Energy conservation

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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A short powerpoint with easy energy saving tips.

Transcript of Energy conservation

Energy ConservationAt Home or At School

Created by Chia-Han Song

Unplug Unused Appliances

Most appliances draws power even when turned off, consuming energy continuously throughout the way.

One standard appliance with 1 watt power drain adds up to 8.8kWh per year!

Just your television, laptop, and printer draws 405 kWh a year. That’s about $60 worth of energy being wasted per year.

Close Doors in Unused Rooms

Closing off a few unused storage rooms can reduce heating costs and save energy.

Be sure to check the humidity level to avoid mold or damages to the walls.

Turn Off Lights

Light bulbs can use up to 0.5 kWhs per day.

Turn the lights off when they’re not in use!

Setup the Thermostat

Set the thermostat to different settings during the day.

Set it low during the night and when the house is not in use to save on heating costs.

Use Motion-Activated Lights

It is better to use motion-activated lights rather than manual lights in public settings.

Rather than keeping the lights on 24/7, motion-activated lights can vastly reduce unnecessary energy loss.

Repaint Sides of Buildings

Just repainting the sides of existing buildings can save on energy cost.

Choose a lighter color that is more reflective of light in order to reduce cooling costs during the summer.

Replace Light Bulbs

More energy efficient light bulbs generate more light while using lower watts.

Fluorescent light bulbs can be six times more efficient than regular light bulbs.

Plant Trees By Buildings

Planting foliage by houses and buildings can save on cooling costs. The trees provide shade and serve as a buffer against hot/cold breeze.

Open Doors to Increase Ventilation

Open doors and windows during the summer in order to improve air ventilation. This increased ventilation can keep houses and buildings cool during the summer and save on cooling costs.

Don’t open doors and windows if you have air conditioning on!

Water Plants and Lawns During the Morning

Watering plants during the day results in greater moisture loss than watering in the morning.

Water lawns and gardens in the morning to save on both water and energy bills.