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Transcript of english-from-movies.weebly.com€¦  · Web view- The Firm – - Come on, come on. Pick him up,...

- The Firm –

- Come on, come on. Pick him up, pick him up. Son of a bitch. I mean, your honor, that was a great shot. - Well, I’m currently doing an externship for two extra credits as a clerk for judge Hookstratten. - BJ Hookstratten? That’s more impressive than being in the top 5%. Look, I don’t know what kind of offers you’ve had from Wall Street…- The top 5.. sir. Not the top 5%. I’m sorry. I just…- Mr. McDeere, we’ve just offered you $68,000 a year from arguably the leading law fir, in Chicago. Is there somewhere else you have to be? - Yes, I have a job. I’m on lunch break. - I know you’ve had a lot of offers, but did you know for example, we have 127 clients that are fortune 500 companies? Look, we’ll offer you 74,000. - Our billing requirement for a first-year associate is only 2000 hours. We want you to have a life outside the office. If you’re a Lakers fan, we have a fabulous box at the forum. - I know there are firms from all over the country that have been offering you everything. But with your ability and ambition, there’s only one place for you and that’s our firm.- Let’s stop talking about the ribbon on the package. Let’s talk about what’s in the package. One of our partners is an ex-governor, two are congressmen. One is a former secretary of Agriculture. - May I take your coat, sir? - Mr. McDeere, right? - Yes.- I’m Lamar Quinn. Come on in. I’d like you to meet Oliver Lambert. He’s our senior partner. - How do you do, sir?- This is Royce McKnight, our managing partner.- Welcome. - Care for a drink? - No, I’m fine. - Take a seat, Mitch.- Tired of interviews? - No, sir. I just don’t quite know what to say. - Unusual for a lawyer. - I can get tongue-tied in any number of situations, sir, but it’s usually with my wife. - Would you mind describing one… with your wife? - The first time I saw her, anytime we argue, whenever she walks into a room, as a matter of fact. - Might we ask about the rest of your family? - My father was killed in the coal mines, and.. my mother remarried and lives in Florida. - Brothers and sisters?- None. - Mitch, I hope you don’t think us intrusive, but stability in the family has a special importance for us. Bendini, Lambert & Locke is just a small Memphis firm, 41 lawyers. But we’re a large family, so we’re careful. Now, sir… do you have any questions for us?- Do you have a … an offer in mind? - It includes a bonus schedule, a low-interest mortgage so you can buy a home, country club membership, and we’ll lease you a new Mercedes. - You pick the color, Mitch. - Lamar, you haven’t been paying attention. His wife picks the color. - Do I.. do I open it here? - Of course. - Unless you can tell us what’s in it. A lawyer worth that offer shouldn’t have to open the envelope.

- Mr. McKnight, you are the managing partner at Bendini, Lambert & Locke? Is that correct?- Yes. - Did Mr. Lambert as senior partner give you instructions regarding my employment? - He did.- Mr. McKnight, do you usually follow Mr. Lambert’s instructions?- Objection. Vague, ambiguous. - Sustained. - What precisely were those instructions?- That you were in great demand and I should make certain that we obtain your services before a bidding situation developed. - How did you go about making certain? - I… bribed a clerk in the Harvard law placement office for the exact amount of the highest offer and then added 20%.- Mitch, the letter you got from Bendini, Lambert & Locke was the only one sent out. We want you. - ok. You’re gonna have to leave now. I’m expecting my husband.- The hell with him. Come here. Moo Shoo pork, Szechwan beef, mandarin duck…. From Wong boys. It’s even got a cork.- What’s going on? - You remember the letter I got from that firm in Memphis? - Memphis?- Yeah, that’s what I thought until their offer. - What was the offer? - They didn’t say. It’s in there. - It’s sealed. - I guessed. - What?- Yeah, but I’m a good guesser. Plus a 5% increase the second year. - Why?- Why? Whose side are you on anyway? - Yours.- Plus bonuses, plus a low-interest mortgage.- As in home? With grass around it? - They want to fly us down to Memphis for a little visit.- Been in one limo, you’ve been in them all. - Bye. See you later, your honor.- Hey, Mitch. Come on. Associates first, then lunch with the partners in our private dining room. - He’s our number-one draft pick, so to speak, and he’s being romanced by the big boys from New York and Chicago ad everywhere else, so we have to sell him one our little firm here in Memphis. Meanwhile, he’s gonna try not to be embarrassed while I remind you that he’s about to graduate from Harvard with honors. - Hear, hear.- No one’s divorced in the firm? - No one’s divorced in the firm. - Impossible. - No bachelors, either. - What about women?- They had one once. - Only one? - Yeah, Alice Krauss. Wobbled around on 4-inch heels. Affirmative action on stilts. - All white, all male, all married, huh?

- What the hell is this?- There he goes.- Well, it’s different from the Northeast. The pace, we’re almost stately by comparison. Courteous… and not as gossipy. We keep each other’s secrets. - I like that. - What do you like about it? - All of it. It’s a family. Just the way you said.- Over the last three years, I’ve been teaching in Boston at a private school. Do you work? - Not since I put Lamar through law school. You know, working isn’t forbidden. - Forbidden? - Working. By the firm. - How could it be forbidden? - It isn’t. Anyway, 2 babies in 14 months, and I had all the work I could handle. Do you plan to start a family? - Maybe in a couple of years. - The firm encourages children. - How do they do that?- hey. How about it?- How about it.- ok. Ok. The love boat band, the secret recipe ribs, they’re a little square, maybe. - I don’t mind square. I like square. Weird, I mind. - What do you mean, weird?- Well, here’s a quote. The firm doesn’t forbid me to take a job, and they encourage children. Ask my why. - Because they love kids. - Because children promote stability. Wanna hear more?- No. You’re right. I’m just gonna throw myself over the rail. I think my will is self-explanatory. - ok. Ok, ok. - These are nice people, Abby. There are nice people. Ok, I’m more impressed with it than you are. You grew up with it. Do you know what $96,000 a year is here? It's like 150 in New York. Did you ever think I’d make a six-figure salary? - Absolutely. - You did? Well, your folks are only a few hours away, too.- You mean, if we fight, I don’t have far to drive? - Exactly.- She made two phone calls from the hotel. One to her parents and one to the Memphis school board. - She seemed a little reluctant. I’d hate to lose this young man. - Oh, I think she’ll come around. - What about Kozinski and Hodges? Have you spoken to Chicago? - I have. It’s not good. Well have to do something. - I drew the happy face, Mrs. McDeere. - Where is Memphis?- Is that it?- It looks different. It’s prettier than the pictures they sent. - “Mitch and Abby, we’ve taken the liberty of furnishing the house temporarily. Just a few things to make you feel at home if you don’t mind. “ Abby. Not bad, huh? - Where’s yours?- Don’t get up. - Don’t worry.

