English Project HOROSCOPE. Aries Personality adventurous, ambitious, impulsive, enthusiastic and...

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Transcript of English Project HOROSCOPE. Aries Personality adventurous, ambitious, impulsive, enthusiastic and...

English ProjectHOROSCOPE


Personality adventurous, ambitious,

impulsive, enthusiastic and full of energy

open to new ideas and are lovers of freedom

lack thoroughness and the ability to evaluate difficulties

are easily offended and capable of holding grudges.

Work: Arians are courageous leaders

If they are followers, they can be troublesome since they may not be willing to obey the others.

Suitable careers : athletes, doctors, explorers,

soldiers, sailors and airmen, leaders and politicians


Personality Practical, extreme determination and strength of w

ill are stable, conservative and lovers of peace have a sense of material values and physical posses

sions, respect for property and a horror of falling into debt

generally dependable, prudent and unshaken in the face of difficulties but they are also obstinate and argumentative.

. Work

Taureans are industrious and good craftspeople, and are not afraid of getting their hands dirty.

they are at their best in routine positions of trust and responsibility, where there is little need of urgency and even less risk of change.

Suitable careers :

Banking, architecture, any form of bureaucracy, medicine, industry, insurance and education.


Personality dual-natured, elusive, complex and


affectionate, courteous, kind and generous, but can be cunning and irresponsible

are usually intelligent and love challenges, and they are fond of gossips

Work: Geminians are inconsistent and never cont

ented with doing only one thing at a time. good at communications and are good co


Suitable careers : Diplomats, teachers, authors, poets, journ

alists, lawyers, scientists, especially in the fields of medicine and astronomy.



timid, shy, dull and conservative

have a home-loving nature like a crab - hard on outside but

soft in inside. appreciative of art and

literature, and especially of drama.

Work: The Crab's sensitive nature is readily

apparent in business dealings, preferring a non-confrontational approach that protects them as well as those around them.

Suitable careers: Doctors, pharmacists, teachers, nutritionists,

chefs, realtors



the most dominant, spontaneously creative and extrovert of all the zodiacal characters

ambitious, courageous, strong-willed, independent, self-confident

are extremely arrogant, haughty, and excessively quick-tempered.

can be jealous, cunning, self-centered, greedy for flattery and boastful.

Work: Leonians are at their most effective when in a

position of command. are uncomplicated, knowing exactly what they wa

nt and using all their energies, creativeness and resolution to get it.

Suitable careers : Politicians, directors or managers in business,

organizers of projects.


Personality are characterized by preciseness,

refinement, fastidious love of cleanliness, hygiene and good order.

are usually modest, observant, shrewd, judicious, critical, patient, sensible and tend toward conservation.

are perfectionists Do not trust the others easily and

have confidence in themselves

Work: Virgoans work better as subordinates tha

n leaders. they often lack the breadth of strategic vi

sion that a leader needs. Suitable careers : surveying, bookkeepers, accountants, se

cretaries, doctors, nurses, teachers, critics.


Personality the most civilized of the twelve

zodiacal characters are often good looking,

elegant, charming, naturally kind, gentle, and lovers of beauty, harmony and justice

are frivolous, flirtatious and shallow, changeable, indecisive and impatient of routine.

Work: Librans are usually lazy and dislike

coarse, dirty work.

But they can be surprisingly energetic and ambitious.They have good perception, observation and critical ability.

Suitable careers:Administrators, lawyers, civil servants, bankers, fashion-design, critics and writers.



the most intense, profound, powerful among the zodiac

though appear self-controlled and calm, there is a seething intensity of emotional energy, harnessed aggression and immense forcefulness under the placid exterior.

In conventional social gatherings they are pleasant to be with, dignified, reserved, and yet affable and courteous

too sensitive that makes them easily hurt

Work: Scorpios are determined.

Though they appear indifferent on the outside, they have a strong desire for power They are not enthusiastic to be leaders. Instead, they prefer to take over control behind the scenes.

Suitable careers :Surgeons, research scientists, police, detectives and diplomats.



full of energy, versatility, adventurousness and eagerness to extend experience.

enjoy traveling, exploration and they like to have fun.

are basically ambitious, optimistic, honorable, honest, trustworthy, generous and sincere, with a passion for justice

Work: Sagittarians love to initiate new projects and ha

ve an urge to understand conceptions that are new to them.

But they are impatient, they want to rush every new project through immediately.

Suitable careers : Teachers, scientists, lawyer, politicians, social a

dministration, public relations and advertising.


Personality most stable and serious of the zodiaca

l types Confident, strong-willed and calm Hardworking, unemotional, shrewd, r

esponsible, persevering, and cautious Extremely stubborn and become the l

oneliest zodiacal type


Capricornians are reliable workers in almost any profession they undertake.

They are ambitious and rank their careers in the first priority.

Suitable careers : Economists, bankers, managers, politicians,

teachers, dentists and real estate brokers.



Posses strong and attractive personalities

Strong-willed, forceful, intelligent, and rebellious

Curious and like new things Have strong convictions and

stress on humanitarian and individualism.

Work: Aquarians work best in group projects, because they are recognized as having a leading part in them.

They have a strong desire for knowledge and truth but this make them change their jobs frequently.

Suitable careers : Scientists, technicians, writers, welfare workers, teachers and




Gentle, patient, malleable, generous, friendly, creative and sensitive to others' feelings

Easygoing and affectionate and are deservedly popular with all kinds of people

Concentration is weak and easily withdraw into a dream world.

Exist emotionally rather than rationally, instinctively more than intellectually.

Work: Pisceans are better working either by

themselves or in subordinate positions. They would be afraid to manage a

department as they always worry that they would fail in a crisis.

Suitable careers:

Charities catering, nurses, veterinary

surgeons, astronomers, travelers, architects and lawyers.