Engineering Operations

Post on 24-May-2015

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A presentation for the Automation session at the 2014 Cyber Summit by Subbu Allamaraju, Chief Engineer of Cloud at eBay Inc.

Transcript of Engineering Operations

A dev/test cloud Less than a rack of compute Handcrafted by an engineer Supported by another engineer Zero automation Dev to op ratio = 1:0

Thousands of nodes Distributed across several AZs Automated Operated 24x7 Running the business Dev to op ratio: 5:1

2012 2014

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Treat infrastructure as code

1. Fully automate deployments o  Well known principle

2. Treat automation artifacts like you treat code o  Source control → code reviews → tests →

deployment 3. Take automation as a product feature

o  Road map, sprints, bugs, backlog, releases 4. Measure outcomes with KPIs

o  Time to deploy, time to recover, time to rollout a change

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Manage drift

System is in a state other than the desired state!

-  Incidents waiting to happen -  Impacts time to recover -  Impacts customers


Automation Gaps





Accept that drift happens - and manage drift mitigation

1. Automated audits 2. Drift tracking 3. Mitigation as a planned routine activity 4. Culture - reward right habits

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Awareness of systems and operations

Measure everything

Business KPIs

Config management



Another product feature!

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Culture of shared accountability

Working on what’s running the business

Working on (wants to work on) new things

Ops Dev

Make TTR a shared goal!

Knows how the system fails

Knows how the system is supposed to work

Worries about TTR Wants to understand why

Operations is Engineering
