English - i Pu -I-term - Aug 2015

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Transcript of English - i Pu -I-term - Aug 2015

  • 8/16/2019 English - i Pu -I-term - Aug 2015



    I PUC- ENGLISH (02)

    Time: 2 Hou!

    M"#$ M"%!: 50SECTION & A

    I$ A'!e *e +o,,oi' i' " o./ " *"!e o !e'e'e:

    #131$ How did the Malayali sadhu treat Krishna when he had boils all

    over his body?2$ What was the amount of the bill that the narrator had to pay in

    the restaurant?3. What did his doctor friends call Tejaswi as?4. The people in the restaurant had the loo of !!!!!!!!!!! ". How did the man buy peace at the end?#. What does winter refer to in the poem $The %chool &oy'?

    II$ A'!e *e +o,,oi' i' " """* o+ 40-120 o.! e"*:

      #31(. Why was the )ommission of *n+uiry appointed? ,o you thin the

    verdict of the commission was impartial?-. What accordin to the poet encouraes the boy to learn better in

    the poem $The %chool &oy'?

    /. ,escribe any two stories narrated by Mara in the chapter $0rounda Medicinal )reeper'.

    10$ What information does the narrator ive about the place

    and the people of the bi city in $1ru Manushyan'? III$ A'!e *e +o,,oi' i' "6ou 250 o.!:

      1#322. Medicinal plants are potential natural resources. How does

    the author brin this out in the chapter $0round a Medicinal

    )reeper'? ive instances.Seio' 7

    I8$ Re". *e +o,,oi' "!!"e "'. "'!e *e 9ue!io'! !e o'i 5#135 The Maasai tribe in 0frica loos at lion huntin eperience as a sin

    of bravery and personal achievement. *arlier5 the community

    encouraed solo lion huntin but over the last ten years5 due to the

    decline of the lion population5 the community has adopted a new

    rule that encouraes warriors to hunt in roups. roup huntin

    ives the lion population a chance to row.

  • 8/16/2019 English - i Pu -I-term - Aug 2015


     The Maasai prohibit huntin a lioness since females are the bearers

    of life in every species. The Maasai also understand that lions are

    important to the savanna's ecoloy and culture. 6or that reason5

    they tae etra caution when it comes to a lion hunt. The lions are abundant throuhout Maasailand. Their typical

    hideouts are rassy plains5 deep forests5 behind termite mounts5

    under the acacia trees5 and other wild co7y places. The lion search

    ranes from 89 minutes to 29 hours. The Maasai warriors must

    chase a lion with rattle bells and mae him upset. This chasin

    method forces a lion to develop aner and face the hunter. 0nother

    successful huntin method is to force a lion to move away from the

    ill. 0ny of these methods would provoe a :ht with a lion. The

    ame between warriors and lions is similar to that of a cat and a


     The Maasai use three parts of the lion; the mane5 tail and claws. Themane is beautifully beaded by women of the community5 and iven

    bac to the hunter. The mane is worn over the head5 only durin

    special occasions. The mane helps warriors from far communities to

    identify the touhest warrior. The lion tail and claws are most

    valuable products in the practice of lion huntin. The tail and claws

    oes to the stronest warrior.28. Why do Maasai prohibit huntin a lioness?23. 0dd a +uestion ta@82. Mr. Aamesh Aoy lives in =ew Bor )ity.

    >)hane into a +uestion beinnin with the riht form of $do'@

  • 8/16/2019 English - i Pu -I-term - Aug 2015
