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Materials of English Morphology at 6th semester

Transcript of ENGLISH MORPHOLOGY AND TASK OF 1st semester


Linguistik= ilmu bahasa

Varian linguistik: linguistik umum (kesamaan unsur)

linguistik terapanlinguistik deskriptif

Linguis = ahli bahasa Ahli bahasa >< pandai berbahasa


Cabang Utama linguistik Fonologi


MorfologiSemantik Pragmatik

Linguistic meaning >< Lingusitic senselingual >< metalingual

semiotik/semiologiFerdinand de Saussure = Charles Senders Pierce Roland Barthes > Jaques Derrida & Julia KristevaUmberto eco Nasr Hamid abu zaid

HermeneutikSchleiermacher (teks dan author)Heidegger (teks dan subyektifitas author)Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid (historis dan ahistoris)


Branches of linguistics

• The main branches of linguistics are• Phonology : a branch of linguistics that studies the structure and

systematic patterning of sound in human language

• Morphology :a branches of linguisitics that studies the way in which word are constructed out of smaller meaningfull units

• Syantax : a branch of linguistics that studies the internal structure of sentences and the intrelationships among the internal parts

• Semantics : a branch of linguistics that studies the nature of the meaning of individual words and the meaning out of group into phrases and sentences

Pragmatics : sub field of linguistics that studies the use of words in the actual context of discourse

Subfields of linguistics(Kajian Antar Disiplin Linguistik)

• Anthropological Linguistics : The study of the interlelationship between language and culture

• Sociolinguistics : The study of the interelationship of language and social culture, linguistics variation, and attitude toward

language. • Psycolinguistics : The study of the relationships of language and

cognitive , structures and the acquisition of language

• Neurolinguistics : The study of the brain and how it functions and the production, perception, and acquisation of language.


• Morphology a brance of lingusitics that studies the ways in which word are constructed out of smaller meaningfull units or the study of morphemes and their arrangement in forming word.

• a morphem is not identical with a syllable

strange- (streynj) is a single morpheme (monomorphemic) and one syllable

connecticut (kənεcticəḍ) is a single morpheme it contain four syllables


• strange- consist of 7 phonems = 2 vowels and 5 consonant

• Connecticut –consist of 11 phonems= 4 vowel and 7 consonant


• Bound vs Free morphems • Bound morphems are morphems wich cannot normally stand

alone, but which are typically attached to another forms e.g. re-, -ist, -ed , -s, -ly in words such as:

• re-turn• typ-ist• want-ed• book-s• man-ly


• Free morphemes are morphemes which can stand by themselves as single words, e.g. open tour, tree, teach, and tough.

• What is actually the denition of morphem? Morphem are the smallest meaningfull units in the structure of the language.

• Yule defines a morpheme as aminimal units in the meaning or gramatical function

• While Akmaijan stated that morphems are the minimal units of word building in a language : they cannot be broken down any further into recognizable or meaningful parts.


• How to Identify Morphem?• Identifying based on semantic distinctive• such as suffix -er added to verbs in such combination as:1. worker2. dancer3. runner4. walker 5. flierAll of that words have essentially the same meaning, that is the “the doer of the

action” (also called aggentive)Other commen semantic distinctiveness such as suffix –er added to adjectives1. wider 2. broader3. smaller4. Younger5. cleaner


By adding suffix –ish1. Boyish2. Girlish3. Bookish4. Dampish (depresed)

5. Bearish (passionate/angry

The morphem –ish may be said to denote “a quality of’ this suffix generally adds an unfavourable connotation.

The suffix –ly such as in1. Manly2. Motherly3. Friendly4. Cowardly5. Worldly (hedonstic)

6. Those words also identifies a qulaity without necessarily bringing unpleasent situation.


1. Identifying morphems based on differentiated in phonemic form ( the phonem or order of phonem)

Before alveolar (soft palate)sound such as t and d such as:1. Intangible2. Indecent (unpolite)

Before bilabial sound such as:1. Impractible2. impersonal• Unbelievable contains

– One free morpheme– A root and two affixes

• What’s the plural of sheep?• We can either say

– {SHEEP}:{Ø} (the root plus a zero morph), or– The morpheme {SHEEP} realizes both singular and plural meanings

• The same applies to the past and present tense of hit

Shortening processes

• Backformation (you usually need to know the history of the word)– Babysitter babysit (keep the baby)

– Editor edit• Clipping (this doesn’t involve complete morphemes)

– Science-fiction sci-fi– Information info– _________ > pros and cons

• Words have an internal structure consisting of smaller units organized with respect to each other.

