English unit 4 photo essay

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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Transcript of English unit 4 photo essay

People from all over the world, and particularly those from poor third world countries, leave their homes for more opportunities in America regarding jobs and education for themselves and their families. They do not immigrate here to harm this country, but rather, to improve their social and economic situations, while simultaneously helping their new home country.

European Immigrants in the U.S.European Immigrants in the U.S.

My family and I moved to America from Greece 11 years ago. We came here for better jobs, better education, more opportunities and overall a better life. Through hard work, perseverance and a little help, we have come a long way and accomplished many things we never would have dreamed of if we were still living in Greece. Last May, my mom graduated from Salem State University with a Bachelor’s degree in English which was very challenging for her considering she did it while working part-time and raising two daughters. My dad started his own construction business many years ago and is doing very well with it now. He has many clients and is quite well known in the areas he works in. Just like us, many immigrants come to this country with big dreams and ambitions and work hard to achieve them. We want to do really well not only for ourselves but also for our society.

My family and I in front of our Christmas tree, Christmas 2010

My family and I in front of our Christmas tree, Christmas 2010

My mom graduating from Salem State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in English.

My dad in front of his work truck. He started his own construction business 7 years ago.

My parents standing in front of our new house built by Habitat for Humanity on the inauguration day.

My mom’s picture in our local newspaper. Her painting was on display at a silent auction at the museum she worked at.

She has also published many other articles and poems in the paper.

My family and grandparents from my mom’s side taken in Miami, FL summer of 2011.

My sister and I with my aunt from my mom’s side. She immigrated from Albania and now lives in Toronto, Canada.

She is the superintendent of the building she lives in and also works part-time as a French teacher.

From left to right: My mom’s cousin, my mom’s sister, my mom, and her best friend. They are all immigrants from

Albania. Her cousin is a phlebotomist in a medical building and her friend works at a law firm and is also going to law

school part-time.

My mom’s friend and her husband. She moved to America with her family from Albania when she was 16. They met in Albania

and got married there. Then she did the papers so he could come back to U.S. with her. He is going to school to be a dental

hygienist and also works part-time.

This is my me and my cousin from Canada. She moved there with her parents when she was 13. She graduated from

University of Toronto with a degree in English and history and is now doing her masters in British Columbia working as a TA

in a college. She wants to become an English professor.