
Post on 25-Dec-2019

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Headteacher/Pennaeth: Dunvant Road, KillayAimee Field BAEd (hons) MAEd Swansea. SA2 7LF (01792) 290223 Heol Dyfnant, Cila

Fax: (01792) 208606 Abertawe. SA2 7LF

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Thursday April 27th 2017Dear Parents,

Contents National Test Timetable Staffing News Termly Topic Webs Questionnaires Dates

National Test Timetable The National Tests take place next week. We want our pupils to do the very best they can without anxiety. The tests are a small part of school life and more about testing schools than pupils. We know your children and how they learn better than any test can indicate. Sometimes, a test will give us useful indicators about future planning and learning, but it will not inform us about your child’s attitudes, behaviours and motivation. For your information the test schedule is detailed below: All tests will take place in the morningWednesday 3rd May Y3/Y4 Maths Thursday 4th May Y3/Y4 Reasoning Y5 Reading Y6 Maths Friday 5th May Y3/Y4/Y6 Reading Test Y5 MathsMonday 8th May Y5 ReasoningTuesday 9th May Y6 Reasoning Y2 will ‘chunk’ their tests every morning of the test week

Staffing NewsThe School Council interviewed the five candidates shortlisted for the post of Deputy Headteacher today. The Deputy Headteacher Appointment Panel meets tomorrow to make the final selection. I will let you know the name of the successful applicant in due course.

Termly Topic WebsTermly Topic Webs briefly describing planned activities are on the relevant class page of the school website

QuestionnairesThank you for taking the time to complete a questionnaire. I am pleased to report a very high return and that nearly all parents are very pleased with all aspects of the school and the improvements we have made.

Dates Thursday 27th April – School Council interview shortlisted Deputy Head Teachers (DHT)Friday 28th April - DHT interviews at Sketty HallMonday 1st May – Bank holiday for May DayWednesday 3rd May – Wednesday 10th May – National Test week

Monday 29th May – Friday 2nd June – Half term

Wednesday 28th June – KS2 Sports day at Sketty Lane, University athletics trackThursday 29th June – Foundation Phase Sports day at Hendrefoilan Friday 14th July – Individual pupil reports to parents Thursday 20th July – Last day of Summer Term for pupils Friday 21st July – INSET day