ELSP ENGLISH YR 6 - wembleyps.vic.edu.au

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Transcript of ELSP ENGLISH YR 6 - wembleyps.vic.edu.au


What is it that we want our students to know, understand, do and communicate KUDCO?

Year Level: Six Semester: One Subject: English

Team Members: Melanie Barger, Jeanette Shine, Chris Young.

Essential Learning What is the essential learning? Describe in student friendly vocabulary.

Example­Rigor What does proficient student work look like? Provide an example and/or description.

Prior Skills Needed What prior knowledge, skills and/or vocabulary are needed for a student to master this essential learning?

Common Assessments What assessment/s will be used to measure student mastery?

When taught? When will this essential learning be taught?

Extension Skills What will we do when students have already learned this essential learning?

Decoding I can use word solving strategies, background knowledge, graphics, text context, and readers’ tools (glossaries, dictionaries) to solve words, including content­specific and technical words.

I can use word solving strategies to read unknown words: ­My background knowledge ­Graphics ­Context

I know: ­ all the consonant and vowel sounds and the corresponding letter combinations that make them (long ‘a’ is spelt ay, eigh, ai etc) ­ all the letter clusters (scr, pl, gr) ­ all the dependable rimes (at, ack) ­ the Oxford 404 high frequency words ­ syllables are broken up into consonants and vowels

Running record observing the decoding strategies the student uses. Probe CARS & STARS (done as a running record)

Term 1 Week 5­8 Tier 3 intervention ­ Term 1 & 2 Term 1 & 2 ongoing

I can demonstrate proficiency and automaticity in solving complex and unknown vocabulary when reading.

1 *Working in Collaborative teams, examine all relevant documents, school scope and sequence, regional documents and AusVELS, and then apply the criteria of endurance, leverage and readiness to determine which standards are essential for all students to master. Remember, less is more. For each standard selected, complete the remaining columns. Complete the chart by the second or third week of each term/semester. BLUE= Reading and Viewing, RED= Writing, GREEN= Speaking and Listening.


Good reading strategies

MSV I can solve content­specific words, using graphics and definitions embedded in the text, as well as background knowledge.

I can use word solving strategies to work out the meaning of unknown words: ­My background knowledge ­Graphics ­Context

I know: ­ a number of prefixes and suffixes and their meaning (dis, mis, ed) I have prior knowledge of the vocabulary associated with the topic/genre I am reading about. I am able to choose Just Right books using the five finger rule.

Running record observing the decoding strategies the student uses. Probe CARS & STARS (done as a running record) Reading conferences.

Term 1 Week 5­8 Term 1 & 2 ongoing

Apply known strategies to more complex words.

2 *Working in Collaborative teams, examine all relevant documents, school scope and sequence, regional documents and AusVELS, and then apply the criteria of endurance, leverage and readiness to determine which standards are essential for all students to master. Remember, less is more. For each standard selected, complete the remaining columns. Complete the chart by the second or third week of each term/semester. BLUE= Reading and Viewing, RED= Writing, GREEN= Speaking and Listening.


Vocab strategies

Fluency I can demonstrate all aspects of phrased, fluent, and expressive reading

I can read: ­ accurately ­ at an appropriate pace ­ with ease (not stumbling over words and pausing)

­ with appropriate expression (taking note of punctuation, changing my voice for dialogue)

Fluency Conference Scale

I understand how to use punctuation to assist my fluency and expression when reading aloud.

Running records F & Ps Readers’ Theatre Reading conferences

Term 1 & 2 ongoing

I can extend my knowledge of reading more complex texts automatically: ­Special forms such as satire, parody, allegory and monologue.

Comprehension I can use comprehension strategies to interpret and analyse information and ideas, comparing content from a variety of textual

I can: ­ monitor my understanding of my reading by selecting the appropriate comprehension strategy to use.

Background Knowledge + Text Clues = Inferring. Activating and using prior knowledge l identify

Running records F & Ps Reading conferences

Inferring ­ Term 1 Weeks 7 ­ 9, Term 2 Weeks 1 ­ 2 Summarising & Synthesising ­ Term 1 Weeks 1 ­ 4 & 7 ­ 9

I can use comprehension strategies to interpret, analyse and synthesise ideas and information, critiquing ideas and

3 *Working in Collaborative teams, examine all relevant documents, school scope and sequence, regional documents and AusVELS, and then apply the criteria of endurance, leverage and readiness to determine which standards are essential for all students to master. Remember, less is more. For each standard selected, complete the remaining columns. Complete the chart by the second or third week of each term/semester. BLUE= Reading and Viewing, RED= Writing, GREEN= Speaking and Listening.


sources including media and digital texts.

