Encounter with the West

Post on 07-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Encounter with the West



To learn the encounter with the West The Trade routes in Africa to Asia


In the sixteenth

century,Europe was experiencing some changes because of the growth of industry and commerce,the advances in science, the improvement in the science of navigation.

The Coming of the Spaniards

The Trade Routes

Portugal was the first to send expeditions to

the East. Prince Henry “ The Navigator” SEND

EXPEDITION in Africa 1421. Bartholomew Diaz discovered the Cape of

Good Hope. His voyage reached Calicut ,India.

Early Voyages to Asia

Tierra Incognita

Crusades is a series of religious wars

undertaken by the Latin Church that predominately took place between the 11th and 15th centuries, although historians cannot agree on any single definition of a crusade, or which specific military campaigns should be included. Crusades were fought for many reasons: to capture Jerusalem, recapture Christian territory, or defend Christians in non-Christian lands; as a means of conflict resolution among Roman Catholics; for political or territorial advantage; and to combat paganism and heresy.


The Treaty of Tordesillas was

intended to solve the dispute that had been created following the return of Christopher Columbus and his crew, who had sailed for the Crown of Castile. On his way back to Spain he first reached Lisbon, in Portugal. There he asked for another meeting with King John II to show him the newly discovered lands.

Treaty of Tordesillas

The Magellan


Ferdinand Magellan

Born into a wealthy Portuguese family in around 1480, Magellan became a skilled sailor and naval officer and was eventually selected by King Charles I of Spain to search for a westward route to the Maluku Islands (the "Spice Islands"). Commanding a fleet of five vessels, he headed south through the Atlantic Ocean to Patagonia, passing through the Strait of Magellan into a body of water he named the "peaceful sea" (the modern Pacific Ocean). Despite a series of storms and mutinies, the expedition reached the Spice Islands in 1521 and returned home via the Indian Ocean to complete the first circuit of the globe. Magellan did not complete the entire voyage, as he was killed during the Battle of Mactan in the Philippines in 1521.

Flagship Trinidad The Concepcion, The Victoria The Santiago The San Antonio

Five Ships

Magellan stayed only a week in Limasawa

because there was not enough food in the islet.Rajah Kulambu guided them to Cebu

The First Baptism

The First Mass in


The battle of Mactan

Magellan ‘s voyage across the Atlantic and the

Pacific was the greatest single voyage ever known

The Importance of the Expedition

The chieftain “Tupas”

First Settlement in Cebu

The Settlement in


The first Spanish Voyage in Manila

The Founding of


With Sulayman defeated and Sulayman’s

uncle ,Lakandula cooperating with the Spaniards,Legazpi thought of sending expeditions to other parts of Luzon.

Tragedy greeted him in Manila for he was informed that his grandfather, Miguel Lopez de Legaspi ,had died on Aug 20,1572.

Expeditions to other parts of Luzon

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