Emergency Procedures for Rural Transit Drivers - User...

Post on 17-Mar-2018

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Transcript of Emergency Procedures for Rural Transit Drivers - User...


Training Overview



• RTAP Safety/Security Suite

• Overview of Emergency Procedures Module

• Recap of Instructor Support Materials

• Discussion of Product Roll Out Strategies


RTAP Safety/Security Modules

• Safety Training And Rural Transit (START)

• Problem Passengers: Challenging Situations

• Emergency Procedures for Rural Transit Drivers


Emergency Procedures

Course Outline

– Learner’s Guide

• Preparedness

• Hazards & Threats

• Emergency Procedures

– Exercises

– Case Studies

– Quizzes


Course Objectives

By the end of this course participants should be able to:

– Identify common transit safety hazards and security threats

– Describe the kinds of training transit drivers should receive

– List essential onboard emergency equipment

– Explain the connection between personal lifestyle and public safety

– Demonstrate standard procedures to follow in case of an emergency


Unit 1 – Preparedness

• Introduction

• Driver Training Requirements

• Vehicle Readiness

• Personal Preparedness


Driver Training Requirements

• Agency Policies & Procedures

• Defensive Driving

• Vehicle and Lift Operations

• Customer Service

• Emergency Response Training


– CPR / First Aid


Vehicle Readiness

• Pre-Trip Inspection

• Emergency Equipment

• En Route Inspection

• Post-Trip Inspection


Personal Preparedness

• Mental Preparation

– Relaxation, Anticipation, Action

• Physical & Emotional Conditions

– Mind, Body, Spirit

• Health Risks

– Smoking

– Exercise & Nutrition

– Drugs & Alcohol

– Stress


Exercise 1 – Proactive Health

• Reviewing list of conditions that affect driving behavior

• What will YOU do to prevent :

– Fatigue

– Stress

• What will YOU do to improve :

– Health

– Nutrition


Exercise 2 – On Board

• Emergency Equipment

• Emergency Exits

• Wheelchair Lift - Electronic and Manual Operation

• Web cutter practice

• Drag and carry techniques


Quiz 1

• Fit for duty includes…

• The purpose of the pre-trip inspection is…

• The 5 life safety items that must be on your vehicle are…

• Your most important driver safety tool is…

• Signs of tampering include…


Unit 2 – Hazards & Threats

• Accidents and Incidents

• Acts of Nature

• Hazardous Materials

• Critical Infrastructure

• Criminal Activity

• Terrorism


Accidents & Incidents

• Passenger slip, trip, bump, or fall

• Passenger illness or medical emergency

• Blood of bodily fluid spill

• Vehicle breakdown

• Onboard fire

• Vehicle going off-road

• Vehicle collision

• Injuries and fatalities


Acts of Nature

• Darkness

• Dust storms

• Rain, snow, sleet, fog and ice

• Forest Fire/Wildfire

• Flooding

• Tornado/high winds

• Hurricane

• Earthquake

• Landslide/avalanche Thunderstorms


Hazardous Materials


Toxic Chemical Release

• Two or more people experiencing difficulty breathing, uncontrollable coughing, collapse, seizure, nausea, blurred vision or disorientation

• A cloud, mist, fog, fine powder, dust, liquid or oily residue, or pungent odor


Critical Infrastructure

• Electricity

• Fuel

• Telecommunications

• Radio, TV, Internet


Criminal Activity

• Minor

– Fare evasion

– Vandalism

– Property theft

• Serious

– Robbery

– Assault

– Homicide



• Political, not personal

• Top 5 terrorist tactics:

– Bomb

– Armed attack

– Kidnapping

– Arson

– Assassination


Different & Difficult

• Physical Disabilities

• Cognitive Disabilities

• Communication Challenges

• Cultural Differences

• Fear-centered Behavior



• Warning Signs

• Visible agitation

• Intense or unbroken eye contact

• Raised voice or shouting

• Voiced threats or expletives

• Threatening body posture

• Suggestion or evidence of a weapon

• Known history of violent behavior


Case Study 1


• You are scheduled to report at the yard at 5:00 AM.

• You arrive a few minutes early, check in, and walk out to the where the buses are parked.

• You notice two young men walking in your direction from a row of parked buses.

