English-Advantage of Clutter

Post on 17-Nov-2015

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Transcript of English-Advantage of Clutter

Advantages of Clutter

It is said that the secret of good writing is to strip every sentence to its cleanest components. Every word that serves no function, every long word that could be a short word, every adverb which carries the same meaning that is already in the verb, every passive construction that leaves the readers unsure. It is this clutter that weakens the strength of a sentence. Is clutter really this bad? Why dont we open our minds and see the brighter side of having this clutter. . Euphemism is important for pleasing the public, but also it is important for the sake of loss of face. First, the reason for using euphemisms is that the users try to replace an unpleasant word or words to avoid offense. Second, those who are engaged in making mistakes, errors or corruption should euphemize the word or words to disguise the fear and animosity by using the euphemism as the good instrument for denial. In short, euphemisms are not only useful for giving favorable impressions to the public but are also useful for hiding a dreadful fact or a lie. In the context of politics, it goes without saying that euphemisms are used largely because some politicians are trying to avoid a loss of face.Intelligent redundancy is an idea that will make some writers cringe and most writing teachers faint. But its an important tool for copywriters whose goal is to sell, persuade, or prompt action. You can argue that free gift is redundant. But I can argue that modifying the word gift with the word free is demonstrably more powerful. You can write a mailer in the proper way using the word gift, and Ill write a similar mailer using the phrase free gift, and my mailer will almost certainly get a better response and make more money. Why? A free gift conveys more information than gift.Using jargon can be fun, and it can be an advantageous. For instance, Jargon can give a person a sense of belonging to a specific group. Todays society loves to show off and using jargon is a way for people to do this. Jargon can also make it easier for a person to communicate with their fellow employees and/or their friends. For example, someone going for a job interview at a bank or financial institution, would use banking terminology, thus banking jargon to show their expertise in the field.