- Mitchell McDeere.- Tad eager, are we, Mr. McDeere? - What are you doing? Dutch says you’ve been here since 6:30. - I thought I’d jump-start the bar exam work. - Good. No associate’s ever failed the bar exam. Come on, I’ll show you your new office. - Wally Hudson, contracts. Here to help with the bar exam. - Thanks, Wally. - No associate has ever failed the bar exam. - First day’s a four-hour multiple choice on ethics. Look at the first six chapters. I’ll see you Wednesday, 8:45. Oh, no associate of this firm has ever failed the bar exam. - No kidding. - Ken Curry, Domestic Relations. - Mike Hill, Wills and Estates. - Nina. Fuck. Please. I’m sorry. Can I help you?- Actually, I think I’m here to help you. I’m Avery Tolar, your designated mentor. Let’s go to lunch. - Lunch? But it’s not even… - Not even noon. I know. It’ll be a working lunch. Come on up to my office while I drop this off. Everything depends on billing, how many hours you spend even thinking about a client. I don’t care if you’re stuck in traffic or shaving or sitting in a park. My particular field…- is forming limited partnerships through offshore corporations, mainly in the Cayman Islands. - Good.I want you to review the last one I did for a client named Sonny Capps. Made 14 million last year. Paid less than 4% taxes and resents every buck. He paid us 400,000, so don’t make him unhappy. Take a look at the deal. Try coming up with anything. Madge, tell him I’ll call him in the morning. - Yes, Mr. Tolar. Should I save these for later?- Could you, please?- What do you mean by anything? - What do you think?- I don’t know. You’re the risk taker. - You think I’m talking about breaking the law? - No, I’m just trying to figure out how far do you want it bent. - As far as you can. - Don’t risk an IRS audit? - I don’t give a damn about an audit. They better not win. - Yes, Mr. Tolar? - Something before lunch? I should warn you, the firm frowns on drinking during office hours. - Ice tea, please. - Bombay Martini on the rocks, Ellis, three olives.- On the way. - Senator.- I’m allowed a few minor rebellions. - Put that in the bedroom, please. I made you some tea. - Please. I’ve never had so many people trying to do things for me. - This is the south. We encumber you with hospitality. - Would you like speed dialing, ma’am? - I don’t know. Other than my husband’s office number… let’s see. That’s… - We have it, Mrs. McDeere. We do all the installations for the firm. - Oh. - What led you to law school? - I can’t remember.

- Sure, you can, counselor. - I was a delivery boy for a pizza parlor. One day the owner got a notice from the IRS. He was an immigrant, didn’t know much English, even less about withholding tax. He went bankrupt, lost his store. That was the first time I thought of being a lawyer. - In other words, you’re an idealist. - I don’t know any tax lawyer who’s an idealist. If he lost his store, I lost my job. It scared me. - Being out of work? - No. What the government can do to anybody. What about you? What led you to law school?- It’s so far back, I don’t think I can remember. - Sure, you can, counselor. - I used to caddie for young lawyers off from work on weekdays… and their wives. I'd look at those long tan legs and just knew I had to be a lawyer. The wives had long tan legs, too. Ellis, another martini, please. - So we’re not a couple of idealists? - Heaven forbid. - Hi.- Hi.- I’ll let Mrs. Quinn know you’re here. - Are you sure it’s today?- That’s what he told me. - Kay?- There’s been… Marty Kozinski and Joe Hodges were killed. We just got word about 20 minutes ago. Did you meet them at the barbecue? - What happened, Kay? - We’re not sure. They were diving off a boat on Grand Cayman, and then there was some kind of explosion on the boat. - Lamar? - Marty was… his twin girls are a month older than our son. - I’m very sorry, Lamar. - Oh. By the way, Oliver wanted me to tell you… you shouldn’t be burdened with a student loan. - Excuse me? - If you bring the papers by tomorrow, the firm will repay it for you. - Kay was scared. - What? She was upset.- There’s a difference between being upset and being scared. She was scared. - Of what? What, do you know her that well? - Maybe not. But I have spent a lot of time with her lately. They have their own horses. Two of them. Quarter horses. - Does that make half a horse? I’m sorry. - and gently wipe away every tear from our eyes. In the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, amen. Let us pray. Lord, our God, you are always faithful and quick to show mercy. Our brother Marty was suddenly and violently taken from us. Come swiftly to his aid. Have mercy on him and comfort his family and friends by the power and protection of the cross. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen. Let us go in the peace of Christ. - I’m just going to go say goodbye to Oliver. - ok.- I’ll catch up with you.- Mrs. McDeere. I’m Avery Tolar. - Oh. You’re the reason I see so little of my husband these days. - He must be the most ambitious man in the world.

- One of them.- No, I mean… leaving you every day just to go off to work. - I’m sure you could manage. - Just tell me how. - Did you know them well? The men who died? - Yes. - You must be overwhelmed with grief. - People grieve in different ways, Mrs. McDeere. - Abby. Hey, Hearsay. “Give up waiting. Share bowl of kiddle with bearer of note.”- Is he in? - Yes, Mr. Tolar. - Hell of a proposal, kiddo. Just redraft this section on repatriation of offshore funds. I need it tomorrow. - Tomorrow? I need another week. - Can’t have it, pal. You and I are flying to the Caymans tomorrow morning to take on Sonny Capps. - But the bar exam… - It’ll be here when you get back, kiddo. - Shall I stay, Mr. McDeere? Would you like a sandwitch? - No, I’m fine, Nina. Thank you. You go on home.- Good night.- Good night. - So what’s good here? - I’m just having coffee. - I’m going with the steak sandwich. -Two steak sandwiches on rolls, please. - Two steak sandwiches on rolls.- You with Bendini Lambert &Locke? - Yeah. How did you… Sorry. I’m just a little… - Looks like they're working you to death. - They do that with new associates, I guess. I’ve just been with them… - 8 weeks. - Sorry, guys, I’m just a little punchy. - That firm looks like a health hazard. - The hours they make you keep. - The work they make you do. - Kozinski and… and Hodges. - Bob Lamm and Alice Krauss. - That’s 4 dead lawyers out of 41 in less than 10 years.- None of them over the age of 45. Beats the hell out of any life insurance tables I’ve ever heard about. - Who are you guys? - Could we get those sandwiches to go, please? We’ll probably see each other again. - The car wouldn’t start. I.. got… caught in this incredible accident 12 cars, maybe 13. And there was a pregnant woman in one of them. I had to help deliver the baby. It was a… it was a girl. They said they’re gonna name her Abigail. Come on, Abby. Why do you think I’m working like this, huh? I want you to have all the stuff…- Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I never asked for anything except for us to be together.- But I wanna give it to you. I wanna give you everything you gave up to marry me.

- Stop it. It’s sweet, I know. It’s some kind of courtship, but I don’t need all that. Just bring me flowers sometime. What were you working on all night? - Just… you know, it’s.. just this stuff Avery’s got me doing for the Cayman trip. Hey, want to have some eggs? - I had some eggs. - Wanna have some naked? - You don’t even know what moves me about you, do you? Mitch, I know what you want, but it’s not for me. It’s not even for you, and you know it. - It’s easy for somebody rich to talk about being poor like it’s some bothersome fly you just wave away. - This isn’t about rich or poor. This is about trying to fix something that won’t get fixed with 10 Mercedes. - Hey, that’s not fair, Abby. That’s not fair. - This is about a mother in a trailer park and a brother you pretend you don’t have. Have a nice trip. - Just follow me and don’t overbreathe. - What about Sonny Capps? I thought we were under a lot of pressure.- We are under tremendous pressure, but if we don’t get this dive before the bank, we can’t do it. You can’t dive and then fly within 24 hours. - How can you dive so soon after the accident? We don’t even know what happened to Kozinski and Hodges.- There was a plane crash last week. We didn’t take a boat to the Caymans, did we? That’s ridiculous, Sonny. Let us sit down with you for five minutes. Thank you. Son of a bitch pays less than 5% tax and wants to fire us. The Hyatt. This new plan is very aggressive, and it defers all your tax liability for years. You could start right away. - I’m sorry, sweetheart. I can’t talk right now. These taxes are only deferred, right? - The future value of the tax dollars is less than half their present value. - Who says? - After the election… - Are you telling me who’s going to be president in four years? That would be valuable information. - Well, Mr. Tolar has a plan that… that meets all your needs, whoever’s in the White House. - Let him tell me.- He’s trying. - Hey, who the fuck are you, his lawyer or mine? - Neither one, sir.- What the fuck are you doing here?- Sonny. You’re not the firm’s only concern here. We put you into deals with other clients where they may be very sensitive about exposing their relationships to outside attorneys. - You hear that, counselor? That’s a veiled threat. If you’re talking about our friends in Chicago, they don’t make money when I pay you fees. You do make money when I pay you fees. They make money being in business with me. As long as they’re making money, they don’t care who does my taxes. You don’t know me. I’m a nice guy. You lose me a million bucks with me, I’m not gonna hurt you. I’m not gonna break your leg. - Sonny. Let’s don’t get carried away here. - What did I say? What did I say?- Maybe it’s what you didn’t say. - What I didn’t say? What didn’t I say? - “Thank you.” Mr. Tolar handed you a schedule that virtually guarantees you zero tax with zero risk. Your stock would be the face amount of the installment, but the stock would be deducted and offsets income. You defer your tax in full, even with a bankable LC. - Deferred till when?

