Emerging Technology Workshop Proposal

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Transcript of Emerging Technology Workshop Proposal

  • 7/28/2019 Emerging Technology Workshop Proposal


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    HoriZON (A UNIT OF MBS Group)

    (Workshop Proposal for Emerging Technology)

    Android(Workshop on Latest Smart Phone OS)

    Cloud(Workshop on Cloud Computing)

    Touch Magic(Workshop on making of touch screen devices)

    I. T. INFRASTRUCTURE(Workshop on I.T. Infrastructure - Beyond Routers)

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    Android (Workshop on Latest Smart Phone OS)

    About Workshop

    Android is the latest Smartphone OS developed by Google taking the smart phoneindustry by storm. In nearly 2 years of it existence, it has over 40% of the Smartphone OSshare. And still Android is not showing any sign of slowing down. Besides Android OS beingOpen Source, it is a real treat for programmers & developers to dwell into it.

    Duration - 16 hours / 2 days

    Eligibility Basic knowledge of Java

    Charges - ` 1000/-

    Toolkits - Online portal that includes software demo versions, PDF files, Videos etc.

    Certification -CERTIFICATE of MERIT for each participants and CERTIFCATE of EXCELLENCE for top three participants.

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    Topics to be covered in Android Workshop

    Why Android? a. Openness

    b. Marketc. Growthd. Opportunities

    Android Overview a. How it all got startedb. Potential & Futurec. Why Android is different (and important)

    SDK Intro a. Platforms b. Tools c. Versions

    Android Stack a. Overview of the stackb. Linux kernelc. Native librariesd. Dalvike. App framework

    f. Apps

    Hello World Appa. Creating your first projectb. manifest filesc. resourced. running your app on Emulator

    Main Building Blocks a. Activitiesb. Activity lifecyclec. Intentsd. Servicese. Content Providers

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    Hello Views - Intro to different Views a. Linear Layoutb. Relative Layoutc. Table Layoutd. Grid Layout

    Basic Android UI a. XML versus Java UIb. Dip's and Sip'sc. Views and layoutsd. Common UI componentse. Handling user events

    Android System Overview a. File Systemb. Preferencesc. Notificationsd. Security model

    Advanced UI a. Selection componentsb. Adaptersc. Complex UI componentsd. Building UI for performancee. Menus and Dialogsf. Graphics & animations

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    Cloud(Workshop on Cloud Computing)

    About Workshop

    In the past, computing tasks such as word processing were not possible without theinstallation of application software on a user's computer. A user bought a license for eachapplication from a software vendor and obtained the right to install the application on onecomputer system. Cloud computing differs from the classic client-server model by providingapplications from a server that are executed and managed by a client's web browser, withno installed client version of an application required. Centralization gives cloud serviceproviders complete control over the versions of the browser-based applications provided toclients, which removes the need for version upgrades or license management on individualclient computing devices.

    Duration - 16 hours / 2 days

    Eligibility - Basic knowledge of Programming Concepts

    Charges -`


    Toolkits - Online portal that includes software demo versions, PDF files, Videos etc.

    Certification -CERTIFICATE of MERIT for each participants and CERTIFCATE of EXCELLENCE for top three participants.

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    Topics to be covered in CLOUD COMPUTING Workshop

    Introduction to the clouda. What is a cloud?b. Where did the cloud come from? History, evolution, etc.c. What a cloud is not: Grid, parallel computing, VM, etc.d. Characteristics of cloud computing

    What makes a cloud? a. Storage Virtualization

    b. Application virtualizationc. Server virtualizationd. Network virtualization

    Hands-on demonstration of cloud computinga. Creating an account on the cloudb. Starting a server instancec. Allocating storage and other resourcesd. Deploying an application

    Cloud Computing Service Models a. Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS)b. Platform as a Service (PAAS)c. Software as a Service (SAAS)

    Cloud Computing deployment models a. Public Cloudb. Private Cloudc. Community Cloudd. Hybrid Cloud

    Advantages of cloud computinga. Cost model change (Capex to Opex only)b. Reduction in cost of ownership (TCO)c. On-demand scalabilityd. Reliabilitye. Shorter Time to Marketf. Ease of Useg. Reduction in operation overheads

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    Challenges of cloud computing a. Securityb. Data privacyc. Performanced. Availability

    Cloud providers and their offeringsa. Amazonb. Microsoftc. Googled. Salesforce.com

    Amazon Web Servicesa. Services offered by Amazonb. Hands-on Amazonc. EC2 - Configuring a server, Launching an instanced. S3- Allocating storage buckets,e. Creating groups, objects and bucket policies

    Microsoft Windows Azure a. Microsoft Windows Azure architectureb. Services offered by Microsoft Azurec. Hands-on on Azured. Creating and deploying an application on Azuree. Migrating an existing application to Azuref. Migrating the application's data to SQL Azure

    Introduction to Force.com from Sales force a. Infrastructure as a serviceb. Database as a servicec. Integration as a serviced. Logic as a servicee. UI as a servicef. Development as a service

    Administering the Clouda. Server Provisioningb. Capacity planningc. How to provision servers in cloudd. What type of server do I need?e. Best practices

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    (Workshop on making of touchscreen devices)

    About Workshop

    This workshop is based on making of touchscreen devices using the concept of Surface Computing.A touch screen is an electronic visual display that can detect thepresence and location of a touch within the display area. The term generally refers totouching the display of the device with a finger or hand.

