Emeline Creuze - DIDA 1000 - CC1 - présentation et annexes · de la langue maternelle possible 1,5...

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Transcript of Emeline Creuze - DIDA 1000 - CC1 - présentation et annexes · de la langue maternelle possible 1,5...

Unit 4 …

The Prologue and the Promise, by Robert McCall, 1983, in Disney Studios, Burbank, CA

What can you see ? Describe this document.

How would you define this world ?What could be the purposes / objectives of this painting ?

The Prologue and the Promise, by Robert McCall, 1983, in Disney Studios, Burbank, CA

Now, imagine the opposite of this world …

Take notes and prepare to describe it in 3-4 sentences.

What can you say about this document ?

Let’s recap.

And about the opposite of this world ?

How do you call this imaginary world ?—> Dystopia.

Dystopia : what is it ?

Dystopia : what for ?

« dystopia » is the opposite of « utopia ». It is an imagined place or state in which everything is

unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one. (cf oxforddictionaries.com)

A dystopian narrative shows us a nightmarish image of what might happen to the world in the near future.

It aims at warning us against the dangers of a contemporary ideology or habit.

Think of the definition of « dystopia » and its purposes ….

Unit 4 : Looking towards the future : the dystopian narratives

(problématique) What do dystopian narratives reveal about the author’s world and concerns for the future ?

1. Team A starts : - you show ONE card to the other team.

- the other team finds as many words as possible containing this sound.

Warm-up ! Team A vs. Team B (teams of 2 or 3 persons)

Each team receives 3 cards with a sound. Don’t show it t the other team.

2. Then, it’s the turn of Team B

- Each team has 30 seconds per card.

Do you know any dystopias ?

You will listen to a document : pick up key words, audio elements, informations about the

atmosphere ….

In your opinion, what sort of document is it ? What do you expect to see ?

Let’s check !


Second watching : focus on the elements of the story :

- Settings - Characters - Society - Actions

Now, individually : use these elements to write a short summary of the trailer.

Write at least 10 sentences

Do you know any other themes ?

Let’s learn some more …

You will work on documents talking about some novels.

Here are some titles :

« Uglies »« Among the Hidden »

« Bar Code Tattoo »

What do you expect to read ? What sort of story ?

You will all have 2 documents.First, read the 2 documents

A. Then, answer these questions : 1. What is the established policy / habit, and what are its

purposes ?

2. What are the risks of this policy ?

3. In your opinion, what was the initial problem ?

Let’s check !

B . Now, match the summary with the corresponding theme : (an odd one out per group !)

Group A :

Group B :

Group C :

The Importance of Knowledge and Truth

The Danger of a Particular Policy

The Importance of Humanity

The Danger of a Particular Type of Government

The Danger of Human Nature

The Danger of Allowing One Group to Have too Much Power

The Danger of Technology

The Importance of Free Will and individuality

The Danger of Desensitization

Among your 2 summaries, what book are you most interested in ?

C. Using the elements in A, prepare a short recap of this story.

You can talk about : - the initial problem - the established « solution » - the risks of this policy - the general theme of the book

Let’s recap … by doing some crosswords !

Now … prepare to shortly present the book you are most interested in.

So, we studied the themes of books.

Today, you will work on the story and characters of the book you chose.

A. First, read the documents.

B. Then, divide your text into three parts, and give them a title.

What are your parts ?

C. Finally, describe :

- the initial situation : what can / can’t people do ? Why ? - the plot twist : what unexpected event happens, and what

are its consequences ? - the characters : who are the hero and the vilain ? Find

adjectives to qualify them. - the actions : what happens to the hero ?

(Rebellion ?Victory ? Escape ?)

Finally, in pairs or alone : complete your short summary to present the story and the

characters of your book.

Tâche finale :

You are an English-speaking writer. You will invent a dystopia and write about it.

So start thinking about your story !

Let’s recap … You will create a crossword for next class !

By pair or alone, choose one word to talk about dystopia, and write its definition.

Let’s go back to your summary …

- the characters ? (adjectives)

What did you find about …

- the actions : (Rebellion ?Victory ? Escape ?)

So …. are dystopias negative ?

Complete your vocabulary worksheet with these informations.

What can you see ? What is this document ?What is the purpose of this document ?

Now … what about this document ?

What is absent ?