- What do you care? It’s the best interest-free loan you’ll ever get. - So the worst is I pay my taxes much, much later? - No. The worst thing is next year they’re closing the loophole, and change the rate and if you haven’t grabbed this proposal, you’ll feel like you were fucked with a dick bit enough for an elephant to feel it. - Do you know that for a fact? - Hey, you like the word “protégé? I never had one. You ever been one? I’m “A”, you’re “B.” Right next door. - Avery, who’s in Chicago? - We’ll get to all that. The hell with it. Clean up and come over. You earned a good dinner and a night out. Hey. - I lost my son. Don’t you think I would have screamed bloody murder if I thought something was wrong? - You’re right. I’m sorry. You’re right. I’m sorry.- Nothing to bury, even. Just a stone. They never did find him or the other two. - What other two? - The other two who split the charter. Your friends and two other guys. - Lawyers?- They were in swimsuits. They paid cash. - Were they American? - Could have been anything. One was… I don’t know, squat, heavy. Other guy had long, blond hair… almost white… with weird blue eyes. - Mitch? - Yeah.- Grab a red stripe in a fridge. I’m a little slow. - Take your time. - I’m trying to look as pretty as you, which I’m convinced I can. It just takes me a little longer. - Anything to munch on? - Yeah. There’s a thing full of stuff next to the fridge. It’s got a lock on it. Use that key I gave you. Do you see it? - Yeah, sure.- Did you find something? Listen, Capps is a tough guy, but he’s also a blowhard. He loves to give the impression that he’s connected. He thinks it’s glamorous. He said a couple of things. Hey. You’re about to take the bar exam. Here’s a multiple choice…the difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion is… A, whatever the IRS says, B, a smart lawyer, C, 10 years in prison, D, all of the above. Being a tax lawyer’s got nothing to do with the law. It’s a game. We teach the rich how to play it so they can stay rich. The IRS keeps changing the rules so we can keep getting rich teaching them. It’s a game. One you just played very, very well. Where’s your beer? - I decided to wait for the rum. I hear it’s good down here. - Everything is good down here. Taste it all. - I think that since we’re here on this island, there’s things we can do on it… you know, primitive things. Come on, you deserve it. - Look, I don’t mean to hurt your feelings, but this isn’t gonna happen. Tell my friend I went back to the condo. - You don’t know what you’re missing. - Thanks, anyway. Are you all right? It’s ok. Just wait a minute. Wait a minute. Can I take a look at this? - You’re not a doctor. - No, but I’ve .. I’ve sprained a lot of… I’ve sprained a lot of ankles. Mostly mine. You should… You should ice this. You should also report that guy. That was your boyfriend.

- That was for money. Aren’t you going to finish? - I’m sorry.- You think that’s..- It’s got nothing to do with me. Is this too tight?- No. I work in a travel agency. I wanted to feel like all those people… with first-class tickets and pretty clothes. I guess.. I wanted to feel….rich. - How much would it take to feel rich? - I don’t know. How much would it take to feel safe? You did that. You made me feel safe. - Hey.- Will you stay with me for a while?- Why don’t you take the afternoon off? You deserve it. Spend it with that pretty wife of yours. Oh, shit, I forgot. She phoned last night. - What did you tell her? - That you were probably walking on the beach. - I was. - Well, I guessed right, then, didn’t I?- ok. Mr. McDeere. Just sign where the X is, and initial where it’s marked. - Well, well. The man from gentleman’s quarterly. - How you doing, Ray?- Pretty fair. How’s yourself? - It’s a long time, huh?- It’s ok. I’ve become a patient man. Don’t beat yourself up, kid. If I wasn’t here, I wouldn’t want to be here, either. You ever talk to Ma?- A few months ago.- Still with the same guy? - They’re all the same guy. - So, you finish law school?- Yeah.- That suit’s a dead giveaway. What, you get a job on Wall Street? You always said.. - No, I’m not .I just.. I went with a firm across the river in Memphis. - Memphis?- Hey, Ray, wouldn’t it be funny if I went to Harvard, you went to jail, and we both ended up surrounded by crooks? - Sonny Capps is thrilled. McDeere was dazzling. I think we should pull Lamar out of that tax seminar in Washington and send Mitch instead. - Let him take the jet. Any problem with that, Bill? - No. No. No problem. So far the kid’s been real predictable. - If you’re even half right, you’re gonna need some help. What does Abby think? - I haven’t told her. I guess… I just didn’t want it to be real. Nothing’s real until I tell it to Abby. - How did you ever land the job with a brother in the joint? That’s ok. I’d have done the same thing myself. - You were always around for me, Ray…. All those years after Dad died. - I’d have done the same. You think I’d ever tell guys around here I got a brother in Harvard? - Jesus, Ray.- Hey, listen, I want you to see a friend of mine. His name’s Eddie Lomax. He’s a private investigator in Little Rock. Ex-cop.- Anything I can do for you? - Sure. Get me out of here.- Where to?

- Anywhere I can see a whole lot of sky. I can get through the days. I even eat the food. It’s amazing how much you miss the sky. - Ever plug one of these in, only you forgot to put the water in? - No. - You know what happens? - No.- The lights go out. He’s been dying to see you. - Tammy.- Mr. Lomax will see you now. - Mitch McDeere. I practically went to law school with you. Ray talked about you ever stinking day for three years. I was his cellmate. He must’ve told you. Did he tell you it was statutory rape? She was 17, looked 25. I got one to four. Sit down. Come on, sit down. Want some seet ‘n low? Dairy cream? Some sugar?- No. I just… I’ve got some business I’d like to go over with you. - Good. Good. - I’m leaving.- Thank you, dear. That’s my secretary. She is terrific. She’s got a nut case husband. He’s a truck driver. He moved here to be close to Graceland. He thinks he’s Elvis. What do you think his name is? Elvis. Elvis Aaron Hemphill. I’ve run across some strange things in this job, some things I would never spray-paint on an overpass. Now… what can I do for you?- What a nice surprise. - Avery. They didn’t have to disturb you. You didn’t have to come down.- Believe me, it’s no bother. - I was just looking for Mitch. Nina says he hasn’t been in all afternoon. I didn’t mean for her to call you. Didn’t he come back with you? - I’ll be honest with you. This is not my area of expertise. - But you think it’s possible.- Anything’s possible. I’ll tell you one thing. If those guys were feds, you better watch out for them. They don’t care damn about you. I get some pretty pissed-off husbands in here. On the other hand, the lawyers at your firm sure as hell seem accident-prone. Ok. I’ll see what I can find out. - You better let me call you.- You sure remind me of your brother. - Ray comes up for parole in a while. He says that… he can last it. What do you think?- There’s guys that can do all the hard time the state gives them. Whatever Ray had, he used up to get this far. - Hi. - Hi. - I didn’t think you were home. - Why not? - No car. - Took it in for service. Avery brought me home. Went to the office looking for you. - I wasn’t there. - Apparently not. I even looked under your desk. - You know, I…- Avery told me you were at MSU law library. - Avery did?- Avery did. When I spotted your car in the parking lot, it made him edgy. - Well, Avery didn’t exactly know where I was. - Oh, probably thought you were with another woman. - I went to see Ray.

