Eng 83 r week 8 day 2 101613 inferences

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Transcript of Eng 83 r week 8 day 2 101613 inferences

WEEK 8 , DAY 2 , 10 /17 /13

English 83R

Cause & Effect Question

What would men do if they started to enter a 1-floor clothing store that had the women’s clothing the front and the men’s clothing in the back.

a. The men would enjoy seeing all the beautiful clothes as they walk to the back.

b. The men would turn around and find a different store in the mall.

c. The men would send their wives in to shop for them.


Introduction to “Inferences” Mystery Writer Activity

Evaluation forms Patterns of Organization QuizVocabulary Quiz #5-6Essay 3: Which store do you plan to evaluate?

Sign-up sheet will be sent around.




Have you heard the expression… Reading between the lines?

Many important ideas in reading are not stated directly.

• Discovering these ideas is called making inferences or drawing conclusions.


Involves using what you already know in order to choose the most likely explanation from the facts.

Example: wet floor in your kitchen…Something has spilled or there is a leak.


We all make inferences in daily living without consciously thinking about them.

When you wave at a friend, and she doesn’t wave back, you might assume that she is upset with you.

When you are driving down the street and see police lights flashing behind you, you usually infer that the police officer is pulling you over.


Which inference is more logically based on the information in this cartoon?

REAL LIFE ADVENTURES © 2008 GarLanco, Reprinted with permission of UNIVERSAL PRESS SYNDICATE. All rights reserved.

A. The man was probably working on a home improvement or repair project.

B. The man deliberately ruined the woman’s pan.


Which inference is more logically based on the information in this cartoon?

REAL LIFE ADVENTURES © 2008 GarLanco, Reprinted with permission of UNIVERSAL PRESS SYNDICATE. All rights reserved.

A. The man was probably working on a home improvement or repair project.

B. The man deliberately ruined the woman’s pan.

Since the man was using a kitchen pan as a hammer, he must have been somewhere where there is a kitchen—probably his and the woman’s home.

The man’s explanation—he couldn’t find his hammer—suggests that he simply needed something to hammer with. Nothing suggests that he intentionally ruined the pan.


Which inference is more logically based on the information in this cartoon?

REAL LIFE ADVENTURES © 2008 GarLanco, Reprinted with permission of UNIVERSAL PRESS SYNDICATE. All rights reserved.

C. The woman is upset that the man has used her pan as a hammer.

D. The man realizes that the woman is angry at him for using her good pan as a hammer.


Which inference is more logically based on the information in this cartoon?

REAL LIFE ADVENTURES © 2008 GarLanco, Reprinted with permission of UNIVERSAL PRESS SYNDICATE. All rights reserved.

C. The woman is upset that the man has used her pan as a hammer.

D. The man realizes that the woman is angry at him for using her good pan as a hammer.

The woman’s final comment strongly suggests that she is angry and needs to let out her anger, quite possibly by hammering the person who ruined her pan.

Nothing in the man’s body language or words indicates that he realizes the woman is angry with him.

Let’s check out this video


With inferences, it is often easier to “read between the lines” when you can see someone’s facial expressions or hear someone’s voice.

While the young man is speaking, think about who he is talking to?

What is he trying to explain to the other person?

How does he feel about what he has done?

What is going on? (Video)

Who is the young man talking to?How does he feel?How does the other person feel?Why is he sorry?What does he want the other person to say?What does the other person say?

Let’s look a the video again, except this time we will show the girlfriend.


Think about her side of the conversation. Does she understand what her “boyfriend”

has done?Does she think he is truly sorry?


He is talking to his girlfriendHe is nervous about being confronted by herHe apologizes and wants to explain why he

was unfaithful.He apologizes and wants to explain.She won’t listen to him.Do you think she forgives him?


In the first video we had to try to infer what the young man was talking about without being able to hear/see what the other person was saying/thinking.

In writing we make inferences and draw conclusions by using all the clues provided by the writer, our own experience, and logic.

It is trickier to do this; therefore, you need to become a detective in order to figure out any inferences the author is trying to make.

We have already practiced making inferences when we learned about vocabulary in context.

Let’s practice with one of our recent vocabulary words: avocation Mrs. Buchanan’s avocation, scrapbooking, is an

enjoyable hobby that she wished she had more time to pursue.

From looking at the words around avocation we can figure out that avocation means hobby or something done in addition to one’s occupation that is pleasurable.

Keep in Mind

Draw conclusions and inferences based on what is stated Not your own opinion or attitude

Check back in the text to verify or locate information that supports your conclusions.

Ask yourself if your inference is logical and reasonable.

Mystery Story (handout)

Quizzes after the break

Patterns of OrganizationVocabulary List 5-6

Essay #3

Essay #3

Rough draft is due next Wednesday, 10/24/13Don’t forget to include vocabulary words and

context clues.Don’t forget to take it to the writing mentor.

Habit, Ch. 7

Get into groups and find sources from Habit, Ch. 7 to help you answer the questions below.

As you are working in your groups, I will pass around a sign-up sheet for he store you will evaluate. Please write down your first and second choice.

Duhigg’s explanation of how stores use purchase behavior to create marketing strategies.

Duhigg’s explanation of how companies use the habit loop to market products and services.