­ make connections between the text and my own experience or other texts ­ make connections between information in print and images ­ find specific literal information ­ use prior knowledge and textual information to make inferences and predictions ­ ask and answer questions ­ find the main idea of a text ­ summarise a text or part of a text

Comprehension Strategies

literal information explicitly stated in the text

predicting likely future events in a text

visualising by creating mental images of elements in a text summarising and organising information from a text

integrating ideas and information in texts

critically reflecting on content, structure, language and images used to construct meaning in a text

Visualising ­ Term 2 Weeks 3 ­ 4 Connections ­ Term 2 Weeks 5 ­ 6 Term 1 & 2 ongoing

issues from a variety of textual sources.

Genres I can compare the similarities and differences between texts with a similar topic, theme or plot.

I can identify the similarities and differences in: ­ author’s purpose (persuade, inform and entertain)

­ the structure (the ways in which information is organised in different types of texts (chapter headings,

I know the purpose of a range of text types. I can identify the structures and language features of: narratives persuasive,

Anecdotal notes. Reading conferences. CARS & STARS. Collaborative team developed CFA.

Author’s purpose ­ Term 1 Weeks 1 ­ 5 Recount ­ Term 1 Weeks 7 ­ 9 Biography ­ Term 1 Weeks 7 ­ 9

I understand how the use of text structures can achieve particular effects.

4 *Working in Collaborative teams, examine all relevant documents, school scope and sequence, regional documents and AusVELS, and then apply the criteria of endurance, leverage and readiness to determine which standards are essential for all students to master. Remember, less is more. For each standard selected, complete the remaining columns. Complete the chart by the second or third week of each term/semester. BLUE= Reading and Viewing, RED= Writing, GREEN= Speaking and Listening.


subheadings, tables of contents, indexes and glossaries, overviews, introductory and concluding paragraphs, sequencing, topic sentences, taxonomies, cause and effect).

­ the features (language specific to the genre, craft)

­ I can evaluate which of these features make navigating a text easier and communicate the message more clearly

informative, memoir/historical fiction

Narrative ­ Term 2 Weeks 3 ­ 11 Term 1 & 2 ongoing

Text Structure & Organisation: I can use complex sentences in a variety of ways to elaborate, extend and explain ideas in my writing.

I know that complex sentences make connections between ideas, such as: ­ to provide a reason ( 'He jumped up because the bell rang'); ­ to state a purpose ( 'She raced home in order to confront her brother'); ­ to express a condition ('It will break if you push it'); ­ to make a concession (‘'She went to work even though she was not feeling well'); ­ to link two ideas in terms of various time relations ( 'Nero fiddled while Rome burned') I know that a complex sentence typically consists of a main clause (Tom was late) and a subordinate

I can use: ­ conjunctions/connectives (and, but, because, therefore) to link ideas in a sentence. ­ use clauses to elaborate on a message in my writing. ­ I have extensive knowledge of the topic I’m writing about and can filter it to identify important/relevant information to include

Writing samples Writing conferences Dictated writing CFA’s designed by team. ­ Highlight connectives/conjunctions in a piece of writing. ­ Give them a selection of connectives/conjunctions and they write a piece including them. (Do they know the meaning of the connective and use it correctly when linking 2 ideas? e.g. Australia has been second home for 3

Term 1 Week 1­ Week 9 Term 2 Week 4 ­ 6

I can use sophisticated connectives/conjunctions (consequently, subsequently) and the discuss the effect of these in expressing and developing my ideas.

5 *Working in Collaborative teams, examine all relevant documents, school scope and sequence, regional documents and AusVELS, and then apply the criteria of endurance, leverage and readiness to determine which standards are essential for all students to master. Remember, less is more. For each standard selected, complete the remaining columns. Complete the chart by the second or third week of each term/semester. BLUE= Reading and Viewing, RED= Writing, GREEN= Speaking and Listening.


clause (due to the traffic) with a conjunction to link the two. Connectives

years, I love the weather, however, I would love to make it my permanent home. ­ Incorrect use of however.) ­ Compare a simple sentence and a complex sentence and explain the difference.