• The most important component of word structure is the morpheme.• It is the smallest unit of language that carries information about meaning or

function:builder = build + -er

‘construct’ ‘one who does’houses = house + -s

‘dwelling’(live) ‘more than one’

MorphemesFree and Bound

• A free morpheme can be a word by itself; it can stand alone.• A bound morpheme must be attached to another element; it

cannot stand alone.free boundcar -ssmile -edtall -ercare -ful


• Morphemes do not always have an invariant form.• The variant forms of a morpheme are called its allomorphs.

indefiniteness: a/anpast tense: d, t, әdplural: z, s, әz

Word Structure

• Complex words consist of a root and one or more affixes.• The root morpheme:

i contributes the most to the word’s meaning,ii belongs to a lexical category.

• An affix:i does not belong to a lexical category,ii is always a bound morpheme.


V Aff Adj Aff

teach er modern ize

Inflectional vs Derivational Morphem

• Some morphemes derive or create new words by her changing the meaning (happy vs unhappy both adjective) or the part/class of speech (e.g ripe an adjective, vs ripen a verb) the are called derivational morphemes.

• Other morphemes change neither part of speech nor meaning, but only refine and give extra grammatical information about the already existing meaning of a word. Thus cat and cats are both noun and have the same meaning. But cats with the plural morphem –s contains the additioanal information that thre are more than one of these thing. The morphems are called inflectional morphem

Structure ModificationInternal change

• Internal change is a process that substitutes one non-morphemic segment for another:sing sangfoot feet

• These cannot be considered as examples on infixing:i English does not have a root *sng (meaning ‘produce words in a musical tone’).ii English does not have a morpheme i meaning ‘present’ or a morpheme a meaning ‘past’ in the sing/sang case.

Structure ModificationSuppletion

Suppletion (complement)is a morphological process whereby a root morpheme is replaced by a phonologically unrelated form in order to indicate a grammatical contrast.

Basic form Suppletive formI mebe weregood well

Structure ModificationStress placement

A base can undergo (mengalami) a change in the placement of stress to reflect a change in its category.

Verb Nounpresént présentsubjéct súbjectcontést cóntest

Structure ModificationCompounding

• It is a common morphological process which involves the combination of lexical categories to create larger words.

• The elements making up the compound are free forms..Noun + Noun Adjective + Nouncampsite bluebirdbookcase greenhouse


In English, the rightmost morpheme determines the category of the entire (all) compound. This morpheme is called the head.

N V Adj

Adj N N V NAdj

green house spoon feed nationwide


• Through the addition of an affix, derivation forms a word with a meaning and/or category distinct form that of its base.

base derived wordsell sellerteach teacher

i category change: verb nounii meaning change: X someone who does X

Complex Derivations

Since derivation can apply more than once, it is possible to create multiple levels of word structure.

Verb + -ive = Adj.act + -ive = activeAdj. + -ate = Verbactive + -ate = activateVerb + -ion = Nounactivate + -ion = activation

[N [V [Adj [V act] ive] ate] ion]




V Aff Aff Aff

act ive ate ion

Type of morphems

• Roots : constitute the nuclei of all words• Nonroot: identical to bound• Stems the nucleus of word stucture consisting of one nucleus plus any

other nonroot morphems• Nuclei : consist of a root or combination of roots• Nonnuclei: is made up of nonroots• Nucleus (inti suku kata) : contains the nucleus


• Please complete the definitions below!• 1. Morphology :a branches of linguisitics that studies the way in which word

are constructed out of smaller meaningfull units • 2. Syantax : a branch of linguistics that studies the internal structure of

sentences and the intrelationships among the internal parts• 3. Semantics : a branch of linguistics that sudies the nature of the meaning of

individual words and the meaning out of group into phrases and sentences

• 4. Phonology : a branch of linguistics that studies : the structure and systematic patterning of sound in human language in human language

• 5.Please diffferencieted between bound and free morphems by using each example.

• Bound morphems are morphems wich cannot normally stand alone• e.g: re- renew• Free morphemes are morphemes which can stand by themselves as single• e.g: break


• 6. Identifying morphem based on semantic distinctive using suffix -er added to verbs , suffix –er added to adjectives, by adding suffix –ish, by adding suffix –ly.

• Please give each examples two words. 1. reporter2. marker1. lower2. Cheaper1. Girlish2. Bookish1. Curly2. hardly