english lesson notes

Post on 06-Jul-2018

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Transcript of english lesson notes

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes




    Science ction







    hat here












    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    Week : 1  Day : Monday  Date : 4th   January 2016 

    Kelas :

    Masa :Subjek : Kandungan Impak / Catatan



    8.40 –

    9.40 a.m.


    Focus / !eme  "Teaching aids  :

    lash cards! story "oo#s

    Educational em$hasis:  

    %&T' : "ubble #a$

     #### " #### pupil! ereable to achieve theob$ective!%

     #### " #### pupil! eregiven per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  'eading ( A )indo *o *he )orld

    %earning Standard +%+%, Able to talk about related topic! ithguidance

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to a!kand an!er / 0ue!tion! about the book! and thegenre%


     *eacher greet! the pupil! and get the pupil! to re!pond% *alk"a!k about

    pupil! activitie! during !chool holiday! and the !tory book! they read% 1i!play! to !tory book! and a!k pupil! to talk about the book! they like

    to read%  *eacher di!play! the 2a!h card! and give !o&e e3planation about the

    genre! of the book!%  *eacher di!tribute! ord card! to the group of 4 and a!k! the pupil! to

    &atch the genre and the e3planation%  *eacher di!play! 2a!h card! and a!k! the pupil! to gue!! hich genre !uit

    the book! in the te3tbook and give their idea! ba!ed on the 0ue!tion!% 5la!! drilling the ord! and identify the genre! and the &eaning correctly%

    6upil! &atch the book! and their genre in the e3erci!e book%



    9.40 –




    Focus / !eme  "Teaching aids :

    ( set o $ictures a"out

    situation in a ishing


    *alue : cleanliness

    Educational em$hases: 

    %&T' : "ubble #a$

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice


    o$ic  7ur 5o&&unity

    %earning Standard +%+%4 Able to talk about related topic! ith guidance

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to a!k andan!er / 0ue!tion! about the co&&on place! in theirco&&unity orally%


     *eacher introduce! her!elf to the pupil! u!ing a !ong8 pupil! re!pond to

    teacher9! action by a!king fe related 0ue!tion! about the teacher%  *eacher !ho! the picture! taken fro& a !hing village% -rain!tor&ing by

    a!king fe guided 0ue!tion! u!ing a -ubble :ap(;a< )hat i! thi! place= ;c< )ho live! here=;b< )hat can you !ee in thi! picture=

    6lay *he )hi!pering Ga&e ( 5reate / group! and di!tribute a blank

    -ubble :ap to each group%  *eacher hi!per! the an!er to the group repre!entative. and he"!he

    have to hi!per the !a&e !entence to their group &e&ber!% )hile

    li!tening. pupil! ll in the &ap correctly% 1i!cu!!ion ( 5heck the an!er!%

    Listening and Speaking

    World Of Stories

    Listening and Speaking

    World Of Self, Family and Friends

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes









    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 



    12.+0 –

    1.+0 $.m.


    Focus / !eme  " Teaching aids  :

    ,icture cards!

    te-t"oo#Educational em$hasis:  

    %&T' : "ubble #a$


     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!%

     #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  Fa&ily 1ay

    %earning Standard +%+%,. +%+%4 Able to talk about related topic!

    ith guidance%earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be

    able to a!k and an!er / 0ue!tion! about

    the activitie! on a Fa&ily 1ay%


       *eacher greet! the pupil! and get! the pupil! to re!pond% *alk"a!k

    about the pupil! activitie! during !chool holiday! and the !tory

    book! they read%  *eacher !ho! / picture! on activitie! during a Fa&ily 1ay%

    6upil! identify the activitie! and talk about the&% 6upil! take turn to co&plete a -ubble :ap about the Fa&ily 1ay

    on the board%  *eacher read! the dialogue in the te3tbook%  *eacher e3plain! the content! and ne ord!% 6upil! take turn to read in group!% 6upil! role play the dialogue in the te3tbook page >%

    Listening and Speaking

    World Of Self, Family and Friends

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Night market








    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    Week : 1  Day : Tuesday  Date : .th   January 2016 

    Kelas :

    Masa :Subjek : Kandungan Impak / Catatan

    4 Dinamik

    8.10 – 9.10



    Focus / !eme  Li!tening ? Speaking ")orld 7f Self. Fa&ily and Friend! Teaching aids  :

    ,icture card

    Educational em$hasis:  %&T' : (ircle #a$

     #### " #### pupil!

    ere able to achieve

    the ob$ective!%

     #### " #### pupil!

    ere given per!onal

    guidance " !i&plify

    ta!k during practice



    7ur 5o&&unity

    %earning Standard+%+%, ;a< Able to talk about related topic! ith guidance

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to a!k andan!er / 0ue!tion! about the co&&on place! in theirco&&unity orally%


     *eacher !ho! a picture of a &arket% -rain!tor&ing by a!king fe

    guided 0ue!tion! u!ing a -ubble :ap(;c< )hat i! thi! place= ;c< )ho are the people=;d< )hat can you !ee in thi! picture=

    6upil! take turn to read the dialogue in the te3tbook%

    6upil! de!cribe about hat they can !ee at the &arket%

    6upil! talk about hat they can !ee and buy at / other place! in the

    co&&unity( !tationery !hop. po!t o@ce. night &arket. hardare !tore.

    coee !hop% 6upil! dra , (ircle #a$ on hat they can !ee and buy at , dierent

    place! cho!en by the&%

    6 Kreatif

    9.40 –

    10.40 a.m.


    Focus / !eme  "Teaching aids :


    Educational em$hases: 

    critical thin#ing

     #### " #### pupil!

    ere able to achieve

    the ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  'eading ( A )indo *o *he )orld

    %earning Standard +%>%4. +%+%> Able to talk about related topic! ithguidance

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to a!kand talk about one of their favourite book%


     *eacher read! a dialogue hile pupil! li!ten to teacher9!

    pronunciation% 6upil! take turn to read the dialogue in pair!%

     *eacher e3plain! about ho a book can be intere!ting or boring%

    6upil! !tudy , book! given in the te3tbook%

    6upil! choo!e their favourite book and !tate their rea!on!%

    6upil! take turn to tell their friend! about their favourite book%

    Listening and Speaking

    World Of Stories

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    5 Kreatif

    12.00 $.m.– 1.00 $.m.


    Focus / !eme  "Teaching aids :


    Educational em$hases: 


     #### " #### pupil!

    ere able to achieve

    the ob$ective!%

     #### " #### pupil!

    ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  Fa&ily 1ay

    %earning Standard +%>%4 Able to participate in conver!ation!

    ith peer!%earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be

    able to carry out a !urvey about the &o!t

    popular activity on a Fa&ily 1ay a&ong

    their cla!!&ate!%


     *eacher !ho! B picture! of activitie! during a Fa&ily 1ay

    e3plain! about the activitie!%6upil! identify the activitie! and talk about the&%

    6upil! take turn to talk about their favourite activity% 6upil! talk about other activitie! that can be carried out on a

    Fa&ily 1ay%  *eacher e3plain! about ho to conduct a !urvey% 6upil! carry out a !urvey a&ong their cla!!&ate! to nd out the

    &o!t popular activity during a Fa&ily 1ay%

    Listening and Speaking

    World Of Self, Family and Friends

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    Week : 1  Day : /ednesday  Date : 6th   January 2016 

    Kelas :

    Masa :Subjek : Kandungan Impak / Catatan

    5 Kreatif

    .40 – 8.10


    9.10 – 9.40



    Focus / !eme  "Teaching aids :


    Educational em$hases: 

    multi$le intelligence –

    )er"al linguistic

     #### " #### pupil!

    ere able to achieve

    the ob$ective!%

     #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  Fa&ily 1ay



    >%>%> ;b< Able to read and under!tand phra!e!and !entence! fro& nonClinear te3t!>%,%+;b< Able to read nonCction forinfor&ation and en$oy&ent ith guidance

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able

    to read and under!tand a po!ter by an!ering

    / 0ue!tion! about the po!ter of a Fa&ily 1ay%


       *eacher read! a po!ter of a Fa&ily 1ay% 6upil! take turn to read the po!ter%  *eacher e3plain! the content! and ne ord!% 6upil! try to an!er / 0ue!tion! about the po!ter%  *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%

    6 Kreatif

    9.40 –10.40 a.m.


