Eminem Analysis Task

Post on 15-Apr-2016

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Eminem Analysis Task Media Studies

Transcript of Eminem Analysis Task

Compare the representations of Eminem in Hip Hop Connection and Top of the Pops? Suggest reasons why they may differ

Give some detailed information about the genre, target audience and background of both magazines

Give some information about the artist himself Describe each of the images in detail. Discuss in detail the use of

colour, clothing, stance, non verbal communication, accompanying Coverlines

Suggest reasons why the respective magazines may have differing representations of the artist


Eminem is a rapper well known across the entire world and is famous for his song “Rap God” and “lose yourself” his target audience is for young teenage rap/hip-hop lovers in both magazines they are trying to advertise eminems music to a specific target audience like in the first magazine they are trying to advertise how successful he is in his music and in the second magazine he is trying to advertise his music to young teenage girls as they tend to buy top of the pop magazines because if they see a celebrity they like they instantly want to be associated as much as possible with that celebrity.In image 1 Eminem is wearing a white shirt that is hanging out of his trousers meaning he is ready for business and is trying to portray

himself as a smart thug but a successful thug. Eminem is also wearing a red tie which represents himself as smart and because he is wearing a white shirt with a red tie means he is ready for business also along his arms you can see various tattoos that have a sentence or meaning behind it because it’s filled with text meaning he could be part of a cult or a gang which is also linking to the “thug” like characteristics and the genre of music he sings/writes in the image Eminem is also hiding a gun in his pockets and the gun isn’t a normal black gun it’s silver plated he has done this to make the viewer’s aware of his status as being rich and gangster like we know this because in America people would increase the size of their guns or have them made with different materials like gold and silver to represent their status to other gangs and to show they are not to be messed with.

In image 2 Eminem is being represented in a different way instead of being represented as a smart man or a well presented male they are portraying him as a thug like layed back male we know this because he has his arms behind his head and he is looking down at us like we are nothing to him and the lighting is a lot more dark of a tone on his face compared to image 1, he is also wearing silver chained bracelets and earrings to also give the reader an image of him being thug but also rich at the same time which links with image 1 but as he is using jewellery in a different way we get the representation that he is wearing it too look like he owns the streets. Eminem is wearing a checked shirt that looks very tacky and poor quality which states that he is trying to look like he is part of the streets and because in this magazine he is trying to sell his music instead of selling his status he is trying to portray himself to the genre of music he creates also because the magazine is from top of the pops usually female teenagers will buy this poster and because Eminem is trying to look cool females are drawn into his music.