EMCArts Social Media & the Arts (in Cleveland)

Post on 07-May-2015

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People are using social media to overthrow governments, crowdsource solutions to the world’s problems, track their personal health, and raise money for disaster relief…but are they buying tickets to arts events? Devon Smith, Director of Social Media at Threespot, will discuss the potential value of social media to arts organizations and how online communities can transform an arts organization’s relationship to all of its constituents—ticket buyers, donors, artists, board members and the community alike. She’ll share some emerging best practices for effectively using social media based on data from over 900 arts organizations—from how many times a day to post to which types of posts inspire the greatest engagement. Together we’ll brainstorm what the future of social media could look like, and have a frank conversation about what that future will require arts organizations to change about their own online behavior.

Transcript of EMCArts Social Media & the Arts (in Cleveland)

Social  Media  and  the  Arts:  Emerging  Tools  &  

Engagement  Techniques  


who  am  I?

@threespot @devonvsmithwww.24UsableHours.com

social  media  isn’t  adverBsing

social  media  isn’t  the  home  

shopping  network  

social  media  isn’t  

a  coupon

so  what  is  social  media?

why  does  Virgin  America  like  social  media?

why  does  Coca  Cola  like  social  media?

why  does  network  television  like  social  media?


why  does  Starbucks  like  social  media?

Most  nonprofits  exist  to  serve  a  community  in  need

so  what  about  the  arts?

We  have  creaBve  content

We’ve  built  personal  relaBonships

We  are  natural  storytellers

Everything  will  be  interacBve

Everything will be just a click (touch) away

Everyone  will  be  a  

content  creator

There  are  no  rules  in  social  media

But  you  should  be  providing  

unique  value  to  a  

unique  audience  on  each  plaOorm

Best  PracBces  for  Social  Media

Ask  quesBons

Post  as  oSen  as  your  audience  is  online  &  you  have  something  to  say

Don’t  duplicate  content

Listen  more  than  you  measure

Read  more  than  you  write

Take  it  outside  the  

marke<ng  office

But  does  social  media  sell  Bckets?

Social  Media  Ticket  Sales  –  Direct  AYribuBon

Click  thru  rate

Social  Media  Ticket  Sales  –  Longitudinal  Study

Season  1 Season  2

$ $ $ $

Social  Media  Ticket  Sales  –  Compared  to  Peers


32Social  Media  Ticket  Sales  –  Follow  the  Eyeballs

The  Future  of  Social  MarkeBng

The  Future  of  Social  


The  Future  of  Social  Discovery

The  Future  of  Social  



The  Future  of  Social  


Yerba  Buena  Center  for  the  Arts

Synchronous  Objects





How  do  you  start?

1. Pilot  an  experiment2. Establish  SMART  goals3. Give  it  Bme4. Spend  Bme  listening  &  watching5. Measure  before  &  aSer

MarkeBng  Director

ExecuBve  Director


Development  Director


Box  Office  Staff

EducaBon  Director

Ticket  buyer

Board  member


Pair  Up

I  want  to  hear  from  you  about...I  want  to  tell  you...

What if...Anyone could overhear your conversation?Anyone could join your conversation?You could add photos, video, audio to your conversation?Your conversation happened before, during, or after a performance?You could analyze collections of similar conversations?

