En Erco Light in the Outdoor Area

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Transcript of En Erco Light in the Outdoor Area

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Light in the outdoor areaDesign

Lighting technology

Practical planning


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The Light Factory

Radiant cities, glowinglandscapes 

tune the light: Light qualitiesEfficient visual comfortThe language of light

 Vertical illuminance

 Lighting networks for scenography

and efficiency

Working methods and planningtechniquesIndoors/outdoors, Dark Sky andmaster plansLighting design using lumencategoriesLighting design and scale

SituationsWhen evening comesFacadeEntrance

Pathway lightingUrban areasMonuments, towers, memorialsBridges

 VegetationLeisure pools

Lighting toolsERCO system designTechnical characteristicsModular light characteristicsSummary

ERCO ServicesShowroomsInformation logisticsAddresses

ERCO specialises in producing engineeringhardware and software for architectural light-ing. First and foremost, we see ourselves as sell-ing light, not luminaires. This approach, whichplaces the immaterial “software” of light abovethe physical hardware of the luminaires, hasbeen the trademark of our work for many years.That’s why we call ourselves: ERCO, the LightFactory.

Light interprets spaces and helps us to per-ceive and experience them. In this sense, weconsider light to be the “fourth dimension” of architecture.

Making good architecture even betterthrough the most appropriate lighting is whatwe see as our cultural contribution and theraison d’être of our activities. Today, ERCO illu-minates museums, universities, chain stores,churches, airports, hotels, administration

buildings, private homes and much more. Irre-spective of whether the architectural conceptemphasises functionality or presentation: ourgoal is, and has always been, to find a solutionthat does justice to the specific use an d archi-tectural features of each project.

The ERCO indoor luminaires, outdoor lumi-naires and lighting control systems combine toform a comprehensive range of lighting toolsfor complete, integrated architectural light-ing solutions. The luminaire is a lighting tool,a piece of lighting equipment with a specialpractical purpose.

At a time when lighting and architectureare increasingly being looked at in terms of their energy efficiency and conservation of resources, ERCO is pursuing its "tune the light"approach to develop innovative lighting toolsthat perfectly combine efficient visual com-fort with scenographic design possibilities.This results in lighting projects implemented inoutdoor areas being publicly appreciated whiledefining effective quality standards for light-ing concepts. This brochure intends to providebackground knowledge, examples and inspira-tion for the use of light in all types of outdoorapplications.













The Light FactoryContents

The ERCO factory con-sists of price-winningindustrial buildings as aliving expression of thecorporate culture.

ERCO’s lighting tools for

indoor and outdoor areasprove their qualities inapplications both withinthe company and in itssurroundings.

 Vertical illuminance,qualitative lightingdesign, effective lightingtechnology, intelligentlighting control and effi-cient lamps: these fivefactors produce efficientvisual comfort and definethe appearance of ERCOat night.

Thinking in light quali -ties is one of the funda-mental aspects requiredin the developmentand communication of successful lighting con-cepts for outdoor areas.A qualitative lightingdesign concept must bestructured to includeambient luminescence,

focal glow, and play of brilliants. A further ele-ment which is crucial forthe perception of out-door space and is centralin ERCO’s concept of efficient visual comfortis the illumination of ver-tical surfaces.

This term concisely

describes our conceptualapproach: lighting toolsthat give the lightingdesigner and user newpossibilities to affect thelighting, allowing themmore creative controland providing enormousenergy savings potential.Shaping the light is now

even easier, more indi-

vidualistic and flexiblethan ever before – toenhance the quality andefficiency of light in theoutdoor area.

Qualitative lightingdesign concepts in out-door projects are effec-tively implemented usingreliable design tools. Thesystem design of ERCO’srange helps implementthese concepts in everyphase.

tune the light also meansapplying an intelligent,creative design conceptthat optimises the light-ing to harmonise with

spatial situations andusage. Examples from allareas of outdoor lighting,planning information and

The more specific thedesign of the lightingtool to suit the applica-tion, the more effectivelyit can fulfil its task. Forthis reason, the highlysophisticated range of products for outdoorapplications are pre-

technical explanationsinclude an extensive spec-trum of possibilities.

sented as a comprehen-sive system with technicalinformation and applica-tions.

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development of light in the outdoor envi-ment reflects the evolution of modernety. By providing artificial lighting in publices, the rhythm of urban life as it alternates

ween day and night has been instrumental inprocess of man’s colonisation of time.oday, metropolises around the world arepeting for the most recognisable nighttimeearance, for striking light effects, a designedtscape“. At the same time, the contrast

ween interior and exterior in architectureeadily disappearing. At night, transpar-buildings are transformed into structuresshine from within. The interior lighting

cept carries over onto the outside and musteamlessly combined on the outside of theding. Lighting design necessitates an inte-ed approach – taking into account the con-

ons on the outside, such as exposure to the

ther and pollution. Both in the dense urbanes of the cities and in the surroundings of ate buildings, the requirement is growingprecision lighting, for energy efficiency andisual comfort. This necessitates a new gen-ion of lighting equipment – highly precisegn tools for light in the outdoor area.

MUDAM Musée d'ArtModerne, LuxembourgKirchberg.Architect: Pei CobbFreed & Partners, NewYork. Lighting design:ARUP, London; FisherMarantz Stone, New York;Projekt Licht – AndreasThiel, Saarbrücken.

Benrath castle,Düsseldorf-Benrath.Lighting design:Lamprecht architects, Vienna.

Sheikh Zayed Mosque,Abu Dhabi.Architect: Yusef Abdelki(design); Halcrow (con-struction).Interior design: SpatiumArchitects, Milan.Lighting design: Speirsand Major Associates,Edinburgh.

diant cities, glowing landscapesght reveals space and enhances images

enpaga Vinayagarle (Hindu temple),

apore.tect: Designcharttects, Singapore.ing design: Er. V Rm, Singapore.

The New York TimesBuilding, New York.Architect: Renzo PianoBuilding Workshop,Genova/Paris; FXFowleArchitects, New York.Lighting design: OVIOffice for Visual Inter-action, New York.

Indre Kai – Harbour frontand bridge, Haugesund.Architect: SmedsvigLandskapsarkitekter AS,Bergen.Electrical engineering:Multiconsult AS, Nesttun;Cowi AS, Haugesund.

Grote Markt (marketplace), Antwerp.Architect: City Antwerp,Public Lighting depart-ment, Rudy de Bock.Lighting design: Licht-vormgevers Belgie BVB.

Millenium GrandstandHorserace track Nad al-Sheba, Dubai.Architect: EO EngineersOffice, Dubai.Lighting design: EOEngineers Office, Dubai.

Brandenburg Gate, Berlin.Lighting design: Kardorff Ingenieure, Berlin.

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ne the light: Light qualitiesficient visual comfort

ting requires energy. Everyone involvedn aspect of lighting – from the manufac-r to the designer and the user – should useimited resources responsibly. Against thekground of rising energy costs, architecturalting has made enormous progress overpast few years and has already achieved aificant level of efficiency. Efficient visualfort as promoted by ERCO means steadilyroving both the energy efficiency and thet quality – through innovative technical andgn-oriented approaches.

ciency through visual comfort and his perception determines whether

ting is efficient. Irrespective of any tech-

l measure of efficiency, if light producese, it will impair vision and diminish peo- comfort, resulting in wasted energy. Thes forced to adapt and the pupils contract.result is that even zones of high illumi-ce will appear relatively dark in compari-with the dazzling source of light. Glare- comfortable light, by contrast, createsmum viewing conditions for the humanFrom the outset it allows the designer toan energy efficient solution with lower

minance levels and subtle contrasts.

can be morenvestment in light quality is beneficial

m both an economical and an ecologicalt of view. A carefully planned and imple-ted lighting concept using high-quality

ducts effectively is more attractive to the

 Vertical illuminance Vertical illuminance is a character -istic feature of well-designed, eco-nomical lighting concepts. For this

reason, ERCO offers a particularly wide range of appropriate lighting tools. Vertical illuminanceusing special wallwashers is far more importantto the subjective perception of brightness thanthe light on horizontal surfaces. This is takeninto account in perception-oriented lightingdesign as an optimal solution tha t contributessignificantly to meeting the requirements of theusers of architecture and can help save energy if used in an appropriate lighting concept. So, forexample, the impression of brightness in a roomis created more efficiently using a differentiatedlighting concept which involves wallwashingthan a uniform level of brightness resulting onlyfrom direct ambient lighting. The average illu-

minance can be decreased accordingly, reducingthe required number of luminaires.

Luminaires used:3 Paratec wallwashersHIT 35WTotal connected load:approx. 105W

Energy savings: 40%

Luminaires used:5 Lightcast downlightsHIT 35WTotal connected load:approx. 175W

Horizontal lightingThe downlights createilluminances primarilyon the floor around theentrance, but also as

intersecting beams onthe wall. Seen from adistance, however, theentrance area appearsdull and is poorly per-ceived against the sur-roundings.

 Vertical illuminationThe concept of wallwash-ing with less luminairesand lower energy con-sumption produces the

impression of a muchhigher ambience andimproved visibility. Thelight which is reflectedoff the wall is sufficientto illuminate the floorarea of the entrance.

Perception of verticalsurfacesDue to the natural ori-entation of our visualfield, the vertical planesof an environment con-stitute around 80% of our perception and thusdetermine our impression

of brightness.

The false colour diagramexplains the uniformityof vertical lighting. Thisquality depends on thecharacteristics of thewallwashers used and ontheir offset and spacingdistances. The detailsrequired for planning anddesign are included inthe product documenta-tion for each ERCO wall-washer.

 Vertical illuminance

Qualitative lighting design

Effective lighting technology

Intelligent lighting control

Efficient lamps

5 factors for efficient visualcomfort

Wallwashing, impression of brightnessand efficiencyThe rule that vertical illuminances are moreimportant for the impression of brightness ina room than horizontal illuminances appliesoutdoors as well as indoors. The subjectiveimpression can be used to achieve a brighterimpression without increasing the energy con-sumption. Alternatively, the same brightnessimpression can be achieved with lower energyconsumption. In either case, the result is a nincrease in the overall efficiency of lighting. Anillustration of this is the residential entrancehall, in one example illuminated using horizon-tal lighting provided by downlights, alternative-ly using vertical illuminance from wallwashers.

client and user. In the long run, it will producesavings in both operating and maintenancecosts. Specialised, professional lighting toolsare highly efficient in achieving a specific lighteffect in a differentiated lighting concept. Theyinvariably replace several non-specific, cheapproducts, which compensates for their higherprice. Modern, efficient lamps reduce the con-nected load of the lighting system and thethermal load – with additional positive effects,such as the size and operating costs of air con-ditioning and ventilation systems. Intelligentdesigns and high-quality lighting tools ensurelighting solutions that reduce the operatingcosts while meeting all the aesthetic, func-tional and ecological requirements.