    Touch is one of the most powerful and inciting sensations that we canexperience.Multi touch technology has been a path breaking new field of research in thedomain of human-computer interaction and has been implemented in devices like theMicrosoft Touch.

    Duration - 16 hours / 2 days

    Eligibility Basic Knowledge of Internet

    Charges ` 1000/Participant

    Toolkits -Online portal that includes software demo versions, PDF files, Videos etc.

    Certification -CERTIFICATE of MERIT for each participants and CERTIFCATE of EXCELLENCE for top three participants.

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    Various OSi. Android

    ii. BSDiii. iOSiv. GNU/Linuxv. Mac OS X

    vi. Microsoft Windowsvii. Windows Phone

    Hardware Technologiesi. Camera Hack

    ii. Image processing using matlab Operating laptop using LED peniii. webcam and matlab Diffused Illuminationiv. How to use projected image from projector as touchscreen

    Optical Technologies


    i. BuildingTGTouch Mini Frustrated Total Internal Reflectionii. Building TGTouch Table V1 Various flash applications using multitouch

    i. Smokeii. Fire

    iii. Multikeyiv. Paintv. Ripples

    vi. Bloomvii. Gesture

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    (Workshop on I.T. Infrastructure Conceptual Overview -Beyond Routers)

    About Workshop

    Everybody today aspires to work with the Software Giants like TCS, Infosys, Wiproand plans to pursue various Specializations courses like B.Tech, B.Sc, M.Sc, M.Tech. Theaspirants main focus is towards Web Application Code Development, while being a part of these Software Giants.

    But beside Web application Code Development, there is another niche area beingcatered to by these Software Giants - IT Infrastructure Management Talking about IT

    Infrastructure, we are reminded of the Routers, Switches etc., but IT Infrastructure of any ITCompany is much more than this. Besides involving the use of these sophisticated devices, italso involves some more important components which play a vital role while traversingthrough the Internet. With the help of this Workshop, we intend to make B.Tech, B.Sc, M.Sc,M.Tech students aware of these components like Firewall, IPS (Intrusion Prevention Device),VPN Device etc.

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    Alongside this Conceptual Overview, this workshop would also help the students tounderstand that how they can prevent the Corporate Network from being hacked. We aim

    to talk about the Security parameters to be configured in these devices that can helpcircumvent the attack attempts.

    Duration - 16 hours / 2 days

    Eligibility Basic Knowledge of Internet

    Charges - ` 1000/-

    Toolkits - Online portal that includes software demo versions, PDF files, Videos etc.

    Certification CERTIFICATE of MERIT for each participants and CERTIFCATE of EXCELLENCE for top three participants.

    Topics to be covered in I.T. INFRASTUCTURE workshop Basic Conceptual Overview of Router, Routing Protocols and Routed


    Conceptual Overview of the concept of Zoning1. Internet2. Extranet3. Intranet (Militarized Zone)

    4. De-Militarized Zones

    IT Infrastructure Components and their associated Zones1. Firewall2. IPS (Intrusion Prevention System)3. VPN (Virtual Private Network)4. NATing5. Servers

    a. Domain Name System Serverb. Proxy Serverc. Web Application Serverd. DHCP Server

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    e. FTP Serverf. Mail Server


    1. Basic Operation of Firewall2. Types of Firewall

    a. Stateless-Static Packet Filtering Firewallb. Stateful-Dynamic Filtering Firewall

    3. Firewall Rule Seta. Conceptual Overviewb. Standard Firewall Rulesc. How to Create a Firewall Rule

    4. Windows Firewalla. Configuration of a Windows Based Firewall on PC


    Host Based Firewall Security Products5. Modern Firewall Architetcurea. Deep Packet Inspection

    6. Essence of a Firewall in the Corporate IT Infrastructurea. How it protects the Servers in the Corporate Infrastructure

    7. Protection to Corporate IT Infrastructure in absence of a Firewall

    IPS (Intrusion Prevention System)1. What is an IPS Device2. Uses of IPS Device3. Modes of Operation of IPS Device4. IPS Device Update Mechanism5. Advantages of IPS Device6. Disadvantages of IPS Device