I create paragraphs that begin with a topic sentence and follow with relevant detail.

I can write a paragraph containing: ­ topic sentence ­ complex and detailed sentences ­ all sentences are related (relevant) to the topic sentence

I know what a paragraph is.

Writing samples Writing conferences Assessed as part of writing rubric.

Term 1 Weeks 8 ­ 9 Term 2 Weeks 4 ­ 6

Apply known skills to more complex pieces of writing.

Spelling: I can use a range of spelling strategies and the word’s meaning to spell new words. Learning Targets: I can use:

­ Morphemic strategy

­ Visual Strategy ­ Connecting

strategy ­ Word Structure ­ Inquiry Strategy

I can use the Morphemic Strategy (how words represent meaning) ­ prefixes, suffixes, word origins, spelling rules (i before e) I can use the visual strategy (how words look): I can use the connecting strategy (how my knowledge of one word can help me spell words with the same sound): base/root words, word families

them (long ‘a’ is spelt ay, eigh, ai etc) ­ all the letter clusters (scr, pl, gr) ­ all the dependable rimes (at, ack)I know: ­ syllables are broken up into consonants and vowels ­ how to spell the Oxford 404 high frequency word list ­ how to use the phonic strategy (how words sound)

Writing samples Writing conferences Single Word Spelling Test Weekly spelling homework words Anecdotal notes

‘ed’ endings ­ Term 1 Week 9 Homonyms ­ Term 2 Weeks 2 ­ 7 Term 1 & 2 ongoing

Apply spelling strategies to more complex words.

6 *Working in Collaborative teams, examine all relevant documents, school scope and sequence, regional documents and AusVELS, and then apply the criteria of endurance, leverage and readiness to determine which standards are essential for all students to master. Remember, less is more. For each standard selected, complete the remaining columns. Complete the chart by the second or third week of each term/semester. BLUE= Reading and Viewing, RED= Writing, GREEN= Speaking and Listening.


I can use the inquiry strategy (using reference material, dictionary, thesaurus, correctly) Spelling Strategies

­ all the consonant and vowel sounds and the corresponding letter combinations that make

Grammar & Punctuation: I understand the use of commas to separate clauses.

I can use commas for: A simple series of 3 or more items ‘The states of Australia are Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania and Western Australia.’ Separating interchangeable adjective She is a strong, healthy woman. Connecting 2 independent clauses ‘He hit the ball well, but he didn’t run to first base.’

I know how to use the following punctuation correctly: ­ full stops ­ capital letters ­ question marks ­ exclamation marks ­ apostrophes ­ speech/talking marks ­ brackets I know what an independent clause is.

Writing samples Writing conferences Anecdotal notes Assessed against a writing rubric.

Term 2 Weeks 4 ­ 6 Revision throughout Term 2

To set off introductory elements ‘Running to third base, he suddenly realised how stupid he looked.’ Comma to separate expressions that interrupt the sentence flow (nevertheless, afterall, by the way, on the other hand, however) e.g. ‘I am, by the way, very nervous about this.’ Comma after words that introduce a sentence (well, yes, why, hello, hey) e.g. ‘Why, I can’t believe this!’ ‘No, you can’t have a dollar.’

7 *Working in Collaborative teams, examine all relevant documents, school scope and sequence, regional documents and AusVELS, and then apply the criteria of endurance, leverage and readiness to determine which standards are essential for all students to master. Remember, less is more. For each standard selected, complete the remaining columns. Complete the chart by the second or third week of each term/semester. BLUE= Reading and Viewing, RED= Writing, GREEN= Speaking and Listening.


Added information which can be removed without changing the meaning of the original sentence. ‘The Westgate Bridge, which spans the Yarra River, is unstable.’

Writing Process: I can work through the writing process to complete a piece of writing. Learning Target: I can plan before I write I can draft a piece of writing I can revise my writing I can edit my writing I can publish my writing

I can create a detailed plan before I write by: ­ selecting an idea ­ narrowing the idea (focus) ­using a graphic planner I can draft a piece of writing by: ­ including an engaging lead and introduction ­ sequencing my writing logically, purposefully and effectively ­ elaborating on the idea (development) ­ using transitions to clearly link key points and ideas ­ pacing speeding up for wide angle and slowing down for close up ­ including a satisfying conclusion that wraps everything up, yet leaves the

I know and have used the writing process. I can plan, draft, revise, edit and publish a simple piece of writing.