    Focus / !eme  "Teaching aids :


    Educational em$hases: %&T' : "ubble #a$

     #### " #### pupil!

    ere able to achieve

    the ob$ective!%

     #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  'eading ( A )indo *o *he )orld

    %earning Standard +%,%+ Able to li!ten to and de&on!trateunder!tanding of oral te3t! by(;b< giving &ain idea! and !upportingdetail!;d< draing conclu!ion!

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able tochoo!e and talk about one of the book they preferto read%


     *eacher read! a a blurb of to cho!en book!%

    6upil! take turn to read the blurb%

     *eacher e3plain! about ne ord! in the blurb%

    6upil! !tate Dtrue9 or Dfal!e9 to 4 !entence! ba!ed on the blurb%

    6upil! an!er 4 co&prehen!ion 0ue!tion! about the blurb%

    6upil! de!cribe about the beautiful place &entioned in the blurb u!ing

    a -ubble :ap% 6upil! talk about hich book they prefer to read and their rea!on!%


    World Of Self, Family and Friends

    Listening and Speaking

    World Of Stories

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    5ut open and clean the !h%Sprinkle the !h ith a lot of !alt%

    1ry the !h for a fe day!%

    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    4 Dinamik

    11.00 a.m. –

    12.00 $.m.


    Focus / !eme  'eading " )orld 7f Self. Fa&ily and Friend! Teaching aids  :

    ,icture card

    Educational em$hasis:  %&T' : Flo) (!art 

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onal

    guidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  7ur 5o&&unity

    %earning Standard >%>%> Able to read and under!tand phra!e! and !entence!fro& linear te3t!

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to read andunder!tand the pa!!age by an!ering 4 0ue!tion! in theire3erci!e book%


     *eacher pa!!e! around the cla!! a !pecial bo3 a!king pupil! to !&ell

    and gue!! hat i! in the bo3% 6upil! take turn to gue!! the ob$ect in the bo3 hile teacher give!

    !o&e clue!%  *he pupil ho& gue!!ed correctly i! aarded ith the !alted !h in

    the bo3% 6upil! take turn to read about the proce!! of &aking !alted !h%

    6upil! dra a Flo) (!art on the !tep! of &aking !alted !h% 6upil! an!er 4 co&prehen!ion 0ue!tion! in their e3erci!e book%

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    :a!h the egg! and add !alt and pepper%Spread !o&e butter and the egg &i3ture onto the bread%

    5ut the !andiche! and pack the&

    Arrange the !liced cucu&ber on the bread%

    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    Week : 1  Day : Thursday  Date : th   January 2016 

    Kelas :

    Masa :Subjek : Kandungan Impak / Catatan

    6 Kreatif

    .40 – 8.40



    Focus / !eme  "Teaching aids :

    lash cards on


    Educational em$hases: 

    interaction! similarities

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  'eading ( A )indo *o *he )orld

    %earning Standard >%,%+ ;a< Able to read ction forinfor&ation and en$oy&ent ithguidance%

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to

    read a !hort !tory and an!er 4 co&prehen!ion0ue!tion! in their te3tbook%


    Silent reading%

     *eacher introduce! ne ord! in the !tory and e3plain! the &eaning!%

    6upil! take turn to read the !tory paragraph by paragraph%

     *eacher e3plain! the !tory outline%

    6upil! try to an!er 4 co&prehen!ion 0ue!tion! in group! of four%

     *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%

     *eacher di!play! the 2a!h card! on ho&ophone! and give! !o&e

    e3planation about the&%  *eacher di!tribute! ord card! to the pupil! and a!k the& to nd a pair

    to their ord% 6upil! try to co&e up ith other ord! of the !a&e category%

    5 Kreatif


    10.40 a.m.


    Focus / !eme  " Teaching aids  :

    ngredients or ma#ing

    the egg sand3ich

    "oiled eggs! "read!

    "utter! cucum"er! salt

    and $e$$er! #nie!

    s$oon! te-t"oo#.

    Educational em$hasis:  %&T' : Flo) (!art 

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  Fa&ily 1ay

    %earning Standard >%>%, ;b< Able to read and de&on!trateunder!tanding of te3t! by !e0uencing

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able

    to read and !e0uence the proce!! of &aking

    egg !andich in the correct order%(cti)ities 

       *eacher !ho! !o&e ingredient! for cooking and a!k! the

    pupil! to gue!! of hat are they going to prepare in the cla!!%  *eacher read the in!truction! on ho to &ake the egg !andich%

    6upil! identify the ingredient! needed%  *eacher de&on!trate! on ho to &ake the !andich% 6upil! help to prepare their on !andich% 6upil! co&plete a 2o chart on proce!!e! of &aking the

    !andich% 6upil! !e0uence the in!truction in the correct order and &atch

    the& to the picture!


    World Of Stories


    World Of Self, Family and Friends

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    4 Dinamik

    11.00 a.m. –12.00 $.m.


    Focus / !eme  'eading " )orld 7f Self. Fa&ily and Friend! Teaching aids  :

    ,icture card

    Educational em$hasis:  Multi$le ntelligences

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  7ur 5o&&unity

    %earning Standard >%>%> . >%>%4;a

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    Week : 1  Day : riday  Date : 8th   January 2016 

    Kelas :

    Masa :Subjek : Kandungan Impak / Catatan

    4 Dinamik

    8.2 – 9.2



    Focus / !eme  )riting " )orld 7f Self. Fa&ily and Friend! Teaching aids  :

    ,icture card


    em$hasis:  Multi$le intelligence

     #### " #### pupil!ere able toachieve theob$ective!%

     #### " #### pupil!ere givenper!onalguidance "!i&plify ta!kduring practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  7ur 5o&&unity

    %earning Standard ,%+%> ;a%+;b< Able to rite ord! in neat cur!ive ritingith correct !pelling%

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to rite ord!in neat cur!ive riting ith correct !pelling and tran!ferinfor&ation fro& a pa!!age into an invitation card%


     *eacher e3plain! and de&on!trate! on ho to rite ord! in cur!ive riting%

    1i!tribute the tracing !heet to pupil! to practi!e cur!ive riting on letter!%

    6racti!e cur!ive riting in pair%

    6upil! pick a !trip of paper and rite the ord! u!ing cur!ive riting%

     *eacher give! feedback to the pupil! and encourage the& to rite

    condently% 6upil! co&plete an invitation card to a Fund 'ai!ing Fair in cur!ive riting

    ba!ed on a pa!!age read%

    5 Kreatif

    9.2 –

    10.2 a.m.


    Focus /  


    "Teahi!gAid"# po!tcard" picture card!


    em$hases: 5onte-tualism 

     #### " #### pupil!ere able toachieve theob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere givenper!onal

    guidance "!i&plify ta!kduring practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic Fa&ily 1ay


    Standard3.1.2(b), 3.3.1(a)



    -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to a!k

    and an!er / 0ue!tion! about the activitie! on a Fa&ily



     *eacher di!play! photo! of a holiday de!tination%  *eacher read! the po!tcard and e3plain! ne ord! to the pupil!% 6upil! take turn to read the po!tcard%  *eacher introduce! and e3plain! to the pupil! on ho to rite

    po!tcard!%  *eacher provide! !a&ple! riting and a!k! the& to practice ba!ed

    on the guideline! given%  *eacher di!tribute! !a&ple po!tcard! and a!k! the pupil! to rite

    !i&ple paragraph and de!cription about the place in the picture%  *eacher guide! pupil! to rite%


    World Of Self, Family and Friends

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    6 Kreatif

    10.4 –

    11.4 a.m.


    Focus / !eme   "Teaching aids :




    thin#ing s#ills –


     #### " #### pupil!ere able toachieve theob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere givenper!onalguidance "!i&plify ta!kduring practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic 'eading ( A )indo *o *he )orld


    >%>%> ;a< Able to read and under!tand phra!e! and!entence! fro& linear te3t%>%>%4 Able to apply dictionary !kill! to identify andunder!tand &eaning of ord! in conte3t%


    -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to read a !hort

    !tory and &atch ord! and phra!e! in the pa!!age to their



    Silent reading%

     *eacher introduce! ne ord! in the !tory and e3plain! the &eaning!%

    6upil! take turn to read the !tory paragraph by paragraph%

     *eacher e3plain! the !tory outline%

    6upil! try to give a title to the !tory%

    6upil! try to predict the ending of the !tory%

    6upil! &atch ord! and phra!e! in the pa!!age to their &eaning!%

     *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%


    World Of Stories

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes




    hat here





    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    Week : 2  Day : Monday  Date : 11th   January 2016 

    Kelas :

    Masa :Subjek : Kandungan Impak / Catatan



    8.40 –

    9.40 a.m.


