Ender Wiggin- cunning, ruthless, compassionate, a super genius…. And a kid who wants nothing more...

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Transcript of Ender Wiggin- cunning, ruthless, compassionate, a super genius…. And a kid who wants nothing more...

Ender Wiggin-cunning, ruthless, compassionate,

a super genius….

And a kid who wants nothing more than to…give up

But, the fate of the world rests on his shoulders

Ender’s Game

By Orson Scott Card


• This story takes place in the future, probably several hundred years from now.

• Earth– Includes original home, school, and new home-Ender doesn’t

live here• Shuttle

– Takes Ender to Battle School and Command School• Battle School-orbiting Earth

– Includes battle room, barracks, and mess hall• Command School-in asteroid belt

– Includes simulator and simulator room

Main Characters

• Andrew “Ender” Wiggin-Main Character– Ruthless, yet compassionate, Ender Wiggin is a super genius and a 6 year old at

the beginning of the book. He is recruited to go to Battle School, command a fleet of starships, and is hoped to be the savior of the world in case of a third bugger invasion.

• Peter Wiggin– Ruthless and cunning, Peter is the older brother of Ender and was rejected from

Battle School for his ruthlessness. He bullied Ender and later became Hegemon, or ruler of the world, after publishing political statements by the name of Locke.

• Valentine Wiggin– Sweet and calm, Valentine was recruited and rejected from Battle School

because she was too caring. She is Ender’s older sister. Valentine convinces Ender to continue his training twice. She also ends up helping Peter by publishing political statements by the name of Demosthenes.

Main Characters

• Colonel Hyrum Graff– Graff is the head of Battle School and supervises most of Ender’s

journey. He changes the rules of the battles to make it harder on Ender, and later, Ender’s army.

• Major Anderson– Anderson was second-in-command at battle school and becomes in

charge of it later in the book. Anderson loves the battle room and constantly challenged Ender.

• Mazer Rackham– Mazer’s name is known by everyone on Earth. He is considered a

legend because he beat the buggers, or aliens that look like insects, during the second invasion. He tells Ender that he is programming his battles and that he is Ender’s enemy.

Other Key Characters

• Alai– Alai is Ender’s first real friend at Battle School and later, one of

Ender’s squadron leaders.• Petra

– Petra is Ender’s first helper and teacher for battles at Battle School.• Bonzo

– Bonzo is a Commander at battle school and later bullies Ender. Spoiler alert! He is accidentally killed in a fist fight with Ender.

• Bean– Bean is one of the best soldiers in Ender’s army. He was assigned to

pick a group of students, that he was the leader of, to do special missions. with.


• The problem is that Ender wants to give up due to everyone manipulating him, cheating him, and because the odds are being stacked against him. He wants to stop trying because he is being treated unfairly.

• If Ender stops, the world will end due to the buggers.

Major EventsEnder is selected and taken to battle school.

Ender is moved from army to army and battles other students.

Ender becomes a commander at battle school.

Ender moves to Command school and soon after Mazer Rackham claims that he is Ender’s enemy and that he will program Ender’s simulations.

Ender trains in the simulator over and over with his army.

Ender does his “final evaluation.”

Ender wants to give up. Valentine sends him a letter, persuading him to continue.

Ender does not want to keep going. Valentine convinces him to keep going at a lake.

Spoiler alert!

The next 2 slides spoil the ending.


• At Battle School, the solution is that the government forces Ender to keep going.

• Valentine also convinces Ender to keep going at the lake and once at Battle School.

• Ender continued with his training and wiped out the buggers during his final evaluation.


• Ender goes with Valentine to colonize the bugger worlds and finds a queen egg.

• Ender travels the universe searching for a world where the queen can live in peace.

Photos provided from…

• http://insidemovies.ew.com/2012/12/05/enders-game-exclusive-first-look/

• http://laurenthelibrarian.com/outdated-library-book-covers/

• http://www.enderwiggin.net/2012/01/18/enders-game-open-casting-call-chalmette-la/

• http://www.cinelinx.com/movie-news/item/1557-the-enders-game-movie-is-really-happening-casting-call-put-out-for-10-young-actors.html

• http://halfblooddragon.deviantart.com/art/Ender-s-Game-298288906

Check out this book at theSan Antonio public library and at


There is a movie aboutEnder’s Game coming out in November, 2013!