Using synergiesTo optimise efficient visual comfort in lightingconcepts, ERCO has cooperated with design-ers and users to formulate five factors whichreinforce each other and in practice result insignificant increases in light quality, resourcesavings and economic efficiency.

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Efficient lampsERCO is heavily involved in thedevelopment of LED lighting equip-ment to make practical use of the

many advantages of LEDs in terms of luminousefficacy and functional life. ERCO also contin-ues to provide an exceptionally wide range of products for use with economical, long-lastingmetal halide lamps and compact f luorescentlamps.

Effective lighting technologyEfficient, precise optical systemslower the energy requirement forlighting. A comprehensive toolbox

ghting equipment ensures optimal and thusient light distribution for specific lightings. This extends from the asymmetric wall-her and various spotlight characteristicshe reflector lens system for illuminationroduct displays in shops. Innovations suche ERCO Spherolit reflectors provide both light output ratios and visual comfort. light sources such as high-power LEDs their directed beam require entirely differ-ight guidance systems than conventionalps, which creates new lighting technology

lenges. The result is lighting tools whichthe user complete control and allow effec-planning.

Metal halide lampsare sophisticated, long-lasting and highly effi-cient lamps. They areavailable in many watt-ages for a wide rangeof applications.

In terms of lightinginstallations with con-trol systems such asLight System DALI, theconnected load onlyindicates the theoreticalmaximum: the actualconsumption will bedetermined through the

use of the programmedscenic dimming.

As light sources, LEDshave already achieveda significant level of efficiency and still holdfurther developmentpotential. Their extremelylong life and optimaldimmability qualify themas the sustainable lightsource of the future.

Intelligent lighting controlERCO’s DALI technology simpli-fies scenic lighting and makesit economical. Individual light

scenes to suit each situation are selected andcontrolled by the user. This is in combinationwith automated light management using sen-sor systems and timer programs which havethe potential for enormous savings. Typicalscenarios include the use of presence detec-tors to dim or switch off the light in unusedrooms, and twilight switches or analogue day-light sensors to recall light scenes commen-surate with the amount of available daylight.Particular attention is given to factors suchas ease of installation, setup and operation,which all contribute to the high level of accep-tance of these systems by the users.

Thermal managementBecause all artificial lightsources generate excessheat, ERCO’s resource-conscious thinking deter-mines that all luminairesare designed to ensureeffective dissipation of this heat. The result is thatlamps and heat-sensitiveelectronic components,

Modern control gearElectronic control gearprovides greater comfortthan conventional controlgear and is more efficient.It is smaller, protects thelamps and is a far moreenvironmentally friendlyoption. ERCO only useslead-free soldered elec-tronic components.

ne the light: Light qualitiesficient visual comfort

Spherolit reflectorsThis exclusive ERCOreflector technologyoptimally combinesvisual comfort andefficiency. Due to thedifferent shapes of thecomputer-calculatedspherolites on the reflec-tor surface, the reflectorcharacteristics can beexactly controlled overa wide range.

OptoelectronicsLighting technology isalso one of the key com-petences of ERCO whereLED light sources are con-cerned. The focus hereis on lens systems madeof high-quality opticalplastics. Customised LEDmodules have a collimat-ing lens developed andproduced by ERCO, whichfocuses the emitted lightin a parallel beam. An

Qualitative lighting designCareful, perception-orientedlighting design uses light specifi-cally to meet the requirements of 

user: vertical lighting, f or example, providesbjectively high impression of brightness inom. The same applies to controlled accentting which is invariably more effective thanket high levels of lighting. Li ghting tools

ch provide good visual comfort prevente and inherently allow the designer to pro-e an energy efficient solution with l ower

minance levels and subtle contrasts. Theety of efficient and differentiated lightings, indeed the scope and structure of ERCO’sre Program, is orientated towards qualita-lighting design.

Scenic lightingLight scenes recalled onlywhere required provideenormous energy savingspotential – whether man-ually controlled or auto-mated through timers orsensors.

Accent lightingQualitative lightingdesign concentrates onthe essentials in archi-tecture, which resultsin numerous potentialways of lower energyconsumption.

e.g. control gear andLEDs, can work to theirfull potential throughouttheir entire life.

additional spherolite lensprecisely controls thebeam angle to determinethe light distribution of the luminaire.

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bient luminescence, focal glow,of brilliants. These are the prin-

es of qualitative lighting design.e 1950s, the lighting designerard Kelly borrowed ideas fromeption psychology and theatri-ghting and combined thema uniform concept for lightinggn. He separated the qualitiesght into three basic functions:ient luminescence, focal glowplay of brilliants.mbient luminescence con-s the general lighting of theoundings. In qualitative lightinggn, ambient luminescence isthe final goal but simply servesrovide a background canvasmore advanced lighting design.

bient luminescence responds tobasic requirement for physicalntation within a space.ocal glow goes beyond theeral ambient lighting: it relatesrected light which accentu-any eye-catching features andtes hierarchies of perception.ortant areas are emphasisede unimportant areas fade intobackground. Focal glow is usedbasic approach for the presen-on of goods and objects.ay of brilliants refers to

orative lighting effects withurs, patterns and dynamic

nges which create atmospheremagic. Possible light sourceshis effect include lightings for light effects (e.g. vary-me luminaires), decorativenaires (chandeliers) and lightcts; neon signs and illumi-d displays also fall into thisgory. It is only when ambientnescence, focal glow and playilliants are combined that a

ting concept is complete.

ne the light: Light qualitiese language of light

Ambient luminescence refers to uniform gen-eral lighting. This typeof lighting, e.g. throughdownlights along theperiphery of a buildingor through uniform ver-tical lighting, enablesthe user and observer toget their bearing and pro-vides a feeling of safety.

There are codes of practice andregulations for outdoor lightingthat often initially seem to restrictthe possibilities. However, this is agood thing as master plans, urbanmarketing or event concepts ofteninvolve themes and ideas that canbe communicated using both spa-tial and lighting design. A success-ful outdoor lighting concept willbe based on an understanding of the language of light.

Focal glowtypifies accent lightingused to emphasise objects,areas and specific zonesin a space and to createhierarchies of perception.It is a primary considera-tion in the illumination of scenery, as well as outdoorand urban spaces whichare intended to attractattention.

Play of brilliantsis the decorative light,the light that resultsin surprise and amaze-ment; it is light as anaesthetic end in itself.Light effects such asdynamic colour progres-sions or light patternswith Gobo projectionsare used to create a vis-ual attraction. The samecan be said of decorativeluminaires, light objectsor neon signs whichcan provide the play of brilliants in the lightingconcept.

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chitectural lighting, a perception-orientedroach to planning combined with innova-technology results in high-quality designsalso economically advantageous solutions.al comfort is particularly important out-rs since glare or excessive contrasts canificantly affect our perception in an other-dark environment. Vertical illuminancetes an optimal visual environment in mores than one: the homogeneous illumina-of vertical surfaces facilitates orientationeasing the feeling of safety. Through a bal-ed distribution of illuminances, it reducescontrasts and reliably prevents glare. Botharchitectural elements and the vegetationbe illuminated as space-defining surfaces

.ertical illuminance can be achieved byous techniques. ERCO’s range of productsprises an incomparably wide selection of ial lighting tools for these applications. Inicular, asymmetrical reflector geometries

ure homogeneous light distribution on the preventing spill light and achieving maxi-

m efficiency.

ne the light: Light qualitiesrtical illuminance

Wallwashing withfocal pointHighly efficient lightingtools with a focal pointat eye level are used forspecial highlights onimportant elements onthe wall, while illuminat-ing the entire plane.

Wallwashing with uni-form light distributionLighting tools for solu-tions which are subjectto the most stringentstandards in terms of homogeneous light dis-tribution emphasise thevertical plane as a space-defining element.

Tools for vertical illuminance

antages of vertical illuminance

Wall brighteningthrough grazing lightGrazing light for wallbrightening emphasisesthe material and surfacestructure of the element.To save space, the lumi-naire is mounted close to,or directly on, the wall.

PerceptionMan perceives spatialdimensions and connec-tions intuitively throughvertical surfaces. Theseconstitute the majorityof the visual field and

provide the crucial infor-mation for our percep-tion. This is why the lighton space-defining sur-faces is a central elementof qualitative architec-tural lighting.

itectureis the fourth dimen-

of architecture. Light-an enhance the effecteticulously plannedings and extend theirl presence in public

s well into the night.cal lighting in particu-ghlights the architec-as a whole, increasesatial effect, resultinge creation of a high-ty environment.

EfficiencyPerception-orientedprinciples of planningand design provide enor-mous efficiency potentialin architectural lighting.Directing the light specif -

ically onto surfaces rele-vant to perception andusing innovative technol-ogy is the key to high-quality design and eco-nomically advantageouslighting solutions.



Focalfloodfacade luminaire


Cylinder LightmarkKubus


Tesis uplights



Tesis focalwallwashers

Tesis lenswallwashers

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ting control vastly increasesscope of architectural lighting

t only in regard to scenographiccts and concepts, but also byroving user-friendliness andgy efficiency. In the past, therporation of lighting controlys required considerable effort;rms of planning, installationmaterial. The latest, advancednologies have now removedobstacle.

ht System DALIO’s lighting control systemt System DALI uses an inno-ve approach to the use of sce-raphy and efficiency in archi-ural lighting. It applies DALIital Addressable Lightingrface) technology to individu-addressable luminaires which,n combined with the ERCOt Studio software, forms angrated system. Together withO’s comprehensive range of -compatible indoor and out-

r luminaires and ERCO’s DALIk, intelligent lighting control

w easier to use and more eco-ical than ever before.ew standards in ease of opera- range of functions and crea-control are established by thesistent application of softwarehardware. For example, colourction for DALI-compatiblechrome luminaires in the ERCOt Studio are identified clearlyinteractively by a mouse click.e a system is activated, the-compatible ERCO luminaires

own as Light Clients – are rec-sed by the Light Server andrly displayed in the software.-compatible luminaires of 

er manufacturers can also begrated into Light System DALI

ne the light: Light qualitiesghting networks for scenography and efficiency

and be controlled just as easily asERCO Light Clients. The Light Server

64+ is designed to be networkedwith additional servers so as to beable to control virtually any size of installation.