    Focus / !eme  " Teaching aids  :

    lash cards. te-t"oo#

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plify

    ta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  'eading ( A )indo *o *he )orld

    %earning Standard ,%>%, Able to u!e punctuation correctly,%+%+ ;a< ;b< Able to rite !entence! andparagraph! in neat legible print ith correct!pelling%

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be

    able to rite , !entence! and a pa!!ageu!ing correct punctuation%


       *eacher introduce! , co&&on punctuation !y&bol! and e3plain!

    about the& to the pupil!% 6upil! identify the !y&bol!%  6upil! rerite 4 !i&ple !entence! in correct punctuation on their

    2a!h card!%  6upil! rerite B !entence! in their te3tbook page B u!ing correct


    6upil! take turn to read a pa!!age% 6upil! rerite the pa!!age u!ing correct punctuation%  *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%



    9.40 –




    Focus / !eme  "Teaching aids :

    Te-t"oo#! $hrases cards

    *alue : hel$ul

    Educational em$hases: 

    %&T' : ree #a$

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice


    o$ic  7ur 5o&&unity

    %earning Standard ,%+%+;a< Able to rite phra!e! in neat legibleprint ith correct !pelling%

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be ableto rite phra!e! in neat legible print ithcorrect !pelling%


    6upil! !tudy the picture of a !ituation in a Fund 'ai!ing Fair%

    6upil! take turn to read the dialogue%

    6upil! &atch the ite& !old in the fair to their categorie! in a *ree :ap%

     *eacher e3plain! about the fair and introduce! !o&e ne ord! and

    phra!e!% 6upil! co&plete > paragraph! about the fair u!ing phra!e! learnt earlier%

     *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%


    World Of Stories


    World Of Self, Family and Friends

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 



    12.+0 –

    1.+0 $.m.


    Focus / !eme  " Teaching aids  :

    lash cards! te-t"oo#

     #### " #### pupil!

    ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  Fa&ily 1ay

    %earning Standard ,%>%, Able to u!e punctuation correctly,%+%+ ;a< ;b< Able to rite !entence! andparagraph! in neat legible print ith correct!pelling%

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be

    able to rite , !entence! and a pa!!age

    u!ing correct punctuation%


       *eacher introduce! , co&&on punctuation !y&bol! and e3plain!

    about the& to the pupil!% 6upil! identify the !y&bol!%  6upil! rerite 4 !i&ple !entence! in correct punctuation on their

    2a!h card!%  6upil! rerite , !entence! in their te3tbook page u!ing correct

    punctuation% 6upil! take turn to read a pa!!age%  6upil! rerite the pa!!age u!ing correct punctuation%


    World Of Self, Family and Friends

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes










    57::7N N7NS

    people place thing ani&al

    $utuatio! Mark"



    5apital letter!

    S&all letter!

    E3cla&ation &ark



    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    Kelas :

    Masa :Subjek : Kandungan Impak / Catatan

    4 Dinamik

    8.10 – 9.10



    Focus / !eme  Gra&&ar ")orld 7f Self. Fa&ily and Friend! Teaching aids  :

    ,icture card

    Educational em$hasis:  %&T' : ree #a$* (irclema$

     #### " #### pupil!

    ere able to achieve

    the ob$ective!%

     #### " #### pupil!

    ere given per!onal

    guidance " !i&plify

    ta!k during practice



    7ur 5o&&unity

    %earning Standard /%+%+ ;a< Able to u!e co&&on noun! correctlyand appropriately%

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to li!t out+ co&&on noun! according to their categorie!%


    6upil! take turn to read the dialogue in the te3tbook%

     *eacher di!cu!!e! ne ord! and e3plain! about co&&on noun!%

    6upil! de!cribe about hat they can !ee at the !uper&arket.

    library. park and night &arket% 6upil! li!t out / co&&on noun! for each category in a tree &ap given%

    6upil! dra a (ircle #a$ and li!t out + noun! of  hat they &ay !ee at

    a park%

    6 Kreatif

    9.40 –

    10.40 a.m.


    Focus / !eme  " Teaching aids  :

    lash cards. te-t"oo#%&T' : (ircle #a$

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achieve

    the ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice

    o$ic  'eading ( A )indo *o *he )orld

    %earning Standard ,%>%, Able to u!e punctuation correctly,%+%+ ;a< ;b< Able to rite !entence! andparagraph! in neat legible print ith correct!pelling%

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be

    able to rite , !entence! and a pa!!age

    u!ing correct punctuation%


       *eacher introduce! , co&&on punctuation !y&bol! and

    e3plain! about the& to the pupil!% 6upil! identify the !y&bol! and dra a circle &ap%  6upil! rerite 4 !i&ple !entence! in correct punctuation on

    their 2a!h card!%  6upil! rerite B !entence! in their te3tbook page B u!ing

    correct punctuation% 6upil! take turn to read a pa!!age%

    6upil! rerite the pa!!age u!ing correct punctuation%

     *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%

    Week : 2  Day : Tuesday  Date : 12th   January 2016 


    World Of Stories

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 


    5 Kreatif

    12.00 $.m.

    – 1.00 $.m.


    Focus / !eme  "Teaching aids :

    Te-t"oo#! 3ord cards.

    Educational em$hases: 


     #### " #### pupil!

    ere able to achieve

    the ob$ective!%

     #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  Fa&ily 1ay

    %earning Standard /%+%+ ;a< Able to u!e co&&on noun!

    correctly and appropriately%%earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be

    able to ll in + co&&on noun! in the

    blank! given%

    (cti)ities   6upil! read three !entence! about &aking egg !andich%  *eacher e3plain! about noun! &entioned in the !entence!% 6upil! identify !ingular and plural noun! in the !entence!% 6upil! take turn to read B !entence! given in the te3tbook% 6upil! ll in + co&&on noun! in the blank! given%  *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%


    World Of Self, Family and Friends

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes



    Sa&e !ound piece




    Sa&e !ound rite



    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    Week : 2  Day : /ednesday  Date : 1+th   January 2016 

    Kelas :

    Masa :Subjek : Kandungan Impak / Catatan

    5 Kreatif

    .40 – 8.10


    9.10 – 9.40



    Focus / !eme  "Teaching aids :

    Te-t"oo#! 3ord cards.

    Educational em$hases: 


     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achieve

    the ob$ective!%

     #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  Fa&ily 1ay


    /%+%+ ;a< Able to u!e co&&on noun!

    correctly and appropriately%%earning&bjecti'e

    -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able

    to ll in + co&&on noun! in the blank! given%

    (cti)ities   6upil! read three !entence! about &aking egg !andich%  *eacher e3plain! about noun! &entioned in the !entence!% 6upil! identify !ingular and plural noun! in the !entence!% 6upil! take turn to read B !entence! given in the te3tbook% 6upil! ll in + co&&on noun! in the blank! given%  *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%

    6 Kreatif

    9.40 –

    10.40 a.m.


    Focus / !eme  "Teaching aids :

    lash cards on

    homo$hones.%&T' : "ridge #a$

    Educational em$hases: 



     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  'eading ( A )indo *o *he )orld

    %earning Standard >%,%+ ;a< Able to read ction forinfor&ation and en$oy&ent ithguidance%

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to

    read a !hort !tory and an!er 4 co&prehen!ion

    0ue!tion! in their te3tbook%


    Silent reading%

     *eacher introduce! ne ord! in the !tory D*he Jnight of the Night9

    and e3plain! the &eaning!% 6upil! take turn to read the !tory paragraph by paragraph%

     *eacher e3plain! the !tory outline%

    6upil! try to an!er 4 co&prehen!ion 0ue!tion! in group! of four%

     *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%

     *eacher di!play! the 2a!h card! on ho&ophone! and give! !o&e

    e3planation about the&%  *eacher di!tribute! ord card! to the pupil! and a!k the& to nd a pair

    to their ord% 6upil! try to co&e up ith other ord! of the !a&e category%


    World Of Self, Family and Friends


    World Of Stories

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes



    plural boy!




    plural bru!he!




    plural knive!



    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    4 Dinamik

    11.00 a.m. –

    12.00 $.m.


    Focus / !eme  " Teaching aids  :


    Educational em$hasis:  %&T' : "ridge #a$

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  7ur 5o&&unity

    %earning Standard /%+%+ ;b

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes



    plural boy!




    plural bru!he!



    knife!ingularplural knive!

    leaf leave!