- Ray?- Yeah.- Just like that, after all this time. - You’re right. I’ve been stupid. - I would have gone with you on Saturday. - God, I just wasn’t… I wasn’t thinking. - How did it go?- It was… it was… God, he tried to make it easy for me. - Is he ok?- He’s got to get that parole. - You wanna try something? Let’s put the books away, pretend we’re back in our old, beat-up apartment, broke, and we find some money we forgot in pockets. We’ll send out for pizza.- Drink beer.- Drink beer. And watch Star Search. Who knows where it will lead?- Your wife.- She’s in Cleveland. - She lies.- Don’t you answer your phone? - Don’t you knock? - Where’s your secretary? - Out. - She left a cigarette burning. - She does that. Why don’t you come back in one hour and make an appointment?- Why bother? We’re here. - I’m busy. - Doing what? - I’m getting a pedicure. What’s it to you?- Now, this is going to turn out badly for you, but we can make it relatively painless. Why are you asking questions about dead lawyers? - What dead lawyers? - Who hired you to do that? - ok. Ok. Just let me think. His name… was Julio Iglesias. - No. Great. Just great. You wanna ask him a few questions now? - I think this is a carefully balanced proposal. I think it’s high-minded, but I think it’s fair-minded. In other words, it’s got something in it to offend everyone. If you wanna follow along, we’ll begin on page I. We’ll review sections 704-B of the IRS code of 1986 and the treasury regulations amended under section 1/704-1. Quote, “The distribution provisions in limited and general partnership agreements. These regulations permit the IRS which are not made in accordance with partners’ interests in the partnership unless those allocations satisfy the economic effect most easily satisfied by taking advantage of the safe harbor provisions set forth therein.” In other words, in an ever-changing sea of tax law… - Hey, brother. Sister. Brother, go down the steps towards the pool. Here you go, brother. Voices from the wall.- Thanks a lot.- Oh, yeah.- Who killed Eddie Lomax? - Go over and sit next to the man on the bench.- I appreciate your coming, Mr. McDeere. I’ll call you Mitch if I may. My name is Denton Voyles. I’m with the Department of Justice. - What happened to Eddie Lomax?

- We’ve been investigating Bendini, Lambert& Locke for four years. No lawyers has ever left your law firm alive. Two tried to leave, they were killed. Two were about to try. You know what happened. We have reason to believe that your house is bugged… your phones are tapped, and your office is wired. They may follow you. They may be here in Washington as we speak. - Are you saying that my life is in danger? - I’m saying that your life as you know it is over. Your law firm is the sole legal representative of the Morolto crime family in Chicago, known as the mafia, the mob. - I don’t believe it.- They set up legitimate businesses with dirty money from dugs, gambling, prostitution… all cash, all moved offshore. You’ll believe it. That’s why you talked to Thomas Abanks in the Caymans. That’s why this private investigator asked questions that got him killed. Maybe 30% of their clients are legitimate. They bring in a new rookie, throw money at him, buy the car, the house. After a couple of years, your kids are in private schools, you’re used to the good life, they tell you the truth. - You mean every partner in the firm… - Every partner knows. We suspect most of the associates. - Why don’t you get indictments and then.. and bust it all up? - We have to have somebody on the inside. We need to see copies of contracts, clients’ bank records, articles of incorporation. - Wait a minute. You think I’m the guy that’s…- You can say no, but we’re gonna break this firm. When that happens, you’re going to jail along with the rest. It’ll happen, son. Believe me. - Why can’t I just leave? - That’s what Kozinski and Hodges were trying to do. You have to think this over. Meanwhile, you and your wife have to behave as though everything is normal. Now, don’t discuss this with anyone… but make a decision. You help us, we’ll make it worth your while. - Worth my while?- You can still have a pretty good life. - You mean… in a witness protection program? How? I live somebody else’s life in some nowhere place, and one day, I’m backing out of the driveway and my car explodes? - Doesn’t have to be that way. - I don’t need much of a life, Mr. Voyles, but it has to be mine.- That what you got now, son? You ought to get back to the seminar. Tarrance has full authority tp negotiate on our behalf. Why don’t you wander back past the memorial?- You can call me in Memphis anytime, day or night. The second one’s a mobile number. - Let me get this straight. I steal files form the firm, I turn them over to the FBI, testify against my colleagues, send them to jail. - They suckered you into this. - Reveal privileged information that violates attorney/client confidences, get me disbarred, then testify in open court against the mafia. - Well, unfortunately, - Let me ask you something. Are you out of your fucking mind? - How long before they find out Lomax’s cellmate was a guy named Ray McDeere? And when they do what do you think they’ll do to him? They can get to anyone, anywhere. - What can you do?- Your brother comes up for parole soon, doesn’t he? You cooperate with us, I’ll guarantee the board will be grateful. Otherwise… well, you know what those parole hearings are like. It could go either way. - Forget about home, driver. Take me to the firm. - You can’t go in there…- I need to see everybody now.

- I’m on overseas, and I’ve got… - Right now. I just had a little chat with the FBI. - They didn’t try to coerce you? - No.- They didn’t offer you money? - Nope.- Did they ask you to contact them again? - What for?- Exactly what did they want? - The secret files. - Who had those secret files last? Did they have them, Royce? - I gave them to you.- No. - They also suggested that Hodges and Kozinski were murdered. - Those son of a bitches. Now we ought to build a case and sue. This is pure harassment. - And that was it? That was everything that was said?- Well, I mean, as far as I can remember. It wasn’t exactly a sequential conversation. There was a lot of yelling, mostly by me. - Mitch, we’re always doing battle with the government. If it isn’t the justice department, it’s the IRS. We’ve beat them every time, and they hate us for it. They can’t get to us, so they pick on somebody new. They invite you to break the law. It doesn’t cost them anything, but it costs you everything. Now, I don’t want you to worry about this. It’s gotten serious enough. We’ll have to get into it legally.- I guess the only question is who do we bill this hour to? - How about the FBI?- Oh, I can’t believe, that. That is so weird. I was just thinking about you. Somebody’s burning leaves outside. Did you smell it? Reminded me of the time… Hey, if you’re afraid you’ll wake the kids, we don’t have any. - Abby. Abby. Abby.- Don’t say anything. Don’t say anything. Don’t tell me any more. Everything… every single thing we’ve said or done since we’ve been in that house, nothing has been between us. Can’t we just get in our own car and drive back to Boston tonight? Just leave everything. - They’ll find us. - How do you go to work tomorrow? How do you look at Avery? What do you say to him?- I talk about work. - That’s insane.- I have thought of every possible way… here, in the Caymans, in Washington. That’s all I’ve done. If we run, they’d find us, and it gets Ray killed. - But if you testify… - The FBI said they’ll help Ray and protect us. - Protect what? What are you… what are you going to do?- Go in tomorrow and start to copy files. I don’t have a choice.- Mitch… what are you saying? You’ll be revealing clients’ secrets. You’ll be disbarred. You’ll never be able to practice law again for the rest of your life, everything you’ve worked for. They can’t ask you to do that. - They are not asking. We have to behave exactly as we have been. We have to go to work and come home every day and never wonder about the walls and the wires… - And do nothing we want to do. Szechwan beef from Wong boys. That was the last time I remember laughing.- Come on. Every single day…

