Emerging SOA + BPM Standards,Software and Platforms

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IASA Perspective on BPM+SOA, Kuala Lumpur, 2008

Transcript of Emerging SOA + BPM Standards,Software and Platforms

Final Version

Emerging SOA + BPM Standards,

Software and Platforms

Date 10/03/2008Credit Suisse, Tarmo Ploom

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� Emergence of SOA

� Service description

� SOA technology

� Emergence of BPM

� Classification of process types

� Process definition languages

� BPM technology

� SOBA - Service Oriented Business Applications

� SOBA development paradigms

� Questions

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� Emergence of SOA

� Service description

� SOA technology

� Emergence of BPM

� Classification of process types

� Process definition languages

� BPM technology

� SOBA - Service Oriented Business Applications

� SOBA development paradigms

� Questions

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Emergence of SOA, 1Is SOA something new?

� UNIX kernel of 1970's with clear application programming interface (API)?

� Desktop applications of 1980's in which presentation logic was separated


client business logic by an API?

� Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) of 1990s?


� Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural style that supports

service orientation (Open Group)

� Service orientation is a way of thinking in terms of services and service-


development and the outcomes of services (Open Group)


� Is a logical representation of a repeatable business activity that has a

specified outcome (Open Group)

� Is a “black box” to consumers of the service (Open Group)

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Emergence of SOA, 2

SOA is architectural style

� SOA is based on the design of services – which mirror real-world business

activities – comprising the enterprise (or inter-enterprise) business

processes (Open Group).

� SOA is a way to describe logical architecture

� Every technology can be used as basis for SOA

� There have always been interfaces but designing of services, which reflect

real-world business activities is relatively new

� SOA places unique requirements on the infrastructure – it is

recommended that implementations use open standards to realize

interoperability and location transparency (Open Group).

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� Emergence of SOA

� Service description

� SOA technology

� Emergence of BPM

� Classification of process types

� Process definition languages

� BPM technology

� SOBA - Service Oriented Business Applications

� SOBA development paradigms

� Questions

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Service description, convergence of standards

Development of service description languages = development of abstraction

� 1980s

� proprietary service definition languages (C, C++, PL1, COBOL)

� proprietary socket based transport protocols

� abstraction on Platform Specific Model (OMG) level

� 1990s

� IDL, standardized interface definition language (OMG)

� standardized transport protocol IIOP (OMG)

� abstraction on Platform Independent Model (OMG) level

� 2000s

� WS-family, standardized service definition language

� standardized message exchange patterns => transport and definition decoupled

� abstraction on slightly higher level than Platform Independent Model (OMG)

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Service description, message exchange patterns

Classification of services in OMG IDL

� synchronous (request-response, in-out)

� asynchronous (fire-and-forget or notification or out-only)

Additions in W3C WSDL 1.0

� + solicit-response operation

� + one-way operation (in-only)

Additions in W3C WSDL 2.0

� + out-in pattern

� + robust in-only pattern

� + robust out-only pattern

� + in-optional-out pattern

� + out-optional-in pattern

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Service description, WS-family

� Business process related

� WS-BPEL (BPEL) – executable process definition

� WS-Coordination – context management for BPEL

� WS-BusinessActivity – long term business activities

� WS-AtomicTransaction – classical ACID transactions

� WS Extensions

� WS-Adressing - standardize representation of service endpoint locations

� WS-ReliableMessaging – guaranteed delivery of SOAP messages

� WS-Policy – express metadata about security, processing, content

� WS-MetadataExchange – standardizes service description metadata exchange

� WS-Security – end-to-end security, authentication, authorization

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Service description, semantic interoperability

We have achieved technical interoperability

But did we achieve semantic interoperability?

� Do clients understand service providers?

SAP integration projects

� 10% effort technology

� 90% semantic understanding

How to achieve semantic interoperability?

� Glossaries

� BOM – Business Object Model

� Industry standardizations (insurance, telecom,


� OWL – Web Ontology Language

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� Emergence of SOA

� Service description

� SOA technology

� Emergence of BPM

� Classification of process types

� Process definition languages

� BPM technology

� SOBA - Service Oriented Business Applications

� SOBA development paradigms

� Questions

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SOA technology, focus on ESB


ESB is a new architecture that exploits Web services, messaging middleware,

intelligent routing, and transformation (Roy Schulte)

ESB is convergence of current middleware technologies which involves

WS-family standards

Message exchange patterns

Message transformation/routing




Forrester suggests convergence

between ESB and system-to system integration

BPM engines (Forrester Research)

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Limits of ESB

� Does ESB support high transaction volume platform (> 1 Million Tx/hour)?

� Does ESB support bulk data transfer (> 100 MB)?

� Latency in international SOA?

� Scalability issues?

� Complexity ad manageability of solutions?

� Our cognitive limits to handle complexities in ESB-s?