    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    Week : 2  Day : Thursday  Date : 14th   January 2016 

    Kelas :

    Masa :Subjek : Kandungan Impak / Catatan

    6 Kreatif

    .40 – 8.40



    Focus / !eme  "Teaching aids :

    dictionaries%&T' : Flo) (!art 

    Educational em$hases: 

    thin#ing s#ills –


     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plify

    ta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  'eading ( A )indo *o *he )orld

    %earning Standard >%>%> ;a< Able to read and under!tandphra!e! and !entence! fro& linear te3t%>%>%4 Able to apply dictionary !kill! toidentify and under!tand &eaning of ord! inconte3t%

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to

    read a !hort !tory and &atch ord! and phra!e!

    in the pa!!age to their &eaning!%


    Silent reading%

     *eacher introduce! ne ord! in the !tory and e3plain! the &eaning!%

    6upil! take turn to read the !tory paragraph by paragraph%

     *eacher e3plain! the !tory outline%

    6upil! try to give a title to the !tory%

    6upil! ll in the 2o chart to !e0uence the !tory%

    6upil! try to predict the ending of the !tory%

    5 Kreatif


    10.40 a.m.


    Focus / !eme  " Teaching aids  :


    Educational em$hasis:  %&T' : "ridge #a$

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  Fa&ily 1ay

    %earning Standard /%+%+ ;a< Able to u!e co&&on noun!correctly and appropriately%,%,%+ ;a

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes



    plural boy!




    plural bru!he!




    plural knive!



    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    4 Dinamik

    11.00 a.m. –

    12.00 $.m.


    Focus / !eme  " Teaching aids  :

    ,icture card

    Educational em$hasis:  %&T' : "ridge #a$

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  7ur 5o&&unity

    %earning Standard /%+%+ ;b

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes







    1i!like! kid!


    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    Week : 2  Day : riday  Date : 1.th   January 2016 

    Kelas :

    Masa :Subjek : Kandungan Impak / Catatan

    4 Dinamik

    8.2 – 9.2



    Focus / !eme  " Teaching aids  :

    ,icture card on the

    "oo# co)er! te-t"oo#.

    Educational em$hasis:  %&T' : (ircle #a$


     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  7ur 5o&&unity K 7liver *i!t

    %earning Standard 4%>%+ Able to re!pond to literary te3t!( ;a<

    character!%earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to

    an!er , co&prehen!ion 0ue!tion! ba!ed on the!tory%

    (cti)ities   *eacher di!cu!!e! the book cover of a book entitled Graphic 1icken!(

    7liver *i!t9%  *eacher e3plain! the blurb of the book%

    6upil! take turn to read the !tory aloud%

     *eacher di!cu!!e! character! in the !tory%

    6upil! an!er 4 co&prehen!ion 0ue!tion! folloed%

    6upil! co&plete to "ubble #a$s on character! of :r! :ann and :r

    -u&ble in their e3erci!e book%

    5 Kreatif

    9.2 –

    10.2 a.m.


    Focus /  


    "Teahi!g Aid"#te3tbook. bubble

    rap. yello paint.!ci!!or!. thickpaper!%

    Educational em$hases: multi$le intelligence

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!%

     #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic Fa&ily 1ay K )atching A -u&ble -ee



    4%,%+ Able to plan. produce and di!play creativeork! ba!ed on literary te3t! u!ing a variety of&edia ith guidance



    -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to

    recite a poe& and &ake a bee hive u!ing recycle



     *eacher recite! a poe&%

    6upil! take turn to read the poe&%  *eacher di!cu!!e! ne ord! in the poe&% 6upil! take turn to recite and perfor& the poe& in pair!%  *eacher di!tribute! the thing! needed to &ake a bee hive%%  *eacher guide! pupil! to &ake a bee hive ba!ed n in!truction! in

    the te3tbook% 6upil! di!play their artork%

    Contemporary Literature

    World Of Self, Family and Friends

    Language Arts

    World Of Self, Family and Friends

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    6 Kreatif

    10.4 –

    11.4 a.m.


    Focus / !eme   "Teaching aids :




    thin#ing s#ills –


     #### " #### pupil!

    ere able toachieve theob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere givenper!onalguidance "!i&plify ta!kduring practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic 'eading ( A )indo *o *he )orld


    >%>%> ;a< Able to read and under!tand phra!e! and!entence! fro& linear te3t%>%>%4 Able to apply dictionary !kill! to identify andunder!tand &eaning of ord! in conte3t%


    -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to read a !hort

    !tory and &atch ord! and phra!e! in the pa!!age to their



     *eacher retold the !tory read in the previou! cla!!%

     *eacher e3plain! the !tory outline%

    6upil! try to give a title to the !tory%

    6upil! try to predict the ending of the !tory%

    6upil! &atch ord! and phra!e! in the pa!!age to their &eaning!%

     *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%


    World Of Stories

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes




    hat here





    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    Week : +  Day : Monday  Date : 18th   January 2016 

    Kelas :

    Masa :Subjek : Kandungan Impak / Catatan



    8.40 –

    9.40 a.m.


    Focus / !eme  " Teaching aids  :

    ,icture cards on the

    "oo# co)ers. te-t"oo#%&T' : "ubble #a$

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  'eading ( A )indo *o *he )orld

    %earning Standard ,%>%+;a< Able to tran!fer infor&ation ithguidance to co&plete linear te3t!

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be

    able to ll in a cloMe pa!!age about a book


    6upil! !tudy to book cover! !hon by teacher% 6upil! talk about the book cover%  *eacher e3plain! about a book report u!ing a bubble &ap% 6upil! take turn to read to book! report%   *eacher e3plain! ne ord!% 6upil! ll in the blank! on a pa!!age of a book report%   *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%


    9.40 –




    Focus / !eme  "Teaching aids :

    Te-t"oo#! mini

    3hite"oardEducational em$hases: 

    multi$le intelligence – 

    )er"al linguistic 

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  Spending )i!ely

    %earning Standard +%+%, Able to li!ten to and recite poe&!. tongueti!ter! and !ing !ong!. paying attention topronunciation. rhyth& and intonation

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be ableto recite four tongue ti!ter! learnt%


    6upil! li!ten to the tongue ti!ter read by teacher%

    6upil! try to recite the tongue ti!ter in their re!pective group ( girl! and

    boy!. na&e! in alphabetical order%

    6upil! play *he )hi!pering Ga&e in group! of /%  *eacher hi!per! the tongue ti!ter to the group repre!entative. and

    he"!he have to hi!per the !a&e !entence to their group &e&ber!% *he

    la!t pupil in the group to li!ten ha! to rite the tongue ti!ter in the &ini

    hiteboard given% 1i!cu!!ion ( *eacher check! the an!er!% 6upil! talk about ho i! the people &entioned in the tongue ti!ter%


    World Of Stories

    Listening and Speaking

    World Of Self, Family and Friends

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 



    12.+0 –

    1.+0 $.m.


    Focus / !eme  " Teaching aids  :


    %&T' :#ulti+Flo) #a$

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  Saving. Spending and Sharing

    %earning Standard +%+%4 Able to talk about related topic! ithguidance%

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be

    able to talk about the i&portance of !aving



       *eacher introduce! a &oney bo3 to the pupil!%   *eacher di!cu!!e! the picture given in the te3tbook% 6upil! talk about activitie! in the picture!%  6upil! talk about hat Irfan can do ith hi! &oney%  6upil! di!cu!!e! about hat ill they do ith the &oney%  *eacher e3plain! about the i&portance of !aving &oney %  6upil! dra a #ulti+,o) ma$ about cau!e and eect of !aving


    Listening and Speaking

    World Of Self, Family and Friends

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes









    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    Kelas :

    Masa :Subjek : Kandungan Impak / Catatan

    4 Dinamik

    8.10 – 9.10



    Focus / !eme  "Teaching aids :

    Te-t"oo#! mini


    Educational em$hases: 

    multi$le intelligence – 

    )er"al linguistic 

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice


    o$ic  Spending )i!ely

    %earning Standard +%+%, Able to li!ten to and recite poe&!.tongue ti!ter! and !ing !ong!. payingattention to pronunciation. rhyth& andintonation

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be ableto recite four tongue ti!ter! learnt%

    (cti)ities  6upil! li!ten to the tongue ti!ter read by teacher%

    6upil! try to recite the tongue ti!ter in their re!pective group ( girl!

    and boy!. na&e! in alphabetical order% 6upil! play *he )hi!pering Ga&e in group! of /%

     *eacher hi!per! the tongue ti!ter to the group repre!entative. and

    he"!he have to hi!per the !a&e !entence to their group &e&ber!%

     *he la!t pupil in the group to li!ten ha! to rite the tongue ti!ter in

    the &ini hiteboard given% 1i!cu!!ion ( *eacher check! the an!er!%

    6upil! talk about ho i! the people &entioned in the tongue ti!ter%

    6 Kreatif

    9.40 –

    10.40 a.m.