• When they see you they change direction and quickly exit the bus yard.


Case Study 1


• Does this event trigger concerns?

• Should you report this incident?

• What would you report, and to whom?

• How do you ensure your vehicle has not been vandalized or tampered with?

• Are there low cost/no cost things your agency could do to improve security?


Case Study 2


• In a moment you’ll see a picture of the “two young men”

• The picture will be displayed for 10 seconds


Case Study 2 - Descriptions


Case Study 2


• Working individually write down every detail you can remember about these two men. You have 3 minutes to complete this task.

• Working as a team develop a single composite description of the two men.

• How are the descriptions from each team similar? How do they differ?


Case Study 2 - Descriptions


Case Study 2


• How accurate were the descriptions?

• Which team developed the most complete and accurate description?


Quiz 2

• The cause of most accidents is…

• Visual recovery time refers to…

• When road conditions are adverse you should…

• Warning signs of a dangerous passenger include…

• Warning signs of a toxic release include…


Unit 3 – Emergency Procedures

• 7 Steps to Managing Any Crisis

• Protocols for Probable Incidents

– Accidents and Incidents

– Acts of Nature

– Hazardous Materials

– Critical Infrastructure

– Criminal Activity

– Terrorism


7 Steps of Crisis Management

1. Assess the Situation

2. Notify Dispatcher / Request Aid

3. Protect Yourself

4. Protect Others

5. Secure the Vehicle

6. Gather Incident Information

7. Complete Post-Incident Reports


Crisis Management Flowchart


Accidents & Incidents

1. Assess the Situation

• Check to see if you are injured or in immediate danger

• Check on passenger injuries.

• Check your location.

• Check the condition of the vehicle

• DO NOT move your vehicle unless:

– Instructed to do so by law enforcement, or

– Leaving the vehicle where it is would expose the passengers to greater danger


Accidents & Incidents

2. Notify Dispatcher / Request Aid

• Precise location

• Type of emergency and description of what occurred

• Number of passengers

• Nature and severity of any injuries

• Type of help you will need from police, fire and EMS

• Whether or not you are blocking traffic

• Whether or not the vehicle can be safely moved


Accidents & Incidents

3. Protect Yourself

• Ensure that you are not injured

• Once you are sure you are safe, focus on your passengers.


Accidents & Incidents

4. Protect Others

• Keep passengers on the vehicle unless remaining in place presents a life safety hazard

• Keep everyone together, safe, and protected Identify and assist injured/ill passengers

• Reassure passengers with status updates

• Evacuate vehicle only if necessary


Accidents & Incidents

5. Secure the Vehicle

• Unless you have been in an accident move the vehicle off the roadway to a safe location

• Set the brakes, turn off engine, turn on 4-way flashers, turn on the four-way flashers

• Block or curb tires to prevent rollaway

• Set flares / triangles to warn approaching motorists


Proper Triangle Placement


Accidents & Incidents

6. Gather Incident Information

• Have passengers and witnesses complete courtesy cards to submit with your report

• Collect information from other driver(s) and first responders

• Answer questions asked by first responders

• Do not make unsolicited statements

• Do not speak to the media


Accidents & Incidents

7. Complete Post-Incident Report

• Complete your post-incident report promptly to capture details when they are fresh

• Make particular note of anything unusual about the incident, the accident scene, the victims, etc.


Onboard Incidents

How might these steps differ for:

• Mechanical Breakdown

• Onboard Fire

• Bodily Fluid Spill

• Seizure

• Stroke

• Heart Attack


Vehicle Evacuation

When to Evacuate

• Evacuating is an action of last resort

• You MUST evacuate if:

– A fire or other condition (leaking fuel) makes the vehicle unsafe

– The position or location of the vehicle is dangerous, and it cannot be moved

– The driver is instructed to do so by system management, law enforcement, or fire/rescue


Vehicle Evacuation

Evacuation Procedures

• Identify at least two escape routes and safety zones

• Assess the condition of passengers

• Determine assistance required, and enlist aid

• Calmly instruct passengers to evacuate through the identified exit(s) to the designated safety zone

• Warn passengers of any hazards

• Evacuate ambulatory passengers first

• If evacuating through windows or roof hatches you will need assistants both inside and outside the vehicle