The Light System DALI consistsof the hardware components LightServer and Light Changer and thesoftware Light Studio. The LightServer is a DALI controller thatstores system and scene data andprovides the control functions.Day-to-day operation takes placevia the compact, wall-mountedERCO Light Changer control panelor via standard push-buttons. Toset up light scenes and for other

more complex operations, design-ers or users run the ERCO LightStudio software on a PC connectedto the Light Server or on the LightChanger via a USB connection. TheLight Server uses the DALI protocolto communicate with the LightClients, i.e. all the connected DALI-compatible luminaires, througha two-core control cable. The bustechnology and the switch anddimming functions integral to thecontrol gear mean that perma-nent wiring of individual circuitsand the installation of vast dim-mer banks in switch cabinets is nolonger required. By using DALI track

Light MasterLight scenes, which maycontain colour effects anddynamic progressions,are created, designed andedited in the Light Mastermodule. User-friendlytools such as the colourwheel are available espe-cially for the control of varychrome luminaires.

Light BookThe Light Book is usedfor the organisation andspatial structuring of Light System DALI instal-

lations. Its main functionis to create zones andassign Light Clients orLight Changers to thesezones.

Light TimerThe Timer module allowslight scenes to be recalledat predefined times. Thetime and calendar func-tions provide great flex-ibility for the creation of scenographic lighting.

Light SequencerThe Light Sequencer isa tool designed for thepurpose of defining andstoring sequences of light scenes as a timedprogression. It allowsscenes to be preparedin a sequence withoutthe need for a particularstarting time.

Light ChangerControl panel featuringtouch screen technology,used for the everdayoperation of the LightSystem DALI.

accessories, the well-establishedand reliable ERCO track is ideal f or

the operation of DALI-compatibleERCO spotlights and Light SystemDALI.

Light StudioConfiguring the LightSystem DALI is a con-venient, user-friendlyprocess. Its wide rangeof functions are avail-able by using the inte-grated Light Studiosoftware. Four modules –Light Master, Light Book,Light Timer and LightSequencer – allow evencomplex design tasksto be dealt with compe-tently and intuitively.

Light Studio: colour wheelThe Light Studio with its colourwheel features a user-friendly andfamiliar control panel for DALI-compatible luminaires with vary-chrome technology for infinitelyvariable colour changes. It providesan intuitive and interactive choiceof light colours to relieve the user of the complicated input of separatedimmer settings for each colourcomponent. Defined colours can benamed, stored and are reproducedexactly.

Light SequencerThis module of the Light Studiosoftware regulates the movementof light. The Light Sequencer com-plements the functions for dynamicprogressions and the Light Timer byadding further scenographic scopefor design. The Light Sequencer is atool which is used to define, name,store and edit sequences of lightscenes through timed progressionsand to recall them through pro-gram control.

Sensor inputsThe ERCO Light Server has a totalof 8 digital/switch inputs, four of which can optionally be used asanalogue inputs. This extends theavailable scenarios and allows con-ventional switches, push-buttons,digital or analogue sensors to beused for the control or recall of preprogrammed light scenes orsequences depending on specificvariable conditions such as roomoccupancy or daylight.


Light Server

8 inputs

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orking methods and planning techniquesdoors/outdoors, Dark Sky and master plans

oors and outdoorsllumination of outdoor areas provides us the opportunity to change the view fromin a building. In the evenings, buildings withed facades often create a mirrored effect of nside: looking out becomes difficult as thes – transparent during the day – turns blackr dark. But when the luminances outsidehigher than those of the reflections on thes, the sense of an enclosed space vanisheslow a perception of depth in the outdoor. A differentiated outdoor lighting design specific effects in the foreground, mid-nd background increases the impression

erspective. In the interior, luminaires withd glare control can further contribute to thedance of reflected glare on glass surfaces,ch will improve the visual comfort whenupants are looking outside.onversely, glass facades allow people whooutside to look into the lit building, thernal light reveals depth to those on the out-

Allowing people to see behind the facadeshe building enhances the character of ae, making it an experience. As daylight fadesthe light inside becomes visible, buildings glass facades which reflect the surround-during the day add a distinctive dimensionrban life.

Master plansSimilar to urban development master plans,the same is required in the context of light-ing design to document its principles for the

after-dark appearance of urban development,city centres and even entire regions. One of theobjectives of such planning is to establish theidentity of a place and to define a concept thatmakes for an attractive appearance at night.The fundamental elements of a lighting masterplan include enhanced orientation by focusingon city entrances, landmarks and traffic routes,a concept that ensures the visibility of the cityfrom a distance by detailing the specificationsfor the silhouette, and guiding principles forthe lighting design of sites. The master plan isthen used to identify the objectives of the spe-cific project in relationship to the environment.In addition to qualitative aspects, a lightingmaster plan might also provide guidelines foreconomic efficiency, environmental protectionand road safety.

Dark SkyIn the past, the desire to enhance as manyplaces and spaces as possible using artificiallight has on occasions taken precedence overenvironmental concerns. At times, the nighthas become almost as bright as day, and thethoughtless use especially of luminaires withindiscriminate light distribution has added tothe problem of light pollution. Light pollutionrefers to the spill light that causes a disturbancein a given context due to its illuminance, beamdirection or light spectrum. Spill light and glareimpair visual comfort; information content thatwas to be conveyed fails to h ave the desiredeffect. The ecological consequences include awaste of energy and negative impact on bothflora and fauna. Dark Sky requires that lightingdesign for outdoor areas is restricted to onlythat which is essential. If this is applied, then

light pollution is avoided and for astronomers,observation of the night sky is enhanced. Th isapproach requires an effective design conceptwith a luminaire technology tailored to suit.Cooperation between lighting designers, archi-tects, landscape architects, building owners,electrical installers and luminaire manufactur-ers is required for the successful implementationof a Dark Sky concept.

Spill light can be pre-vented by using preciselighting technologyand the correct arrange-ment of luminaires to

ensure optimal visualcomfort for passers-byand drivers.

Light in the outdoorarea also provides a newview for those on theinside: vegetation whichbecomes visible increasesthe perception of exter-nal spatial depth.

Lighting master planscan be used to identifyprinciples for the light-ing design of a specificbuilding to ensure thatconsistent parametersare applied to urbandevelopment.

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100W 150W


3.6W 14W 42W28W

10W W41 W82 W241.7W

1.7W 10W

10W 20W

W001 W051W57W05W02

3 5W 7 0W W051 W052 W004

60W100W 150W 300W 500W 1000W

9W 18W 26W 32W 42W

W85W53W42 W82

50W 100W














10 50 100 500 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000


Forms of lighting

Orientation lighting in dark sur-roundings, identification of archi-tectural lines, directive lighting

Accent lighting for smaller objectsover short distances, grazing light,orientation lighting

Accent lighting for medium-sizedobjects over medium distances,wallwashing up to 3m, grazinglight, projection

Accent lighting for larger objects,wallwashing up to 4m, washlight-ing, grazing light, projection

Ambient lighting, washlightingand accent lighting for largeobjects or great distances, wall-washing up to 6m, grazing light,projection

Ambient lighting and washlightingin very high rooms, floodlightingand accent lighting of very largeobjects at great distances

Lumen category< 50 lm

< 500 lm

< 2,000 lm

< 5,000 lm

< 10,000 lm

> 10,000 lm

Examples of application

Stairs, pathways, orientationsystems

Homes, gardens, pathway light-ing, display cabinets, orientationsystems

Art galleries, homes, gardens,pathway lighting

Museums, shops, wide pathways,trees, parks

Shops, exhibition rooms, museums,atriums, facades

Halls, industrial buildings, airports,facades, monuments, towers

gning a lighting scheme using lumengories simplifies the process by earlytification of suitable lamps and wattages.

spective of the type and efficiency of thep, the luminous flux indicates the availablet output. Having identified the lighting, the required luminous flux can be derivedg criteria such as object size, lighting dis-

ce and ambient brightness. The lumen table

Light output ratioThe relation of the lumi-nous flux emitted to thewattage of a lamp.Unit: Lumen/Watt (lm/W)

Luminous fluxThe luminous fluxdescribes the total lightemitted by a source. Itis measured using theradiant power relative tothe spectral sensitivity of the eye.Unit: Lumen (lm)

shows the lamps available in each lumen cat-egory. Due to different light output ratios, thelamps may produce the same luminous flux butfrom different wattages.

orking methods and planning techniquesghting design using lumen categories

ient lampsO is heavily involved in the develop-

of LED lighting equipment andfore makes practical use of the

y advantages of LEDs in terms of output ratio and functional life.e same time, ERCO continues toop a wide range of products for

with economical and long-lastingl halide lamps as well as for com-fluorescent lamps.

LED varychromeLED warm whiteLED daylight whiteIncandescent lampsLow-voltage halogen lampsHalogen lampsCompact fluorescent lampsFluorescent lampsMetal halide lampsHigh-pressure sodium lamps

nology Light outputratio (lm/W)

Luminous flux (lm)

LED varychrome

LED warm white

LED daylight white


Low-voltagehalogen lamps

Halogen lamps

Compactfluorescent lamps

Fluorescent lamps

Metal halide lamps

High-pressuresodium lamps

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door projects of large dimension, such asighting of squares or high-rise buildings,lve large distances that call for preciseting technology and efficient lamps. It maym obvious simply to scale up the size of thenaires and the illuminances to suit the pro-imension. Quantity, however, should never

onfused with quality. Brightness alone willdo justice to large-format architecture orscaping. For differentiated lighting solu-s in projects having larger dimension, bothrange of lighting equipment and the lumi-es and wattages may all need to be consid-. Weighing up all the alternatives allows

designer to ensure optimal visual comforteconomic efficiency in each specific case.

SmallRelatively small objects over short distancesrequire a suitably wide light distribution. Evenlow illuminances are enough to ensure good

perception. Small lamps with a low luminousflux, on the other hand, require a smaller sizeof luminaire in order that the relation betweenthe size of the object and the luminaire is bal-anced. Excessive illuminances can result inglare, particularly where smaller objects withbright, shiny surfaces are involved.

MediumLarger objects or planes require greater dis-tances and, accordingly, higher light outputof larger lamps. Consequently, the lumina ires

too are larger. To ensure optimum illumina tionof larger objects, a single luminaire is usu allyinsufficient, as large parts of the object mightotherwise be in the shadow. Often, the observerin medium-sized lighting situations remainsoutside the light beam and is not bothered bydirect glare. Precise planning makes it possibleto select the correct distance so that the lumi-naires can be installed outside the observer’svisual field.

LargeLuminaires for high light output require large,powerful lamps with appropriate reflectors. Theresulting heat generation in the luminaire calls

for large housings to ensure faultless operationof the heat-sensitive control gear. In large scalelighting situations, people might move betweenthe luminaire and the object and be disturbedby glare. Narrower beam angles in combinationwith lower lamp wattages and a greater numberof luminaires will result in visual comfort.