    Focus / !eme  " Teaching aids  :

    ,icture cards on the

    "oo# co)ers. te-t"oo#%&T' : "ubble #a$

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  'eading ( A )indo *o *he )orld

    %earning Standard ,%>%+;a< Able to tran!fer infor&ation ithguidance to co&plete linear te3t!

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be

    able to ll in a cloMe pa!!age about a book


    (cti)ities  6upil! !tudy to book cover! !hon by teacher% 6upil! talk about the book cover%  *eacher e3plain! about a book report u!ing a bubble &ap% 6upil! take turn to read to book! report%   *eacher e3plain! ne ord!%

    6upil! ll in the blank! on a pa!!age of a book report%

     *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%

    Week : +  Day : Tuesday  Date : 19th   January 2016 

    Listening and Speaking

    World Of Self, Family and Friends


    World Of Stories

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    ,S 6'IN5I6LE

    !aving!Spending i!ely ani&al

    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    5 Kreatif

    12.00 $.m.– 1.00 $.m.


    Focus / !eme  "Teaching aids :

    Te-t"oo#! 3ord cards.

    Educational em$hases: %&T' : ree #a$

     #### " #### pupil!

    ere able to achieve

    the ob$ective!%

     #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  Saving. Spending and Sharing

    %earning Standard +%+%+ Able to !peak ith correctpronunciation. !tre!!. rhyth& andintonation%+%+%4 Able to talk about related topic! ithguidance%

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be

    able to di!cu!! about , ay! to &anage

    &oney i!ely%


       *eacher read! about , ay! to &anage &oney i!ely% 6upil! roleCplay the dialogue%  *eacher e3plain! about ne ord! in the dialogue% 6upil! di!cu!! the dierence beteen !aving. !pending i!ely

    and !haring% 6upil! dra a ree ma$ on , ay! to &anage &oney i!ely%

    Listening and Speaking

    World Of Self, Family and Friends

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Thi!g" !eeded %or am&i!g








    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    Week : +  Day : /ednesday  Date : 20th   January 2016 

    Kelas :

    Masa :Subjek : Kandungan Impak / Catatan

    5 Kreatif

    .40 – 8.10


    9.10 – 9.40



    Focus / !eme  "Teaching aids :


    Educational em$hases: 


     #### " #### pupil!

    ere able to achieve

    the ob$ective!%

     #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onal

    guidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  Saving. Spending and Sharing


    +%+%4 Able to talk about related topic! ithguidance%+%>%4 Able to participate in conver!ation! ithpeer!%



    -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able

    to talk about thing! they really need and

    thing! they ant then li!t out > thing! they

    really need to go for a ca&ping%


      6upil! li!ten to a dialogue about the dierence of thing! e

    need and thing! e ant%  *eacher e3plain! about the priority li!t% 6upil! identify picture! of thing! needed for a ca&ping and their

    price!% 6upil! dra a (ircle #a$ to state t!ings needed -or t!e

    cam$ing% 6upil! li!t out thing! they really need to go for a ca&ping and

    their budget%  *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%

    6 Kreatif

    9.40 –

    10.40 a.m.


    Focus / !eme  "Teaching aids :

    lash cards on

    com$ound nouns.

    Educational em$hases: 


     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  'eading ( A )indo *o *he )orld " 5o&poundNoun!

    %earning Standard /%+%+ Able to u!e co&pound noun! correctly and


    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to

    identify and u!e 4 co&pound noun! correctly%


    6upil! identify picture card! !hon by teacher%

     *eacher e3plain! about co&pound noun!%

    6upil! try to nd their pair ord ba!ed on the picture! and pa!te the

    ne co&pound noun! on the hiteboard% 6upil! na&e picture! given in the te3tbook%

    6upil! &atch ord! to for& co&pound noun!%

    6upil! ll in the blank! to co&plete the e3erci!e given in the te3tbook%

    6upil! try to co&e up ith other ord! of the !a&e category%

    Focus / !eme  " Teaching aids  :

    Listening and Speaking

    World Of Self, Family and Friends


    World Of Stories


    World Of Self, Family and Friends

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    BA'K($A'K  'eplace old one


    7ver budgetu!eful


    Sold at the &all'D


    )ithin budget

    Save &oney

    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    4 Dinamik

    11.00 a.m. –

    12.00 $.m.English 


    Educational em$hasis:  %&T' : Double "ubble#a$

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achieve

    the ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  Spending )i!ely

    %earning Standard >%>%> ;a< Able to read and under!tand phra!e!

    and !entence! fro& linear te3t%>%>%4 Able to apply dictionary !kill! to identifyand under!tand &eaning of ord! in conte3t%

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to

    read a !hort !tory and an!er , 0ue!tion! folloed%


     *eacher read the te3t given%

    6upil! take turn to read the conver!ation in the te3tbook%

    6upil! nd out ne ord!9 &eaning in their dictionarie!%

    6upil! try to give a title to the !tory%

     *eacher di!cu!!e! the !tory outline%

    6upil! co&plete a Double "ubble ma$ to co&pare and contra!t to

    ob$ect! &entioned in the dialogue K a backpack and a 51% 6upil! an!er , 0ue!tion! regarding the te3t%

     *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Ho to open a bank account+%5hildren !aving!

    account >%!tudent


    Age( neborn until+> year! old

    Age( +> year! oldand above

    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    Week : +  Day : Thursday  Date : 21st   January 2016 

    Kelas :

    Masa :Subjek : Kandungan Impak / Catatan

    6 Kreatif

    .40 – 8.40



    Focus / !eme  "Teaching aids :

    7ictionaries! te-t"oo#

    Educational em$hases: 

    thin#ing s#ills –


     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice


    o$ic  'eading ( A )indo *o *he )orld " 5o&poundNoun!

    %earning Standard /%+%+ Able to u!e co&pound noun! correctly and


    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to

    identify and u!e co&pound noun! correctly%(cti)ities 

    6upil! read three !entence! hich contain co&pound noun!%

     *eacher e3plain! &ore about co&pound noun!%

    6upil! try to &atch colu&n A to 5olu&n - in the te3tbook page O to

    &ake co&pound noun!% 6upil! ll in the blank! ith co&pound noun! fro& the table%

    6upil! for& / co&pound noun! u!ing the ord Dbook9. Dair9 and Dhand9 in

    group! of four% 6upil! try to rite !i&ple !entence! u!ing the co&pound noun!%

    5 Kreatif


    10.40 a.m.


    Focus / !eme  " Teaching aids  :


    Educational em$hasis:  %&T' : "race #a$

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  Saving. Spending and Sharing

    %earning Standard >%>%> ;a< Able to read and under!tand phra!e!and !entence! fro& linear te3t!>%,%+ ;b< Able to read nonCction forinfor&ation and en$oy&ent ith guidance%

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to read a

    dialogue and an!er B true or fal!e 0ue!tion! folloed%(cti)ities 

     *eacher read! a dialogue on ho to open a bank account%

    6upil! take turn to read the dialogue%

     *eacher e3plain! ne ord! in the dialogue%

    6upil! take turn to co&plete a "race ma$ on ho to open a bank

    account% 6upil! read the 0ue!tion folloed%

    6upil! try to !tate *rue or Fal!e to the given !tate&ent%

     *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%


    World Of Stories


    World Of Self, Family and Friends

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    4 Dinamik

    11.00 a.m. –

    12.00 $.m.


    Focus / !eme  " Teaching aids  :


    Educational em$hasis:  5ritical thin#ing

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  7ur 5o&&unity

    %earning Standard /%+%, Able to u!e verb! correctly and appropriately(  ;a< irregular verb!