Timed writing pieces ­ focusing on a particular genre or text structure. Assessed against writing rubrics. Writing conferences. Writing samples. CFA designed by the team.

Term 1 ­ Weeks 7 ­ 9 Term 2 ­ Weeks 3 ­ 11

I can independently work through the writing process to complete a piece of writing for a specific purpose.

8 *Working in Collaborative teams, examine all relevant documents, school scope and sequence, regional documents and AusVELS, and then apply the criteria of endurance, leverage and readiness to determine which standards are essential for all students to master. Remember, less is more. For each standard selected, complete the remaining columns. Complete the chart by the second or third week of each term/semester. BLUE= Reading and Viewing, RED= Writing, GREEN= Speaking and Listening.


readers with something to wonder about I can revise my writing I can edit my writing I can publish my writing I can use agreed criteria to edit my own and others’ work.

Genres: I can independently create imaginative and informative texts using all genre structures.

I can identify and use the structures and language features of: narratives descriptions (poetry), explanations, recounts (biography), procedures, persuasive pieces, information reports, memoirs/historical fiction, expositions I understand that structure (the ways in which information is organised in different types of texts) incorporates: chapter headings, subheadings, tables of contents, indexes and glossaries, overviews, introductory and concluding paragraphs,

I have read and written: narratives, descriptions, explanations, recounts, procedures, persuasive pieces, information reports,

Timed writing pieces ­ focusing on a particular genre or text structure. Assessed against writing rubrics. Writing conferences. Writing samples. CFA designed by the team.

Recount ­ Term 1 Weeks 7 ­ 9 Biography ­ Term 1 Weeks 7 ­ 9 Poetry ­ Term 2 ­ 1 ­ 2 Narrative ­ Term 2 Weeks 3 ­ 11 Term 1 and 2 ongoing

I can create texts that adapt features of other texts.

9 *Working in Collaborative teams, examine all relevant documents, school scope and sequence, regional documents and AusVELS, and then apply the criteria of endurance, leverage and readiness to determine which standards are essential for all students to master. Remember, less is more. For each standard selected, complete the remaining columns. Complete the chart by the second or third week of each term/semester. BLUE= Reading and Viewing, RED= Writing, GREEN= Speaking and Listening.


sequencing, topic sentences, taxonomies and cause and effect.

I can create and publish imaginative and informative texts for a specific audience using multi modal elements. Learning Target: I can select aspects of subject matter and particular language, visual and audio features to convey information and ideas.

I know that my writing can be published in a variety of ways depending on the purpose and audience. Examples:

­ Oral (live & recorded) ­ act it out ­ written ­ visual (Power Point) ­ still and moving


I have had experience using different modes for communication.

­ Oral (live) ­ written ­ visual

(PowerPoint) ­ still and moving

Assessed against rubrics. Writing conferences. Writing samples. CFA designed by the team. (Rubric)

Visual (PowerPoint, poster) Term 1 ­ Week 3 Visual (Poster) Term 1 ­ Weeks 7 ­ 8 Still & moving (imovie) Term 1 Week 9 Still & moving (iMovie) Term 2 ­ Weeks 1 ­ 11 Visual (storyboard) Term 2 ­ Weeks 1 ­ 3

Use more complex techniques and tools to create and publish imaginative and informative texts for a specific audience using multi modal elements.

Craft: I can write phrases and sentences that are striking and memorable.

I can name and use a variety of craft including: ­ strong verbs ­ specific nouns ­ similes & metaphors ­ sensory imagery ­ onomatopoeia ­ alliteration ­ personification ­ repetition

I have been exposed to quality mentor texts. I have identified craft in a variety of texts. I have had a try at using various craft in my own writing: ­ strong verbs ­ similes & metaphors ­ alliteration

Assessed against writing rubrics. Writing conferences. Writing samples. CFA designed by the team. (rubric)

Identifying ­ Term 1 Week 7, Term 2 Weeks 1 ­ 2 Using (ongoing) Term 1 ­ Week 9, Term 2 Weeks 1 ­ 2

I can demonstrate the difference between first and third person in my writing.

10 *Working in Collaborative teams, examine all relevant documents, school scope and sequence, regional documents and AusVELS, and then apply the criteria of endurance, leverage and readiness to determine which standards are essential for all students to master. Remember, less is more. For each standard selected, complete the remaining columns. Complete the chart by the second or third week of each term/semester. BLUE= Reading and Viewing, RED= Writing, GREEN= Speaking and Listening.