- Oh, not you again. - You’re blocking this alley. - Leave me alone. - You’re using this place as a parking lot. - What the hell are you doing? - Jesus, I was just trying to make a copy.- New policy.. have to have the billing code for each client. - Every time I copy a piece of paper, it’s recorded?- What are you trying to kill yourself? Come on. Nina should do that. - Come down for one night, can’t you? Yeah, well, it used to be worth it. Ok. Well, yeah, maybe next time. Bye, Cordelia. That was Cordelia.- Your wife. - From the song of the same name. - Avery, I have ideas about those Capps LCS. When’s the next Cayman trip? - For me? Next week if you think I’m letting Sonny Capps get another look at you, you’re crazy. But you write down every thought you have. I’ll be happy to take credit. - Mr. McDeere. Mr. Mulholland’s called twice about his bills again. - Tell him to take his bill and… Wait a minute. Isn’t he just up the street? - Yes. In the cotton exchange. - Cotton exchange. Tell him I’ll see him later. - Did you order a fried egg sandwich from the front street deli? - A fried egg… - Yes, I did. I did. Come in.- It’s 2.65. The receipt’s in the bag. The receipt’s in the bag. - How did you see them and they didn’t see you? - I was under the desk. I was vacuuming the rag. You want me to draw you a diagram? I loved him. - I’m sorry, Tammy. - They wanted to know who hired him and why he was asking questions about them lawyers. - You actually saw them?- One guy was stocky, looked like a wrestler. He’s going to limp the rest of his life cause Eddie hit him in the knee with that cannon under his desk. Other guy was like an albino. Long, thin hair.. almost white. Dead blue eyes. My landlady said they came looking for me yesterday. I checked into Motel 6 on River Street. I couldn’t think of anywhere else to go. Listen, they’re going to put Eddie together with Ray. When they do, it’ll lead to you, and I don’t want anything bad to happen to you. Eddie wouldn’t like it. You’re in as much trouble as I am. - Listen, there’s a building around the corner called the cotton exchange. Maybe you can help, Tammy. - Hi, there, Mitch. Bill Devasher.. firm security. Mr. Locke and Mr. Lambert told me about your run-in with the FBI. I wonder if we could have a little talk. - Actually, I told them everything. - I’m sure you did. This won’t take a minute. Hop in. So, Mitch, this is a debriefing. I know pretty much what you told the fellas, so I kind of got the picture. It’s my job to give you the picture. What I’m concerned about, son, is this… the FBI wouldn’t come out they’d get to you. What made them think that? - I have no idea. - For example, they might know how important your young wife is to you. They might use that. - How?- Avery says last Friday you took the afternoon off. He figures you might have been with another woman. - Why would Avery think…

- How do you know you weren’t followed? Here’s your Abby, one day walking to the mailbox, anticipating the arrival of her Redbook or sharper image catalog. What does she find instead? She finds heartache, Mitch. The death of love and trust. Imagine her one day opening that. Go ahead. Take a look. Devastating. Not just screwing, Mitch. But the kind of intimate acts, oral and what not, that could particularly hard for a trusting young wife to forgive and impossible to forget. That’s just the kind of stuff the FBI could use for coercion. So you watch yourself. I’ll do the best I can to protect you, and I know you’ll do your best to protect the firm. So if the FBI so much as spits in your direction, you’ll let me know before it hits the ground, won’t you? Won’t you, Mitch?- Oliver wants to see you right now in the library. Where you been?- Let me just put my coat away. - Right now. He’s been waiting. - You think you’re pretty smart, don’t you? Well, we’ve been informed there’s somebody smarter. You didn’t get the highest score on the bar exam. You got the second highest score. - Cheers.- Nice going.- Congratulations. - They called you, huh? - Guilty, your honor. I did it. Well, it’s your moment of glory. You know, my wife missed mine, and.. she never forgave herself. I wouldn’t want that to happen to you. - That’s very considerate, Avery. - Well, I thought so. - Well done. Well done. Abby. - Well, the space is just great. I’ll take it. And the lease would be under… Greenwood secretarial services. - And you are? - Doris Greenwood. - I like that suit a lot.- Thank you. They’re gonna deliver a copier tomorrow. - I’ll make sure the office is open. - All right.- I will employ such means only as are consistent with truth and honor.- I will employ such means only as are consistent with truth and honor.- I will maintain the confidence and preserve inviolate the secrets of my client. - I will maintain the confidence and preserve inviolate the secrets of my client.- I will truly and honestly conduct myself in the practice of my profession to the best of my skill and ability, so help me God.- I will maintain the confidence and preserve inviolate the secrets of my client? The first thing I’m going to do is violate the secrets of my clients. - Do you see any other way? Ok, then. Aren’t we doing the best we can? - No.- What do you mean?- I can’t.. - What?- That… that night… that night in the Caymanss when you telephoned… - You were on the beach. What? What did you do? No. You didn’t. Who was she?- I don’t know. - You don’t know?- I don’t even know her name. It didn’t mean anything.- Like hell it didn’t. It means everything. What did you do? Why did you fuck some stranger on a beach one night away from me? Who does that?

- Abby, I promise you.. - What? You can’t promise anything. Not ever. Not anymore. Why did you tell me? - Because I couldn’t stand not to. I couldn’t stand… your not knowing. - Well, now I know. Give me the keys. - Just wait.- Just give me the keys.- I thought there were only two brothers Grimm. - Sit down, Avery. Anthony and Joey are coming down next week. - What for?- Works out your protégé’s got a brother. - So?- He didn’t mention him at the interview in Boston. - I got a brother I might not mention either… - This brother’s doing time. - How did you find that out? - What do you think I am, Avery? A fucking night watchman? - I get confused sometimes. - Well, don’t. - All right, Avery. - We got a prison guard in Arkansas. He’s on the arm. He tells us about a Ray McDeere doing time for manslaughter. - The Moroltos been edge every since the Kozinski and Hodges mess. They’re concerned that we might be misreading McDeere. - The Moroltos are coming for what, to take over?- Are we misreading him? - I don’t think so. Wouldn’t you lie if you had a felon in the family to get a job like this? - I still think we gotta keep him on a tight leash. - Why? You’ve got nothing to be suspicious about. - I get paid to be suspicious when I got nothing to be suspicious about. - Excuse me.- You’re not listening, Mr. McDeere. - I’m sorry. You were talking about hours? - Listen, I know I’m not Bendini-Lambert’s most valuable client, but I’ve got a legitimate complaint here. You never spent 33 hours last month on my account. - Is that what you were billed? - You don’t see your own bills?- No, I just, just submit my time sheet. - Where is it?- It’s on file with the office manager. - You know, this overbilling’s gotten so common, nobody gives it another thought. It’s kind of like tipping. - Well, it’s not policy, Mr. Mulholland. - It sure seems like policy. It’s been going on over there for years. People forget something else, too. When somebody over there stamped this and mailed it, you know what happened? It became a federal offense. You’re damn right. Each instance, punishable by… - $10,000 fine. 3 to 5 years, each instance. Nina, I’m going over to Mulholland’s for a half hour or so. - All righty. - Wait a minute.- I got the beeper.