    ;b< verb! that do not change

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to an!er

    at lea!t + gra&&ar 0ue!tion! on 6aper +, Section A%


     *eacher e3plain! the ne for&at of e3a&ination paper +, !ection A%

    6upil! !tudy the for&at of 6aper +, in their orkbook!%

     *eacher e3plain! the key to tackle the &ultiCchoice 0ue!tion!%

    6upil! take turn to analy!e and nd the keyord in the 0ue!tion!%

    6upil! underline the keyord in the 0ue!tion% 6upil! identify the &o!t correct an!er in +/ 0ue!tion! in 6S' 6ractice

    + and 6ractice >%


    World Of Self, Family and Friends

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    Week : +  Day : riday  Date : 22nd   January 2016 

    Kelas :

    Masa :Subjek : Kandungan Impak / Catatan

    4 Dinamik

    8.2 – 9.2



    Focus / !eme  " Teaching aids  :


    Educational em$hasis:  5ritical thin#ing! multi$le

    intelligence – )er"al


     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  7ur 5o&&unity

    %earning Standard +%>%+Able to participate in daily conver!ation!%

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to an!er B

    0ue!tion! on 6aper +, Section - 0ue!tion >+%


     *eacher e3plain! the ne for&at of e3a&ination paper +, !ection -%

    6upil! !tudy the for&at of 6aper +, in their orkbook!%

     *eacher e3plain! the key to tackle the !ocial e3pre!!ion! 0ue!tion!%

    6upil! take turn to analy!e and nd the keyord in the 0ue!tion!%

    6upil! underline the keyord in the 0ue!tion%

    6upil! try to rite the &o!t correct an!er in B 0ue!tion! of !ocial

    e3pre!!ion! in 6S' 6ractice / and 6ractice B%  *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%

    5 Kreatif

    9.2 –

    10.2 a.m.


    Focus /  


    " Teahi!g Aid"#te3tbook

    Educational em$hases: thin#ing s#ills reasoning

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!

    ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic Saving. Spending and Sharing



    >%>%> ;b< Able to read and under!tand phra!e! and!entence! fro& nonC linear te3t%



    -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to

    read a po!ter and an!er / 0ue!tion! folloed%


     *eacher read! a po!ter on gift for *eacher9! 1ay% 6upil! take turn to read the po!ter%  *eacher di!cu!!e! ne ord! in the po!ter%  *eacher guide! the pupil! to an!er / 0ue!tion! folloed% 6upil! an!ered the 0ue!tion! in their e3erci!e book% 6upil! choo!e one of the gift and give rea!on! for their choice%

    Listening and Speaking

    World Of Self, Family and Friends


    World Of Self, Family and Friends

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    6 Kreatif

    10.4 –

    11.4 a.m.


    Focus / !eme   "Teaching aids :




    thin#ing s#ills –


     #### " #### pupil!

    ere able toachieve theob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere givenper!onalguidance "!i&plify ta!kduring practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic 'eading ( A )indo *o *he )orld


    4%+%+Able to en$oy $aMM chant!. poe&! and !ong! through nonCverbal re!pon!e%4%+%> Able to !ing !ong! and recite $aMM chant! and poe&! ithcorrect !tre!!. pronunciation. rhyth& and intonation%


    -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to recite a poe&

    and &ake a foot puppet%


     *eacher recite! a poe&%

    6upil! take turn to read the poe&%  *eacher di!cu!!e! ne ord! in the poe&% 6upil! take turn to recite and perfor& the poe& in pair!%  *eacher di!tribute! the thing! needed to &ake a foot puppet%  *eacher guide! pupil! to &ake a foot puppet ba!ed n in!truction! in

    the te3tbook% 6upil! recite the poe& again ith action! u!ing the foot puppet%

    Language Arts

    World Of Stories

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    $)BLI' *OLIDAY 

    IN 57NPN5*I7N


     *he 5ELE-'A*I7N of 

    THAIPUSAM 2016

    Week : 4 Day : Monday  Date : 25th  January 2016 

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Greeti!g ard"

    Hari 'aya

     *hank you


    )i!h good luck




    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    Kelas :

    Masa :Subjek : Kandungan Impak / Catatan

    4 Dinamik

    8.10 – 9.10



    Focus / !eme  " Teaching aids  :


    Educational em$hasis:  Multi$le intelligence – )er"al


     #### " #### pupil!

    ere able to achieve

    the ob$ective!%

     #### " #### pupil!

    ere given per!onal

    guidance " !i&plify

    ta!k during practice


    o$ic  7ur 5o&&unity K 6lan For *he )eekend

    %earning Standard

    ,%+%+;a< Able to rite phra!e! in neat legible printith correct !pelling%


    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able rite /

    phra!e! in a te3t co&pletion e3erci!e%


     *eacher e3plain! the ne for&at of e3a&ination paper +4 !ection A%

    6upil! !tudy the for&at of 6aper +4 in their orkbook!%

     *eacher e3plain! the key to tackle the !ocial e3pre!!ion! 0ue!tion!%

    6upil! take turn to read the nonClinear te3t given%

    6upil! analy!e and nd the keyord in the 0ue!tion!%

    6upil! underline the keyord in the pictorial note! given%

    6upil! try to rite the &o!t !uitable phra!e! in / 0ue!tion! of te3t

    co&pletion in 6S' 6ractice >/ and 6ractice >B%  *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%

    6 Kreatif

    9.40 –

    10.40 a.m.


    Focus / !eme  " Teaching aids  :

    greeting cards.

    te-t"oo#%&T' : (ircle #a$

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onal

    o$ic  Appreciating 7ther!

    %earning Standard +%+%> Able to li!ten to and re!pondcondently to a given !ti&ulu! by u!ingappropriate ord!. phra!e! and e3pre!!ion!ith the correct !tre!! and intonation%

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be

    able talk about greeting card! and li!t out ,

    occa!ion to !end greeting card!%


       *eacher di!tribute! dierent type! of greeting card! to the

    pupil!%  6upil! identify type! of the card%

    6upil! talk about the card!%  6upil! dra a circle &ap on the occa!ion! of !ending the

    greeting card!%

    6upil! talk about their on e3perience of !ending card! and

    their rea!on!%

     *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%

    6upil! &ake their on card for their parent! to !ay thank you%

    Week : 4  Day : Tuesday  Date : 26th   January 2016 


    World Of Self, Family and Friends

    Listening and Speaking

    World Of Stories

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    57LLE5*IVE N7NS

    people ani&al! thing!


    of dancer!




    of !ailor!



    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    guidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    5 Kreatif

    12.00 $.m.

    – 1.00 $.m.


    Focus / !eme  "Teaching aids :


    Educational em$hases: %&T' : ree #a$*  "ridge #a$


     #### " #### pupil!

    ere able to achieve

    the ob$ective!%

     #### " #### pupil!

    ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  Saving. Spending and Sharing

    %earning Standard /%+%+ ;b< Able to u!e collective noun!

    correctly and appropriately%%earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be

    able to ll u!e + collective noun! in the

    blank! given%


      6upil! read three !entence! !hon by teacher%  *eacher e3plain! about collective noun! &entioned in the

    !entence!% 6upil! identify collective noun! in the !entence!% 6upil! dra a ree ma$ on type! of collective noun!% 6upil! ll in + collective noun! in the "ridge ma$ given%  *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%


    World Of Self, Family and Friends

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Greeti!g ard"

    Hari 'aya

     *hank you


    )i!h good luck




    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    Week : 4  Day : /ednesday  Date : 2th   January 2016 

    Kelas :

    Masa :Subjek : Kandungan Impak / Catatan

    + Kreati%

    %4 K %+a%&%

    O%+ K O%4a%&%


    Focus / !eme   " *eaching aid! ( *e3tbook

    .ducationalem$!ases  &ultipleintelligence K verballingui!tic

     #### " #### pupil!

    ere able to achieve

    the ob$ective!%

     #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic Saving. Spending and Sharing


    4%+%> Able to !ing !ong! and recite $aMM chant!and poe&! ith correct !tre!!. pronunciation.rhyth& and intonation%4%,%> Able to plan. prepare and participate in aperfor&ance ith guidance ba!ed on literary



    -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to

    recite a poe& and perfor& the poe& ith action!% Acti'ities

     *eacher recite! a poe& entitled D5at!9% 6upil! take turn to read the poe&%  *eacher di!cu!!e! ne ord! in the poe&% 6upil! take turn to recite and perfor& the poe& in pair!%  *eacher guide! pupil! to replace ord! and phra!e! in bold to

    create their on poe& in pair!% 6upil! recite their on poe& ith action!%

    , Kreati%

    O%4 K+%4 a%&%


    Focus /  !eme 

    "eac!ing aids (greeting card!%te3tbookH7*S ( (ircle #a$

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic Appreciating 7ther!