 Very largeIn very large lighting situations, scaling throughluminaire size with constantly increasing watt-ages and lighting distances reaches its limit. A

highly efficient lamp with a wide beam anglemight well result in significant glare when apasser-by walks between the building and theluminaire. In many cases, there is insufficientspace to increase the lighting distance. Oneoption is to increase the number of luminairesto illuminate the area in sections. The narrowerthe beam width of the luminaires, the betterthe visual comfort. In open spaces, the sizeof the luminaire is usually of less importance.Installed around the base of the architecture,oversized luminaires, on the other hand, willappear to the observer to be too large.

ks to scaling intorent housing sizeswattages, the systemn of the Beamer,flood and Parscoop

es covers the entirerum of small toum-sized outdoorng tasks.

orking methods and planning techniquesghting design and scale

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Architectural lighting in the outdoor areameans having to deal directly with the effectsof the elements, with nature, but also with

the social realities of the cities. Lighting design-ers and manufacturers of lighting equipmentboth carry particular responsibility – but at

the same time have the opportunity to createscenes and images of sheer brilliance.

hen evening comespressions of cities and landscapes

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cal surfaces in an urban setting contributeificantly to the spatial definition of squares,fic routes and buildings. From the point of 

w of both perception psychology and design,makes facade lighting a key element in thet lighting concept for urban areas. Differents of facades require specific lighting con-s to reveal the qualities of the architecture. the same way as buildings look different inight, sophisticated lighting solutions give

m a different appearance at night. In princi-facades that are predominantly solid requirehting design that is distinct from transparentdings. In addition to providing wallwashingcts on massive facades, a further option is tontuate the building contours or individual

ding elements. In contrast to the illumina-of a massive frontal elevation, glass archi-ure can give the impression of light shining

wards from the inside when specific areasde the building are illuminated. During thepassers-by do not often see a building insideuse the higher intensity of the daylight

ses significant reflections of the surround-on the glass surfaces. At night, however,sparent buildings seem to gain in depth duesibility of the interior; the facade structureds out as a silhouette against the building.nce twilight sets in, lighting controls allowt scenes for facade lighting to be automati-y recalled through sensor or timer functions.

Narrow beam luminairesemphasise the verticalstructure of the facade.Illuminated buildingcontours underline thedimensions. The lumi-naires are mounted closeto the facade to producea striking effect withgrazing light that accen-tuates the texture of thebrickwork.

The special asymmetri-cal light distribution pro-vided by wallwashingcreates highly uniformlight on the facade. Theangle of inclination canbe adjusted to ensurethat the light is emittedwithout spilling beyondthe roof, in order to com-ply with the requirementsof a Dark Sky concept.

Parscoop floodlight

Tesis lens wallwasher

Beamer spotlight

Tesis recessed floorluminaire

Sensors and lightingcontrol systems

Luminaire arrangement for facade lighting

Brandenburg Gate,Berlin: Illuminating thevertical elements usinglighting tools with appro-priate asymmetrical lightdistribution effectivelydraws attention to thislandmark. Recessed Tesislens wallwashers accen-tuate the columns, while

Parscoop floodlightsmounted near the topof the gateway raise theimpression of spatialdepth.

Recessed in-groundluminaires integratesmoothly into theirsurroundings. Lumi-naires mounted closeto the facade producean intense grazinglight.

Floodlights mountedat a distance to thefacade ensure uni-form illumination of the facade withoutharsh shadows.

Illuminating the sur-face from top to bot-tom is consistent withthe direction of lightduring the day andreduces the problemof light spilling intothe night sky. Duringthe day, the cantileverarm is clearly visibleagainst the roof edge.

Existing poles suchas street light columnsare ideal when usedto mount facade lumi-naires. The greaterdistance to the build-ing renders the facadeflatter, as fewer shad-ows are produced. It isimportant to considerthat when looking out

Luminaires posi-tioned directly onthe facade producegrazing light that canemphasise surfacetextures through dis-tinct shadows.

of the building therewill be no glare.

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et frontagesKungsträdgården is a typical postcard

w of the Swedish capital. Magnificent pal-of the founding period line a park-like

menade. The lighting columns along there street have now been fitted with Beamerlights and Parscoop floodlights for metal

de lamps to bathe the historic facades inorm, energy-efficient light in neutral col-. This example shows that even relativelyuniform illuminances on facades are suf-nt to define urban space in a nocturnal set-through vertical lighting and make it a true

erience. Visual comfort is crucial here tod ruining the special character of the nighte, but rather to enhance it. Luminaires withllent glare control enable energy-efficientning with reduced illuminances and subtle


gsträdgårdgatan, Stockholm.hitect: Svante Forsström Arkitekter,kholm.ting design: Claes Möller Ljusbyggarna,kholm.

scraper facadesing a clever lighting concept with highly

cient lighting tools, the designers here bril-tly mastered the task of illuminating 260m

cade using a grid of white ceramic rods tovide a uniform level of brightness. A multi-e of Parscoop floodlights and Beamer spot-ts with sculpture lenses were mounted notonto the facade, but also on adjacent build-. Metal halide lamps of 250W in combination highly efficient lighting technology now

omplish what previously required floodlights00 to 1000W.

New York Times Building, New York.hitect: Renzo Piano Building Workshop,ova/Paris.ting design: OVI Office for Visualraction, New York.

Accents along the shopping mileTransparent facades with attractively illumi-nated shop windows define shopping streets.The narrow, vertical structural element of the

frontage is accentuated here by the beamsfrom Cylinder facade luminaires. The designersopted for a type of luminaire that primarily actsas a downlight, but also emits light upwards asgrazing light. The rhythmic accent lighting isthus complemented by the horizontal illumina-tion of the building periphery – to produce aninviting carpet of light. Fitted with metal halidelamps, this lighting concept presents itself asan efficient, low-maintenance solution.

ZARA store on Königsallee, Düsseldorf.Architect: José Froján & Inditex architecturalteam.

Historic buildingIndividual, often historic, buildings play a par-ticular role in defining urban features. For thisreason, they must be given special attention ina well-coordinated design concept for a city atnight. On the Piazza della Borsa in Triest, thiswas accomplished by uniformly illuminatingthe facade of the ancient, neo-classical stockexchange using Tesis recessed washlights.Structural elements of architecture such as thecolumns of the portico or the corner pilasterswere additionally accentuated using Tesis direc-tional luminaires. Beamer spotlights were usedto highlight the sculptural ornaments. Highlyefficient long-life metal halide lamps ensuremaximum economic efficiency.

Palazzo della Borsa Vecchia, Triest.Architect: Claudio Visintini, Triest.

Projectors with excel-lent glare control andrecessed in-ground lumi-naires with Darklighttechnology ensure maxi-mum visual comfort forpedestrians – even in thelively, narrow alleys of theold Italian harbour city.

Only a few inconspicu-ous and economicallyefficient light sources arerequired to define urbanspace through discreet,vertical illumination of the facades.

Efficiency and light-ing quality were thecrucial criteria for theselection of lightingtools for The New YorkTimes skyscraper.

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en approaching a building, the effect of thede when seen from afar generally gives waye impression produced by the entrance area.ances can be marked using architectural

ments or signage – but also by lighting eithersupporting or a dominating medium. Light-he entrance is the nocturnal visiting cardbuilding; it creates a uni que atmospherefacilitates orientation. The easiest option toe the way into the building with light is to

ure that the lighting level here is higher thandjacent areas of the building. A “welcome“ – a light carpet at the entrance – serves assture inviting visitors to enter. Additionaluse light, produced, for example, by verticalminance in the entrance area, softens harddows on the faces to provide a pleasant basisnitial communication at the door. In termsrientation, the use of wallwashing also has

advantage that it is highly visible even fromtance. Grazing light can lend a dramaticct to the entrance scene. Pathway and stairnaires ensure safe walking on the way in,e harmonised lighting levels create a pleas-

balance between the front and backgroundenhances the overall impression and makessier on the eye to adapt when entering theding.

Recessed in-groundluminaires are discreetand remain invisible tothe observer – light, notluminaires defines theatmosphere. The anti-dazzle element abovethe lamp shields thedirect component andsignificantly improvesthe visual comfort forpedestrians.

Kubus rangeThe Kubus range of outdoor luminaires pro-vides numerous possible lighting applicationsin entrance areas: the versions for wall mount-ing illuminate aspects such as house numbersor lettering by emitting light upwards, or canbe directed downwards to light pathways. Therecessed wall luminaire is mounted flush withthe facade to spread its shallow light ontopathways along buildings or walls. The bollardversion is suitable for mounting in open spaces.



Recessed wallinstallation

The transparent facadeis an open and invitinggesture for people toenter. Downlights provideambient lighting in the

For a striking effect alonghotel driveways, ERCOoffers a wide range of lighting tools: recessedin-ground luminaires foraccentuation of the veg-

The bollard luminairesserve two functions:their wide beam lightdistribution illuminatesthe way to the entranceas well as the vegeta-tion. Their excellent glarecontrol and soft periph-eral beam go towardsthe provision of excep-tional visual comfort. Thefacade luminaires with

entrance area and lay alight carpet for visitors.

etation, wall luminairesfor illumination of path-ways, and downlights tomark the entrance areaand provide a friendlyreception. The spill light

reflecting off the groundilluminates the roof of the driveway from below.

double front lens furtheremphasise the immediatesurroundings of the frontdoors.

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tuationsthway lighting

of the basic requirements for pathwayting is to provide sufficient illuminance forple to see stairs and walk safely. A furtherfor orientation is light accents in the

dle distance and in the background of thescape, as these direct the attention andguide the way. Lighting of the vegetationg the pathway further adds to the feelingfety, as it ensures better visibility of theoundings.oft-edged beams directed onto the pathf and low illuminances for the surroundingetation help the eye adapt between lightdark zones in the landscape. The Dark Skynology of bollard luminaires, which pre-

ts light spilling above the horizontal plane,fective in protecting pedestrians and drivers

m glare. Good glare control is also crucial forlighting, to prevent dazzle resulting from

luminance from the luminaire.ften, small orientation luminaires areicient to light pathways. While their lightnsity is low, their point-source luminancees them stand out against the surroundings

hat their linear arrangement as light spotsks the way. The low illuminances requiredoutdoor path lighting allow the use of com-

and energy-saving light sources such ass or metal halide lamps in 20W version.

The Beamer spotlightwith its narrow beamis perfect for accentu-ated pathway lightingin this shopping centrearcade. Like a catwalk,pedestrians pass throughzones of different bright-ness, which structuresthe space and producesdramatic effects.

Due to its asymmetricallight distribution, theLightmark bollard lumi-naires can illuminatepaths or driveways fromthe side. Precise lightguidance prevents spilllight above the horizon-tal plane to eliminateglare for pedestrians ordrivers.

