Email Marketing Tips For Event Organizers

Post on 03-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Email Marketing Tips For Event Organizers

99% of event planners use email marketing

And many mention it as their best Return on Investment in their marketing campaigns

Writing Your Email

Mix up your email formatting to keep your audience engaged.

For example, send out a bulleted list one week, and a short story about a past event the next.

Recognize Loyalty

Offer perks such as discount codes and early-bird tickets to your most valuable customers.

Send out an exclusive email describing these perks.

Satisfied customers are much more likely to return to future events.

More likely to visit your website

Customers in a

Loyalty Program

2x4x As much money is


Timing Is Everything

Start sending out emails 6-8 weeks before your event so potential attendees see and remember your event

The best time to send out emails is Tuesday through Thursday after noon

Don’t Forget The Sponsors

Talk about your sponsors and their contributions to the event in your emails

Keeping your sponsors happy can result is future sponsorships, additional marketing, and can attract potential sponsors

Keep It Fresh

Repeat key information about your event in each email, but change up the rest of the content

Make sure you are adding at least one new piece of information in each email that will keep your audience interested in your event

Convenient Call-To-Action

Every email you send out should contain a call-to-action that encourages potential attendees to buy a ticket

Keep these call-to-action’s simple and convenient

For example, if you want an attendee to like your Facebook page, you should either have an embedded ‘like’ button or a direct link to your Facebook page in the email

Be Yourself

Keep your tone friendly and direct, and don’t be overly formal

This encourages recipients to check and respond to your emails

People are much more receptive to emails that come from a person than from a machine

Listen To Your Responses

The response, or lack of response, to your emails can indicate how your emails are being received

For example, having few responses can indicate that your email formatting or content needs to be more personal and interesting, or that

you are targeting the wrong group of people

Be prepared to respond and adapt to your audience

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