    +%+%> Able to li!ten to and re!pond condently to agiven !ti&ulu! by u!ing appropriate ord!. phra!e!and e3pre!!ion! ith the correct !tre!! andintonation%



    -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able talk

    about greeting card! and li!t out , occa!ion! to !end

    greeting card!% Acti'ities

       *eacher di!tribute! dierent type! of greeting card! to the

    pupil!%  6upil! identify type! of the card%

    6upil! talk about the card!%  6upil! dra a circle &ap on the occa!ion! of !ending the

    greeting card!% 6upil! talk about their on e3perience of !ending card! and

    their rea!on!%

     *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%

    6upil! &ake their on card for their parent! to !ay thank you%

    Language Arts

    World Of Self, Family and Friends

    Listening and Speaking

    World Of Stories

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


     *hink before buyingSave &oney in coin bo3

    *o- a! I "a.e mo!e/0

    -uy thing! needed onlySave !o&e &oney for rainy day!

     *hing! I%%%


      :edicine Sock! 'ice Soap


      6erfu&e  5hocolate  Sticker!

      5o&ic book! 

    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    4 Dinamik

    11.00 a.m. –12.00 $.m.


    Focus / !eme  " Teaching aids  :


    Educational em$hasis:  

    %&T' : "ubble #a$, ree#a$

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  Spending )i!ely K Saving For A 'ainy 1ay%earningStandard

    >%>%> ;b< Able to read and under!tand phra!e!

    and !entence! fro& nonClinear te3t%


    -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able

    to read a !hort !tory and an!er , 0ue!tion!



     *eacher read the te3t given% 6upil! take turn to read the tip! on ho to &anage &oney in

    the te3tbook%  *eacher di!cu!!e! the tip!% 6upil! co&plete a "ubble ma$ on Ho) can sa'e mone34   *eacher e3plain! the dierence beteen thing! e need and

    thing! e ant% 6upil! co&plete a ree ma$ on D*hing! I need and ant9 ba!ed

    on a li!t of +> ite&!% 6upil! an!er , 0ue!tion! regarding the te3t%  *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%


    World Of Self, Family and Friends

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Ho to open a bank account+%5hildren !aving!

    account >%!tudent


    Age( neborn until+> year! old

    Age( +> year! oldand above

    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

      Week : 4  Day : Thursday  Date : 28th   January 2016 

    Kelas :

    Masa :Subjek : Kandungan Impak / Catatan

    6 Kreatif

    .40 – 8.40



    Focus / !eme  "Teaching aids :

    7ictionaries! te-t"oo#

    Educational em$hases: 

    multi$le intelligence –

    )er"al linguistic

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice


    o$ic  Appreciating 7ther!

    %earning Standard +%>%+ Able to participate in conver!ation! to(

    ;a< e3pre!! happine!!

    ;b< e3pre!! concern

    ;c< e3pre!! !orro

    ;d< give encourage&ent

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be

    able to re!pon!e to 4 dierent !ituation!

    given in the te3tbook% Acti'ities

       *eacher e3plain! dierent !ituation to the pupil! and pupil! try to

    gue!! the !uitable re!pon!e%  6upil! take turn to read 4 dierent !ituation!%

    6upil! talk about the appropriate re!pon!e%  6upil! &atch / !ituation! to the &o!t !uitable re!pon!e!%

     *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%

    5 Kreatif


    10.40 a.m.


    Focus / !eme  " Teaching aids  :


    Educational em$hasis:  %&T' : "race #a$

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!%

     #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  Saving. Spending and Sharing

    %earning Standard

    >%>%> ;a< Able to read and under!tand phra!e!and !entence! fro& linear te3t!>%,%+ ;b< Able to read nonCction forinfor&ation and en$oy&ent ith guidance%

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to read a

    dialogue and an!er B true or fal!e 0ue!tion! folloed%


     *eacher read! a dialogue on ho to open a bank account%

    6upil! take turn to read the dialogue%

     *eacher e3plain! ne ord! in the dialogue%

    6upil! take turn to co&plete a "race ma$ on ho to open a bank

    account% 6upil! read the 0ue!tion folloed%

    6upil! try to !tate *rue or Fal!e to the given !tate&ent%

     *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%

    Listening and Speaking

    World Of Stories


    World Of Self, Family and Friends

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    4 Dinamik

    11.00 a.m. –

    12.00 $.m.


    Focus / !eme  " Teaching aids  :


    Educational em$hasis:  5ritical thin#ing

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  Spending )i!ely

    %earning Standard,%>%> ;a< Able to rite label! ith guidance%

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to label a

    pie chart ba!ed on a pa!!age given and rite 4 !entence!

    ba!ed on a !a&ple given%


     *eacher read the te3t given% 6upil! take turn to read about ho 6ravin !pend! hi! &onthly

    alloance%  *eacher di!cu!!e! the e3penditure%

    6upil! co&plete a $ie c!art  on 6ravin9! :onthly -udget%  *eacher e3plain! the dierence beteen thing! e need and

    thing! e ant% 6upil! co&plete a ree ma$ on D*hing! I need and ant9

    ba!ed on a li!t of +> ite&!% 6upil! an!er , 0ue!tion! regarding the te3t%  *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%


    World Of Self, Family and Friends

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    Week : 4  Day : riday 

    Date : 29th   January 2016 

    Kelas :

    Masa :

    Subjek :

    Kandungan Impak / Catatan

    4 Dinamik

    8.2 – 9.2



    Focus / !eme  "Teahi!g aid" # *e3tbook%Eduatio!alem&ha"i"#5ritical thinking Krea!oning . &ultipleintelligence K verballingui!tic

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  Spending )i!ely

    %earning Standard;a< ,%+%+ ;a< ;b

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    10.2 a.m.


    Eduatio!alem&ha"e"#  thinking!kill! C analyMing

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%


    /%+%, Able to u!e verb! correctly and appropriately(  ;a< irregular verb!

    ;b< verb! that do not change


    -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to an!er at lea!t

    + gra&&ar 0ue!tion! on 6aper +, Section A%(cti)ities 

     *eacher e3plain! the ne for&at of e3a&ination paper +, !ection A%

    6upil! !tudy the for&at of 6aper +, in their orkbook!%

     *eacher e3plain! the key to tackle the &ultiCchoice 0ue!tion!%

    6upil! take turn to analy!e and nd the keyord in the 0ue!tion!%

    6upil! underline the keyord in the 0ue!tion%

    6upil! identify the &o!t correct an!er in +/ 0ue!tion! in 6S' 6ractice +

    and 6ractice >%

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    6 Kreatif

    10.4 –

    11.4 a.m.


    Focus / !eme   "Teahi!g Aid"#orkbook.dictionarie!

    Eduatio!alem&ha"e"#thinking !kill! CanalyMing

     #### " #### pupil!ere able toachieve the

    ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere givenper!onalguidance "!i&plify ta!kduring practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic 'eading ( A )indo *o *he )orld


    /%+%, Able to u!e verb! correctly and appropriately(  ;a< irregular verb!

    ;b< verb! that do not change


    -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to an!er at lea!t +

    gra&&ar 0ue!tion! on 6aper +, Section A%


     *eacher e3plain! the ne for&at of e3a&ination paper +, !ection A%

    6upil! !tudy the for&at of 6aper +, in their orkbook!%

     *eacher e3plain! the key to tackle the &ultiCchoice 0ue!tion!%

    6upil! take turn to analy!e and nd the keyord in the 0ue!tion!% 6upil! underline the keyord in the 0ue!tion%

    6upil! identify the &o!t correct an!er in +/ 0ue!tion! in 6S' 6ractice + and

    6ractice >%


    World Of Stories

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    Week : .  Day : Monday  Date : 1st   e"ruary 2016 

    Kelas :

    Masa :Subjek : Kandungan Impak / Catatan



    8.40 –

    9.40 a.m.


    Focus / !eme  "Teahi!g Aid"#orkbook.dictionarie!

    Eduatio!alem&ha"e"# &ultipleintelligence K verballingui!tic

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  'eading ( A )indo *o *he )orld

    %earning Standard +%>%+Able to participate in dailyconver!ation!%

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be

    able to an!er B 0ue!tion! on 6aper +,Section - 0ue!tion >+%


     *eacher e3plain! the ne for&at of e3a&ination paper +, !ection

    -% 6upil! !tudy the for&at of 6aper +, in their orkbook!%  *eacher e3plain! the key to tackle the !ocial e3pre!!ion!

    0ue!tion!% 6upil! take turn to analy!e and nd the keyord in the 0ue!tion!% 6upil! underline the keyord in the 0ue!tion%

    6upil! try to rite the &o!t correct an!er in B 0ue!tion! of !ocial

    e3pre!!ion! in 6S' 6ractice / and 6ractice B%   *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%



    9.40 –




    Focus / !eme  "Teahi!g Aid"#te3tbook.dictionarie!