    VPN (Virtual Private Network)1. Leased Line Network and the Advnet of VPN2. What is VPN (Virtual Private Network?3. How VPN can be Helpful?4. How does VPN Work?5. Types of VPN - Remote Access6. VPN Tunneling7. Equipments to set up VPN Connectivity8. VPN Case let Challenge9. VPN Technology SSL VPN and IPSec VPN10. Encryption and Security Protocols in VPN11. Advantages of VPN12. VPN Related Threats

    a. End Point Security Postureb. Split Tunneling

    i. Concept,ii. Advantages,iii. Configuration

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    c. ICS Split Tunneling Problemd. Web Application Attackse. Unauthorized Access to Hostf. Insecure Storage of Authentication Credentials by VPN Clientsg. Misconfiguration

    13. RSA - VPN Implementation14. Setting Client Based VPN Connection

    NATing1. Conceptual Overview2. NATing Operation How it works?3. Applications of NATing

    Domain Name System Server1. Conceptual Overview2. DNS Hierarchical Structure, Distributed Database

    a. Top Level Domains Classification - Geographical and Organizationalb. Fully Qualified Domain Name

    3. DNS Server Classification -- Zone Information/ Function4. DNS Operation Modes - Recursive and Iterative5. DNS Caching

    a. Conceptual Overviewb. How DNS Resolves Queries


    DNS Records - A, AAAA, MX, NS, PTR, CNAMEa. Registering DNS Records in Corporate/ ISP DNS Servers7. DNS Zone Files8. DEMO:nslookup utility

    a. Command Line tool for forward DNS query, Reverse DNS Queryand ExtractingDomain Related Information

    9. DNS Threats and Mitigationa. Split Zone Architectureb. Zone Information Leakage

    i. Unauthorized Zone Zone Transferii. Reverse DNS Lookupiii. Zone Transfers Applications to keep DNS updatediv. Security Zone Transfers using DNS/ TSIGv. Security Zone Transfers using DNSSEC (DNS Security) Protocol

    1. How DNSSEC Works?c. Difference between DNS TSIG and DNSSECd. Cache Poisoning Attacke. Conceptual Overview - How it happensf. Implications

    i. Mail Redirectionii. Web Redirectioniii. URL Redirection

    g. Deletion Attackh. DoS Attack

    i. Demo: DoS Attack on a DNS Server

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    i. Dynamic Updates using DHCP Client/ Server, Integrated with ADS j. Wrong Configuration - Non-Authoritative, Recursive Modek. Integrity Compromise of ROOT Hints Filel. DNS Amplification Attacksm. Other Security Parameters

    i. Restrict DNS servers to listen on specific addressesii. Configure Global Query Block List

    Proxy Server1. Conceptual Overview2. Operation How Proxy Server Works3. Applications of Proxy Server

    Antivirus1. Types of Malwares Virus, Worms, Trojans, Spyware, Ghostware,

    RansomWare etc.2. What is an Antivirus

    a. How does an Antivirus Work?

    Web Application Server1. Conceptual Overview2. Web Application Attacks

    DHCP Server1. Conceptual Overview2. Overview of DHCP Operation3. Uses of DHCP Server

    FTP Server1. Conceptual Overview2. FTP Operations Active and Passive FTP3. Uses of FTP Server

    Mail Server1. Conceptual Overview2. Overview of Email Filter Devices

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    Process Guidelines

    We want your association with us to make workshop big success in your college. Date of conducting the workshop can be finalized by telephonic conversation withCoordinator/ Convener or Secretary, according to the College feasibility and slots available inour calendar.

    The entire workshop will be conducted at college campus. Each student participating in the workshop will get a participation certificate. Certificate of Merit for all the workshop participants from HoriZON (A Unit of MBS Group ). At the end of this workshop, a small competition will be organized among the participating

    students and winners will be awarded with a 'Certificate of Excellence'. Certificate of Coordination for the coordinators of the campus workshops.


    Accommodation Facility for Team Members. Computer Lab having a capacity enough to conduct hands-on-session for all

    participants. Good Quality public address system ideally two cordless mikes will be required. Projector/ Screen along with black/white board for teaching and presentation


    One small stereo jack cord to connect in laptop for its sound system. Internet Connectivity in the seminar hall/classroom is must. The workshop canter can only be arranged for a minimum of 70 students .


    We ensure that you will find our training programs extremely beneficial for students. If you have anyqueries kindly get back to us.

    We are looking forward to a quick and positive response from you and a long term association withyour esteemed organization.


    SumitChoubeyBusiness Manager| MBS GROUP Mobile: +91-98235-48095Email ID: sumit@mbsgroup.in Website: www.mbsgroup.in

    MBS Group Provoking Thoughts, Multiple