There are two types of light distribution forpathway and open arealighting: wide beamlight distribution, whichproduces a narrow lightstrip along the buildingperiphery or a wall andserves as pathway light-ing; and light distributionwith a beam of light pro- jecting deep into an areato extend the lighting asfar as possible.

The downlights in theprojection from the upperfloor create a light car-pet around the buildingand mark the transitionbetween indoor and out-door area. Through theuse of Darklight technol-ogy, pedestrians can enjoyoptimal visual comfort.

Stair luminaires highlightsteps and ensure safetyon stairs. The speciallighting technology of theAxis Walklight preventsglare even on ascendingstairs. The effect of orien-tation luminaires, on theother hand, is based onthe luminance contrastwith the surroundings. Inlinear arrangement, theycan be used to mark path-ways. The optimal lampfor these tasks is the effi-cient, maintenance-freeLED – either in white or invarychrome technology.

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tuationsban areas

ting urban features has become a centralning project for city developers and l ight-

designers. Turning places into an experienceugh the use of light and giving them a newension of attractiveness is one of the keycerns focused on in the light master plans individual projects of many communities.erequisite is sufficient, glare-free ambientting. With this in mind, the discussion maycentrate on qualitative aspects, the kindmosphere to be created through lighting.ares become visible after dark through verti-ghting of the walls provided by washlight-Alternatively, the facades may be bathed inht that appropriately underlines the archi-ural characteristics of the structures. Accentting highlights specific details on the squarehe facades. An inconspicuous design andfully chosen mounting locations prevent

uminaires from disrupting the scene duringday. A well-coordinated lighting concepthe facades surrounding a square is the basishe implementation of a tightly controlledting design.

Parscoop floodlightsare versatile: pointeddown, they illuminatelarge areas. Mountedwith their cover glasspointing up, they illumi-nate ceilings to empha-sise the height while theyemit glare-free, soft lightdownwards through thediffuse reflection.

Tesis recessed in-groundluminaires provide dif-ferent light distributionsfrom both the round andsquare housing forms.Consistently discreet intheir appearance andwith a high level of visualcomfort, they are ideal forcreating interesting andvaried lighting concepts.

Tesis wallwashers withspecial lighting technol-ogy provide a highlyuniform light distribu-tion. Their design, whichallows them to projectslightly above the mount-ing plane, results in thememitting light beginningright at the mountingplane.

Beamer projectors areideal for accentuatingobjects. Available in dif-ferent versions with baseor mounting plate andwith accessories, theyallow for many mountingoptions.

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onuments, towers, memorials

erentiated lighting for memorials highlights

orical objects in urban areas or landscapesght. They form reminders of important per-or events. At the same time, they create

l points at the end of a xes on pathways, inres and in parks or are themselves the cen-f attention.

he luminance contrast to the surroundingsucial if memorials are to be perceived f romtance. In a scenic context with little ambi-

ighting, low levels of illumination are usu-sufficient to accentuate buildings. A bright

n environment will require proportionatelynger accentuation to achieve a similar con-t. When approaching a monument, the focus

s from an overall appearance to the accen-ion of details. Since these elements are notnt to produce a long-distance eff ect, theyrequire lower illuminance.

When illuminating monuments, the scopeesign ranges from subtle, uniform light-

or acceptable perception on a site at nightxpressive, temporary lighting conceptsestive occasions. Memorials serving as a

e of contemplation and mourning shouldespectfully differentiated from the historynd them. This can be achieved by way o f 

ferent lighting design, to provide visitors an atmosphere conducive to commemora- Uniform illumination with relatively high

minances and protection from glare a re keycts in this concept.onuments commemorating positive

nts or representing the local or nationaltity require a distinctive use of lighting.t emphasises history at night and may be

on public holidays to provide stage-likects. The significance of the structure canevealed through strong definition using

htness, contrast and colours. Cultural mon-nts can also be crucial elements in an urbanut at night, as a backdrop for concerts and

ugh theatricality to relive history.

Concepts withoutdynamic colour changecan include accessoriessuch as colour filters.ERCO provides a range of filter colours that matchthe natural colours of light throughout the day:amber, magenta, nightblue, sky blue. The acces-sory market offers a mul-titude of other filters.

The Light Studio softwareprovides user-friendlyoptions that enable thedesigner to set the lightcolour of varychromeluminaires and combinethem into light scenes.

The spectrum of col-our effects rangesfrom subtle conceptsto expressive coloursequences for specialevents.

Tall, slim monumentscan be illuminated usingpowerful narrow-beamlighting equipment suchas Beamer projectors.In order to reduce lightpollution, the spotlightsneed to be accuratelypositioned and aligned.

Recessed in-groundluminaires integrate aslow-key elements intothe architecture of mon-uments. Darklight reflec-tors in lens wallwashersreduce high luminancesand prevent glare.

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ges connect districts, places and regions.r design is affected by the quest of engi-rs to draw elaborate bridges across rivers oreys and often express this function symboli-y. Illuminating a bridge emphasises its sym-c nature in the evening and at night. For thison, lighting designers often approach thisby picking up on the static characteristicse construction. Depending on the typology

hether continuous girder, truss, arched orension bridge – the design elements can bentuated appropriately using light. This alsotes a characteristic appearance at nightch is visible from afar.ue to the often slender shape of the con-ction component, focused light with narrowms is more suited than wide beam light dis-utions to emphasise the supporting frame-k using grazing light. Precise lighting tech-

gy helps reduce spill light to a minimum. Aculous arrangement and exact alignment

he luminaires contributes to decreasingight emissions into the sky in the inter-

of a Dark Sky concept. Accentuating cablestructions is a particular challenge due tominimal material diameter. Often, it provese effective in such cases to illuminate the

mary supporting framework, as more lightects off bigger structural members. Bridgesve water make for fascinating views whenr illuminated structure is reflected in theer. The classic traffic and pathway lightinghe bridge ensures sufficient horizontal illu-ances with pleasant visual comfort for driv-cyclists and pedestrians. Exposed luminairetions on bridges may be problematic in

ms of maintenance. In addition to selectingbest possible mounting location, long-lifecompletely maintenance-free lamps suchEDs help keep the maintenance costs to amum.

For effective lighting of the water flowing overthe dams, the designersopted for Beamer projec-tors directed downwards.The lighting effect atnight turns the rapidsinto an attraction forboth the residents andtourists.

Lenses and filters inthe Beamer projectorsare protected insidethe housing. The scaledhinge helps in the align-ment of a row of lumi-naires to the exact samedegree. The precise light-ing technology and nar-row beams prevent spilllight, while the smoothhousing minimises theaccumulation of dirt.

Thanks to a wide range of accessories, the Beamerprojectors can be mount-ed in various places – e.g.on masts for accentuationof the pathway or cycleroute.

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design and presentation of vegetation isssential element of landscape architecture, trees being a key feature used to structuree. Since the shape and size of the trunkthe canopy vary depending on the type of  both require specific lighting solutions.

most well-known shapes of tree includeerical, columnar, umbrella and palm shaped.minating the tree from more than one sideg wide-beam light distributions ensuresorm brightness from every angle. Wheretree is illuminated from opposite sides, theposition of light and shadow on the canopyprovide a modelling effect. Uplights neartrunk, on the other hand, accentuate it as aar element and visually connect the canopy the ground. If trees are planted in a grid

mation and are illuminated using uplights wide-beam light distribution, the under-

of the treetops can produce the effect of anminated roof. Focused zenithal light such asm projectors mounted high on a building cante the impression of moonlight. Dependinghe time of the year, the light can be used tohasise the contour of the foliated canopies

n winter, project the branch structure on theund.uminaires that produce glare due to exces-luminance contrasts with the surroundingat night reduce perception and spoil theyment of the environment. Luminaires

ch might be overgrown by ground vegeta-can be mounted on upright supportings to avoid this problem. Recessed in-groundnaires, on the other hand, integrate more

mlessly into the landscape.

When illuminatingtrees with shallow roots,recessed in-ground lumi-naires can be installedbeyond the range of thecanopy to prevent dam-age to the roots.

Light shining fromopposite sides meansstrong contrasts forintense modelling of thetrees compared to evenillumination from all foursides.

Uplights with wide-beam light distributionfor umbrella-like treesgive canopies the effectof an illuminated roof.

Uplights near the trunkaccentuate the tree asa linear, vertical ele-ment. Illuminating treesarranged in a grid pro-duces a rhythmic effect.

 Varychrome luminairesbased on RGB colourmixing technology incombination with light-ing controls enable con-cepts that play with thedynamics of colouredlight and put the atmos-phere into a state of flux.

Large trees or groupsof trees usually requireseveral luminaires foruniform illumination.Other factors influenc-ing the arrangementand alignment of theluminaires include thegrowth of the tree andthe glare protection forpeople passing by.

Colour filters can be usedto add special effects tothe illumination of land-scapes. Coloured lightcan change the appear-ance of trees from warmautumn colours to anicy blue.

ecessed in-ground housingsMany outdoor situations, such as thenstallation of luminaires in the ground,equire housings for the recessed lumi-aires. The recessed housing makes itossible to mount the luminaire securelyn a foundation for accurate levelling.round work such as paving can beompleted before the luminaire itself installed.

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tuationssure pools

ne with the general wellness trend, light inmming pools is no longer merely functional,nstead is used increasingly as a means tote a variety of atmospheres: diffuse light

duces a calm and relaxing atmosphere withshadows and contrasts. Directed light, onother hand, is similar to the sun at the sea- resulting in hard shadows and creatingresting contrasts that seem to energise theronment. Lighting effects with colour andity, e.g. in analogy to a sunset, produce aly atmospheric and narrative dimension.

reflecting surface of the water contributeshe vivid play of light in the swimming andre facilities. Luminaires with glare controla carefully planned luminaire arrange-t prevent excessive reflection on the waterace. The requirement of high-quality hous-and appropriate protection modes sug-

s lighting tools in swimming pools that areused outdoors. Maintenance costs can beced by using luminaires which are installedvourable locations, but also by using long-nd even maintenance-free lamps such as

al halide lamps or LEDs.

cal illuminance in anss and lounger zone:wallwashing makesoom look bright and contributes to dif-

glare-free ambientng of natural colourh is the antithesis toctive lighting effectse opposite wall.

Lighting solutions forleisure pools requirerobust lighting tools asused in outdoor areas.A high protection modeand perfect sealing evenafter repeated lampreplacement are centralcriteria for the selectionof luminaires.

The striking definition of lighting zones in a leisurepool helps structure theartificial environment toprovide a true experience.To do this, the lightingdesigner requires a com-prehensive toolkit witha wide range of lightingtools.