Vehicle Evacuation

Evacuating Non-Ambulatory Passengers

• Use web cutter to cut through all securement straps

• Use the lift if possible (electronic or manual control)

• Drag and carry techniques


Acts of Nature

• Reduced Visibility

• Reduced Traction

• Reduced Control

• Damaged Infrastructure


Hazardous Materials

• Fuel-Related Incidents

• Natural Gas Ruptures

• Toxic Chemical Spills

• Radiological Emergencies


Critical Infrastructure

• Continuity of Operations

• Traffic Control

• Communications



Criminal Activity

• Be On the Look Out (BOLO)

– Notify dispatch @ suspicious people/behavior

– Remember descriptions, details

• Dangerous Passengers

• Violence or Weapons

• Hostage Situation



7 Signs of Terrorism

• Surveillance Activities

• Information Requests

• Security Breaches

• Supply Acquisition

• Suspicious Activity

• Suspicious Behavior

• Suspicious Credentials


Suspicious Packages

• H-O-T Test

– Hidden

– Obvious

– Typical

• I.E.D.s

• Chemical/Biological/Radiological


Case Study 3


• It is 4 p.m. on a hot summer afternoon

• You have on your bus:

– A middle-aged war veteran paralyzed from the waist down in a powered wheelchair

– An elderly woman who is very hard of hearing

– A young man with cognitive disabilities

• While at a red light you are hit from behind, pushed into the intersection and struck by a second car

• The woman and the young man are thrown from their seats and injured

• Your front door and wheelchair lift are blocked


Case Study 3


• List your hazards and challenges

• List your “action steps”

• Put the steps in priority order

• Identify what resources you will need

• Develop bullet points for your call to dispatch

• Simulate transmission to dispatch to report the accident and request assistance.


Case Study 4


• It’s 4 p.m. on a snowy Tuesday

• You have 10 passengers on board

• Both wheelchair securement areas are occupied

• You are on the freeway in bumper-to-bumper traffic

• A rail line parallels the freeway, a freight train slowly passing the gridlocked traffic

• You hear a loud groan and watch as the train derails

• Smoke billows from the wreckage

• Vapor begins collecting in the low-lying hollow between the road and the rail line


Case Study 4


• List your hazards and challenges

• List your “action steps”

• Put the steps in priority order

• Identify what resources you will need

• Develop bullet points for your call to dispatch

• Simulate transmission to dispatch to report the accident and request assistance.


Case Study 5

Difficult/Dangerous Passenger

• You are driving a fixed route circulator bus

• You pick up a regular passenger. He is ‘different’

• He starts ranting – to no one in particular – about the government, taxes, and corruption

• He uses profanity and makes ethnic slurs

• You ask him to tone it down, but he refuses

• Looking at him in your mirror you notice that he is cradling a small pistol in his lap


Case Study 5

Difficult/Dangerous Passenger

• List your hazards, threats, and challenges

• List your “action steps”

• Put the steps in priority order

• Identify what resources you will need

• How would you contact your dispatcher?

• What information would you transmit?


Quiz 3

• When faced with a bodily fluid spill you should…

• You should evacuate your vehicle when…

• When dealing with a dangerous passenger…

• If you find a suspicious package…

• If you witness two or more people exhibiting the same symptoms at the same time…


Course Review

• Preparedness – Personal preparedness

– Driver training

– Vehicle readiness

• Hazards & Threats – Accidents and Incidents

– Acts of Nature

– Hazardous Materials

– Critical Infrastructure

– Criminal Activity

– Terrorism

• Emergency Procedures – 7 Steps to Manage Any Crisis

– Protocols for Probable Incidents


Course Materials

• Learner’s Guide

• Instructor’s Guide

• Videos

• PowerPoint


• Elearning Disc


Instructor’s Guide

• Training Basics

• Adult Learners

• Lesson Plans

• Quizzes

• Exercises

• Support Materials


Delivery Strategies

• Self-paced elearning

• Instructor Led Training

• Discussion-based Exercises

• Functional Exercises/Drills


Thank You!

• Gary Gleason, Vice President Nusura, Inc. 970-948-7680 gary.gleason@nusura.com • Patti Monahan, Executive Director National Rural Transit Assistance Program 888-589-6821 pmonahan@NationalRTAP.org