    Eduatio!alem&ha"e"# &ultipleintelligence K verballingui!tic

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  Spending )i!ely

    %earning Standard /%+%+ ;d< ;e< Able to u!e countable noun! anduncountable noun! correctly and appropriately

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be ableto identify > countable and uncountable noun!

    and u!e the 0uantier! correctly% Acti'ities

    6upil! li!ten to an e3planation about the topic by teacher% 6upil! try to nd > countable and uncountable noun! in

    !entence! given% 6upil! group the countable and uncountable noun! in a ree #a$%  *eacher di!cu!!e! 0uantier! for countable and uncountable

    noun!% 6upil! try to co&plete B phra!e! ba!ed on picture! given% 6upil! rite !entence! u!ing the phra!e! to de!cribe the picture!%

    Listening and Speaking

    World Of Stories


    World Of Self, Family and Friends

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 



    12.+0 –

    1.+0 $.m.


    Focus / !eme  "Teahi!g Aid"#orkbook.dictionarie!

    Eduatio!alem&ha"e"# &ultipleintelligence K verballingui!tic

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!%

     #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  Fa&ily 1ay

    %earning Standard +%>%+Able to participate in dailyconver!ation!%

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be

    able to an!er B 0ue!tion! on 6aper +,

    Section - 0ue!tion >+% Acti'ities

     *eacher e3plain! the ne for&at of e3a&ination paper +, !ection

    -% 6upil! !tudy the for&at of 6aper +, in their orkbook!%  *eacher e3plain! the key to tackle the !ocial e3pre!!ion!

    0ue!tion!% 6upil! take turn to analy!e and nd the keyord in the 0ue!tion!% 6upil! underline the keyord in the 0ue!tion% 6upil! try to rite the &o!t correct an!er in B 0ue!tion! of !ocial

    e3pre!!ion! in 6S' 6ractice / and 6ractice B%  *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%

    Listening and Speaking

    World Of Self, Family and Friends

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Greeti!g ard"

    Hari 'aya

     *hank you


    )i!h good luck




    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    Kelas :

    Masa :

    Subjek :

    Kandungan Impak / Catatan

    4 Dinamik

    8.10 – 9.10



    Focus / !eme  " Teaching aids  :3or#"oo#

    Educational em$hasis:  Multi$le intelligence – )er"al


     #### " #### pupil!

    ere able to achieve

    the ob$ective!%

     #### " #### pupil!

    ere given per!onal

    guidance " !i&plify

    ta!k during practice


    o$ic  7ur 5o&&unity K 6lan For *he )eekend

    %earning Standard

    ,%+%+;a< Able to rite phra!e! in neat legible printith correct !pelling%


    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able rite /

    phra!e! in a te3t co&pletion e3erci!e%


     *eacher e3plain! the ne for&at of e3a&ination paper +4 !ection A%

    6upil! !tudy the for&at of 6aper +4 in their orkbook!%  *eacher e3plain! the key to tackle the !ocial e3pre!!ion! 0ue!tion!%

    6upil! take turn to read the nonClinear te3t given%

    6upil! analy!e and nd the keyord in the 0ue!tion!%

    6upil! underline the keyord in the pictorial note! given%

    6upil! try to rite the &o!t !uitable phra!e! in / 0ue!tion! of te3t

    co&pletion in 6S' 6ractice >/ and 6ractice >B%  *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%

    6 Kreatif

    9.40 –

    10.40 a.m.


    Focus / !eme  " Teaching aids  :

    greeting cards.

    te-t"oo#%&T' : (ircle #a$

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achieve

    the ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice

    o$ic  Appreciating 7ther!

    %earning Standard +%+%> Able to li!ten to and re!pondcondently to a given !ti&ulu! by u!ingappropriate ord!. phra!e! and e3pre!!ion!ith the correct !tre!! and intonation%

    %earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be

    able talk about greeting card! and li!t out ,

    occa!ion to !end greeting card!%


       *eacher di!tribute! dierent type! of greeting card! to the

    pupil!%  6upil! identify type! of the card%

    6upil! talk about the card!%  6upil! dra a circle &ap on the occa!ion! of !ending the

    greeting card!% 6upil! talk about their on e3perience of !ending card! and

    their rea!on!%

     *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%

    6upil! &ake their on card for their parent! to !ay thank you%


    World Of Self, Family and Friends

    Listening and Speaking

    World Of Stories

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    57LLE5*IVE N7NS

    people ani&al! thing!


    of dancer!




    of !ailor!



    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 


    5 Kreatif

    12.00 $.m.

    – 1.00 $.m.


    Focus / !eme  "Teaching aids :


    Educational em$hases: %&T' : ree #a$*  "ridge #a$


     #### " #### pupil!

    ere able to achieve

    the ob$ective!%

     #### " #### pupil!

    ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  Superheroe!

    %earning Standard +%+%4 Able to talk about related topic! ith

    guidance%%earning &bjecti'e -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be

    able to ll u!e + collective noun! in the

    blank! given%


      6upil! read three !entence! !hon by teacher%  *eacher e3plain! about collective noun! &entioned in the

    !entence!% 6upil! identify collective noun! in the !entence!% 6upil! dra a ree ma$ on type! of collective noun!% 6upil! ll in + collective noun! in the "ridge ma$ given%  *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%

    Week : .  Day : Tuesday  Date : 2nd   e"ruary 2016 

    Listening and Speaking

    World Of Self, Family and Friends

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


    Greeti!g ard"

    Hari 'aya

     *hank you


    )i!h good luck




    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    Week : .  Day : /ednesday  Date : +rd   e"ruary 2016 

    Kelas :

    Masa :Subjek : Kandungan Impak / Catatan

    + Kreati%

    %4 K %+a%&%

    O%+ K O%4a%&%


    Focus / !eme   " *eaching aid! ( *e3tbook

    .ducationalem$!ases  &ultipleintelligence K verballingui!tic

     #### " #### pupil!

    ere able to achieve

    the ob$ective!%

     #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic Saving. Spending and Sharing


    4%+%> Able to !ing !ong! and recite $aMM chant!and poe&! ith correct !tre!!. pronunciation.rhyth& and intonation%4%,%> Able to plan. prepare and participate in aperfor&ance ith guidance ba!ed on literary



    -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able to

    recite a poe& and perfor& the poe& ith action!% Acti'ities

     *eacher recite! a poe& entitled D5at!9% 6upil! take turn to read the poe&%  *eacher di!cu!!e! ne ord! in the poe&% 6upil! take turn to recite and perfor& the poe& in pair!%  *eacher guide! pupil! to replace ord! and phra!e! in bold to

    create their on poe& in pair!% 6upil! recite their on poe& ith action!%

    , Kreati%

    O%4 K+%4 a%&%


    Focus /  !eme 

    "eac!ing aids (greeting card!%te3tbookH7*S ( (ircle #a$

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic Appreciating 7ther!



    +%+%> Able to li!ten to and re!pond condently to agiven !ti&ulu! by u!ing appropriate ord!. phra!e!and e3pre!!ion! ith the correct !tre!! andintonation%



    -y the end of the le!!on. pupil! !hould be able talk

    about greeting card! and li!t out , occa!ion! to !end

    greeting card!% Acti'ities

       *eacher di!tribute! dierent type! of greeting card! to the

    pupil!%  6upil! identify type! of the card%

    6upil! talk about the card!%  6upil! dra a circle &ap on the occa!ion! of !ending the

    greeting card!% 6upil! talk about their on e3perience of !ending card! and

    their rea!on!%

     *eacher di!cu!!e! the an!er!%

    6upil! &ake their on card for their parent! to !ay thank you%

    Listening and Speaking

    World Of Self, Family and Friends

    Listening and Speaking

    World Of Stories

  • 8/17/2019 english lesson notes


     *hink before buyingSave &oney in coin bo3

    *o- a! I "a.e mo!e/0

    -uy thing! needed onlySave !o&e &oney for rainy day!

     *hing! I%%%


      :edicine Sock! 'ice Soap


      6erfu&e  5hocolate  Sticker!

      5o&ic book! 

    Rancangan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Harian2016

    Noor KhuzaimahKhalidSK Sultan Abdul Aziz 

    4 Dinamik

    11.00 a.m. –12.00 $.m.


    Focus / !eme  " Teaching aids  :


    Educational em$hasis:  

    %&T' : "ubble #a$, ree#a$

     #### " #### pupil!ere able to achievethe ob$ective!% #### " #### pupil!ere given per!onalguidance " !i&plifyta!k during practice!e!!ion%

    o$ic  Spending )i!ely K Saving