- Wait a minute. There might be a way of doing this without getting disbarred and without breaking the law. - Is that our chief concern here? - Tear those up. I might not have to use them. But I got to get that stuff in the Caymans. - What? For the FBI? - No, for me.- They.. they won’t let you go, you said. - Somebody’s gonna have to get to it another way. It has to happen fast. I got to figure out what to do about Ray. - What?- In… in Eddie’s stuff, is there some kind of wireless recording device?- Yes. Yes. - You know how to use it?- Whenever Eddie said, “My associate,” yours truly. - Did he have any high-speed camera equipment?- Sure.- I want you to get hold of a van, Tammy. Hey, Tammy, did Elvis ever find out about Eddie? - Oh, man. He loved Eddie. Are you kidding? Hell, that stuff was over between me and Elvis when I was 18. We’ve been married two years, and one morning at breakfast, I just turned too old for him. I tell ya, everybody loves Elvis. The man’s a panda. He’d do anything for me. - Doesn’t the dog ever get the bone?- It happens once in a while. They can never get that dog to run again. Listen, Mitch, Mr. Voyles wants me to tell you how much the bureau… - A million dollars in a numbered account in Switzerland. IBG bank international in Zurich. - Well, you sure as hell turned greedy overnight. - Any my brother out. Now. - Your brother’s a convicted felon, Mitch. - Then get yourself another snitch.- He’s in for manslaughter. - It happened in a bar. If he hadn’t done boxing, it wouldn’t been self-defense. - It’s still a felony, Mitch. - You heard me, Tarrance. My brother out now. And make it a million and a half. - How about you get down on your knees and kiss my ass for not indicting you as a co-conspirator, you cocksucker? - I haven't done anything. You know it.- Who gives a fuck? I’m a federal agent. You know that means, mother fucker? You got no rights. Your life is mine. I could kick your teeth down your throat, and I’m not even violating your civil rights. - You are agent Wayne Tarrance. - You’re god damn right I am. Maybe local cops can’t… Yeah? - Is this Wayne Tarrance? - Who is this?- Is this Wayne Terrance?- Yeah, this is Wayne Tarrance. - So is this.- You cocksucker.- I haven’t done anything, and you know it. - Who gives a fuck? I’m a federal agent. You know what does it mean? You got no rights. Your life is mine. I could kick your teeth down your throat, and I’m not even violating your civil rights.

- Now, I think you ought to reconsider. I think I might’ve found a way out. Well, not out exactly, it’s more… like a way through. It’s a long shot, but it’s.. it’s legal. I know it’s weird, but if we follow the law, it just might save us. You don’t wanna hear the plan. - Would it change anything between us? - It’s just a plan.- I can’t do this anymore. I can’t help you here. I can’t help myself. I’ve given notice at the school. I’ll leave after the break Wednesday. - You’re right. It’s better if you go. It’s safer. You have no idea.- Don't. - I love you, Abby.- Don’t you dare, you son of a bitch. You wanna tell me your plan?- Tomorrow. Abby, where are you gonna go?- To my parents first, after that, I don’t know. - It might not be safe for you to leave.. unless they know where.- I know. I know. Somewhere… inside… in the dark… the firm is listening. Should we go in now and do this for the record? I’ve made a decision. My mother hasn’t been well. She’s having some tests. I wanna be there. We never see each other anyway. And I need some time to think. - Call Devasher. She’s leaving him.- Knock, knock. Bad times, huh? Abby called Kay. Listen, all the wives go a little nuts the first year. She’ll be back. Probably wanna get pregnant. Big help, huh?- You think I’ll let this kid run the penal system in this country?- Sir, it’s the only way he’ll give us the files.- Then stall on the money, get the brother out with a federal subpoena, follow him, and the minute we get the files, yank him back. - Abanks’ dive lodge. - Mr. Thomas Abanks, please. This is Mitch McDeere. I got to justify a client’s bill before a breakfast meeting. All the time sheets and bills are locked up in the office manager’s office. - I don’t know. I’m not supposed to do this for you.- Hey, you wanna wake up Avery? I’m just trying to head off a legal action against us. I promise. I’ll have everything back in the drawer before the office opens. - You’re taller than I thought.- That’s nice to hear. - There’s been a change of plan. - I didn’t know there was a plan.- Good, cause it’s been changed. - Who are you, sweetheart? - Abanks’ diving lodge. - Yeah, what time has Avery chartered the boat for?- 2:30- ok. You got to keep him out long enough to copy everything in his closet.- Don’t worry. My friends are taking him to Trinity Caves. Should be a good six hours. - ok. Tammy’s coming down tomorrow to set things up. I can.. I can whip us up some eggs. - Last day. I don’t wanna be late for school. Has Tammy left to meet Abanks? - Not till this evening. - You’re running a real three-ring circus, aren’t you? I hope it goes well.- It has to. - You know, isn’t it amazing? You did the cheating and I’m the one who feels guilty. - Don’t. Take care of yourself.- Hey, hey, hey, hey, stop that. Get back to the dodge ball game. You, too, Sheila. - Boys and girls together rehearsing for later life.

- What are you doing here? - Would you believe I happened to be in the neighborhood? - No.- I heard this was your last day. Was I misinformed?- I’ll be gone for a while. - Well, I just stopped of to say goodbye. Just in case.- In case what? - In case it’s more than a while. I’m going to the Caymans tomorrow, and… I would miss saying goodbye.- Well, thank you. Have a nice trip.- Wanna come? I know. I know. It sounds outrageous, but… think about it. We could grab some sun, take a dip… drink some Havana Clum. I could give you marital advice and hit on you. And whatever happens, I promise, I take rejection well. - What makes you think I need marital advice? - ok. You give me marital advice.- I couldn’t possibly. I don’t scuba-dive. - Perfect. I can’t scuba-dive either. - Really? I’d heard that you don’t miss a chance. - Not this time. I had to shorten the trip. A client’s coming into town. I can’t dive and fly in the same 24 hours. How about it?- My mother isn’t well. They’re doing some tests. That’s why I’m going home. - I’m sorry. I didn’t know. - How could you possibly?- Well, I hope she feels better. And if she does… bring her with you.- Goodbye, Avery. Have a good flight.- Greenwood Secretary Services. - Tammy, this is Abby McDeere. I think you’ve got a serious problem. Avery’s not going diving. - We’re dead. Well… how do we… how am I gonna tell Mitch? How am I gonna let him know? I’m going anyway. I got to try to do something. My flight’s in three hours. - Mr. McDeere’s office. I’m sorry. He’s not in. May I take a message?- Tammy… don't tell Mitch anything. - I’ll just be a sec. Prescription for Abigail McDeere. - One.- Well, you want to go, or you want to stay here?- Aren’t you gonna cuff him?- I’ll take care of it. - Yeah?- Guess what I’m looking at? - Tell me.- My first sunset in six years. - You made it.- Yeah, I did. I owe you, little brother. - No, you don’t.- Anything from Abanks?- Last I heard, everything was set. It’s gonna be fine. - It already is. - Be seeing you, Ray.- ok. You spoke to him. Now where are the files? - Where’s the money?- Not till when I get the files.

