English brochure faculty of health sciences UiT

Post on 23-Mar-2016

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Transcript of English brochure faculty of health sciences UiT

UiT Faculty of Health Sciences

Arctic experience –GlobAl focus

full-time employees



1424/517phd students

717/297phd graduates

110/51female professors


The University of Tromsø is the world’s northernmost university and is the largest research and educational institute in northern Scandinavia. The university is involved internationally in research and teaching as well as in solidarity work. We recognize the importance of sound and practical educational experiences, both for the benefit of

our students and to meet our society’s educational and research needs. The University of Tromsø conducts research and offers academic programmes in pharma-ceutical studies, nursing, clinical medicine, clinical dentistry, medical biology, psychology, community medicine and paediatric and adolescent mental health.

The UniversiTy/The FacUlTy

on top of the world


The Faculty of Health Sciences conducts research, educates students and shares its research results in almost every area of health science. The northern regions are of great importance to us.

about the faculty


campUs–Our campus is located next to the University Hospital of North Norway.

Our research covers a wide spectrum from elderly care, dental health, pharmaceutical studies and psychology to medical and biological research.

One of our distinguishing characteristics of our research is the use of population surveys. Our extensive biobanks are used by researchers worldwide.

Women and cancer UiT is home to the largest cancer project in Norway, with data from 172 000 Norwegian women. One of the main objectives is to find causes of breast cancer and other cancers in women.–

The Tromsø sUrveyThis unique population survey began in 1974. More than 40,000 Tromsø residents have participated in one or more of the six surveys conducted. The data from the survey provides a good starting point for many different epidemiological and clinical research projects both in Norway and abroad.–

norWay – rUssia UiT collaborates with researchers all over the world, such as Russia. One of our projects has evolved into a large arctic study on prenatal care, focusing on the effect of ecotoxins on foetal development and early childhood. Another example is a project related to diph-teria, HIV and sexually transmitted diseases and infections in north-western Russia.–

The ocean’s TreasUresSeveral research groups at UiT work to isolate and analyse molecules that are harvested from the Arctic Ocean for potential use as drugs to treat cancer, viral and bacterial infections, heart disease, diabetes and other ailments.–

arcTic healTh research With our location “at the edge of the Arctic”, we naturally tend to focus on the north, and arctic health research. Our research covers topics such as cold, the dark, special nutrition related issues, the influence of environmental factors, vitamin D and sunlight in the far north.–

• population surveys and biobanks

• the major common diseases, clinical research

• research in the intersection between medicine and marine biology (marine bioprospecting)

• basic research

ReseaRCh foR the futuRe


notable researchimporTanT areas oF research


viTamin dThe Faculty of Health Sciences is currently working on a study to de-termine if high doses of vitamin D can make us healthier. Researchers are also studying whether vitamin D can prevent the development of type 2 diabetes in individuals who are at risk of developing the disease. –

oUTsTanding The research group “Women and Cancer” is one of 14 research groups awarded the grade of Excellent by the Research Council of Norway in its 2011 evaluation of Norwegian medical research.–

gradUaTe school in rUssiaThe research group in community medicine is in the process of building a graduate school in Arkhangelsk, Russia. A large study is being planned in collaboration with experts from the UK to address the question of why there are so many deaths in Russia due to cardiovascular disease.–

neW gradUaTe schools The Faculty of Health Sciences has five graduate schools in Epidemio-logy, Mental Health, Translational Research, Molecular and Clinical Cancer Research, and Infection, Inflammation and Immunity.–




"If you are interested in arctic health research like me, Tromsø is the place to be.

The research environment is so friendly and inclusive"ammar e. ali hassan, scienTisT UiT,

originally From sUdan


It is important that our students learn to listen and talk to their patients. As such, they are in direct contact with patients from the very beginning of their studies.

The University Hospital of North Norway is only a short walk away, and students are welcome to participate in its clinics. We work closely with the municipalities in Northern Norway for internships.

Communication between the various health care profes-sions is an important part of education, so opportunities to study and intern outside of Norway are arranged for our students. Our teaching is research-based, meaning that our students are allowed to participate in ongoing research. The medical research study allows students to do a short PhD after having finished medical school.

proximity in practicesTUdenT clinic–Dental students Yngve Åkre (behind) and Patryk D. Larsen treat real patients at Norway’s most modern dental clinic.

international students

734/146exchange students

470/61students per employee

6,7/5,5percentage of international researchers/professors


The UniversiTy/The FacUlTy


Learningby doing

exchange programmesThe Faculty of Health Sciences provides exchange programmes through Erasmus, Nordplus, North-2North and Barentsplus. In addition, bilateral agreements allow students to apply outside of these networks. Anyone who meets standard admis-sion requirements and Norwegian requirements can apply.

edUcaTing modern docTorsThe university curriculum has been updated for the autumn semester of 2012. Two important areas are an increase in practical training and a focus on patient interaction.

edUcaTion in englishUiT offers English master’s degrees in telemedicine, biomedicine and public health. Courses in gynae- cology, obstetrics, paediatrics, genetics and geriatrics are offered in English during the autumn semester of the fourth year of medical school. Anyone studying at an affiliated university can apply, along with free movers.

