Energy resources

Post on 06-May-2015

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Transcript of Energy resources


Presented By-


PGDSHE (137235)

CONTENTS What is Energy Classification of Energy Resources Energy Consumption in Total World Brief Explanation of Each Participation & Use of Diff. Type Of Energy What is Energy Conservation? Energy Conservation in Different Areas. Conclusion

ENERGY Energy is the ability or the capacity to do

work. It is the source of power for mechanisms and organisms without it nothing will work.Common sources of energy are fossil fuels

like coal, oil and natural gas. They are all non-renewable sources and are naturally made from decaying plants and animals that existed million years ago.

ENERGY RESOURCES The substances from which we produce

energy are known as energy sources. We need energy for our day to day life.

1. Renewable source of energy2. Non-renewable source of energy


Fossil fuels constitute most of the energy we use. Only 16.7% of the total energy is renewable energy.


The sources of energy that once used , cannot be reused are known as non-renewable sources of energy.

These are the energy sources which are found from the earth crust. These sources of energy are known as fossil fuels.

These took millions of years to form1. Coal2. Petroleum3. Natural gas4. Nuclear fuel


Coal is a hard, black, rocklike substance made up of carbon, hydrogen , oxygen, nitrogen, and sulphur.Lignite is the softest kind of coal. While anthracite is the best kind of coal.

COALCoal is mined, may be-1. Open pit mining 2. Underground mining



Transportation Pulverisation

PETROLIUM Petroleum, also known as

crude oil which is unprocessed oil from underground reserves. It is Primarily made up of hydro carbons.

Crude oil can be sources of different by-products such as gasoline, kerosene and diesel. It can also be refined to create polymers that are used to make plastics.

NATURAL GASThe Philippines has large reserves of natural gas , an odorless and colorless chemical compound


Unlimited sources of energy which will not be exhausted in any near future.

About 16.7% of global final energy consumption comes from renewable energy sources.

The renewable sources of energy include: Solar energy Hydel energy Wind energy Tidal energy Geothermal energy Biogas

SOLAR POWER Solar power is the power derived from the rays of the sun. Solar power can be used in two ways: -

1. Direct (warm water, solar cooker)

2. Indirect(solar cells or photo-voltaic cells)

HYDEL POWERHydel power is the energy generated by rotating turbine by the flow of water. Water is collected behind a dam and then the water is allowed to flow to low potential , by turning a turbine. It is a clean source of power.

WIND ENERGY wind turbines are set up in

fast flowing winds areas. Globally wind energy

contributes 0.51% to the global power generation.

Limitations: Require huge amount of

unobstructed land. Constant wind flow

throughout the year, not seasonal.

GEOTHERMAL ENERGY It is the energy obtained from

the Earth’s crust . Where there is magma near the surface, cold water is sent through a shaft to the heated rocks and through another shaft, steam is extracted which is used to turn turbines to generate electricity.

Limitations: Geothermal energy can only be

used where the magma layer is near the surface of the surface.

BIO GAS Bio gas is based

upon the use of dung to produce gas which is used as domestic fuel especially in rural areas.

Decomposition of organic matter in the absence of air.



“Energy conservation means to reduce the quantity of energy that is used for different purposes.”

Optimum Utilisation Proper Management

This practice may result in I. Increase of financial capital,

II. Environmental value,

III. National and personal security

IV. Human comfort.

It can be implemented in following fields-a) Residential sector

b) Commercial sector

c) Industrial sector

d) Transportation sector


Use light weight/high power fans.

Use electronic regulators for less cost

Avoid rewinding motors

Clean fan blades often

Oil in the fan bearings


Select an appropriate size of the AC unit according to the room size.

Close the doors of the rooms. Clean the filters of the AC

frequently See that there is no air going

out of the room Keep the AC always in 25 deg

C. When you replace your old AC

always look for AC with Star mark for better power and energy.


Use high power motor pumps for efficiency

Avoid water leakages in the pipes

Add capacitors in the water pump motor

COMPUTERS IN OFFICES When not in use switch off

computers. Sleep mode computers/monitors

save 40% power Switching on/off of the PC according

to requirement saves power and provides extension of life to PCs as well.

use lcd monitor


Avoid leakages in the water pipes

Try solar heaters if possible

Try to put on safety cover on to hot water pipes…

Proper insulation

REFRIGRATORS Always keep the Fridge little away from

the wall and let there by some ventilation.

Avoid frequent opening and closing of doors

Avoid keeping hot/warm products in the fridge

Defrosting. Buy “Star” marked fridges for power

save Adjust the thermostat instrument of

the fridge according to the room or outside temperature

GRINDER AT HOME Use high power motors in the grinders See that your grinders have nylon belts Use the grinder to the full power and

energy Clean the grinder often and apply oil in

relevant parts.

Try and plan for more clothes at a time.Switch off the Iron when not in use


Optimum utilization of resources The renewable sources of energy should be modified

to give the maximum output. Improvement of engines design.The engines should be

made more efficient.

And last but not the least……

“Save electricity and fuel for the future.”