA (SKTD2) HEADMISTRESS OF SKTD2