ERCO’s luminaires areboth functional and aes-thetic products designedfor long life. Even inextreme environmentalconditions demandinghigh standards of corro-sion protection, perfectsealing and safety, theselighting tools remainhighly reliable.

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Whether it is for uni -que buildings, privategardens or entire land-scapes and urban space:professional lightingdesign requires not somuch individual deco-rative products ratherthan a coherent toolkit for lighting design.ERCO’s product rangeprovides efficiency notonly through lamps andcontrol gear which arefuture-proof, but also by

ghting toolsCO system design

providing the optimal,and accordingly effec-tive, lighting technol-ogy for a wide range of differentiated applica-tions. The systematiccombination of differ-ent light distributionsand mounting optionsresults in significantlygreater creative scopefor the designer.

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ghting toolschnical characteristics

Snoot withcross-baffle

Anti-dazzlecylinder withcross-baffle

DarklightreflectorCut-off angleof 50°

Horizon line

k Sky technologyk Sky technology ensures

light is only directed wherentended - in the interest of  people and the environment.

inaires suitable for Dark Skyications feature precise lightrol and a defined cut-off for

mal visual comfort. Emittingght above the horizontal

e is a definitive criterion foroor luminaires. At night, low

t aperture brightness of the

naire prevents excessive lumi-ce contrasts. Dark Sky requiresffective design concept with

table luminaire technology.ful selection, installation and

nment of the luminaires pro-

the basis for an effectivek Sky" project. This approachesign helps to save energy

rwise wasted on producingfective light, optimises ori-tion, prevents impairment

e biorhythms of nocturnal

ector and lens technologydevelopment and productionghting systems consisting

flectors and lenses is one of O’s core competences. Basedomplex calculations and

puter simulations, our designneers have devised optical

ments that ensure optimal lightibution for a wide range of 

ting tasks. This ranges from

ptionally uniform projectionms without striations but withntinuous, slightly soft edge

ccent lighting to highly asym-rical light distributions for the

orm washlighting of verticalaces. This high quality stand-could only be achieved follow-decades of experience, the use

utting-edge computer tech-gies and clear communica-channels between research,

gn, tool construction and pro-ion, all of which are housedw ERCO’s roof.

Glare controlTo ensure efficient visual comfortin outdoor areas, ERCO providesdifferentiated solutions to control

glare without diminishing thelighting effect. Anti-dazzle cylin-ders or cross-baffles conceal the

lamp in the projector to preventdirect glare. Darklight reflectorsin downlights or recessed floor

uplights, for example, ensure thatprovided a person is outside thecut-off angle they will be pro-

tected from glare resulting fromreflector luminances.

AccessoriesLogical system design is a charac-teristic of ERCO’s lighting equip-

ment. We never develop productsin isolation but always designentire product ranges that are

clearly positioned within the well-defined overall structure. Thisincludes using versatile system

accessories to adapt the lightingtools to suit particular require-ments – from lenses and colour

filters to mounting equipment.Accessories such as upright sup-porting tubes and cantilever arms

Luminaire quality for outdoorareasERCO outdoor luminaires consistof corrosions-resistant cast alu-minium. The No Rinse treatment

improves the subsurface for sub-sequent powder coating. Doublepowder coating further guaran-

tees a high resistance to weather-ing, excellent mechanical stabilityand good corrosion protection.

The housing form and surface areoptimised for reduced dirt accu-mulation. The different protection

modes classify the impermeabilityto dust and water: IP65 protectionis against strong jets of water from

wildlife and, ultimately, ensuresthat the starry sky remains visible

to humans.

Spherolit reflectorsThe optical principle of the Spherolit reflector:Depending on the convexshape used in each indi-vidual sub area, the inci-dent light reflected off them is spread accurately.The reflector characteris-tic can thus be controlledfrom narrow spot to wideflood.

Lens systemsSpecial, computer- calculated microstruc-tures in the lenses madeof transparent plasticprovide the design engi-neers with new optionsto match the light dis-tribution exactly to theappropriate application.

Light distributionThe more specific thelight distribution of alighting tool is designedto meet the requirementsof the application, themore efficient it is in ful-filling its task. This is whyERCO provides a highlydifferentiated range of products with a widespectrum of light distri-butions.

The precise light control

of Panorama bollardluminaires, for example,prevents light emissionsabove the horizontalplane in order to meetthe Dark Sky require-ments.

as well as variants with brackets

ensure the universal suitability of the luminaires: in open areas, onpoles, ceilings or facades.

all directions, IP67 is against the

results of temporary immersion,and IP68 is against the results of continuous submersion up to the

specified depth. The approval markfurther indicates different techni-

cal standards of certain regions.

No Rinse krrIP65IP67IP68

� q C

� � �

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ghting toolsodular light characteristics

ercast is a universal range of nomic lighting tools for out-

applications. The projectorsfloodlights feature cutting-e technologies including LEDs

Spherolit reflectors for effi-t visual comfort. The systemgn with a uniform housing

pe produces symmetrical lightibutions for narrow spot to

e flood accent lighting, but alsoous wide beam light distribu-patterns. Powercast is a highly

atile, cost-effective and flex-range of luminaires used, idealhe illumination of complex

des, signs or vegetation.

Powercast with LEDAs a particularly low-maintenanceand energy-efficient version,

Powercast projectors are also avail-able with LED technology in warmwhite and daylight white light

colour. Optimal lighting control isensured by lens systems consistingof a specially developed collimator

and different lenses for spot, floodand wide flood.

ow spotccentuate smallerts with high illumi-e or to cover consid-e distances betweennaire and object.

m angle < 10°.

SpotThe standard character-istic to accentuate allkinds of objects, specifi-cally to model the three-dimensional shape.Beam angle 10°–20°.

FloodFor efficient accentlight on larger objectsor for wider spread light-ing of areas of a room.Beam angle 25°–35°.

Wide floodTo provide flexible flood-lighting for surfaces andareas of a room.Beam angle > 45°.

To provide a soft gradi-ent, the floodlight withSpherolit reflector ovalflood up to 150W isavailable with a Softeclens as an accessory.

Floodlights with Spherolitreflector washlight up to70W are equipped with aSoftec lens.

Oval floodTo provide floodlightingfor surfaces and objects.The oval-shaped beamcan be rotated for verti-cal or horizontal lightdistribution.

WashlightWide-beam, asymmetri-cal light distribution forfloodlighting verticalsurfaces such as facades,walls or hedges.

Daylight whitePowercast projectors indaylight white of 5500Kprovide superior effi-ciency with acceptablecolour rendition. Thelight colour is similarto daylight.

Warm whiteIn warm white, Powercastprojectors have a some-what lower light outputthan in daylight white,but better colour rendi-tion. The light colour of 3500K closely approxi-mates the light of halo-

gen lamps.

Light controlCalculated and producedby ERCO, the collimatorinitially directs the light ina parallel beam. A trans-parent plastic Spherolitlens precisely creates therequired beam angle.

The housing swings openfor easy lamp or reflectorreplacement. The Spherolitreflector can be exchangedwithout using tools.

For greater flexibility inpractical applications,the Spherolit reflectoroval flood can be rotatedthrough 360° and fixed ateach axial position. Simi-lar to the use of a sculp-ture lens, the oval-shapedbeam can be aligned foroptimal illumination of the object.

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ectors anddlights

ade luminaires

n areainaires

ing luminaires

essed floorinaires

ghting toolsmmary

In order to make it easyto find the right lightingtools for a specific light-ing task in outdoor areas,ERCO’s outdoor range isdivided into luminairetypes and product groups.The following summaryidentifies the differenttypes and their productgroups listing the lightintensity distributionsavailable. The individualgroups with their spe-

cific characteristics andfeatures are briefly intro-duced on the followingpages. Full, up-to-dateproduct information isavailable online in ERCO’sLight Scout:


The light beams shownin yellow on a grey back-ground indicate the direc-tion of the light and thelight distribution of theluminaire. These char-acteristics symbols arestandardised throughoutall ERCO media – forquick and reliable lumi-naire selection.




Lightcast recessedceiling luminaires


Cylinderfacade luminaires

Axis Walklight




Focalfloodfacade luminaires

Tesis Tesis


LightmarkKubus Visor




LED orientationluminaires IP68 available in


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ghting toolsojectors

The Powercast productgroup combines eco-nomic efficiency withflexibility in use. Themost noteworthy featureis the selection of mod-ern lamp types includingLEDs, metal halide lampsand low-voltage halogenlamps along with a mul-titude of different lightdistributions.

Powercast projectors formetal halide lamps or low-voltage halogen lamps areavailable with Spherolitreflector in 4 beam direc-tions, from narrow spot towide flood, the projectorswith LED in 3 light distri-butions, from spot to wide


The powerful Beamerprojectors are suitablefor demanding outdoorlighting concepts andensure excellent visual

comfort due to the inter-nal cross-baffle whichprovides anti-glare pro-tection. The integratedaccessory slot providesthe option of using lens-es and colour filters.

Due to its compacthousing design, theGrasshopper luminaireis suitable for discreetapplications to accentu-ate facade details, treesand plants. Efficient,maintenance-free LEDsor long-life HIT lampsensure versatile mount-ing options.




Mounting accessoriesBeamer, Focalflood andParscoop have a common,comprehensive range of mounting accessories foroptimal mounting posi-tions, either on the build-ing itself or on the site.

Lighting toolsFloodlights

The floodlights in thePowercast range generatean asymmetrical light dis-tribution due to the useof special Spherolit reflec-tors. These are availablewith metal halide lampsand low-voltage halogenlamps. The reflector canbe rotated through 360°and fixed at 90° positions.

The Focalflood range of floodlights is character-ised by horizontal lightdistributions with a focalpoint. This allows theluminaire to be placedcloser to the surfaces tobe illuminated. The rangeuses the common varietyof mounting accessoriesfor outdoor luminaires.

Due to their uniform,asymmetrical light dis-tribution, the Parscoopfloodlights are perfectfor ceiling and wallwashlighting. The rangeis highly versatile dueto its variety of housingsizes and lamps as wellas a wide range of acces-sories.




Oval floodTo provide floodlightingfor surfaces and objects.The oval-shaped beamcan be rotated for verti-cal or horizontal lightdistribution.

WashlightWide-beam, asymmetri-cal light distribution forfloodlighting verticalsurfaces such as facades,walls or hedges.

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ghting toolscade luminaires

Lighting toolsFacade luminaires

us Lightmark


The Kubus facade lumi-naire is the ideal lightingsolution for a discreetidentification of detailsand entrances. The HITlamp spreads its lightwide, while the LED ver-sion produces grazinglight directed over thefacade.

