Enabling White-Box Reuse in a Pure Composition Language

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Transcript of Enabling White-Box Reuse in a Pure Composition Language

Enabling White-Box Reuse in aPure Composition Language

Andreas Schlapbach


January, 2003.


• Introduction

– Component-based software development.

– Roles of inheritance.

– Subclassing as a form of white-box reuse.

– Subclassing considered harmful.

• Goal

– To combine the power of inheritance with theease of scripting.

• Solution

– Piccola, our composition language.

– Introduce a language extension to JPiccola thatenables inheritance.

– Implementation and examples.

– Applications.

• Lessons Learned

• Questions & Comments


Component-based Software Development

• Modern applications must be flexible and

extendible to adapt to changing require-


• These requirements can be addressed best

by a component-oriented software devel-

opment approach.

• Component-oriented software development

shifts away from programming towards soft-

ware composition.


Scripting Real-World Components

• Applications = Components + Script

+ a Drop of Glue.

• We build applications by scripting compo-


• These components must adhere to a com-

positional style.

• In reality, such components often do not


� We have to adapt existing components, us-

ing a drop of glue.


Adaptation: Black-box versus White-box

White-box Reuse. Adapts a mismatched com-

ponent by either changing or overriding its

internal specification.

E.g.: Copy & Paste, Inheritance

Black-box Reuse. Adapts the interface of a

component only.

E.g.: Wrapping techniques, Reflective ap-

proach, Standardization


Roles of Inheritance

Inheritance is a key concept of object-oriented

languages and plays different roles:

Subclassing. At the implementation level, it

is a means for code reuse.

Subtyping. At the design level, it defines a

substitutability relationship.

Is-a Relationship. At the conceptual level, it

represents a conceptual specialization rela-


These roles of inheritance can conflict.


Subclassing Considered Harmful

• Subclassing can break encapsulation by ac-

cessing internal implementation details of

an object.

• Subclassing introduces subtle dependencies

between base and extending classes.

• Subclassing is a white-box form of reuse.

� Let’s minimize the use of inheritance.


Goal: Migrate from Class Inheritance to

Object Composition

• There are many powerful object-oriented

frameworks we would like to reuse as black-

box components.

• We need inheritance to access their func-


• Our approach is to gain access to the com-

ponents of a framework using inheritance,

wrap them and script those wrapped com-


� We would like to have the power of inheri-

tance combined with the ease of scripting.



• Piccola is a small, pure and general pur-

pose scripting language.

• Piccola is based on forms, agents and chan-

nels: Agents communicate by sending forms

along channels.

• Forms are extensible records unified with

services. Everything is a form.

• JPiccola is the Java-based implementation

of Piccola.


A Language Extension for JPiccola

We want to use Java frameworks in Piccola

using inheritance.

Key idea: Create Java objects implementing

a given type that delegate all calls to its meth-

ods to Piccola services.


func(arg1, arg2,...,argn)







� We have to generate classes of a given type

at runtime.


Implementation I

The class generation process consists of three


1. Gather information on the structure of the


2. Generate the class, using the BCEL byte

code engineering library.

3. Load the class into the Java Virtual Ma-

chine, using a custom class loader.


Structure of a Generated Class I

Let’s suppose we have class A with a methodplus(int i, int j) . We define a service plus

in Piccola to handle calls to this method.


’i = args.at(1)

’j = args.at(2)

i + j

We generate a subclass of A and redirect theJava call to a Piccola service:

public int plus(int j, int j) {Arguments args = new Arguments();


args.add(new Integer(i));

args.add(new Integer(j));

return ((Integer) getService("plus")



Structure of a Generated Class II

Actually, we generate byte code.

Method int plus(int, int)0 new #22 <Class ch.unibe.piccola.bridge.Arguments>3 dup4 invokespecial #23

<Method ch.unibe.piccola.bridge.Arguments()>7 astore 49 aload 4

11 aload_012 invokevirtual #27 <Method void add(java.lang.Object)>15 aload 417 new #56 <Class java.lang.Integer>20 dup21 iload_122 invokespecial #65 <Method java.lang.Integer(int)>25 invokevirtual #27 <Method void add(java.lang.Object)>28 aload 430 new #56 <Class java.lang.Integer>33 dup34 iload_235 invokespecial #65 <Method java.lang.Integer(int)>38 invokevirtual #27 <Method void add(java.lang.Object)>41 aload_042 ldc #75 <String "plus">44 invokevirtual #33

<Method ch.unibe.piccola.IFormgetService(java.lang.String)>

47 aload 449 invokeinterface (args 2) #39

<InterfaceMethod java.lang.Objectcallback(ch.unibe.piccola.bridge.Arguments)>

54 checkcast #56 <Class java.lang.Integer>57 invokevirtual #60 <Method int intValue()>60 ireturn


Example I



name = "B"

superClassName = "A"

interfaceNames = [ ]

methods =

plus =

argumentTypeList =

[ Type.int, Type.int ]

returnType = Type.int

body(args): args.at(1) + args.at(2)


Implementation II

Often, we do not need to generate an arbitrary

class but implement an interface or generate a

direct subclass of an abstract class.

� We can use reflection to gather the infor-

mation needed to generate a class.


Example II



className = "java.awt.event.KeyListener"

methods =

keyPressed(args): println "Key Pressed"

keyReleased(args): println "Key Released"

keyTyped(args): println "Key Typed"



• Print Service

• Scripting an Event Based Parser

• Scripting Web Browser Frameworks

• GUI Event Composition Style

• . . .

� We use the language extension whenever we

need inheritance.


Role of Java Interfaces in Frameworks

• We seldom generate arbitrary classes, mostoften we just implement Java interfaces.Why is this?

• A framework consists of ready-to-use andhalf finished building blocks.

• While most parts are stable, it permits itsuser to adapt parts of it according to theirneeds. These are the hot spots of a frame-work.

• Superior to (abstract) classes, interfacesdo not impose a specific inheritance hier-archy.

� Java interfaces provide a good way to con-trol the type of adaptations compatible with aframework.


Closing Remarks

• The language extension integrates nicely

into JPiccola.

• Good components are hard to find.

• A framework is more than a bundle of classes.


Questions & Comments



ClassFile {u4 magic;u2 minor_version;u2 major_version;u2 constant_pool_count;cp_info constant_pool[constant_pool_count-1];u2 access_flags;u2 this_class;u2 super_class;u2 interfaces_count;u2 interfaces[interfaces_count];u2 fields_count;field_info fields[fields_count];u2 methods_count;method_info methods[methods_count];u2 attributes_count;attribute_info attributes[attributes_count];