You will receive the text of the back cover, divided into short extracts.

By pairs, read them and put them back into order.

Let’s check !

Why did you order this text in this way ?

What elements helped you ?

Let’s have a closer look … What informations do you have, and in which order ?

- the hero - the setting - the plot twist - the suspense

What is the purpose of a back cover ?

Can you think of other ways to create suspense ?

Now, have a closer look at the sentences …

- underline the WH- words.

- What are they ?

- What are their purpose ?

Farenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, 1953 - front cover

Guy Montag is a fireman. In his world, where television rules and literature is on the brink of extinction, firemen start fires rather that put them out. His job is to destroy the most illegal

of commodities, the printed book, along with the houes in which they are hidden.

Montag never questions the destruction and ruin that his actions produce, returning each day to his bland life and wife, Mildred, who spends all day with her television « family ». But

then he meets an eccentric young neighbor, Clarisse, who introduces him to a past where people didn’t live in fear and to a present where one sees the world through the ideas in

books instead of the mindless chatter of television.

When Mildred attempts suicide and Clarisse suddenly disappears, Montag begins to question everything he has

ever known. He start hiding books in his home, and when his pilfering is discovered, the fireman has to run for this life.

(1) boring (2) à travers (3) stupid (4) talk, gossip (5) stealing

Let’s recap with …

What happens next ?

You are writers. With your group,

invent the rest of the story.

- First, gather with the other experts of your domain. Create groups of 3, and think about :

Group C : the hero’s personality

Group B : the hero’s actions

Group A : the vilains and the outcome of the story

In groups, present your topic in at least 5 sentences. You have 15 minutes.

- Then, find your other group. Put all your elements in common, and write the first draft of your story.

Write at least 15 lines.

You have 20 minutes.

- Now, every group the another group’s story. Read it, and circle mistakes if you see some.

You have 10 minutes.

- Finally, take back your story. Correct it if you need,

and write the last version of your story.

You have 15 minutes

Tâche finale

You are an English-speaking writer. Write the back-cover of your newly-published dystopia.

Be inventive, and mysterious !

Grille d’évaluation pour la tâche finale

Nom : Note : /20- 1S3 - Unit 4 - Dystopia - Tâche Finale- Ecriture créative : peut raconter une histoire, en utilisant des descriptions claires et détaillées. - Activité langagière : Production écrite- Niveau visé : B1 +

Remarques :

Compétence linguistique /11 A2+ B1 B1+

étendue et maîtrise du vocabulaire :

- A2+ : vocabulaire suffisant pour des sujets familiers, dans des

situations courantes

- B1 : vocabulaire suffisant pour parler des sujets courants ; des

erreurs sur les sujets plus complexes

- B1+ : vocabulaire riche, sujets plus généraux ; des lacunes lexicales

qui ne gênent pas la communication


pt 2pts  3 pts

maîtrise de l’orthographe :

- A2+ : une exactitude phonétique mais pas forcément orthographique

- B1 : orthographe et ponctuation assez justes pour être suivies

facilement le plus souvent

- B1+ : orthographe et ponctuation relativement exactes ; influence

de la langue maternelle possible


pt3 pts 4 pts

correction grammaticale :

- A2+ : structures simples correctement utilisées, mais encore des

erreurs élémentaires (de temps, d’accord)

- B1 : correction suffisante dans l’emploi de tournures et

d’expressions fréquentes

- B1+ : correction suffisante dans des contextes familiers ; influence

de la langue maternelle ; des erreurs éventuelles


pts 3 pts 4 pts

Compétence pragmatique /6

cohérence et cohésion :

- A2+ : liste de points successifs reliés par les articulations les plus


- B1 : série d’éléments courts, simples reliés dans un discours qui


- B1+ : énoncés reliés par un certain nombre de connecteurs


pt 2pts  3pts

développement thématique :

- A2 + : Peut raconter une histoire ou décrire avec une liste de points


- B1 : peut raconter ou décrire quelque chose de simple et de linéaire

- B1 + : peut faire une description ou un récit clair en utilisant des

détails et des exemples significatifs.

1,5 pt 2 pts 3 pts

réalisation de la tâche : - présentation incomplète, trop courte, peut être difficile à suivre - présentation incomplète ou trop courte, apport d’informations

parcellaires- présentation complète, informée, respect de la longueur demandée



2 pts 3