SOA technology, ESB and beyond

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SOA technology, future is open

Service Integration Maturity Model (Ali Arsanjani )

� Level one – ad hoc integration

� Level two – Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) with proprietary connectors

� Level three – componentization of existing landscapes, integration of components through their interfaces

� Level four – organization starts to define and expose SOA services internally or for business partners

� Level five – organization extends its influence to value chain

� Level six – organization creates virtualized infrastructure to run applications. Decoupling of applications, its services, components and processes

� Level seven – organization has dynamically reconfigurable software architecture. It can compose services at run-time using externalized policy description, management and monitoring

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� Emergence of SOA

� Service description

� SOA technology

� Emergence of BPM

� Classification of process types

� Process definition languages

� BPM technology

� SOBA - Service Oriented Business Applications

� SOBA development paradigms

� Questions

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Emergence of BPM

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� Emergence of SOA

� Service description

� SOA technology

� Emergence of BPM

� Classification of process types

� Process definition languages

� BPM technology

� SOBA - Service Oriented Business Applications

� SOBA development paradigms

� Questions

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Business process classification

� Predefined versus non-predefined processes

� Integration versus human interaction oriented

� Intra company versus Inter company processes

� Collaboration versus document oriented processes

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� Emergence of SOA

� Service description

� SOA technology

� Emergence of BPM

� Classification of process types

� Process definition languages

� BPM technology

� SOBA - Service Oriented Business Applications

� SOBA development paradigms

� Questions

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Process definition languages, overview

(Michael zur Muehlen)

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Process definition languages, convergence

(Martin Bartonitz, modified)

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Process definition languages, example FDL

(Axel Glaser)

Proprietary versus standard process definition language, comparison based on

workflow patterns

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Process definition languages, future is open

Developments by orchestration standards

� BPEL4BPEL: BPEL for people

� BPEL-SPE: extension for sub processes

Developments by choreography standards

� WS-CDL – Web Services Choreography Description language

Standards are still evolving

� Expect changes in process definition standards

� Accept proprietary vendor extensions

� Require mapping of processes definitions to Business Process Modeling


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� Emergence of SOA

� Service description

� SOA technology

� Emergence of BPM

� Classification of process types

� Process definition languages

� BPM technology

� SOBA - Service Oriented Business Applications

� SOBA development paradigms

� Questions

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BPM technology, convergence

CREDIT SUISSE Private Banking

(Michael zur Muehlen)

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BPM technology, emergence of BPM suites

(Forrester Research)

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BPM technology, future is open

� Structured processes platform

� Human workflow and process orchestration platforms have matured

� Human workflow and process orientation will probably converge into

one structured processes platform

� Ad hoc workflow platform

� Collaborative platforms are in development phase

� Semi-structured workflow platforms are more mature then collaboration


� Inter company workflow platform

� These platforms are still in the R&D phase

� Importance of this platform will grow in future with increase of supply chain


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� Emergence of SOA

� Service description

� SOA technology

� Emergence of BPM

� Classification of process types

� Process definition languages

� BPM technology

� SOBA - Service Oriented Business Applications

� SOBA development paradigms

� Questions

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SOBA - Service Oriented Business Applications, definitions

Gartner calls them "SOBA"

Service Oriented Business Applications (SOBAs) will enable enterprises to

dynamically compose and decompose applications according to business


Forrester calls them "Dynamic Applications"

Dynamic applications — software that adds more visibility and collaboration

to today's business processes, while adapting more quickly and cost-effectively

to their changes — represent IT's worthiest hope for enabling real business agility.

Aberdeen Group calls them "Composite Applications"

Composite apps, logic and data collected from multiple IT sources, harnessed with

web services standards, are rapidly becoming the development standard of choice

in all IT organizations.

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SOBA - Service Oriented Business Applications, vision


Highly agile, highly flexible business applications, which can be dynamically

composed by business specialists


� Library of existing software assets (SOA services + business processes), which

can dynamically composed into applications based on business needs

� Elements of software product lines approach (SEI)


� Programming on very high abstraction level

� Higher focus on business architecture

� More emphasis on MDA to transform

� Transformation of code centric development processes to model centric

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n le









Code level

SOBA - Service Oriented Business Applications, vision

SOBA meets MDA

� Conventional programming is on the

Code level

� In MDA usually we dream about

programming on the PIM level

� In SOBA we dream about programming

on CIM level

� Dream about programming on the CIM

(Computing Independent Model) level

SOBA meets SOA and BPM

� Dream that business customers can themselves compose executable

business processes from library of business services and executable

business processes

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SOA and BPM based application architectures

� Increase flexibility, increase time to market, increase agility� Thomas Erl, Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, and Design

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� Emergence of SOA

� Service description

� SOA technology

� Emergence of BPM

� Classification of process types

� Process definition languages

� BPM technology

� SOBA - Service Oriented Business Applications

� SOBA development paradigms

� Questions

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SOBA development paradigms, tradition

Service Bus Registry

Business Process

Services: A A A B B C C

Traditional SOA + BPM

� Hard coded service bindings

� Process change requires model change, reassembly & deployment

� Difficult to handle variations in process definitions

(IBM slide used)

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SOBA development paradigms, future?


� loosely coupled service bindings

� use business rules to select appropriate service and handle process


Business Process


End Points:


a1 a2





End Points:



Business Services Dynamic Assembler

b2 b3 c1 c2 c3 N

Business Services:

Service Bus Registry

c4 …….

(IBM slide used)

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SOBA development paradigms, long journey

SOBA-s combine following approaches:



� Business rules


Before starting with SOBA-s enterprise level high maturity SOA, BPM and

Business Rules implementations have to be in place

SOBA-s leverage results of long term SOA, BPM and Business Rules







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1. Ali Arsanjani and Kerrie Holley, Increase flexibility with the Service

Integration Maturity Model, 30.09.2005, IBM developerWorks

2. Roy Schulte, 2003, Predicts 2003: Enterprise Service Buses Emerge,


3. Thomas Erl, 2005, Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology,

and Design

4. Michael zur Muehlen: Workflow-based Process Controlling. Foundation,

Design, and Implementation of Workflow-driven Process Information Systems.,

Bd. 6 von Advances in Information Systems and Management Science, Logos,

Berlin, 2004, ISBN 3-8325-0388-9.

5. Martin Bartonitz: Wachsen die BPM- und Workflow-Lager zusammen?, 2006,

http://www.bpm-guide.de/articles/66 (2007-08-16)