The two floor washlightlighting technologiesmeet different demands:the long, oval light beamfor pathway lightingcreates a band of lightalong the path; with openarea lighting, the beamis directed onto a largerarea in front of the wall.

Features of the Focalfloodfacade luminaires arehigh energy-efficiencyand low maintenance.The DALI-compatible LEDluminaire has digitallyaddressable control gearand a narrow-beam lightdistribution to ensureuniform illumination of large areas. Mounteddirectly onto the surface,the light grazes the wall

or ceiling while reducingthe light pollution to aminimum.

Lightmark facade lumi-naires are able to illumi-nate large facade surfacesabove the luminaire – orwith double-sided frontlens, above and belowthe luminaire – with anattractive grazing lighteffect. The fully shieldedlamp ensures high visualcomfort.


Cylinder facade lumi-

naires are used both forgeneral lighting in thedirect surroundings of abuilding and to producegrazing light effects onthe facade itself. Cylinderfacade luminaires areavailable in three sizes,each with different lampsand characteristics.


A classic among facadeluminaires establishedthrough its robust andeffective construction onfacades and at entrances.The diffuse light of vari-ants whose upper half isshielded by a cover isspecifically directed ontothe floor.

The Axis Walklightwith highly efficient,maintenance-free LEDtechnology is a DALI-compatible stair andfloor luminaire. Becausethe direct component of the light is shielded, itensures optimal visualcomfort.


The Visor and Lightmarkranges of floor wash-lights include luminairesfor recessed facade instal-lation with comparablelighting technology inboth round and squaredesign. Common fea-tures include excellentvisual comfort due tofully shielded lamps androbust IP65 housings.

The pathway luminaire is

available with appropri-ate recessed wall housingfor flush mounting.

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ghting toolsen area luminaires

Along with facade lumi-naires, the Kubus rangealso includes a bollardluminaire fitted with LEDor HIT lamps and withDark Sky technology forefficient open-area andpathway lighting. Therobust housing made of high-quality cast alumin-ium is double powder-coated.

The various featuresof the Visor floor wash-lights are also found inthe free-standing bollardluminaires of this prod-uct range. Depending onthe lamp used, they aresuitable for illuminatingdriveways, pathways,

squares, entrances orareas near to walls.

The round beam of theMidipoll is complementedby grazing light on thecross-shaped bollardprofile, turning it into aspace-defining element.Dark Sky technology andthe use of LED and HITlamps enhance the lon-gevity and economicefficiency of this bollardluminaire.

The reflector system inthe Panorama emits lightthroughout a full 360°up to 6m deep over thearea to be illuminated.Dark Sky technologyreduces the glare forpedestrians and driversto a minimum, the lampitself is only perceptibleby a slight shimmer.

The simple, yet strikingdesign of the Lightmarkfacade luminaires is alsoapplied to the bollardluminaires. Dark Skytechnology maximisesthe visual comfort andprevents light from beingemitted above the hori-zontal. With a light dis-tribution similar to theParscoop wallwasher, theLightmark facade wash-light is ideal for efficientvertical illumination.






Lighting toolsCeiling luminaires

DownlightThe Lightcast range standsfor energy-efficient gen-eral lighting for outdoorareas such as entrances orpassageways. Their robustcast aluminium housingwithstands even harshenvironmental conditions.

Directional luminaireswith sculpture lensThe sculpture lens changesthe round beam into ovallight to generate uniform,vertical lighting. The lumi-naire is ideal for wash-lighting outside walls.

Directional luminairesTheir narrow-beam lightdistribution is ideal toaccentuate buildingdetails or sculptures. Forthis purpose, the lamp-holder carrier can betilted by up to 15°.

Available in three sizesand two colours, thehousing of the Paratecprojects slightly beyondthe mounting plane, itsasymmetrical light distri-bution providing uniformwallwashing starting atthe ceiling. The high cut-off angle ensures excel-lent visual comfort.

This luminaire has thesame features as theLightcast range but ina cylindrical surface-mounted housing madeof cast aluminium. Theluminaire is primarilyused for transitionalareas between indoorsand outdoors.


Paratec wallwashers


Light distributionDepending on the lamp,the Lightmark and Visorbollard luminaires fea-ture lighting technologyproducing a wide-beamlight distribution forlighting pathways, orbeams that penetrate

deep into an area, whichare effective in illumi-nating open spaces suchas public squares or ter-races.

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  d  r  a   f   t




- - - - - - - 


ghting toolscessed floor luminaires

The Tesis range of recessed floor lumi-naires has a particularlywide selection of lightdistributions as wellas round and squarehousing forms for manyapplications. Its protec-tion mode IP68 indicates

the high quality of itshousing, with materialsused including safetyglass, corrosion-resistantstainless steel and castaluminium.

The white or colouredorientation luminairesclearly mark out path-ways and open areas.Scratch-resistant glassand stainless steel ensurethat the luminairesremain problem-free formany years. The use of diffusors and refractorsensure that they arehighly visible even inbright surroundings. Thefloor washlights in therange produce a direct,asymmetrical light dis-tribution.

s IP68


UplightProduces precise graz-ing light on facades orroofs illuminated frombelow, with perfect glarecontrol due to Darklighttechnology.

Uplight, adjustableFor precise grazing lighton facades or objects.The adjustable uplightcombines a shallow recessdepth with high visualcomfort.

Directional luminaires

Directed light for accen-tuation of objects, under-growth and buildingdetails.

LED luminaireThe maintenance-freeand energy-efficientorientation luminaireswith LEDs are availablein warm white, daylightwhite and in varychrome.

WallwashersThe Tesis range com-prises three differenttypes of wallwasher: theTesis focal wallwasherproduces a focal empha-sis on vertical surfaces;the Tesis lens wallwasherensures highly uniformfacade illumination; the

Tesis wallwasher has aspecial light distributionwhich allows the beam tointersect with the facadedirectly above the ground.

Lighting toolsLighting controls

Light Server, LightStudioThe Light Studio is thecentral control softwareused to control the LightServer as the interfacebetween the softwareand the luminaires. Theprogram is divided intofour modules, whichcover all lighting con-trol applications.

Light Clients with IDAll DALI-compatibleERCO luminaires arepre-programmed witha factory-set code. Thisallows them to be auto-matically recognisedby Light System DALI.In combination with

ERCO Light Clients, LightSystem DALI offers agenuine "plug and play"connectivity for quickand reliable installationand commissioning.


Light Changer

120V-240V 50-60Hz

24V DC


31 max

Light Server

 DALI control lineUSB connection/Cat-524V DC Mains voltageRS 485 connectionLight Client: either lumi-naire with its own DALIcontrol gear or a separate,encoded DALI control gear

Movement sensor/twilight switch

Light Server 64+12 max



Light Studio

Remote controlRadio push-button

Light ClientsLight Clients



Switches Sensors


4 digital inputs

4 analogue/digital inputs

power supply to the luminairesremains constant and is independ-ent from the DALI connection.

The ERCO Light System DALI bringsan innovative approach to light-ing control: intelligently appliedDALI (Digital Addressable LightingInterface) technology for individu-ally addressable luminaires. Com-bined with the ERCO Light Studiosoftware, it forms an integratedsystem for scenographic lighting.Together with the comprehensiverange of DALI-compatible ERCOluminaires for the indoor and out-door area and the ERCO DALI track,this allows the full potential of lighting control to be used in prac-tice more simply and economicallythan ever before. This applies bothto scenographic lighting effectsand to intelligent light manage-

ment where it saves energy. It is fareasier to install than other lightingcontrol technology – DALI tech-nology integrates switch and dim-ming functions in the luminaire orthe control gear, while the two-core control line means that it canbe connected in any topology. The

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RCO Showroomsperiencing light and using services – worldwide

O is a cosmopolitan, globally activepany. ERCO showrooms and offices can

ound in all major markets. Here, our well-cated, specially trained employees workghting advisors. This worldwide networkures reliable service and competent, on-siteport especially on international projects:m providing advice during the planning

e, tendering, sample supply and projectning to customer service and training.

Consultant to the consultant” – this is howO lighting advisors see their role in theding process: they provide professional sup-to designers in all matters relating to light-echnology and in each individual project

se. With case-related specialist informationcustomised product documentation theycustomers to make the correct decisionn selecting lighting equipment.

he showrooms and offices provide idealities for meetings during the project phase.

h has a mock-up section for sample ander product demonstrations. Many of thewrooms also have outdoor areas in whichemonstrate ERCO lighting equipment for applications.

he fact is that ERCO’s service does not end punctual delivery of the products: aftermissioning the system, our lighting advi-support customers in word and deed. Thisinvolve additional equipment or by lend-

a helping hand when it comes to position-nd focusing luminaires correctly.

Events and seminarsThese turn ERCO show-rooms into meetingplaces for the locallight and architecturescene. The showroomis designed to make itpossible to explain “tunethe light”: to design thequalities of light in termsof time and space.

ContactThe ERCO staff all aroundthe world look forward togetting to know you. Youwill find the addressesof our offices and show-rooms at the end of thisbrochure and at:


Project managementThe offices provide facil-ities for project meetings.Your ERCO contact istrained to support clientsthrough all the stages of a project.

On siteMany issues only emergeduring the building proc-ess and require site meet-ings. ERCO employeeshelp to organise sampleproducts, provide assist-ance on lighting tech-nology issues and solvelogistical problems.

Light in spaceThe effect of light inspace is difficult toexpress in words – itmust be experienced.The ERCO showroomsprovide ideal, flexiblefacilities for such dem-onstrations.

Light qualitiesExperiencing the prod-uct variety and scope fordesign of ERCO’s rangeof outdoor luminairesup close and personal:in ERCO’s Light Garden(above) at its head officein Lüdenscheid, but alsooutside the local show-rooms (right).

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rovide designers with optimum supportvery stage of their work, ERCO offers atitude of both classic and digital media.extensive range of material is dividedinformation on products and referenceects and into didactic subject matters.l ERCO documents have been designed toectly complement the design of coherentuniform lighting concepts. The layout,cture and terminology of the various arease product range have been harmonised toe orientation as easy as possible for u sers.

GuideInteractive knowledge-based modules in the"Guide" area of the LightScout cover the funda-mentals of designingwith light and provideuser information onlighting tools.

www.erco.comThe ERCO Light Scout onthe Internet is the leadingmedium in terms of up-to-date product informa-tion. The "Product" areaof the Light Scout andthe PDF format productspecification sheets areboth updated twice ayear. Light Scout meetsthe requirements of aglobalised market placewith product informa-tion in thirteen versionsfor different languagesand regions and withInternet navigation infive languages.