- You send half now. Account number 6194408-S. You got that? - Yeah. 6194408-S. Yeah.- When I get confirmation it’s there, I’ll send the files.- Here’s some pocket money. You’re free, McDeere. There’s a bus stop a quarter mile. Follow the yellow line. You’re used to that. - Excuse me. - You don’t seem that surprised.- I’m deeply surprised. - So am I.- Stephaney, could we have two Havana clubs, please?- Yes, Mr. Tolar. - How’d the tests turn out?- We were worried for no reason. - Good. I didn’t think we got on that well in the schoolyard.- Maybe I’ve grown up since then. - I’d love to believe that. Thank you. - It’s delicious.- Isn’t it? It’s like Cognac. You know, I have a very bad reputation. - What do you do?- I run around. - Why do you do that?- I think it’s because my wife understands me. The fact is, I love my wife. And she’s… well, I guess she’s lost interest in me. I know I have. And I haven’t cared for anyone since. I’d like to, though. I miss it. - My, you lay a lot on a girl for a first date. - Is that what this is?- This is unit B. We’ll be pulling into five points at 11:15 for a 20 minute rest stop. - Mrs. Sunderland, I’m sorry to call you so late. I need to speak to you about something that’s…. well, it’s really quite embarrassing. You’re not the only client at the firm I’ve called about this. - I'd like a steak, medium rare, three fried eggs over, French fries, and coffee, please. - Well, I’ll see ya, darling. - Fuck.- What the hell is going on? We lost your brother. - Why, were you following him? - Are you trying to fuck with me? Where are you? Where are those files? - You are trying to fucking with me? you want the files, you wire the money. - I want those files now. - Go to go. - He knows exactly where his brother is. Have them check all the credit cards of every rig that got fuel outside that diner between 11 and 11:45, whenever we lost Ray. Couldn’t be more than a dozen or so. He’s got to be on one of them. And get me a map of Louisiana. Get me a map of Louisiana. - Hasn't even begun to melt. - The staff was chosen for its timing. I would do that, but I could never do that. The buttons are too small. It requires terrible desktermindy, dex…- Dexterity. - Amazing. What are you doing here?- What do you mean? - I mean, exactly what did you come here for? - I thought I was invited.

- You’re not being truthful. - Why are you doing this? - Because I’m sick… and… I want you to tell me the truth. - I came here to punish Mitch for letting the firm run our lives. I came… because when Mitch was here, he slept with someone else. Is that what you wanna hear? - It’s better than the alternative.- What alternative? - That you came here to see me. - Avery? - Came in about three hours ago. - Are you sure he’ll be all right? What, you want to call 911? Get the key, grab the stuff, and get over here. - Keep calling him. Wake the son of a bitch up. When he goes on the phone, find me. I want that girl. - Account number 6194408-S. And can you confirm that it’s $750,000? - Absolutely. I’m fixing to get out of here now. - You got all the information I need?- Yeah, but, Mitch, I’ve been looking at this stuff, and there’s no numbers listed. - There’s no numbers? No amounts? - I got paper from bank accounts everywhere from the Caymans to Hong Kong, but there’s no amounts. - I can’t play the poker game I’m going to play and bluff. I gotta know how much they have and where.- There’s a note on each one that says… “Info held by client and my mac.” Signed A.T. - Is there any other information? Is there a password? Some kind of password, just look on the paper, Tammy.- Wait a minute. On the side of one, in parenthesis it says, REF, then a colon, then Cordelia. - ok. I got to get to Avery’s computer in the morning before I leave.- Be careful. We don’t know how this’ll look in the morning. - Morning should be fine by time they notice I’m not back from lunch, I'll be in Chicago. - ok. We’re finished. I got to get these to the boat. - The boat? What boat?- Later on there’s some stuff I got to tell you about what Mitch is doing. - Tell me now, Tammy. What?- Get the keys back in his pants, and get out of there before he wakes up. - Hello? You have to repeat that. That’s not possible.- She stole your keys and god knows what else. Who the hell is she? - You know me. Somebody I met last night. - How the hell did she know to go after your keys? The guys will land in 10 minutes. She better be there. - Don’t. They heard you on the phone. Mitch sent you. I knew he was a closet idealist. - He doesn't know I’m here…. But I did do it for him. - That’s even better than getting even with him. You got to get out of here. - What are you going to do?- Abby, the girl was a setup. On the beach, she was a setup. They do things like that… just in case the usual inducements don’t work. - What’s going to happen? What are they going to do to you?- Whatever it is… they did it a long time ago. - Get this thing out of here, will ya?- This ain’t your cotton truck or your alley.

- I’m calling the department of traffic right now.- He called? - Not yet. - Madge, just came for Avery, he needs work done on the the Kemmer papers before 10. I’ll just get it off his computer. - What’s the matter with you guys? This thing’s out of paper. Check every god damn floor and find McDeere. The son of a bitch cut a deal. - Earlywine, Hemphill,- Hemphill… wait a minute. That’s Lomax’s secretary. - Wane, it’s Warden Dynehart from Wrightsville prison. - Wayne, we got a problem. I’ve been questioning a guard who sent an unauthorized fax to a law firm in Memphis regarding your prisoner. - No, no, no, no.- No, he’s not in his office, your honor. I’ll check the building. - Thank you, Madge.- Your welcome. - Mitch? We’ve just been looking for you. Can you step in here, please? - Mr. Tolar’s office. Yes, he’s right here, Nina. Transfer him. Mr. McDeere? Judge Tarrance for you. One moment, please. - Hello? - Get out of there. They know. Get out. Did you hear what I said? Get out. Get over here now. Can you? - I understand.- Come on. He ain’t going nowhere. Rudy, get to the front door. - Mitch. What can I do for you? Have a seat. - ok. Rudy, he’s headed east up the alley. Get him and hold him. - This way.- Here.- God damn it. I knew they wouldn’t find her. I need him here. So you get him back on that plane. If we don't get McDeere before he talks to the feds… - What direction was he running? - Wayne.- Just a minute.- It’s McDeere.- Where are you? - Never mind. What happened? - Look, it’s ok. I’ll send you a car. Just come on in. I’ll tell you when you get here.- No. You tell me now. - Mitch, it was a prison guard. Just come on in. Come on in. We’ll place you in protective custody. - Somehow you don’t make me feel protected. - You wanna get whacked? Do you know what’s going on here? The Moroltos are arriving today from Chicago. - What?- I got their itinerary in front of me. The Moroltos are coming here… Memphis, this afternoon. I got their itinerary right in front of me northwest arrives 2:16pm, straight to the Peabody. Now, listen to me. The whole god damn world is looking for you. You can’t go home, you can’t go back to the office. So get in here now. - I got to get lost for a few hours. Something I got to do.- Where the hell are the files, Mitch?- You’ll get instructions… after.