­ sentence length ­ hyphenated adjectives ­ adverbs & adjectives

­ onomatopoeia ­ repetition

Ongoing throughout Semester 1

Handwriting: I can write using Victorian Modern Cursive for a minimum of 25 minutes.

I can form and join all my letters in a fluent and neat manner.

I start all letters from the correct position and follow the correct formation. I can form my letters correctly. I can use all of the cursive joins correctly.

Ongoing handwriting lessons with application time.

Weekly ­ Wednesdays

At all times I use Victorian Modern Cursive in a fluent, neat and efficient way.

I can participate and contribute to discussions, clarifying content and challenging others ideas.

I can contribute and respond to discussions, challenging others’ ideas. Giving warm and cool feedback

Conversation awareness Knowing how to speak when challenging others’ ideas.

Anecdotal notes Individual and group presentations for homework and class work./Feedback Share/Reflections

Daily I participate and contribute in all discussions, clarifying content and challenging others’ ideas.

I can use specific strategies for effect (such as voice volume, tone, pitch and pace, questions, statistics, humor…)

I can speak: ­ accurately ­ at an appropriate pace ­ with ease (not stumbling over words and pausing)

­ with appropriate expression (taking note of punctuation, changing my voice for dialogue)

­ with appropriate volume for the task & audience

I understand how to use punctuation to assist my fluency and expression when speaking aloud.

Running records F & Ps Readers’ Theatre Reading conferences Fluency Conference Scale

Term 1 & 2 ongoing

I can apply verbal communication strategies automatically in a variety of situations and audiences: ­Special forms such as satire, parody, allegory and monologue.

11 *Working in Collaborative teams, examine all relevant documents, school scope and sequence, regional documents and AusVELS, and then apply the criteria of endurance, leverage and readiness to determine which standards are essential for all students to master. Remember, less is more. For each standard selected, complete the remaining columns. Complete the chart by the second or third week of each term/semester. BLUE= Reading and Viewing, RED= Writing, GREEN= Speaking and Listening.


I can plan, rehearse and deliver presentations, selecting and sequencing appropriate content and multimodal elements for defined audiences and purposes.

I can make appropriate choices for modality and emphasis when planning, rehearsing and delivering a presentation. I can use the ‘specific strategies’ listed above.

I have participated in planning, rehearsing and delivering a group presentation. I have watched presentations that involve multimodal elements.

Rubric Anecdotal notes Verso reflections Individual and group presentations for homework and class work./Feedback

Term 2 ­ Weeks 3 ­ 11

Plan, rehearse and deliver presentations, selecting and sequencing appropriate content and multimodal elements to promote a point of view or enable a new way of seeing.

12 *Working in Collaborative teams, examine all relevant documents, school scope and sequence, regional documents and AusVELS, and then apply the criteria of endurance, leverage and readiness to determine which standards are essential for all students to master. Remember, less is more. For each standard selected, complete the remaining columns. Complete the chart by the second or third week of each term/semester. BLUE= Reading and Viewing, RED= Writing, GREEN= Speaking and Listening.


Essential Learning Reading and Viewing Overview Prep Foundation

Level One

Level Two

Level Three

Level Four­Six

Decoding High Frequency Words MSV Fluency Concepts about print Comprehension Genres

Decoding High Frequency Words MSV Fluency Concepts about print Comprehension Genres

Decoding High Frequency Words MSV Fluency Comprehension Genres

Decoding High Frequency Words MSV Fluency Comprehension Genres

Decoding High Frequency Words MSV Fluency Comprehension Genres

Essential Learning Writing Overview Prep Foundation – Level 6

Level 7

Text Structure & Organisation Spelling Grammar & Punctuation Writing Process Genre Craft Handwriting

Text Structure & Organisation Grammar & Punctuation Writing Process Genre Craft Handwriting

13 *Working in Collaborative teams, examine all relevant documents, school scope and sequence, regional documents and AusVELS, and then apply the criteria of endurance, leverage and readiness to determine which standards are essential for all students to master. Remember, less is more. For each standard selected, complete the remaining columns. Complete the chart by the second or third week of each term/semester. BLUE= Reading and Viewing, RED= Writing, GREEN= Speaking and Listening.