ProductsOur extensive range of lighting solutions forarchitectural applica-tions is divided into thethree product rangeslighting controls, indoorluminaires and outdoorluminaires. This struc-ture is repeated in boththe Light Scout and theprinted catalogue.

The “ERCO Program”printed catalogue con-tains all the importantinformation and designdata – in black and white,compact and alwaysaccessible.

In the Light Scout, infor-mation on each ERCOarticle is available to bedownloaded with com-prehensive digital designdata for use in CAD, lightcalculation and light sim-ulation software. The datacan be used, for example,to create impressive visu-alisations in DIALux or 3DStudio VIZ.

formation logisticsoducts – Projects – Guide

ectsh space in ERCOmunications isted to fascinatingin architecturalcations – examplesde the “Projects”of the ERCO Lightt and our magazineO Lichtbericht”.

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RCO addresses

FranceERCO Lumières Eurl6ter, rue des Saints-Pères75007 ParisFrance

Groupe Paris - IIe de FranceTel.: +33 1 44 77 84 71Fax: +33 1 47 03 96 68

Groupe RégionsTel.: +33 1 44 77 84 75Fax: +33 1 49 27 06 48

Groupe Architecture CommercialeTel.: +33 1 44 77 84 70Fax: +33 1 44 77 84 84info.fr@erco.com

GermanyERCO Leuchten GmbHPostfach 246058505 LüdenscheidBrockhauser Weg 80–8258507 LüdenscheidGermanyTel.: +49 2351 551 100Fax: +49 2351 551 555info.de@erco.com

ERCO Leuchten GmbHShowroom BerlinElisabethstraße 29-3112247 Berlin/LankwitzTel.: +49 30 769 967 0Fax: +49 30 769 967 20info.berlin@erco.com

ERCO Leuchten GmbHBüro HamburgSchrammsweg 2520249 HamburgTel.: +49 40 7807 0217Fax: +49 40 789 2293info.hamburg@erco.com

ERCO Leuchten GmbHShowroom FrankfurtSchwarzwaldstraße 7860528 FrankfurtTel.: +49 69 675 053Fax: +49 69 670 2755info.frankfurt@erco.com

ERCO Leuchten GmbHShowroom MünchenLudwigstraße 4785399 HallbergmoosTel.: +49 811 550 5984Fax: +49 811 550 5985info.muenchen@erco.com

ERCO Leuchten GmbHBüro StuttgartRotebühlstraße 87a70178 StuttgartTel.: +49 711 9334 7590Fax: +49 711 9334 7599info.stuttgart@erco.com

Great BritainERCO Lighting Ltd.38 Dover StreetLondon W1S 4NLGreat BritainTel.: +44 20 7344 4900Fax: +44 20 7409 1530info.uk@erco.com

GreeceModa Light17th klm Athens – Lamia145 64 Kifisia – AthensGreeceTel.: +30 210 6253 802Fax: +30 210 6253 826info@modalight.gr

HungaryERCO Lighting GmbHKereskedelmi KépviseletIrányi u. 1. mfsz. 2.1056 BudapestHungaryTel.: +36 1 266 0006Fax: +36 1 266 0006info.hu@erco.com

Icelandsee Sweden

IrelandDesignLight Ireland Ltd.289 Harolds Cross RoadDublin 6WIrelandTel.: +353 1 496 6177Fax: +353 1 496 6851info@designlight.com

ItalyERCO Illuminazione S.r.l. Viale Sarca 336 F20126 MilanoItalyTel.: +39 02 365 872 84Fax: +39 02 643 7831info.it@erco.com

LatviaLithuaniasee Poland

Luxembourgsee Germany

MoroccoERCO Lumières EurlRepresentative Office174 bd Zerktounie20100 CasablancaMoroccoMobile: +212 (0)6 61 49 95 66info.fr@erco.com

NetherlandsERCO Lighting B.V.Gooimeer 131411 DE NaardenNetherlandsTel.: +31 35 699 1710Fax: +31 35 694 6383info.nl@erco.com

NorwayERCO Lighting ASKirkegata 50153 OsloPostboks 771 Sentrum0104 Oslo

NorwayTel.: +47 2414 8200Fax: +47 2414 8201info.no@erco.com

PolandERCO Lighting GmbHPrzedstawicielstwo w Polsceul. Biały Kamien 702-593 WarszawaPolandTel.: +48 22 898 7845Fax: +48 22 898 2939info.pl@erco.com

PortugalOmnicelTécnicas de Iluminação, S.A.Rua Castilho, 57-5. Dto.1250-068 LisboaPortugalTel.: +351 21 381 3080Fax: +351 21 381 3090omnicel.lx@omnicel.pt

Romaniasee Hungary

RussiaERCO Lighting GmbHRepresentative OfficeUl. Wawilowa 83, Office 63117335 MoskwaRussian FederationTel.: +7 495 988 8689Fax: +7 495 988 8689info.ru@erco.com

ArmeniaBelarusGeorgiaMoldovaTajikistanUkrainesee Russia

Slovakiasee Czech Republic

Sloveniasee Austria

SpainERCO Iluminación, S.A.c/ El Plà nº 4708750 Molins de Rei, BarcelonaSpainTel.: +34 93 680 1110Fax: +34 93 680 0546info.es@erco.com

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Delegación Centroc/ Buen Suceso nº 1328008 MadridSpainTel.: +34 91 542 6954Fax: +34 91 559 0965info.madrid@erco.com

SwedenERCO Lighting ABBirger Jarlsgatan 4611429 StockholmSwedenTel.: +46 8 54 50 44 30Fax: +46 8 54 50 44 39info.se@erco.com


ERCO Lighting GmbHIstanbul Irtibat BurosuGumussuyu,Inonu Caddesi SaadetApt. No. 29 d.434437 Taksim - IstanbulTurkeyMob.: +90 530 665 18 64info.tr@erco.com

AzerbaijanKazakhstanKyrgyzstanTurkmenistanUzbekistansee Turkey


riaO Lighting GmbHrthstraße 151/Loft e.6Wien

ria+43 1 798 8494 0+43 1 798 8495at@erco.com

iumO Lighting Bvba/sprlensesteenweg 369 bus 7 Zaventemum+32 2 340 7220+32 2 347 3882be@erco.com

arianics light3 Lerin Str. 1680

aria+359 2 980 9061+359 2 980 9061@altronicsmicrosystems.com

tiaforma d.o.o.enita 2

Zagrebtia+385 1 485 1489+385 1 485 1489orma@ortoforma.hr

usChristofides Trading Ltd.ting DivisionBox 21093

Nicosiaennedy Avenue

Nicosiaus+357 22 813 042/3+357 22 813 046@jnc.com.cy

h RepublicO Lighting GmbHnizacní složka PrahaMasaryka 3/456

00 Praha 2h Republic+420 2 225 111 16+420 2 225 217 12cz@erco.com

markO Lighting ABesentative Officeerbrogade 136 C, st.

0 København V mark+45 33 21 80 60+45 33 21 80 64dk@erco.com


ndedTec Abtasaarentie 5000 Helsinkilokero 11001 Helsinkind+358 9 682 881+358 9 673 813ing@hedtec.fi


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ERCO GmbHRepresentative Office3/F, North TowerBeijing Kerry Centre,No.1 Guang Hua Road,Chaoyang District,Beijing 100020P.R. ChinaTel.: +86 10 8529 8915Fax: +86 10 8401 6436info.cn@erco.com

ERCO Lighting Pte. Ltd.Representative OfficeUnit 413, 4th FloorTower 2, Lippo Centre89 Queensway, AdmiraltyHong KongP.R. ChinaTel.: +852 3165 8780Fax: +852 3165 8790info.hk@erco.com

JapanERCO Lighting Ltd.Shibakoen ND Bldg.2-5-10 ShibaMinato-kuTokyo 105-0014JapanTel.: +81 3 5418 8230Fax: +81 3 5418 8238info.jp@erco.com

KoreaERCO Lighting Pte.LtdRepresentative Office5th fl, Woorim Bldg.797-24Bangbae-dong, Seocho-guSeoul 137-830KoreaTel.: +82 2 596 3366Fax: +82 2 596 3354info.kr@erco.com

DubaiERCO Lighting Pte. Ltd.Representative OfficeP.O. Box 62221DubaiUnited Arab EmiratesTel.: +971 4 336 9798Fax: +971 4 337 3746info.ae@erco.com

BahrainEgyptIndiaJordanKuwaitLebanonOmanSaudi ArabiaUnited Arab Emiratessee Dubai

Abu DhabiERCO Lighting Pte. Ltd.Representative OfficeP.O. Box 111019Abu DhabiUnited Arab EmiratesTel.: +971 2 676 7654Fax: +971 2 676 7450info.ae@erco.com

QatarERCO Lighting Pte. Ltd.Representative OfficeP.O. Box 22059DohaQatarTel.: +974 441 4290Fax: +974 441 1240info.ae@erco.com

SingaporeERCO Lighting Pte. Ltd.93 Havelock Road#03-532Singapore 160093SingaporeTel.: +65 6 227 3768Fax: +65 6 227 8768info.sg@erco.com

BangladeshBruneiCambodiaIndonesiaLaosMalaysiaMyanmarPhilippinesThailand Vietnamsee Singapore

USAERCO Lighting Inc.160 Raritan Center ParkwaySuite 10Edison, NJ 08837USATel.: +1 732 225 8856Fax: +1 732 225 8857info.us@erco.com

CanadaMexicoPuerto Ricosee USA

The Middle East Southeast Asia North AmericaEast Asia

ERCO Head OfficeERCO GmbHPostfach 246058505 LüdenscheidBrockhauser Weg 80–8258507 LüdenscheidGermany

Tel.: +49 2351 551 0Fax: +49 2351 551 300info@erco.comwww.erco.com

For our up-to-dateaddress list, please visitwww.erco.com

South America Oceania

ArgentinaERCO Iluminación, S.A.Oficina de R epresentaciónAv. Alicia M. de Justo 2030, Of.2021106 Buenos AiresArgentinaTel.: +54 11 431 314 00Fax: +54 11 431 254 65info.ar@erco.com

BoliviaBrazilChileColombiaEcuadorParaguayPeruUruguay Venezuelasee Argentina

AustraliaERCO Lighting Pte. Ltd.Representative Office349 Pacific HighwayNorth Sydney NSW 2060AustraliaTel.: +61 2 9004 8801Fax: +61 2 9004 8805info.au@erco.com

ERCO Lighting Pte. Ltd.Representative OfficeSuite 1, 114 Hardware StreetMelbourne VIC 3000AustraliaTel.: +61 3 9914 2235Fax: +61 3 9914 2238info.au@erco.com

New Zealandsee Australia

8/8/2019 En Erco Light in the Outdoor Area

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tune the light