- After what? - He’s withholding evidence. He’s got ¾ of a million dollars of our money. He’s a fugitive. I want him brought in. Use the Memphis police if you have to, but get him.- It’s a red KW 10-ton registered to Farley’s catfish farm. - Get its routes and find that truck. And issue APBs on Ray and Mitchell McDeere. - During the great steamboat era, which was at its height in the 1870s, these great floating palaces like the Robert E. Lee, whose model you see here, numbered by the hundreds on the Mississippi River. The Robert E. Lee was actually designed specifically to travel on the Mississippi River which is a shallow river…. Follow me now to the main deck of the boat where the cargo and deck passengers were carried. The great rollers that powered the steam engine were situated on the main deck… - Hey, Mitch. Mitch. - the end of the great steam era and advent of the railway. The next gallery detailing… We have here the working steam engine off the US army corps of engineers’ snag boat, the Arkansas 2. You light a fire underneath the boilers where the water is contained. This heats the water and turns it into steam. - The kids wanted me to bring them by. Why, what’s the matter? Ok. Oh, Lamar, I just saw Mitch at Mud Island museum. He was zipping through like a tourist. I waved him, but he didn’t see me. - Northwest Airlines flight 264 arriving from Chicago, gate B-1, main concourse. - Devasher.- They found McDeere’s on Mud Island. - Get the boys over there right away. I’m on my way.- ok. Let’s get these below with the rest of them. - Abanks’ diving lodge.- How are my friends?- ok. Your brother’s on the plane, and Tammy’s loading the ship now. - It worked out. - Your lawyer friend is dead. He never was on the boat. He canceled the charter. - Well, how did…- He drowned… in his bathtub after he lady left. Didn't Tammy tell you? - What.. what lady? How did you get…- I don’t know. A lady friend of Tammy’s slipped him some kind of Mickey Finn. I think it was somebody he knew.- What are you talking about? What lady friend? - Now, wait a minute. Mitch is asking about your friend Abby. Isn’t that her name?- Hey.- Excuse me. - Come here. He’s in that first door. I’m going around the front. Where’s the… - You sick son of a bitch. - Of course I can talk. Isn’t that what I’m doing? It’s something else, please advise me, Maury. I always like learning new things t $500 an hour. I swear, every fucking lawyer ought to be killed. You want to meet with McDeere? For what? So you can charge me $1000 an hour while I’m in Joliet for 20 years? This kid’s cut a deal, and I’ll bet it’s a beaut. If I get my hands on this fucking kid….- Excuse me. - Not now, Ruthie.- I think it’s urgent, Mr. Morolto. - Ruthie thinks it’s urgent. What do you think, Joey? - It’s a Mr. McDeere. Mr. Mitchell McDeere. He’s waiting to see you.- I think Ruthie’s right.

- Mitch McDeere. I’m your attorney… one of them, anyway. I assume you knew but I thought I’d mention it.. .. in case. - You care to sit down? - Not really. I wanna try… This is just… this is… this is very awkward. I’m afraid my firm has behaved in an uneth… unethical manner. It seems that me, Bendini, Lambert & Locke, the entire firm… has been engaged in a… well, a conspiracy. We've been… overbilling our clients. In some cases, massive overbilling. I assure you, I had no idea any of this was going on when I joined the firm. I feel I have to report this criminal behavior. But I can’t use.. I can’t use your invoices without your written authorization. - Our invoices? - Tony, please, listen.- Yes, sir. It’s an important part of the proof that we’ve overbilled you. - That’s it? - Pretty much. Well, most of our clients have already agreed.. well, pretty much all… except for you, which is why I’m here. - And this is what you’ve been talking to the FBI about? - You want us to let you turn out bills…- What we charged you, I should say overcharged you.- Over to the government. - Yes, sir. - Does that in any way… - No, sir. It does not in any way waive your rights to full and complete confidentiality in any other area of the attorney/client relationship. I’m your lawyer, gentlemen. Whether I like it or not, I can’t talk to the government about you even when I’m no longer your lawyer. That would be breaking my word, my oath. - All right, Mitch. Then what was this stealing of the files? What the fuck was this all about? - The files haven’t been stolen. They’re in exactly the same place they were. I just feel it was important for me to be thoroughly familiar with the precise makeup and whereabouts of all your holdings and activities… so I prepared copies of everything. That way you and I can communicate perfectly. And, of course… if we ever have to talk to a third party, then I know everything… right down to the penny, pound, franc, and deutsche mark. I know everything you know.. as I should as your attorney. - And what if the firm should desire at some point to terminate your employment?- Whatever I know, wherever I go, I am bound by the attorney/client privilege. I am very much like…. I would say I am exactly like a ship carrying a cargo that will never reach any port. And as long as I’m alive, that ship will always be at sea, so to speak. - Yassir fucking Arafat, huh? Never a night in the same place. - In any case, I need your written authorization so I can release your bills, like every other client has given. - You have this authorization with you? - I do.- Anything in there?- Nothing.- fuck.- You got the account number? You know how to access it? Mitch has verified that the money’s there… $750,000. - I love your crooked little mouth.- Well, that’s not my best feature. - Wow. Well, what is?- Where the hell are you? What is this supposed to be? You let the Moroltos off the hook?

- They’re my clients. - They’re the crooks. You’re letting the mafia get away. What the hell are you doing? - You guys - You are always one villain behind the times. You think if they don’t pull guns, they aren’t the bad guys. - Ask the Moroltos who’s hard to find… the killer or the lawyer who hides their money. - Don’t give me that shit. That’s double-talk.- Without the firm, the only way the Moroltos can launder money is in a washing machine. - You are so naïve. There’ll be a thousand other Bendini-Lamberts fighting to launder money tomorrow. How will you get them? - One at a time. I’m a lawyer, and I got mine. You’re the cop, Tarrance. You get the rest. - With what? Overvilling, mail fraud? That’s exciting. - It’s not sexy, but it’s got teeth. $10,000 and 5 years in prison. That’s 10 and 5 for each act. Have you really looked at that? You’ve got every partner on overbilling. There’s 250 acts of documented mail fraud there. That’s racketeering. That’s minimum 1250 years in prison and $2.5 million in fines. That’s more than you had on Capone. - You twist this into whatever you want. You made a deal to save your ass. You got our money, $750,000. You’re still a hotshot lawyer, and you’re out of this. - That money was always for somebody else. Yeah, I’m still a lawyer with references from Bendini, Lambert & Locke. You wanna put that on your resume? You think I’ll never turn on my iginition again without sweating? - I don’t understand you. What did you do it for? You didn’t win a think.- Yeah, I did. I won my life back. You don’t run me, and they don’t run me. You wanna know something weird? I discovered the law again. You actually made me think about it. I finished three years of law school without doing that. See you at the dog track. I could’ve gone public with it. - Why didn’t you?- It’s against the law. - ok. How in the hell did you ever come up with mail fraud? - It was on the bar exam. They made me study like hell for it. - Well, you’ve had a busy day.- So did you.- Why didn’t you tell me the truth about your plan? All of it… the Moroltos.- Because I knew you’d worry and that might make you stay… and I knew you needed to leave. - I like what you’ve done to the place. - I thought you were going to your folks.- I was. - Some detour.- Where are you going?- To look for you.- I guess I didn’t feel I could leave you without trying to help you.- You wanna tell me what happened?- Someday. I think you should know that Avery was… pretty decent. He was decent and corrupt and ruined and so unhappy… - Listen, Abby.- And it could’ve happened to you. All of it. You were on your own way.- Did I lose you?- You look tired. - Did I? - I’ve loved you all my life. Even before we met. Part of it wasn’t even you it was just a promise of you. But these last days… you kept your promise. How could you lose me?

- You think I’ll make it?- Make it where?- Boston. - What’s in Boston?- We are.- And the Wong Boys and my kids… - And a very small unknown law firm…- With a lot of potential.- Yeah.