BesT in emergency medicineTromsø is known for its excellent training in emergency medicine. Every year, the medical students have a full week of practical train-ing and realistic exercises, called “Førstehjelpsuka” (First Aid Week).

oUr sTUdy oFFerings http://uit.no/helsefak

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"The atmosphere between the professors and students is unique

and more collegial than I've experienced in other places"

alBerTo crimi, iTaly, a FoUrTh-year medical sTUdenT–


The Faculty of Health Sciences takes its social responsibilities seriously, and is committed to sharing our research with the public. Our scientists are encouraged to participate in the media,

hold presentations, publish popular science articles and be available as resources where their knowledge is needed.

Sharing our knowledge


knowledge for everyone

appeals To The senses–The exhibition imPulse uses all of the senses to teach about the brain, the heart and drugs.

appeals To The senses–The exhibition imPulse uses all of the senses to teach about the brain, the heart and drugs.




naTional science WeekThe National Science Week in Norway is a nationwide event held every year to make science and research available to the public. Research and knowledge institu-tions have an opportunity to partici-pate and provide the general public with new insight into what they do.The Faculty of Health Sciences makes it a priority to participate in Norway’s National Science Week (Forskningsdagene) every year, but also aims to have the same kinds of programmes and accessibility throughout the year. Our goal is to create interest in research and recruit new students using popular science research outlets.–

Training in research commUnicaTionPublic-oriented research communication is a compulsory part of a PhD student’s basic education. The course is offered in both Norwegian and English.–

dedicaTed neWs siTesWe provide research news on the university’s own website, in the research magazine “Labyrint” and on forskning.no. Faculty research news can also be found on English websites such as sciencenordic.com.–

recogniTion For pUBlic oUTreachThe faculty has introduced a system to reward researchers for public communication. Everything from popular science lectures to chronicle pieces are rewarded with a cash payment.–

“Public-oriented research communication

is a compulsory part of a PhD student’s basic education”

neW insighT–National Science Week is an annual event where the general public can learn more about science and research.

neW insighT–National Science Week is an annual event where the general public can learn more about science and research.

exhibition–The Faculty of Health Sciences shares research and knowledge through a multitude of different activities and events.

heart dissection–Students and emloyees are inviting the public to dissect sheep hearts.

researchers in media–Our scientists are encouraged to participate in the media.


soLidaritY across borders–The Faculty of Health Sciences is strongly engaged in solidarity across national borders and have participated in establishing a physiotherapy education programme in Malawi.

creatinG interest–Our goal is to create interest in research and recruit new students using popular science research outlets.

soLidaritY across borders–The Faculty of Health Sciences is strongly engaged in solidarity across national borders and have participated in establishing a physiotherapy education programme in Malawi.

creatinG interest–Our goal is to create interest in research and recruit new students using popular science research outlets.

conTacT inFouit.no/helsefak Email: post@helsefak.uit.no Tel: +4777644610–oFFice address Faculty of Health Sciences Breivika (campus) UiT The Arctic University of Norway 9037 Tromsø–posTal addressFaculty of Health Sciences UiT The Arctic University of Norway N-9037 Tromsø–

graphic design: simen justdal / www.ferniss.no printing: lundblad media as / www.lundblad.no produced by communication and media services, faculty of health sciences 2013

photos: Page 2, 4-5, 6-7, 16, 17: Jon Terje Hellgren Hansen, VisualdaysPage 7, 11, 14-15, 16: Bjørn-Kåre IversenPage 8-9, 10-11: Marius FiskumPage 12-13, 17: Adnan IcagicPage 16: NTB ScanpixPage 17: NRK, June Åsheim (heart dissection)Page 18-19: Visit Tromsø

sUrprising FacTs aBoUT Tromsø


home to the world’s northernmost university

UiTlocated at the same latitude as siberia and northern alaska

69˚40’N,18˚55’ Epercentage of population with higher education (national average 29%)



9500nationalities representedmore than

140percentage of immigrants

8,9%cold record (oslo -26ºc)

-18,4 ˚C

heat record

+30 ˚Cmidnight sun – when the sun is above the horizon around the clock

21.05-21.07polar night

– when the sun is below the horizon around the clock

21.11-21.01 average temperature in january

-4 ˚Caverage temperature in july

+12 ˚Csnow record in cm. set 29 april 1997

240average precipitation in mm

1031prepared ski trails in km




arcTic circle