English Synonyms Test 11.pdf

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of English Synonyms Test 11.pdf

1English Synonyms Test 11Instructions: Choose the word is the closest in meaning to the words provided.ID Questions1 misprize( ) despise( ) devalue( ) erroneous( ) covet2 impugn( ) imply( ) fret( ) assail( ) recalcitrant3 supervene( ) intervene( ) overreach( ) displace( ) follow4 exigent( ) urgent( ) treatise( ) miser( ) expedient5 fervid( ) delightful( ) difficult( ) obstinate( ) Ardent6ersatz( ) chaotic( ) artificial( ) impromptu( ) vague8 redolent( ) ubiquitous( ) odorous( ) shy( ) bellicose9 vociferous2( ) numerous( ) bountiful( ) strident( ) garrulous10turpitude( ) lethargy( ) honor( ) belligerence( ) depravityCopyrights EnglishTestStore and EnglishPDF. All rights reserved.http://www.englishteststore.com. (Flash exe format is available fordownload)http://www.englishpdf.com. (PDF format is available for download)3Answer Sheet:Question A B C D1. A2. C3. D4. A5. D6. B7.8. B9. C10. D